Monthly Archives: December 2021


HermitMonk47 from, the Alternative New World Order.

Hermit Monk (B)

Once again, we have come out of our isolation and back into your Increasingly corrupt sick world. Where all your human rights are being taken away by the Wealthy globalists and the  UN and W H O, they are doing this a little bit at a time, so that you do not notice or realise what is happening. The people of the world have to start questioning everything, you all have to start looking for answers. In time I will teach you all how this will be done, I will teach you to turn the tables on the globalists you will take all their wealth off them. Then you will put all these globalists into these isolation camps, that they have built to put you in, and you turn the tables on the globalist. You will take the wealth off them, so they will have nothing, and they will be happy. When we take all their wealth off them It will be used to help depopulate the world and look after all the people of the world. Mankind will be taught to be responsible for its own world and future, But that’s another story for another time.       

Christmas message.

Hermit Monk (B)

I would like to take this opportunity to wish every subscriber and the rest of the world a happy Christmas and a happy new year. I hope you can get all your families together with all these lockdowns that are being forced on you all. Hopefully in the future my movement the alternative new world order will make the world one big family. But that’s a long way off in the future after you and I have all left this world, hopefully it will be your future grandchildren that will create this new Alternative world order. Nothing will ever change in this world unless we all make the effort to teach our children an alternative way. If you do not learn to change, the wealthy globalists will be controlling you and all your minds, to be part of their global corporations.

I am just one little man trying to bring 7.5 billion people together. I just want to change your way of thinking, if I can get the people thinking of peace you will get peace. If people keep thinking with anger you will always have conflicts and social unrest. I want to use education to bring people together this has never been done or tried before by your Political and religious leaders. All through history your political and religious leaders just want power and wealth. I want to give you a movement that wants neither of these  two, but just peace.

In time I will give you all my visions, that I have for your future and I want it to get into all of your minds. In time I will tell you all how this will be done but that’s another story for another time.

In time I will tell you everything, because instead of me writing my words, I’m going to start speaking my words to the world. And if I can get enough subscribers I will come out of my isolation and reveal my identity. I will soon be going onto Bit Chute and Odyssey and other platforms to promote this site; I will keep all of you informed when this happens.

While I am Wishing all my subscribers a Merry Christmas, I would also like to spread my best wishes to all the protesters around the world. I am glad to see that these numbers are getting larger every time I see it. I would like to see these protests groups going a little bit further, instead of just protesting. I would like them to form a totally new global political movement and kick out all the corrupt political parties all around the world. And go into government with a different attitude, this world needs change, total change, and work for the people not against them. Democracy is corrupt it’s not a people’s government anymore it is now a globalist corporation , it is the globalists that control your governments. You have to get out all the political parties that are forcing all these Vaccines on all the people, this is all part of the depopulation of the world. Your governments in every country are paying the globalists with your taxpayers’ money. Your leaders in governments come to you to get your vote to get them in, but once in power they turned their backs on you the people and then support the globalists. In Britain Boris Johnson keeps changing the rules about these lockdowns, I think he is waiting to  see what happens in Australia and New Zealand . Because these two countries are heading for a communist dictatorship, with all the stupid rules that they’re bringing in. If they are successful Britain and Europe will follow suit and so will America, because with Biden, America will be doing the same. I say (let’s go Brandon, and I say the same to all the other leaders of the world, that support the wealthy globalists. I’m personally getting fed up with all the lies and disseat  from all your governments and all the media.  My movement would kick out all politicians in governments for lying and I would close down any media that lies to the people, we need a new Alternative world order of truth.

Monk (C)

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy new year, please think of me over Christmas because I’ve got to live in isolation with the other three boring monks. I’m lucky in a way All our kids buy us bottles of booze and the other three monks don’t like it in the house, so somebody’s got to drink it. It’s funny I can never remember a Christmas or new year’s; I can’t understand why.      

The other three monks (A)(B)and(D) Have given me the job of putting this site on BitChute and I haven’t got a clue how to do it. When we started this site, we only bought this computer to be just a typewriter not to go chasing around the Internet. I haven’t got a clue how to do it. You have to remember I’m 74 years old, I’m an old man. But I don’t think I’m as bad as Joe Biden, so we’ll see what happens, so just give me time. They also want me to start up a chat room can anybody give me any advice on how to do it, and how many people can I talk too at one time, this would be much appreciated.

Monk (D)

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year; we don’t know what the new year holds for us all, it could be a rough year for everyone. You can thank the global elite and your politicians  for this because they don’t give a s–t about anybody. Things will change if we can get our Alternative New World Order up and running, we will sort your world out. The wealthy globalists say they want a new world order, but it is not a new world order it is an old-world order. Look back in history how the wealthy kings and Queens have ruled the countries and taken from the poor to gain wealth for themselves. They tax the poor to create armies to control the poor, and they gave their loyal followers land, when they took over the land, they kicked the poor off the land. History is repeating itself because the globalists say you will own nothing, and you will be happy. Instead of the wealthy globalist ruling one country they want to rule the world and take the wealth of all the people. They also want to cut down the population they’re doing it now, with these vaccines that will breakdown your immune system. In the next few years these people will suffer with any virus that comes along because their body will not fight it back. And look at all the heart attacks, still born Babies. People are dying of  blood clots and all the other side effects. This is genocide, they created the virus they created these vaccines years ago this was their plan from the start, think about it. Ask yourself why is Bill Gates and Fauci still walking free, it’s because the wealthy look after themselves. Doctors and nurses that speak up are suppressed or struck off the medical register, what has happened to freedom of speech, Think about it.  This will be your future and your children’s future, that the globalists are planning for you, suppressing your thoughts and speech, is this what you really want?

Since getting this computer I have heard a lot of satanism and child sacrifice  personally I’ve got no evidence. But if I can get this movement up and running my movement will hunt down and terminate  all the Satanist and child abusers. This movement will get rid of all the evil in this world and protect all the innocent. I have also heard of human trafficking, apparently, it’s a multi- billion-pound business if it’s so big why hasn’t anything being done about it. My movement would bring an end to all of this quickly and efficiently this I promised the world. This movement will cut down the population by getting rid of all the evil in this world, this I promise the world. This movement will be selective of who lives and who will die, not like the wealthy  globalist who want to indiscriminately  kill billions of people with their injection. There is an old saying (and the meek shall inherit the earth), my movement is on the side of the meek and it will fight for them.     

Hermit Monk (A)

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, this should be the season to be happy, but I know many of you are worrying about the future. Today this worlds future is looking very bleak, with the wealthy globalist’s dictatorship and their agendas. If everybody on earth put their minds together, you could totally change the future for a better life for you and all your future generation. I’m not saying it would be easy, but it is possible you just have to look deep into all of your souls to find the answers. This is where I come in, I will teach you all to use your minds and how to project your minds all around the world, you will learn to sense the world with your eyes closed. You will learn to feel the four emotions of the world, you will use your emotions.

Monk (A) will teach you to control and suppress your (D) emotions.

Monk (B) over time I will guide mankind of what has to be done.

Monk (C) will bring friendship and all people together.

Monk (D) With a power-full controlled mind I will rid the world of all evil.

Now I would like all subscribers to do what I have been doing since 9/11/2001 and put all your minds into thinking about saving this world. If you were given the responsibility to find the answers to all the problems how would you do it. Maybe one day in the near future we could all get together and we will compare all our answers. We will pick out the best answers and we will teach them to all your children, and as your children grow, they will also think about it. We will make all their young minds grow strong with understanding and order by working together, with a new teaching.  Corrupt evil minds must be destroyed if blood has to be spilt to get peace, then this has to be done, think about it. My movement will bring peace all around the world and those that stand in my way will be destroyed. Corrupt world leaders in governments, people in the criminal world will learn to fear this movement, they will either change their ways or be destroyed.

This is goodbye for now, from the four Monks A,B,C,+D

We are keeping this write up a little bit short, hopefully when I get a media site up and running, I will be speaking to you all. You will be able to interact with me more and ask questions about starting to plan the future for the next 2000 years. And if you’re interested in planning a future for all your future generations then, please start telling all your friends of this site, let’s get the whole world involved this is your world, you have to make the effort to sort this world out, and I will guide you all.

And now a final message to all subscribers, I really do appreciate you all coming to this site, it gives me hope. Let me welcome all subscribers and wish you all a happy Christmas from those that join in the beginning of this site, and to those that are joining today, I thank you all you keep my spirits high. At the moment I have 73,500 subscribers and growing every day, please do not hesitate to join us if you’re reading this for the first time today. I want this movement to take over this world and I want you all 7.5 billion people to join me.

Goodbye for now

From the four Monks A,B,C,+D