Human Rights and Law



Monk B

Today I will write briefly on how we have to change the human rights and civil laws for the whole of mankind.

I wanted to do each of these subjects separately but there comes a point where these two subjects mix…. To me the human rights is a joke. Yes, I agree that we should have them and they should be taught to all children around the world. This has to be done because at the moment it seems that a lot of people don’t know how they stand with them. Human rights should be for every one around the world but because of how they have been created, they do not work and can never be enforced. If we could create a New World Order to enforce human rights this would be possible, but today many countries ignore them, ether for political or religious reasons or it’s not in their interest.

Mankind all around the world has to stand up to oppression by working together and taking control. I’m offering mankind a chance to start a global people’s movement to take control. If I can get enough followers I will register this world order movement as a world political party to take over the world. This movement has to be prepared to change everything that stands in its way. That includes corrupt politicians, religious cult leaders and the big banks and big corporations. The people of the world have to back this movement as it is in their interest to do so. Doing nothing will not change anything. In my writings I can only scratch the surface of the world problems. To go into depth would take a life time and longer. If I ever go public we could have public open debates and speak openly on all subjects.

Let’s start with free speech.

Free speech has to be controlled…. Why control it? The problem with free speech is that at the moment people like to shout their mouths off knowing they can get away with it. This is not always a good thing, as when one party wants to dominate other parts of the community, such as race, politics and antisocial order. All free speech should be controlled by community committees that work for the people. Please remember that if we can change the way we govern ourselves all these minor things will be sorted out

 There are times when free speech is not in the interest of the rest of society. One example is religion. In Britain and America we have people shouting religion in the street at passer-by’s and being very annoying. These people have the right to follow their religions but it should be in their churches, mosques or whatever. If the public want religion then let the people go to them. No religion should try to force its laws on the rest of society.

Christians try to bring religion into politics and Muslims are trying to force sharia law onto everyone. This is a silly law that only a very small part of the community want. In Islamic countries human rights are abused more than anywhere else. We have to find common laws for everyone to follow all around the world. The problem with human rights is that they were created by do-gooders in the western world and have not allowed for third world problems. These do-gooders have offered no solutions to the problems. In fact the west is totally ignoring the human rights by trading with the very people that are abusing them. We have to recognise human rights abusers as criminal offences and act accordingly. At some time we have to get our hands dirty and call a spade a spade, even if it is the leaders of other countries. To ignore it is to give in and we might as well throw the human rights out the window, as they are not worth the paper they are written on.

Now the reason I am putting human rights and civil law together is because I believe it is every ones right to be left alone in peace. This does not include the criminal world. A criminal will always demand his human rights no matter what he has done to his victims. The same goes for terrorists, when you can’t kick them out of your own country because of their human rights as happened in Britain a few years back. People have to earn their human rights by being part of the community. Those that abuse other people’s rights should lose theirs. Laws all around the world have to be rewritten. With over population and overcrowding society will break down. It‘s only a matter of time and we have to be ready for that day.

We need to educate the police and the public so that everyone knows where they stand, as in the future we will have to start eliminating some parts of the communities. This is so that the decent law abiding people can live in peace. We have to stop being soft with the unruly. Everyone has to work together. We have to make new strict laws on antisocial behaviour, then we have to educate people why these laws have to be made so that the communities will accept them. Then after a period of say, five years…. These laws will be brought into force. This gives time for school children to know how they stand and what is going to happen when they are brought in. With social order breaking down, terrorism, organised drug gangs and the like are growing. You just have to look at Mexico, America and ISIS to see the amount of murders that take place. There comes a time when the people have to fight back and make the streets safe for decent people.

I am not only suggesting new laws but also a new type of cheaper prison system for violent people. If they can’t live by societies laws then they will be placed in an area and they can make their own laws and never be seen again. Give them a prison with no guards… Let them kill each other. We have to create an example to make people think twice about their actions. With minor repeat offenders they should be sterilised before being released as antisocial people create antisocial children. We have to start protecting the public a lot more than we do today. We have to stop being do-gooders if we are to sort the world out. Some religious cults say that the second coming will rid the world of all the sinners. Why wait for something that will never happen. Just organise yourselves today and do the job now. It’s not rocket science. Now you might be thinking some of what I’m saying is a bit extreme but it is time for extreme measures to be taken, looking at the state of the world. Our UN is incapable of making global decisions to combat all the problems around the world. I’m sure if we could have an open global debate on what mankind has to do and the time limit it has to be done by, everyone would have a greater understanding of what we all have to do. With over population and global warming, doing nothing is not option anymore. We have to start a movement that is capable of doing the job and to be seen to be doing it and to get all the people around the world involved.

There is an answer to every problem in the world. You just have to have the balls to do it, even if it goes against our human rights and the countries laws. We have to change everything.

One of my biggest dislikes is child trafficking and slave labour. This could be stopped very quickly if we put our efforts into it. In brief this is how I would stop it. First, anybody involved with this trade would lose all the property and land they own and get very long prison sentences. This is including parents that sell their children. People that have children must be able to look after them. You have to remember traffickers pass on these children into a life of misery, never to be seen or heard of again. Try putting your mind into the minds of these young children. They are put into a strange place and abused by strangers. Would you keep quiet if it was happening to your children? All this mental suffering of children while the traffickers walk the streets free to find more victims. All this is brought about with the overpopulation problem. There are just too many children and no one knows what to do with them. This leaves them vulnerable to exploitation.

If we can solve this problem, then comes the other problem…. Who is going to look after all these kids? This is easy. It will be done by the ones that took the human rights away from the children. There will be a tax put on these people for the rest of their lives to pay for the suffering that they have caused. They have given a child a life sentence, we have to give them a life sentence back. All the revenue from this is to help the victims of this trade to find accommodation and education. We have to turn the tables on these people or nothing will change.

There will be other problems with these actions but we need to have the support and power of the people to make quick decisions to combat them. You might call all this kneejerk decisions. Well you’re right. But just talking about it never solves anything, while a lot of young innocent lives are being ruined by the heartless greed of the few. We have to get the people of the world to start caring about what is going on around them and get involved within the communities. To do this we need sweeping laws that can hopefully tackle any problem quickly and efficiently. Yes these laws may lead to other problems. Any law can be changed quickly if it is not working, as long as the population can see and know what is happening. I’m sure the majority of people will go along with it. Better this than taking years to make decisions as with the incompetent way our world governments work today. Remember in the future I want to see the world run by the people for the people not some over paid aristocrat.   

New laws that have to be made.

(1) Make the criminals pay to combat crime. (More to say later)

(2) To end personal suffering euthanasia should be made legal to anyone that wants it. (More to say later)

(3) Abortion should be made legal all around the world. (More to say later)

(4) Sterilisation should be available for anyone that wants it. (More said later)

(5) The whole legal system has to be changed. (More to say later)


To be continued.


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