Monk A

P1180408 edited copy


Today I want the whole of mankind to start thinking of the state of the world and how you all are destroying nature. You are a community animal you all live together in groups, you cannot survive without this. All through history there has been a very small group in your society that have been controlling your minds to conform to their way of thinking. These people have been the so called leaders and royalty and their family trees have followed them all through history, they had no real power over you only the power of the army’s that they controlled to put fear in the minds of the people to do as they say. They also used the power of religion to control the minds of the simple people all through history this has been done. Religion puts fear in the minds of people, telling them that their souls will go to hell if they do not conform to their way of thinking, just like Islam today you can be killed if you leave Islam. Fear has controlled your minds all through history right up till today and still your minds are being controlled. This is a form of brain washing, you might say you’re not brain washed, how do you know you are not brain washed have you ever questioned what you have been told. This is just like communism today the thinking of the few to control the masses, follow us or be persecuted and suppressed. Is this what you all want for all your future generations? To get true freedom you all have to change, there is only one way to do this you must organise your selves but it is your choice which way you go. All that we can do on this site is guild mankind, we ask you all for nothing in return.

First I start with talking to all the children in the world, I ask you all to put your trust in this movement, and this movement is your voice. Listen children imagine the world as a brain you are now part of this brain, you can now communicate with all the other parts of this brain all around the world with the internet. I want you all to learn the English language so that you all know what everyone is saying so that no one can tell you lies, for you all will start to understand what has to done all round the world. Do not listen to your political or religious leader for their minds live in the past and have no vision for the future. Follow this movement and its teachings into your future and your children’s future for this movement asks you for nothing in return only that you all work together for world peace. This is one thing all your leaders are incapable of doing. Stop listening to your leader’s turn you backs on your elders. ——- (Then turn around and listen to me.)


Now I talk to all the teachers in the world, you must create a lesson on world peace for all your pupils, the same lesson must be taught all around the world. This lesson must highlight all the problems in the world and what mankind has to do to bring peace all around the world. Stand and face your pupils and guild them for their future, if you do not know what to say.——-(then turn around and listen to me)


Now I talk to all the corrupt political leaders all round the world. You have all made a lot of money in personal wealth while controlling the minds of the poor people that you lead, you have suppressed those that question your authority, and you have brought suffering to the world.You are old relics of the past now mankind has to change to bring peace to the world. Turn and face your people if you cannot give them peace, because you don’t know how to do it.—–(Then turn around and listen to me.)


Now I talk to the very wealthy and supper rich the ones that bleed the life out of society which is your fellow man you have done this all through history. You have used your wealth to control your governments and the people. You control the markets as the people struggle to keep up with inflation and lower standard of living all around the world, bankers still get their big bonuses on top of their highly paid salaries at the expense of the people. This has to change for as the rich get richer the poor get poorer, this greed has to be controlled in all walks of life. The wealthy cannot survive without the rest of society one day world markets will crash, and you will be the down fall of mankind. We want this movement to be ready for this day to guild mankind and still we ask for nothing. What are you going to do to stop this happening? If you do not know.———(Then turn around and listen to me.)


Now I talk to all the police and military personal all round the world, many of you just follow your corrupt leaders you are asked to do their dirty work, you have to start questioning what you leaders tell you to do. You should be the protector of the people not the oppressors of the people, your leaders hide behind your power that is why they get away with so much by controlling you. Stand and face the people and your leaders, you must decide who you protect, if you can not decide

(Then turn around and listen to me)

Now I want to talk to all the religious people all round the world, your religious leader have used their position power and wealth over you all, this has happened all through history, you have never been allowed to question what they say. You have been controlled by corrupt religious leaders, religion has all ways been oppressive, and run as a business to get money out of you all, this world movement asks for nothing. Who are you going to trust? I want the whole of mankind on a given day and all of you at the same time, stand and face your gods, and pray for peace and guidance, for you and your future generations.Christians…… pray to your stone alters. Muslims pray to stone block. Jews pray to your stone wall. The rest pray to your stone idols. Then stand and wait for his answer, if you get no answer.——- (Then turn around and listen to me.)

This movement will guild mankind into the future with one law which is peace no matter what the cost. Do this for me or I will turn my back on you all and walk away

Please allow me to introduce myself…….. I am monk (A)

I will be running in this election in September for the leadership of this movement, and to take over the world…….. I hope you will vote for me. Monk A!!

Some of you may be wondering what we are up to with this website, so now we will start to open up to you all as more people are beginning to subscribe to this website.
I want this movement to take over the world and we want you, the whole of mankind to join us. I would like you all too clear your minds and get rid of all your anger. Cast away your politics, lay down your religions and listen….. Just to me… Man to man, and we will all talk in peace about all of the problems in the world.

Do not give up on your thoughts of a god, atheists keep your minds open….. I like free thinking people, for over time when the time is right, if you all start to trust me, I will tell you things that I have found with my mind and thoughts, however I cannot prove what I have found.

I would like mankind to test my findings, do this and you will learn….. Just look up to the sky and the stars at night, and think about the vastness of the universe. Think of just how small you all are, and how out of control all of your minds are.
We all have to change…. And in time I will teach you all how to change, but for now I will say no more… For you are not yet ready to listen.

Between now and September I will only be saying a few things, and I will maybe ask you all to do something for me. I will only come to you when the sun goes down, and when you are all asleep in the dead of night… For this is when I walk the earth to see what you all have done each day.

I will leave you now…. In the hands of the other two monks who you will know as B and C. Please take monk C with a pinch of salt for he will do your head in, just like he does mine…………. Good bye my friends until we meet again.

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