Monthly Archives: November 2015

Introduction Part 2 – 27/11/15

I have completed part 2 of my introduction to the New World Peace Movement. You can view the complete video by clicking on the following link:

I hope you find it informative and if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. I would like this website to be interactive and I need you to help me make this happen.

Thanks for watching and I will let you know as soon as the next episode is posted.

Thank you

Introduction Video

Hello everyone,

I have published my first video on youtube today (06/11/15) and I would really like it if you would take the time to follow this link and let me know what you think.

I am really happy with this as a first attempt, however I must apologise for the poor sound quality, but this will improve as we move forward with future videos which I plan to publish on a regular basis. I will also add the videos directly onto this website as soon as I can increase the file upload size.

I hope that you enjoy it and please feel free to leave me comments.

Hermit Monk