
To all subscribers this is a personal message to you all, only subscribers get this part of my message, because this is just me talking to you. When our camper van is on the road and we can talk to you all direct face to face, this should speed up this movement’s progress. Yes, I’m after publicity but I don’t want your money I am one man living in a chaotic world that wants to see order.

George Soros has wealth to help him pay and bribe people to help him with his so-called N W O agenda. I’m just one small insignificant poor man, all I have is my voice that wants to speak out to mankind. I have never bothered anyone, I don’t force my beliefs on people, but I draw the line when the so-called elite, and others tell me what to do and think. Over the next year, all I want is for the world to listen to our new N W O agenda proposals. This is a mammoth task, but it is possible, mankind only has to think about change, and start talking change, and change could happen.

I would like each subscriber to get involved and ask a friend to subscribe to this site to help double the numbers. At the moment, we have 37,000 subscribers, a long way short of the world population of 7+ billion. This site needs the world population to listen to all this new N W O proposal, and get the world talking and motivated into going for total change.
Tell your friends about this site and let this new alternative N W O be sent all around the world.

I live in hope that our children in the distant future can look back to this day and say that one man stood up and changed their world for the better. I don’t want recognition, because today I’m asking you and the whole of mankind to change your ways, this is your world so let’s all look after it.

Maybe one day in the near future, we can all sit around a camp fire and talk about saving this world and the things we can do and change (think about it, because we all have a lot to think about)
Progress on the van.

After a few setbacks, we are now getting back on schedule, with any luck we should be ready to go on the road at the end of July. Failing this we will be on the road for the 11th of September even if it’s not finished. I will be informing you all when we are on the road, this year we will only be going around England, this is because of the lack of funds. But next year we will be going around Europe, hopefully the year after that we will be going around the world. I will be using a friend’s face book page to give my position because they have shut down my Hermit Monk face book page. I’m also going to try using YouTube as well, when I can get someone to show me how to do it.

We have been taking pictures and videos of our work, so when I can figure out how to put them altogether, we will show you what we have done. This is our only failing, with our lack of knowledge of the computer, and the internet, to me this computer is just a type writer, (and I hate writing). You should also realise that I am a real hermit. I like to be on my own, but I am prepared to talk to the whole of mankind. So, I hope you all appreciate my efforts to come out of my hideaway and save your world.
Whenever I talk, I want you to create an image in your mind of what I am saying or writing about, this is how you start to learn. And when you can feel the emotion within your thoughts, it means you are beginning to be enlightened.

As a hermit I live alone and never speak to anyone, but my world is deep in my mind, because I can see the other side. And I can teach you to see IT too.

I would like you all to do a little experiment in the power of meditation, I have been doing it all my life, but without realising it. I want to know if it is possible for other people to experience what I have seen and learnt.

Tonight, when you go to bed, turn off the light, lay on your back and put your arms down to your sides. Then relax every muscle, consciously starting with your legs then working up your body to the head. Then try to completely close down all of your thoughts, and close your eyes, at this point you should be seeing little white dots that move around. Within all these dots you should see small black areas that also move, now without thinking try and lock onto one of these black holes with your mind. Once locked on and without thinking, project your mind deep into the black hole. Try to remember ever little detail that you see with your mind. This is just a little exercise to start to train your mind. I have said I’m going to brain wash you all, but in a nice way. Today is the day I start to cleanse the minds of the whole of mankind. And then if we do ever meet, you tell me what you saw with your mind. Now I say no more on this matter it is up to you to find the answers. With your help and this movement, we will plan the future, so come and see me if you see me on the road.

This movement will make the human minds more powerful, and you will use all your brain cells, not just the small part you use today. I can do things with my mind that you cannot see, I see things that you do not see, and this movement will teach you all to see what I have seen. You will see the suffering, the pain and the stress in the people from all around the world. When you can see this, you will know what has to be done. This is also the problem with the world media today, they don’t show the people the blood and guts and all the death that happens around the world each day. Mankind has to be shown this, only when people see the reality of life and what is really happening, will they realise how sick in the head the human race can be. People need to see and know the truth, only knowing the real truth, will this wake up the people to the true facts of the real world.

We live in a world where the majority of people will lie, and cheat, be it tax evasion or other miner criminal things, people are breaking the laws all the time. From the highest positions in governments down to the poorest in the community, today all governments are letting their people down with their silly liberal attitude. We have laws that are ignored, there are loop holes in many laws, the world’s U N legal and human rights system is a total sham, and nothing will ever change. What this world needs, is a very big shake up, but we know in today’s political climate this is never going to happen, especially while the people at the top are taking advantage of their position. This is why I believe this world has to go for total change and a hard hitting, total change, this is the only way to bring law and order to our failing world. For 70 years I have sat back and watched this world and its people slowly falling into chaos by the lack of decisive political, religious and social leadership.

One more thing, if we do ever meet please don’t talk to us about religion, I like to deal in facts, not made up stories. One more thing, to all the good and friendly people around this world, this movement is a (God) sent peace movement, and to all the bad and evil, horrible people of this world, this is the (Devils) movement sent from ((((Hell)))).

Now back to writing book 1

This following part goes into the book
If we are going to teach all our future children about over population, I have decided to write a bit more on this subject.
This new N W O movement can and will cope with a large population, but this new N W O would work a lot better if the population was reduced by a lot. In time I hope you will all start to understand in the thinking and the logic of this movement and help to promote peace all round the world.
If you look around the world today the majority of people are not living happily’ they are just existing, working, breading and consuming this is all they do. Everything is a struggle for everyone capitalism is
suppressing the minds of the people, the more that people have, the more that people want, there is no end to this greed. When this happens the poor fall deeper and deeper into poverty all round the world, this is a never ending cycle. This never ending cycle is getting bigger every day with no end in sight, as the population grows day by day.

Poverty is self-inflicted, all though history populations have grown, only to be reduced with wars and plagues, plus their life expectancy was shorter. Today with medical advancements people now live longer, what would have kill us in the past, there is now a cure for it.

Also in the past when populations grow too much people would move on to unpopulated areas, today there is nowhere to go, our world is full. With so many people living in tight communities close to each other social tensions are increasing, if you think about it enough and look with your mind you should sense and feel what is happening in your own community.

Look round the world at all the slums and shanty towns, look down at them from high up and you will see that they stretch for miles. This is not life it is an out of control disaster, a cesspit on a once green fertile land, everybody wants a nice clean home but then they shit on their surroundings.

(A quick word,)

When I say, use your mind or think about it, I should have said meditate on the subject to think deep and hard to find solutions. From now on I want you all to meditate and put your minds into the minds of others, this is hard at first, but in time it becomes easy. Our world is ran on emotion, you don’t see IT but it is there, when you can tap into IT you will also find other things.

Now back to book 1.

Anything I say from now on is put together from reported documentaries that I have seen over the years.
My first comment on this is, how utterly stupid all your political and religious leaders really are, as regards to population control. First we have the over populated Europe letting in all these migrants for so called cheap labour. An intelligent Europe would have sent their factories to poor counties to meet their demand, and still make a profit. I know Germany once wanted to take over the world, but to invite the world into Germany, how stupid is that. Think about it.

Then we have the Pope, you know the man, the one that lives in a big golden clad house in Italy he went on a visit to a poor Russian state were the population was reducing. And he told the people to have more children because (He) wanted more Catholics. How stupid is that? Think about it.
Then we have Islam encouraging Muslims to have more children to pay their religious leaders more money. Now with over population they are killing each other, how stupid is that? Think about it.

In Pakistan I saw a Muslim woman being interviewed, she lived in a horrible slum with no water no drains, and her husband did not have job. She had seven children and she wanted more, so that they would look after her when she was too old. Think about it, if her seven children go out into the world with this silly mentality and they all have seven or more children each, and then each of their children do the same. Think about it. Think about all the problems this will cause in the future for mankind if this mentality was to continue. In time this movement has to change this type of attitude with education and a positive move to help everyone, no matter what the cost. There is an old saying, God help those that helps themselves, now is definitely the time for the world to do just that, but I will also be asking you all in time to help each other.

This movement has to stop all sex education in schools especially that of gays and lesbians, also the adult population have to stop publicising sex propaganda in the media. Our children have to be allowed to grow up mentally at their own speed, children should be allowed to be children for as long as possible. This movement will teach the social side of relationships to help them later on in life. This is something else to talk about if we ever meet.

Now the most sickening part of human mentality, child abuse and exploitation of children due to the mass over population and poverty around the world.

Another little story from Pakistan, a Muslim man’s wife had passed away he told his young daughter that he could not afford keep her so he sold her off to a pimp. Years later she managed to go back to her village with the help of a reporter to see her father, only to find the truth. He was remarried with two other women and had three children with them, and she was told that there was now no place for her and she had to go. This is how sick and uncaring people can be even to their own children.

Now one more story form Iran, a Muslim man he had eighty children with a number of wives, as each wife become unfertile he would divorce her and get a younger wife. Can you see where I coming from with this? This is your world this is the mentality that is creating over population.
I could go on and on with many more individual stories, and all this uncaring and the lack of a child’s future life and wellbeing taken into account.

So let’s look at the whole of mankind’s sick world. (This is some of what I have heard about)

In Russia there are street children living in the drains, South American children begging and selling their bodies on the streets. Or they will sniff glue to ease their hunger pains and the stress of living in a world that does not care them. I have heard that the police will sometime shoot them, this is all wrong, they should shoot their parents for creating this situation. Then we have the Asian continent and the same story kids begging to survive, child labour or you could call it slavery, these kid have no choice and have to live this way.

This movement will take on all the street children round the world it will feed them and cloth them and they will help clean their own country in return for this help. This is how this movement will unite mankind and the world will pay for it.
This movement will make your children clean up your mess, this movement will feed them and cloth them, and hopefully one day home them.

This movement will make new laws to help all children, parents will start to be totally responsible for their own children up to the age of eighteen. If a child does a crime then the parents go to jail or moved to an isolated community for having an out of controlled kid. If a child is living on the streets the parents will still be prosecuted for neglect. This should start to make people think twice about having too many kids. Parents with well-mannered kids will be rewarded and looked after by this movement and society. Don’t forget this movements ten year law, ten years to learn about it, and ten years to implement it. This may seem a bit harsh but we all have to start being responsible for our own actions in all the communities round the world.

With over population this also creates gangs in every corner of society.
There are many thousands of gangs all round the world, some gangs you see, some you don’t think of as gangs, and then there are the gangs you don’t see or hear about. Every one of these gangs are prepared to fight and do anything for their own existence, they will even attack or kill people if they don’t agree with them.

I will now do a short list of some gangs starting with the biggest.
I class every organisation in every part of the social order as a gang, because they want to fight to enforce their beliefs on everyone else.
Over history the biggest gang leaders have been every country, i.e. Kings Queens Emperors they have been attacking other countries as a gang for their own greed and power. This still happens today but not as bad as it used to be.

Now with over population all the political leaders round world are fighting within their own countries with all their opposing political gangs. With the rise of the communist gang and all the killings that they have done, and locking up people that don’t agree with them. Even with democracy we still have all the killing and suppression, today even the so called free or fake media gang is one sided and the people never get the truth. Every political movement is a gang there is no other way to describe them. Look at America and the Democrats and Hillary’s gang they lost an election, now they’ve spit their dummies out. Their gang has lost face and are now trying to bring down the first intelligent President they’ve had for a long time, everything today is related to power over others.

With over population Religion is also an organised gang that at times also gets very violent, every bodies God it better than all the other Gods, our world is divided on all fronts. There are parts of all religions that have a dark secret and they will protect their dark side at all costs.
There are gangs everywhere you look, stabbings, rapes, mob rioting, violent crime, this affects the whole structure of society. Then there is a report out about 29,168 murders last year in Mexico, think of all their family members that are now left emotionally affected. Put yourself in their place feel their emotional stress, how would you feel if this happened to someone in your family?

Our world’s population is totally out control there is no true leadership no long-term future plans, everyone just wants power over others today. The only way to get rid of gang mentality is to cut down the population, less people less stress more control within all communities. Plus with all the other proposals that this movement is going to be laying out, with in ten years crime could be drastically recused. But mankind has to accept the way it’s done, this movement will declare a real war on crime. It’s no good been nice to criminals, you will only be laughed at, remember the ten year law to learn of the consequences if you don’t change your ways.

I going to sign off I have had enough witting for today. BUT I’ll BE BACK.

A quick word to all visitors to this site.
I might be making some changes to this site, my book will be continued but my personal thoughts will only go to subscribers, so please subscribe, the more the merrier. I’m going to be getting some advice on how this can be done. Once again my computer skills are letting me down, we all have to meet there is only so much I can do with one finger.