Over Population


Monk B from www.newworldpeacemovement.com

Over Population.

Today I start to write a little more in depth about over population and how we have to control it. But the problem with this is that I cannot just write about this one subject without mentioning parts of all the other problems that we have round the world. I have tried to keep each world problem separate and to deal with one problem at a time, but this is impossible as all the world problems are interconnected. This is why l am trying to start a New World Order for the whole of mankind and to solve all the problem all at the same time. Very little will be done in our life time, but we could all help by starting and joining this new world order movement, to create a better world for all future generations. I will explain later how this movement, hopefully will take over the world. At the moment the world is run by the wealthy few, who also want to create a new world order but this will be a world order of economics and the controlling of the people, with over population this will become a world of police states. Today with over population your rights are slowly been taken away from the people. You might not have noticed as it happens a little bit at a time and over time you begin to except it without knowing it and realising it.

Our world leader today have very little vision for the future. They seem to be stuck within a time warp of the past and nothing will change. All I see for the future is the rich will get richer and poor will get poorer, because the more these people have, the more these people want. Look at the banks and all the big companies. They rip of the people all the time because they have the politicians in their pockets. This is how they get away with it and the little man in the street has no say in any of it.

I want to see the world run by the people and with self-control we have to create a social order in every community round the world. Each community has to work together as one, to clean up any antisocial behaviours, laws and human rights have to be changed to help clean up the streets and bring a more stable community. I will go more into laws and human rights later.

Over population produces aggression in the minds of people. If you put a large amount of rats in a small cage they will start killing each other for space. I have seen this happen. This has been happening all through history and seems to be increasing today with the majority of people struggling to make a living.

First let’s look at the problems with over population. You have to look at all the continents then break them down into countries, then down into provinces, then into towns and villages then into communities then down to social differences’ such as religions, politics, race and rich and poor. This is how the world is divided and people only think of their small part of the world and their own community. I want the whole of mankind to start looking at the whole world and what we all have to do to change things.

This is where over population is now starting to bring down the social order of the world, as each small group grows in number they try to dominate others for space and their beliefs. Every group has an out spoken leader that can wind the people up. People will follow that person just to be part of that group and for the sense of belonging and protection, be it politics, religion or criminal gangs they all work the same. I am sorry to say this but people will follow like sheep without questioning their leaders. This goes for politicians, religious and street gang leaders. This is how stupid some people are. This is why the world is in such a mess people are been brainwashed and they don’t realise it.

This is where I want this New World Order movement to be for everyone to follow so that they can feel that there is someone out to change the world for the better. People need a movement that they can trust and without been brainwashed and under pressure. I really do worry about the state of the world, with all the lies and deception by politicians, religions and big corporations. We have to change.

Next time you watch a documentary on community life in the third world, count the number young people you see to the number of adults you see. There always seems to be more children. If this trend carries on, there will be a massive acceleration in world population as all these children grow up and reproduce and some migrate to other countries. All countries have to stop all migration to their countries, or at least sterilise migrants for the right to enter the country.

There has to come a time when mankind has to say no more and we have to change.

As the leader of this peoples New World Order I command all of you, the whole of mankind to stop having sex. Ok, that’s the population problem sorted, now let’s move on. If only it was as easy as that, we could work wonders. But it’s not that easy so let’s do it the hard way, over time with education and the teaching of self-control.

Some communities have reduced their numbers but the benefits of this is only to be lost with the increase of a migrating population.

I propose that we start teaching all the young children round the world of the responsibility of looking after this world and what has to be done to bring change. I know we are putting a lot of responsibility on the young for the mistakes our generations have made, but they will be taking over the world in the future, and hopefully they will be able to guild their children. All children round the world should be taught social studies and birth control plus how they stand on human rights and the laws. I will be writing later on new laws and new human rights for the whole of mankind, because I want to change all the old out dated ancient laws. All round the world I would like to see the age of sexual consent raised to eighteen this should help to reduce the population, I know there are some youngsters that mature young but the majority of them are incapable of supporting children. And parents of children have to be more responsible for supporting their children up to the age of eighteen and should pay all costs for their up keep and whatever they do up to that age. Also single men that father children must pay for that child until the end of that child’s education even if it goes past the age of eighteen. We all have to start being responsible for our future generations with our own actions.

In parts of the world you hear of children being sold on because parents cannot afford to keep them. This will be classed as a very serious offence and has to be dealt with in the future.

If people cannot afford to have children then they should not have them.

Later on I will be writing about changing the laws for the protection of all children round the world. I only have the wellbeing of children in mind and anyone that crosses that line will be dealt with under new laws that I will be proposing. The same goes for human trafficking and paedophiles there will be nowhere to hide.

It should be the human right for every women to get an abortion on demand. In the future, hopefully with education and free contraceptives, we can cut these numbers down as it should not be happening. If any do-gooder stands up and says you can’t kill unborn innocent babies, let those people turn to their governments of today and tell them to stop making nuclear bombs, stop making weapons and wagging wars as they will kill a lot more babies. We have to get our priorities right.

Once again I say if people cannot afford to have children then they should not have them. In the future I propose that anyone who has two children and then wants to be sterilised should be rewarded for that decision and paid a decent amount, as this would be helping the world problems. If I can get this new world order off the ground I will be taxing the very rich to contribute to putting this world right. It is the wealthy that have created all the poverty and troubles round the world. We all have to work together to solve the world’s problems and make some very big decisions. We cannot just hum and har about it like our world political leaders do today.

I watched a talk on YouTube by a so called professor about world population and that the world could support 10 billion people and that the population would level off at that number. It is all very well being able to feed that many people but what about the increase in pollution, and the decrease in world resources.

The seas are polluted with plastic and chemicals, fish stocks are getting reduced, more and more fishing quotas are having to be brought in to preserve what is left. Fishing today is not the little man making a living it is the big commercial ships that destroy the sea beds and anything else that gets in its way. All this for profit and to feed an ever increasing population. One day there will be nothing left. Then there is the destruction of the forests round the world. This is also done one an industrial scale. Once again it is big business that is stripping this world of all life for profit and the growing population. Species all-round the world are going extinct just so the human race can eat and shit and have sex. This is really all the human race does. We are just a destructive animal. We really do have to reduce the population. There will come a time when social order will break down with everyone competing with each other. The world can’t cope now so think of what it would be like in the future if we do nothing to change our ways. Look at the problem migration is having on other communities with the shortages of housing. We now have the growing problem of homelessness in every country round the world and still the population is growing. It’s the wealthy and the world leaders that don’t have a clue what to do. People with a say on world affairs just think of themselves and how much wealth they can make for themselves. We have to change the way we run the world. This is why I’m trying to start this New World Order. This has to be a global movement for the whole of mankind to follow and work with, as nothing will ever change if you and the rest of mankind do nothing.

When I look round the world I see mankind acting like spoilt children that want all the shiny toys they can get and will do anything to get them even if it means destroying the world. I really do get angry when I see how stupid the human race really is and it does nothing to improve life. There is just no true leadership anywhere. It is just a free for all and the leaders of the world should be ashamed of themselves for letting the world get into such a mess. I am just one man. I can’t help you unless you do as I say and follow the teachings of this new movement that I am offering mankind.

We have to get the population down. We have to start a new social order. Please remember I am not one of these silly do gooders. Some of what I am going to be suggesting means people will die because of the new laws that I want to bring in. The way I see things is, if you have a problem you have to solve it as quickly and as efficiently as possible. All round the world you have gangs walking the streets killing themselves and others that get in their way. Look at South America, Mexico and the USA, then you have the Russian mafia and all the rest. Now we have another gang of thugs roaming our world, ISIS that steal and kill in the name of a so called God. The list goes on. I want to see this world run by decent honest people not idiots and go for total change from what we have today. This is where this movement comes in. I want all the decent people round the world to support and join this movement and let this movement be your voice. Together we can create a better world for all future generations. It will take time but it is better than doing nothing.

Message to all subscribers,

I really do appreciate you all for subscribing to this site. I would like to think of you all as friends and that you have similar thoughts as I do for changing the world and getting rid of all the injustices around the world.

I just wish I could meet you all face to face and talk of changing everything that is wrong with the world.

Maybe one day in the future we will meet, if I can get the publicity that I want and I can come out of hiding in this cold dark hermits cave and talk to the world. Always remember I don’t ask you for donations. I was born a poor man I will die a poor man. Please help me to help you and the rest of mankind. Tell your friends, ask them to subscribe and if anyone can advertise this site it would much appreciated. When I see people subscribing it gives me encouragement for me to carry on, knowing that there is a chance for change. We now have 25.021 subscribers and still growing. Please remember I gave a time limit for this site, we only have till 9/11/2015 to decide if this site carries on after that date. There is only so much I can do to create a peaceful and open New World Order, the rest is up to you and the rest of mankind we all have to work together. It is the only way.

Our next write up could be a meeting of the three monks or how we propose to change the way we govern ourselves.



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