New world order politics

Monk B   25/O7/2015


Today I try to write about how to change the way the world governs itself and what mankind has to do to change global politics. This is not going to be easy as I’m not a writer, it would be easier if we could all just sit down together and have an open debate. I’m trying to do something that has never been attempted before, I want to unite the whole of mankind to solve all the problems round the world by creating a global movement, a New World Order a movement for the people by the people. I want to see this movement represent every single person around the world so that the people have someone to turn to for help, this movement has to name and shame governments and leaders that do not listen to the people. This movement has to be started up in every country around the world and to start being a political party to take over the world, this way each country can start helping each other and create a United World Order.

To fund this movement every man woman and child around the world donates £1 in their life time this will create £7 billion pounds to get the ball rolling. Please I don’t want your money but in the future I will explain how this movement will spend its finances and you will know where every penny of it goes, as this movement has to be the most open movement the world will ever have. I want ordinary people with a vision for the future and a sense of right and wrong, people that can feel for others to join me and this movement. I know there are good caring people out there, I have seen you, now I want you and your friends to join this movement and together we will put right the wrongs of this world.

Now I’m going to mention in brief an alternative to the democratic way the world is run today, I’m sure you will have your own ideas for changing and making for fairer governments all round the world. Maybe one day we could all get together and pick out the best bits of all the ideas and come up with a working model for the people of the world. The problem with democracy is one party dominates and controls this leaves a country open to a dictatorship, like the British conservative party who favour the wealthy over the poor. When you deal with a large population you have to work for everyone to be a true leader.

In brief I will try to keep this part simple as it could get too complicated but I will write more later.

First this N.W.O has to get started I want 7 billion people to join it, I don’t care if you don’t agree with everything I write we just have to get it started, doing nothing is not an option. Then we have to put our proposals to the people and start changing all the governments round the world. Let’s say each country has five large political parties, each of these parties can put ten people into government. That gives us fifty people in government and no one party dominates the others, these numbers can be changed later. Now this is where the N.W.O comes in as this movement represents the people of every country and is responsible to report to the people of what is happening in government. Also it has to report on any wrong doing by MPs, MPs will be sacked on the spot if there is any corruption or if they are incompetent, also any inquires or reports on public opinion will be done by the N.W.O and is only answerable to the people of the country. Let’s say the N.W.O has to have an open public meeting every so often to report about what is going on in government or we could get rid of the House of Lords and call it the house of the people. At the moment in Britain there has been an inquiry on paedophiles in government, this has been taking years, to me this is just a cover up and the government is hoping people will forget about it and it can be brushed under the carpet. In these days of modern communications it should have only took a few months maximum. This is why the people should, in the future, do any investigating not the government, plus you can’t trust an inquiry that any government pays for, when someone is getting paid a lot of money they will only tell you what they want you to know and cover up the rest.

I dislike politics, I wouldn’t trust a politician as far as I could throw one, people change when they move up in government. I have seen people on minor committees where men suddenly think they are gods with a bit of power and will not listen to anyone. When I look at the conservative party in England all I see is a movement going all out to create poverty for the British people. With poverty and less jobs about, employers will exploit the situation and only pay the basic wage and the people can never get out of the poverty trap. The poor pay more tax per income than the wealthy, the governments answer to this is the wealthy invest in the country, this is not true it is all a lie, the wealthy are ripping the people off more than the government. It’s like another form of tax on the people with higher prices for goods and services.

The wealthy and the banks are creating poverty all around the world and all the world governments are too stupid to realise this. All governments around the world have to tax the wealthy, the world is owned by the few, and they gather their wealth for themselves from the poor by taking money out of circulation and creating poverty around the world. We should tax the rich and invest this money in the people, in the future we have to have a maximum wealth that one person can have, (I will say more on this matter later). To help the poor, it can be done very cheaply, in the slums of the world there is cheap labour, with self-help I’m sure the poor would rally up to join in, all we have to do is feed them and educate them. I will also justify the use of controlled child labour if it can increase their standard of living, in the future I would like to see very strict controls on the abuse and exploitation of people. (I will say more on this matter later).

Now a few rules that I would like to see implemented, first, anything to do with the people in every country around the world has to be run by the government not private companies. This includes water and power supplies nothing should be put in the private sectors hands as all they want is profit this is just another form of tax on the people. I have seen private companies working, you just cannot trust them.

Another rule, any political movement that picks on other sectors of the public, such as ISIS, IRA NF or any other movement round the world that promotes violence and hatred should not be allowed in government. This also includes religions as they are vindictive against other parts of the community. (I tell you how I will deal with these movements later).

To me I see religion as just a political movement to control the people. Think back in history look at how the people were never allowed to question the authority of religion and religion persecuted those for not following the teaching of their religions. I would like to see people really question everything in their lives, all through history it’s been the same old same old, generation after generation. It is the same today, Christianity is not as bad as it used to be, and they don’t kill people so much, now that more people are getting educated. People are waking up to the lies and realising that miracles don’t happen and no one walks on water and no one flies to the moon on a winged horse. But with Islam they are still expected to pray four or five times a day this is all part of the brain washing and the controlling element of religion.  

Religion has made laws for people to follow this is just a political way of controlling people, a form of dictatorship it has been created for all the corrupt leaders through history. With this religions have made great wealth for themselves with a form of tax on the people, where there is money to be made someone will think up a way to get it, this way it’s called religion. You cannot trust religious writings and religious leaders as the human mind is a compulsive liar we still can’t trust what is written today by the media and politicians so think about what it would have been like 2,000 years ago. If there is a god why have we had so many of them and why so many religions, can’t the human race agree on at least one thing?

Now as I have already mentioned on this site, about the EU asking the Pope to do something for world peace, I still haven’t heard anything else about it, I knew at the time it was a waste of time the EU should of asked me to do it in the first place at least I have plans ready to bring in when I get the chance to talk to the whole of mankind. Now the Pope has asked the youth of the world to turn their backs on capitalism…. Is the Pope out of his tiny head? He sits on top of a large bank with wealth and property all around the world and this idiot says something like that. Yes we have to turn our backs on capitalism but the Pope hasn’t said how to do it, without the answers to how this can be done, its best he just shuts up…. Once again the wrong man is doing the job. I have the ideas and plans for this and all the other problems in the world, but not many people want to listen to me at the moment.

If the Pope really wanted to do something positive for the whole world, then he would be encouraging birth control as over population creates poverty creates suffering and real hardship not that he is interested in this being high up in his Vatican away from the people. The problems of the world are complicated when you put them all together, it will take a miracle to solve.  

Talking about miracles on you tube I see some religious sect in America is talking about the end times and the second coming and we all have to follow Jesus on September 15th 2015. There is talk of all the sinners and evil people will be cast into the pit of damnation, and those that follow Jesus will be saved. Well this is exactly what I intended to do with the world, strange how this has come about, I thought all this was all my idea, now I have competition, what a bummer. This is an ancient 2.000 year old prophecy so maybe I should step down and let Jesus take over. BUT, now this is a big BUT, if Jesus doesn’t turn up in September, will you and the rest of mankind follow me and give me a chance at saving the world and the 7 billion souls that need my help, think about it? Don’t worry it won’t cost you anything.

As I have said before on this site, you will not like some of my laws but in time you will in when they start to work. I will get rid of all the sinners and evil people of this world. They will not go into the pit of damnation but they will build the tower of damnation never to be seen again. Then you can walk the streets of the world with no fear, it may take 50 to a 100 years but it will be done. I have a world business and social plan for the whole of mankind to follow for the next 2000 years.

Jesus must be coming on Mohamad’s winged horse if it has taken over 2000 years to get here.

One daft question if Jesus does come will he be classed as an alien or an illegal immigrant?

Let’s hope he doesn’t bring all the angels with him that will be more immigrants, can you imagine the trouble at passport control.

                    To be continued.


Today we have 25.259 subscribers on this site and still growing. A big thank you to you all please keep telling people of this site.

07/08/2015                                    Continued

Today I want to mention the Illuminati… I’m not one for conspiracy theories but there is a lot of talk about this matter and it makes me question it. Then we have the secretive Bilderberg group that have meetings and talk of a new world order, this movement is run by the wealthy. Why should these people think they have the power over the rest of the world and refuse to let the people know what is been discussed? Even our world government leaders have mentioned the new world order but never tell anyone what is involved and how it will work. When we cannot trust our own leaders who can we trust?

I have been watching a series of interviews with Iain Duncan Smith, the MP for works and pensions in Britain, this man is such a total two faced liar! why can’t he just tell the truth and get it over with? Once again if we cannot trust our leaders who can we trust? I know this goes on all round the world… no one can trust anyone in government, governments are not open enough to be trusted, there are too many secrets.  This is why there is so much unrest around the world, we are all being controlled and brain washed to conform to what they want. It’s not only the governments that we should worry about, it’s the big corporations and banks that control the governments… As in America. It’s time we all woke up to this fact, there are alternatives, we just have to get together and work it out, We don’t have to put up with it, you can vote for change, you have the power and no one can stop you, if all of mankind works together we can change the world.

In the Illuminati there is a pyramid where the few at the top control everything and the further down the pyramid you go the less you get to know. I want to turn the Illuminati pyramid upside down where the many control the world not the few. The people of the world has to wake up, don’t leave it till the last minute to start complaining, when the wealthy start telling you what they have planned for you. You need to know well in advance of any changes, so that you can accept or reject their plans. A world order to me means everyone is involved not the few very secretive committees talking behind closed doors. My N.W.O is for the whole of mankind to get involved, this world will be left to your children and grandchildren and all future generations, so who do you want to rule them the banks and corporations or a people’s freedom movement. No matter which N.W.O you choose mankind has to cut down the world population, as there will come a time that marshall law will have to be brought in to control the masses. Hopefully I could prevent this with new laws and social order laws and a new teaching, so that everyone knows what is going on. ( I will say more on these laws later.) 

Now a quick word on global warming, there are more and more people around the world beginning to accept that this is man made. Mankind has to make some big decisions, it will mean giving up some things and changing our lifestyle, for this you need a N.W.O you can trust. You cannot trust any government that you have today to take control, so we have to change all governments around the world then bring them altogether, backed by the people to solve this problem.( Doing nothing is not an option anymore).

Please, if you are like me and think of how the world is run today and have ideas on how to change the world then start talking to anyone with you ideas. With the internet your words WILL at some point go round the world. If you can think calmly and logically without aggression, also never be influenced by your own emotions and beliefs. If you do that then you are just thinking of yourself and not the rest of the world, you have to have an open mind. Think of starting with a blank sheet of paper, a NEW World Order nothing is on this sheet, now you have to create a world from nothing. Forget everything that has happened in history we have to project our minds we have to start thinking future. We have to start thinking of changing everything. There are no rules that say we can’t, if there are rules… Then change them. This is your world so wake up and do something about the mess it’s in.

Today I have 25.474 subscribers to this site the numbers are starting to slow down a bit now. I don’t know if I have reached the peak, or if people are just not interested in saving the world or wanting change. Anyway once again a big (THANK YOU) to you all for subscribing, keep telling your friends to join us maybe one day mankind will see the light. I’m not the second coming but you could call me the messenger of peace, I can teach mankind a lot more than all your religions can, (think about it).


                                                                        To be continued.

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