Monthly Archives: April 2022

3rd April 2022

Once again, I have come back into your sick corrupt world, a world of lies and deceit by the globalists and all your governments, and all your lying media. You live in a world where you cannot even trust your fellow man. Especially the people in all your governments that you elected to look after you, with all their corruption they are failing you. It is time we change the way we govern ourselves change everything and go for total change, both in government and the economic markets and the social order. We must get politics out of all governments; politics divides the people and creates division within the whole global community. I am trying to start and new global political movement just to get into and take over every government round the world and unite the people of every nation. This is not really a political movement, but it’s a movement to guide mankind with a new teaching and new way of looking at the world. Once in power this movement will start by educating all the children of the world from a very young age, teach them of all the problems of the world. Teach all the children how to solve problems and let the children of this world save mankind from all this stupidity your leaders are inflicting on you all. You don’t want corrupt politicians ruling you, you need wise men guiding you with understanding and visions of a better future. You also have all your religions that are supposed to be guiding you, the globalists say they are going to create a one world religion, this means they will also be working for the corrupt 1% wealthy globalists which want to suppress you all. I will give you all, the whole of mankind a new religion of spiritual understanding, my movement will take your minds where they have never been before. My movement will give the world a new form of a religion that you can actually test to see if it works, I will explain more on this matter when the time is right.

Now before I start with my angry rants on your world, I must apologise to all subscribers, in my last write up I said I was going to do a video and go on Bit chute. Unfortunately, the mic on my computer is not working so I’m going to have to write my words for the whole of mankind to read, I apologise for this. With having to write my words this is going to take a lot longer than I wanted, and I might not have enough time on earth to tell my full story. I have a very long complicated story to tell the world, it’s a story with millions of problems to be solved, although this is complicated it is also very simple to do. Every problem around the world can be solved by using the power of your minds and finding the right leadership to bring all the minds of the world together. The mind can be a powerful tool you only have to learn to use it properly, and my movement will teach you how to do it.

Now, a message to all heavy goods drivers and truckers all around the world, I used to be a waggon driver myself until I retired. You do not realise the power you all have; you can bring down governments, I have thought about this since 9/11 2001. The roads and highways of the world are the veins and the arteries of the world, and you are the lifesaving blood vessels that use these roads and keep this world alive. I’ve been watching what has happened in Canada on the waggon protest there, and how the Canadian government has towed your waggons away and threatening to sell them. If this happens there are several things you can do about it, you do a national strike until you get your waggons back. Or, on the first Monday of the month you go on strike, on the next month you go on strike for Monday and Tuesday and then the next month Wednesday and so on. This will give the people of Canada chance to stock up on food, or you could just deliver food and stop all the transportation of manufactured goods and fuel.

Covid 19.

Covid 19 was supposed to have been a biological weapon when I first heard about it, I was a little bit concerned but within a week I knew there was something wrong. Now today we are hearing of more bioweapon labs all round the world that the 1% globalists and your governments have created, can you see a pattern forming here? The World Health authority have discussed pandemic’s before, and how they would counteract a pandemic, can you see the same pattern continuing. And isn’t it strange that Bill Gates came up with a so-called vaccine to counteract this so-called bioweapon within months of it going around the world. Isn’t it strange how healthy people and sportsman are dropping dead on the field since the vaccines were distributed? Isn’t it strange that only vaccinated people are having life threatening problems that are affected with heart attacks and blood clots and over a 1,000 other side effects? Isn’t it strange that doctors are finding different particles in other batches of these vaccines, isn’t it strange how AIDs is spreading within the whole community and now people have to get tested for it? Isn’t it strange that some schools want children checked for heart conditions before they’re allowed to do sports in schools? Isn’t it strange that President Biden insisted that the whole military establishment gets the vaccine, and now they’re trying to start a war with Russia? The Russians won’t have to fire a shot they just have to wait for the U S army to drop dead on the battlefield. Isn’t it strange how the World Health organisation know that there will be more variations coming in the next few years? Do you think that they have been talking to a fortune teller or do you think they have more viruses lined up to be released? Isn’t it strange that Bill Gates is releasing mosquitoes that could spread diseases in South America, and who gave him permission to do this, think about it? Isn’t it strange they first experimented on animals, but they all died, so then they experimented on the global population with their vaccines, Think about it? The globalists are prepared to experiment on you all, as the Germans did it in the last World war, communist China does it to prisoners and are still doing it today and you want to give up all your right to these 1% globalists that have no regards or emotions for your life you are just a commodity to them, you are working for the banks that control you. Isn’t it strange the pharmaceutical people didn’t want to disclose their records for 75 years? Isn’t it strange how all your governments around the world have been forcing these so-called vaccines onto you all? isn’t it strange how old diseases a starting to come back like chicken pox mumps and all the other childhood diseases, think about this you don’t know what they’re putting in all these vaccines today they all just looked like Clearwater, think about it. Isn’t it strange the people that have had this so-called vaccine have been catching covid 19, this is because their immune system has been destroyed now their bodies are open to anything that comes along, take your time, and think about this? With the vaccinated immune system breaking down, this means they can catch any disease and they could be the super spreaders for the rest of the population, think about it. The globalists have all the diseases they want in their labs, all they have to do now is release them to the world, it’s an invisible weapon you don’t see it and you don’t hear it, but it will kill you. Viruses are the best silent and efficient weapon to depopulate the worlds, and the pharmaceutical people can make a lot of money on all the suffering of mankind.

Isn’t it strange how everything has gone quiet about these vaccines and restrictions are getting lifted, I believe this is because people have been going to police stations to report a genocide crime under common law? I will get more into this common law later. Isn’t it strange that all your leaders round the world say the same N W O and W H O words as if they are all reading off the same script? Isn’t it strange the puppet president of America Joe Biden is now talking about the new world order, and he is doing what the 1% globalists want, he is now helping to bring down the economy of America? Please don’t just read my words, use your minds and read between the lines, look deep into what is happening in your world, because things are going to get very serious, very soon.

World War 3

Now we come to World War 3, it’s not with the Russians, it’s with the 1% globalist they have fired the first shots they have shot millions of people with these vaccines into your arms. You could say it is an armed robbery because they want to kill you all and they want to steal your world away from all the poor people. You must remember it is the globalists that created this so-called virus, but it didn’t create a pandemic, it was the media that made it out to be a pandemic to put fear into all of your minds. Now ask yourself why do you think they did this? They wanted to shut down the world and put millions of people out of work and bankrupt all the small industries. This was to force people to spend their savings or sell their assets, now there are people losing their homes, people being evicted for non-payment of rents. Now with more people out of work and on the poverty line, crime is increasing the whole social order around the world is beginning to breakdown. All of this was to bring down the economies of the world we now have a global recession, and the cost of living is going up, but nothing has really changed. Now the 1% globalists are creating higher prices for everything, gas, electric, food, everything is going to go up in price, this is to make the people of the world even poorer so that you the people must rely on the 1% globalist. The wealthy globalist are doing what they said they were going to do, and you the people will own nothing.

Now use your minds and try looking into the future, how would you like to live in a world where you own nothing and the 1% globalists own everything, think about it. With all the wealth the 1% globalists have taken off all the people, the globalists will have more power to rule over all your lives. And if you don’t bow down and submit to the 1% globalist, they will close your bank accounts, which they have already done to people in Canada and Australia.

It is my belief, that the 1% globalists have not used their biggest silent weapon yet, but it will soon be coming to the world, this new weapon is food. I had thought about this a few years ago but I was never really sure about it, now today leaders are starting to talk about food shortages. The 1% globalists want to starve the world to death, there are two ways this can be done. Have you noticed that all your western governments and the fake media are trying to create a war with Russia, this will create food shortages? At a young age after the Second World War, I can still remember going to the shops with a ration book, now with a larger population today this is going to be a lot worse. Look at the numbers of migrants moving into the Western countries this is going to create more problems, and your governments must know this but still they flood the country. With extra mouths to feed with starvation, comes civil unrest, people will be fighting and killing each other over food that will be the only way to survive, it will be kill or be killed. Now look at the American government it has asked farmers to destroy part of their crops, or they won’t get their farming subsidies. Now look what Bill Gates is doing he is buying up a lot of farmlands across America, all he has to do now is say I’m not going to plant any seeds this year on my land. Let’s take a quick look at what is happening in Africa the globalists and the government they are creating racial tension. And by doing this they are killing white farmers that were very efficient in what they did, in South Africa they used to export food to other countries. Today they are only producing 40% of what they used to do, this is how the globalists and corrupt governments destroy this world. there are only a few countries that can produce enough food to give foreign aid to the third world. There will come a time when these countries won’t be able to supply foreign aid because they have to many people in their own overpopulated countries. Now look at America, Biden is going the same way he has left the boarders open to flood the country with millions of migrants, already in America some shops have no food on the shelves. This is all part of the destabilising agenda of the 1% globalists and with the help of a puppet president and the deep state to bring down America. With the globalists everything is done slowly a little bit at a time so that you do not notice the changes, but the 1% globalists are still making their high profits with higher prices in the shops.

Are the 1% globalists the type of people you want to rule you and your world, now is the time to think of your future generations, because the 1% globalists want to exterminate 6 billion people? You must think now about which part in the future will your future generations belong to, will they be exterminated, or will they be slaves to the 1% globalist, think about it?

If the globalists had been intelligent people, they would have talked to the world to bring order and self-control but no they want to steal the world and steal all your wealth, by terminating 6 billion people do you think this is the type of leadership your future generations would want?

What is politics?

To ask, what is politics, you must go back in history to the very start of mankind, in the beginning there was hunter gatherers where a leader would guide a tribe. When the people settle down and started farming for themselves and small villages started to appear. Small industries developed to help the community, and then came money to pay for services amongst the population. This is when greed started taking over the world, this is when gangs of thieves Stole from the people, and the leaders of these gangs made themselves wealthy and became kings and Queens. They taxed the people and with all this wealth they created armies to control the people, with all these armies they invaded other parts of the world to steal their wealth. Overtime the people rose up and got rid of kings and Queens and brought in a form of democracy. In Britain they didn’t quite get rid of the Kings and Queens, and they had to compromised and ended up with the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Even today you cannot trust royalty, you have Prince Charles who is part of the globalist movement, you have Prince Andrew who has just paid to get out of a Court case. Overtime the world population has got rid of wealthy royal families, unfortunately they have now replaced it with corrupt governments. Now today you have the 1% wealthy globalists and the wealthy banking families getting ready to take over your world and they will suppress the global population. The 1% globalists and bankers will become the kings and Queens, and all your corrupt politicians will become the Lords of the land. Just as it has been all through history, now today history is repeating itself but on a larger scale.

All my life I have watched all the political parties at election times, but I have never voted myself because I have never trusted any of them. In England we had three main parties, conservative, labour, and liberals, these political parties over the years they have changed leadership on a lot of elections. The conservative party used to be for the middle class, over the last two years they have been supporting the new world order and now are starting to sound like a Communist Party. The Labour Party used to be for the working man they created corrupt unions, now today they want to create socialism which is just another form of communism. I haven’t heard much about the liberals lately but I’m sure if they were in power, they would be the soft in the head woke people. Politics and democracy has changed, it is not what it used to be, now it is run by corrupt money grabbing individuals that only think of themselves. They don’t work for the people anymore; they are now working for the 1% wealthy globalists because it is more advantage for their own wealth. Government corruption is everywhere both in national and local government, I have witnessed this where I live, and nothing ever gets done about it, it’s time for total change. It doesn’t matter which political party you vote for they’re all the same, all they want is power and with power comes wealth. Just look at the wealthy leaders in China and then look at the poor people that are starving and living in poverty in China. Then look at the Saudi Arabian king how they take the wealth of the country for their own personal gain. Then look at The Islamic leaders in Afghanistan how they have taken over the country and rule with a gun to control the population. Now they’re leaders are spending millions of pounds on houses for themselves while the rest of the country is in poverty. This is how all your governments work, wealth for the people at the top and tax the poor people at the bottom. Now wait and see what happens when the 1% wealthy globalists take over the world, you will own nothing, and you will not be allowed to question their authority. They have already built the concentration camps in the west for political dissidents it won’t be long before they bring the gas chambers.

Now a little warning to all the people that are getting paid for encouraging the 1% globalists agenda, where do you think you and your future generations will stand in their one world government. You have the likes of antifa black lives matter and all the other groups, once the globalists get what they want, they will be part of the 6 billion people they get rid of. Think about it.

My Alternative new world order political movement.

I want my movement to get the whole world thinking and talking of going for total change all around the world, it can be done, you must use your minds and think about it. Over my lifetime I have seen little political parties come and go, in the 60s the hippies tried to start a peace movement, but it fell apart with corruption. Now today you have one little poor Hermit Monk trying to start a new global political movement to take over the world is anybody interested in helping, think about it. Religious people say there will come a day of judgement, my movement will bring that day of judgement on the whole of mankind, and you will all have peace, or my movement will destroy you. This world is divided, you have good and bad people within every community, the problem is you never hear from the good people. Good people are quiet they never bother anybody they keep to themselves; these are the people that my movement will represent. The 1% globalists know that they can control the quiet people they are doing it today, they are suppressing your thoughts and all your minds with censorship. The media is manipulating all your minds with propaganda and mind control, so that you only hear what they want to tell you.

My movement will advise the world what you all must do and stop the wealthy 1% globalists taking over your world. First you must register this Alternative New World Order as a political movement and spread this news to every corner of the world on the Internet. Get all the protest groups, and all the good people, and those that have suffered side effects and have seen people die from these vaccines, that your leaders have injected into you all. Rally all the good people from around the world to join this one movement you will all stand united; this must be a global effort. When there is an election coming up you tell all the people of the world do not vote for any political movement that have been forcing all these killer vaccines on you and all these lockdowns. Because these are the leaders that are working for the wealthy 1% globalists and have started taking all your freedoms away with their oppressive laws.

If you can get this movement into power, your political leaders must show an example to the whole world’s population that you mean business about changing everything. They will do this by reducing all their salaries of all the leaders around the world by half, if political leaders don’t like this then they shouldn’t be in government. For this movement to bring change to the world there will be sacrifices to be made, but there will be a lot of other good things to be gained. We need wise men and true leaders of people to commit themselves to looking after the people not suppressing them. In the future leaders of people will be rewarded for their accomplishments, which will be decided by the people. All will be explained as time goes on how this will all be done, as I have said before this is a complicated programme but it’s also a very simple one. If you look at the world with a closed mind it is complicated, if you look at world with an open mind the answers will come to you. In my mind I have planned the future for mankind just one step at a time, my plan for your world is for the next 2000 years, after that it’s up to you what you do.

Now you might be asking yourself if my movement got into power all around the world, what would this movement do first.

The first thing this movement would do would be arrest all the people creating and distributing these killer vaccines, and all the politicians that knowingly force these on the public. (A little story) a friend of my family a young man is now in hospital with internal bleeding he has had the vaccine, I’m starting to hear of other little stories from the people around me. My movement will nationalise all the pharmaceutical companies Close all the biological labs, private companies will not make profit off the population. From now on the people will find cures for themselves with the help of my movement and everything will be thoroughly tested before it is used.

The next thing this movement will do is nationalised the world banking industry for too long wealthy families have been running the world and manipulating the world economies for profit. My movement will create a one World Bank where everybody banks, my movement will get the people of the world to invest in themselves. This movement will write off the world debt and start again, this will be the greatest reset for this world to bring order and start afresh. The wealthy 1% globalists want to bring in digital banking your pound or your dollar it’s just a number, that means they can just create money whenever they want, or they can take it off the people. Money will just become a fictitious currency with no value, and nothing to hold in your hand as a backup, if the digital world breaks down. The 1% globalists will have total control over everything in your life and all your future generations, finances, and all your future generations will be enslaved.

The next thing my movement will do is to put a limit on how much wealth one person can have, this will be put to the people of the world to decide. The 1% globalists are making trillions of dollars at the expense of the rest of the world’s population, this must be controlled because they are creating poverty all around the world. And then you hear of people making millions of pounds for doing next to nothing, people just making millions just for doing a favour or promoting publicity. Just look at Hunter Biden in Ukraine getting £50,000 a month because his name is Biden and then he’s making more money from a Russian woman and then he’s getting more money from Chinese companies. All this wealth moving round within the hierarchies of the wealthy people is taking off you the poor people through taxes and the high profits that companies make. This is just one man doing financial transactions, this is happening all around the world every day the wealthy are just accumulating wealth for themselves and doing nothing for the world community. This movement will heavily tax all the big corporations, we will control their profit margins, if we have a big company that wants to expand and benefits the world their money will be returned because they will start working for the global community. This movement will unite the whole population of the world we will all start working together this can be done but it will take time and with education this movement will teach the whole world a new way.

The next thing this movement will do, is to concentrate on the depopulation of the world, this is the biggest problem this world is facing. With overpopulation unemployment is the biggest problem it creates poverty, the human mind with nothing to do or think about is just a total waste of space and time. These people are just living to survive, they become a strain on society, there is homelessness and poverty all around the world this creates social unrest. These people are just lost souls, nobody helps them, the United Nations, and the World Health Organisations and all your governments have turned their back on all these people. My movement has plans to help these people, it will take time, but it is up to you the people of the world if you want to do what I am going to suggest. The 1% wealthy globalists want to take the wealth of all the people around the world, I say to the people of the world you are the majority you take the wealth off the 1% globalists. You are the majority, you can vote for this movement, and this can be done, with the right leadership and with guidance and with the right education, this world will be yours. I’ve seen people Protesting and storming their governments offices, now you must protest against the United Nations and the World Health Organisation and all the world banks. Get this movement into every government around the world and you can create an alternative United Nations get rid of the corrupt old and bringing in a new U N with people that care for the global community. The people of the world must do this, it is in your own interests to vote for this movement. If the world community can create enough power to take all the wealth off all the globalists, we can use this wealth to depopulate the world. The 1% globalists won’t mind you doing this, because they were quite prepared to do it to you, we can just turn the tables on the 1% globalists.

The first thing we must do, is educate the people and all children of the world about why we must depopulate, and how this can be done, and what all the benefits will be if we do this. Birth control will be the biggest sacrifice the whole global population has to make, China did a one child rule, now the rest of the world must do it. With all the wealth we take off the 1% globalists we can pay the people all around the world to just have one child, as a financial reward. Let’s say people agree to this, what this movement will do, it will pay a couple to have just one child if they have two children there is no increase if they have three children all financial help stops. Now if people only have one child this movement will pay for all their education free university or any other type of training to improve their lives. For a child that isn’t qualified enough to go to university financial help will also be given to them to help them through their lives. If we can gradually bring down the world population you can rid the world of poverty, in time this movement will create a social order that everybody will accept.

(A little story), I have heard in some Islamic countries they marry off their young girls just to get rid of them, and in some cases, they will sell their children to anyone that will buy them. Poverty and desperation creates the downfall of society, people are forced to do anything to survive, this is how sick the human mind has become. With education my movement will teach all the parents of the global population, they have a big responsibility to protect the minds of all the children around the world. In the future this movement will teach mankind how to see and spiritually touch and feel things with your minds. There will come a time to be born and a time to die, this movement will teach mankind to die peacefully and to make room for the new future generations, but that’s another story for another time.

Now if we can take all the wealth of the 1% wealthy globalists, we can use their wealth to help mankind and bring order to the world. With overpopulation and unemployment and homelessness all around the world my movement will start paying a living allowance to everyman woman and child on this world. This movement is not just going to give money away, people will have to be responsible to create a social order where everybody works to help each other in the global community. In many parts of the world people are starving, my movement will encourage the people to grow their own food they will be allocated plots of land, or they will help farmers to produce more. Many parts of the world have droughts, my movement will take freshwater from the sea and pump it all around the world. This water will also be used on all the deserts of the world we will make the deserts green; this movement will repair the world from what mankind has destroyed.

In the West many farmers buy modern tractors and farming equipment, my movement will take all the old tractors and farm equipment and dump them in the third world countries. In these countries they will repair them they will get them running and put them to good use. On land that cannot be farmed, people will plant trees, to be used by our future generations, this movement will invest in the future. This movement will give anybody that is receiving the living allowance they will be given jobs to do, in return for receiving this allowance. This will be helping people in the community, maybe even doing small repair works for the community and for some jobs training will be given. This list goes on forever, there are so many little jobs that need doing around the world, we can tidy this world up, if we all work together.

My movements war on crime.

All through history crime has been in every community lawlessness has never really been solved, and today with overpopulation crime is increasing. My movement will rid the world of crime it’s going to be tough on the criminal world and it will not tolerate crime. You might ask yourself why we have crime, the reason is poverty, greed, human rights, overpopulation which is causing the breakdown of society. There is also another reason which is bad parenting, with a lack of social order control over their children. There must come a time when the whole world must say no more crime, my movement will stop crime dead in its tracks from the day it takes power. As I have said on this site before this movement will teach the children of the world for 10 years about new laws that this movement is going to implement. After those 10 years, this movement will bring down the day of judgement on the whole of the criminal world and a new guidance for mankind.

Also, what is wrong with this world is all these soft in the head woke and human rights people, that get upset if you don’t use the right pronouns, or they want to protect the emotions of criminals. My movement says what about the emotions of all these innocent people that have been a victim of crime, what about them? If I can get my movement into governments, all around the world my movement will give the people the authority to police themselves. No more will governments use the police to control the people, my movement will create a people’s police force to control the community and control any corruption in governments.

Over the years many countries have stopped the executions of prisoners, my movement will bring back the extermination of prisoners 10-fold. People will be terminated doing life sentences, violent criminals, rape, child abuse, terrorism, human trafficking, and gang members. Now you might be thinking you can’t do this it goes against the human rights; it’s not civilised, and that human life is precious. Now think about this, the 1% globalists are starting and are prepared to kill 6 billion people with these experimental so-called vaccines, where is the human rights for these 6 billion people, think about it. if this movement’s laws could be brought in, I’m sure the criminal world would think twice about committing a crime, I believe Crime would be drastically reduced.

(A little story) 30 years ago when I moved into this house, it’s on the outskirts of an estate, so I don’t see many people. but my children were harassed every time they went to the shops by a gang of youths. Police got involved but nothing happened, then one night 15 youths of this gang beat my son and fractured his face. I went round to the home of the leader of this gang, I told him straight anymore trouble and I’m going to come round and kick your head in and then I’ll start on the rest of you. My family has had no more trouble after that encounter, but today I still hear there are still gangs of youths roaming the estate. The point I’m getting at here with this story, is your governments and the 1% globalist are the same as leaders of a gang this oppress the people using the police. Just look at Canada with Trudeau he has the police attacking very peaceful protesters, governments are now gang ruled or its a form of mafia. Nothing is ever going to change unless the people of the world stand up, and say no more and takeover the world, my movement will give people power for the whole of mankind. You have to be tough on crime and you have to be tough on your government’s make them accountable for what they do and get rid of them if they cannot do the job.

Population control.

Now I’m going to say few things that you might not like what this is, but it will be a good thing for all future generations.

We must stop all migration from every corner of the world, every country must start being responsible for its own population. Each country must get the population down to a level that they can feed themselves and only have to import small amounts of other types of food. This will create a level of population that will be acceptable for all your future generations, this is what this movements has to aim for, to create a stable future.

Every child born around the world will get a microchip implanted, this microchip will only give personal information of their name and their date and place of birth. There is a reason for this in these troubled times, you have Graves of the unknown soldiers, you have dead people being found with no identification. Plus, we can manage to observe the size of the population of the world and each country more accurately. If migration is still going on in the future migrants will not be allowed to vote in another country, they will not be allowed to take a position in government. They will still come under the human rights of that country, but they must be sterilised, they must accept this before they are allowed to migrate. Overpopulation is a very serious problem and the whole world must realise this problem, with education this can be taught to the children of the world.

Maritime law and common law.

What I’m going to say now, it’s up to you if you want to cheque up on it because I’ve only heard of this over the last two months. I will go more into this subject when I get more information, I’ve already seen some proof of what is happening, your government and your banks are financially ripping you all off. Apparently, there are three laws, but you only hear and are ruled by one of them which is maritime law. In 1885 with the great fire of London and flooding so many people died they were all classed as missing and being lost at sea, this brought all the people on land to be ruled by maritime law. You hear maritime phrases like citizenship, birth canal, banks, if you go to court you go in the dock, with these laws you become fictitious character. With these maritime laws you’re not exactly a slave but you are expected to pay taxes and work for and be submissive to the establishment.

With common law you are a living man or woman of the land and you do not come under maritime law this gives you more rights and better legal representation. If you register yourself under common law, you become a freeman with more rights, this can help you financially and protect your human rights. When you were born you get a birth certificate there is a trust fund set up for you, this trust fund lays dormant, but you’re not told about this. Now if you go to the bank and ask for a bank loan, the banks will take this money out of your trust fund and then charge you interest on it. Also, if you have a mortgage on your house, you can claim back all the money you paid in. As a common law man or woman nobody can take the House off you, under maritime law you don’t actually own the house it belongs to the government. In Ireland the government is on about taking over people’s holiday homes to put all these migrants in. Now imagine what would happen if the 1% wealthy globalists took over the world, they could take the homes off everybody, and you would have no rights. (Think about it)

The reason I’m telling you about this is because my eldest son has just paid nearly 1000 pound to a company that has helped him get rid of 20,000 pound of bank loans. I have seen his bank account these loans have been written off; he is now working to get rid of his mortgage I will let you know what happens on this, it might be next year.

I have also heard that there are people on the Internet that will just tell you what you have to do free of charge. But I recommend you go through with a legal company because there is some come back from the banks and this company can counteract any legal negotiations. I’ve also heard of somebody on Facebook that will help you through it, but  with smaller charge. I hope this Information Will be helpful for you, if you can get rid of your debts you can buy me a pint of beer.

I’m going to sign off now with a message to my 75.006 subscribers.

Thank you for coming to my site, I am sure that you are all looking for answers to combat the troubled state of this messed up world. This is what I’m also doing just looking for answers and putting my ideas round the world, but I need everyone’s help. I’m just one little poor Hermit with no computer experience no knowledge of promoting the site. This is a big world, and I live alone in one small room, and I’m watching this world very quickly deteriorate on my computer screen. I just want to save the world for all your future generations, it can be done but I need serious help to spread the words. I’m going to leave it up to you the subscribers to help publicise this site if you want to save this world tell everybody about this site. We can only save this world from all the political stupidity; we must get the majority of the people of this world to go up against the wealthy 1% globalists and your governments that are planning to steal your wealth and world from you all. Please I beg the whole world look at what your politicians and the media are doing to you, they’re all part of the globalists they are destroying your minds your social order your communities and your families. They are dividing you all they’re setting one against another they are creating unrest, people have to learn to question everything they are told.

It’s goodbye for now I wish you all well.

I know that one day we will all meet, I won’t tell you where and I won’t tell you when, because that’s another story for another day (Goodbye for now)