Monthly Archives: September 2020

26th September 2020

HermitMonk47 from The Alternative New World Order.

Monk (A)

We have decided to come back into your Sick Oppressive and Increasing authoritarian world Where your freedom is slowly being taken away from you all as each day passes. Always remember the elite globalist want all Your wealth and to control your world and your lives and they will do anything to get it.

Monk (B)

Before I start let me welcome all new subscribers, we are growing very slowly, we now have 62,706 Still a long way off the 7.5 billion people I need to save your world. Because without you the people of the world, I cannot save your world unless the whole of mankind joins this one movement. In time, and in the long distant future, my proposals for your world will be laid out in front of you for you all to see. Always remember, this is your world so look after it, never let the few steal and take everything from you all, the poor people.

Monk (A) The world Population needs to wake up.

Our world is made up of many different communities, many Different cultures, many different beliefs and now today there are many different political movements. These divisions have been going on since the beginning of mankind and mankind has never stopped it or has never been able to question why. The simple answer is all through history your minds have all been secretly and mentally controlled by fear, and by the wealthy few that want to dominate over the whole population. All through history, in every country around the world there have always been two Wealthy authoritarian movements in charge of every country dominating and using their aggression against their own people.

First. There have been the Kings and Queens that stole from the people with taxes they stole the land off the peasants They built themselves large Castles and palaces. They had their three-square meals a day while their poor people starved, and everyone had to bow down and submit to these people. When the poor people rose up the wealthy would tax the people more and build a bigger army to suppress the free-thinking people. This sounds a little like our modern-day world, this is your world today where you are all being censored from talking, and you have to bow down to their authority.

It seems nothing will ever change, but it can, if you all open your minds and start to follow and support my movement.

Now we come to the other movement that’s has been helping and supporting all the Kings and Queens throughout history, they also did this to create their own personal wealth for themselves. This other movement is still working today in the 21st century protecting all your Corrupt leaders as it has been all through history. This other movement is used by the elitists to manipulate the minds of the population to keep the people minds suppressed and afraid to speak their mind. The name of this other movement has been changed slightly in the last few years, it is now called the media fake news, it used to be called religion. Religion has controlled the minds of the people all through history with their fake writings and made up storeys. They did this to create wealth for themselves and Brainwash the people into submission to help the leaders of all the countries around the world. In the ancient past they used fear to control the minds they made strict rules to follow and if you didn’t follow the rules you would go to Hell Fire when you die. Religions were authoritarian state and you weren’t allowed to criticise it, look at Islam today you can still be killed if you leave the religion. Christianity used to be like this but over the years through history they have Calmed down a bit, but they still have blood on their hands. What I am getting at here is that the populations minds can be manipulated, call it brain washing if you want, you have to remember this all happened in ancient times to simple minded people. Today the elite’s globalists control the media and they are using it to control your minds, you can call it brain washing if you want.

Democracy used to be a good way of creating a government to work for and help the people that elected then to rule. Over the years there have been many political parties all wanting to go into government to voice their opinion.

All through history Kings and Queens have taken over countries, or Revolutions have taken over Governments, even religion have taken over Governments. They would kill anybody that gets in their way, their only aim was to control the population and take the wealth off the people for themselves.

Now today we have a new secret army coming into all of your governments around the world , you cannot see it, you do not hear it, until it is in your governments and they start changing things to suit their own narrative. Who are these people that work in secret within all of your governments, your biggest question should be what do they want? The simple answer is, they want to control you, they want to take the wealth off all the people, they want the world’s population to submit to their authority. You can call them the wealthy Elite Globalists or a form of Communists whichever you prefer, either way it’s going to be an authoritarian world. Just look at the world today, they are creating unrest within all of your communities all around the world. In nearly every country round the world there are protest groups against their own corrupt governments, the wealthy elites are slowly taking over. This is why I do this site I am trying to create a new global political movement for the whole of mankind, and to create an Alternative New World Order. My new world order will educate the world with a new teaching, to create a family world order, and to help all the oppressed people of the world in all countries. But that is another storey for another time.

You have to look at what has happened in the United Nations and the World Health Organisation, once again History is repeating itself. You also have to look at what happened in the European Common market, we all voted to join this market today only Britain has pulled out. We joined a trading common market, but it ended up being a corrupt government, they have taken all the rights off all the European people. This European government has been infiltrated by globalists with nonelected people to rule Europe They are destroying Europe deliberately. This is all part of the Globalist Elites new world order They are flooding Europe with Thousands upon thousands of migrants to bankrupt all the European countries they are creating poverty and unrest amongst the EU. When the EU collapses and heavily in debt Europe will have to borrow from the wealthy elites the big banks, the Banks will end up owning your Europe. The United Nations and the World Health organisation has now been infiltrated by the Wealthy Elite and the Big Banks plus Bill Gates. The elites are now trying to bankrupt the world so that the whole world is indebted to them, they are playing on Mankind’s ignorance of the situation. They want to rule the world with fear, they have already started this with the threat of the global warming lie which is going to wipe out the human race. Well that did not work very well, so now today the globalists are paying people to go and set forest fires round the world and are blaming it all on global warming. The globalist agenda is to concentrate the whole population into the big cities and out of the countryside, so now they are burning down your homes and in time they will take over your land. A lot of people have died in these fires this is how far the globalists are prepared to go they want to create fear in your minds think about it.

Then they created the corona flue lie, which is going to wipe out the human race. With this Corona lie they have shut down your world with all this quarantine nobody is working the economy is going to crash this is just what the banks want and putting you all in debt to the big banks. Already around the world people are losing their homes and their business this is going to accelerate as time goes on, and then the banks will move in and buy the lot at a knock down low price. George Soros has done this before and he’s doing this again with the help of all his Wealthy Globalist Elite friends. They want to take this world off you all, they want to control and brainwash you all and then get you to submit to their Authoritarian world order. When they decide to depopulate your world there will be the biggest genocide this world has ever known, they will do it, they have already talked about it. There is only one way you’re going to stop all of this, and that is, follow the new teachings of this Alternative New World order and with your help I will destroy the elites. The first thing I will do is disband the United Nations and the World Health authority and then I will start on all the banks, but, that’s another Storey for another time. You all have the power to do whatever you want in this world; you all just have to put all your minds together all 7.5 billion of you and take control of your world for all the people. My new world order movement will give mankind the power to change everything, and all you have to do is just simply vote for it, and we will take over the world.  

Monk (B) Mass migration.

All through history every country around the world has always protective their countries from invasion and Tried to keep their own culture. now today in the West the weak-minded governments of the West they have opened the floodgates and turned against its own citizens. This has happened in over 170 countries, your politicians are not what they say they are, they are now working for outside forces and have turn their backs on their own people. Your politicians are now working for the elite globalists and the big banks, they now think more of their own personal wealth then the well-being of their own people. Why do you think your governments want to have mass migration? They want to bankrupt all your countries. The globalist elites such as George Soros, are financing this mass migration to all your borders, then all your governments lets them in. Why do you think your government’s want to bankrupt your countries the answer is they are working for the globalists and there is nothing you can do about it, unless you join my movement? look at your world today with all the lies about COVID-19 and all the shutdowns, nobody is working, Your governments are now paying out more and more in benefits to the population. Even with the shutdown migrants are still coming into your countries, and you the people in the future will be forced to pay for it.

Let’s look at what you are all going to have to pay for in the long-term future.

1 First you have to pay for all the transport, Police and social workers to escort them from the border to wherever you’re going to place them.

2 Then you have to pay for all the medical staff to cheque them out, and then for all the Immigration people to give them legal papers to stay in the country.

3 Now you have to pay for all their long-term accommodations which could last for years, be it a hostel or a four star hotel which will not be cheap, then you will have to pay for the cost of their rented housing, once again it will be you the taxpayers that will be forced to pay for it all. Don’t forget with a shortage of housing we now have British and Europeans sleeping on the streets, and still more migrants come. Now with this all this shutdown people are now threatened with evictions for non-payment of rents people are going to lose their homes. Think about it. Their vacant homes will then be turned over to migrants once again think about it, this is happening in your country  

4 Then we come to the payments of all their benefits for their weekly living allowance, it will be you the taxpayer that will have to pay for it all.

5 now we come to all their free Health benefits They will all be registered with a doctor they will get free eye tests free dental work, which you have to pay for through your taxes,  

6 We already have a mass unemployment problem in the west, and yet all your governments are still encouraging more and more unskilled migrants to come into your countries. You, and your children and all your future grandchildren are going to be paying unemployment and housing benefits for a lot of years to come to all these thousands and thousands of migrants. A lot of these migrants may never be able to get a job Because of overpopulation and in the near future all these migrants will be at retiring age and be eligible for a state pension which will bankrupt all the countries in Europe and Britain. President Trump has the right idea, he’s building a wall at least this world has one intelligent leader.

7. You also have to remember that a lot of these migrants are terrorists, and in Britain the police are monitoring thousands and thousands of ISIS members. and it is you the taxpayer that have to pay the police for all of this monitoring.

This is not a migration to the West it is an invasion to the West and all your Incompetent government leaders are letting it happen. I personally know of a Muslim man serving a jail sentence for making bombs, I have heard of weapons being found in Mosque’s. These are not the people you want in your communities it seems to me that’s all your governments are out to create civil unrest. This is what the elite globalists and the media are planning they want to create fear in the minds of all the people. George Soros and the elites are encouraging this Islamic invasion of the West, you have to ask yourself is this the globalist elite secret army. You will notice that the bombings in Europe have gone quiet, have they been told to be quiet until they are called for to take over. Think about it. Today we now have Large number of migrants attacking Europeans this is happening on a regular basis. You don’t see it; you don’t hear about it because the media is keeping quiet civil unrest has come to Europe and it is going to accelerate as more migrants come. With overpopulation mass unemployment people are getting bored this is when the criminals will take over your Cities. It’s happening today you have gangs with guns and knives taking over your cities Europeans are moving out of migrant areas because it’s not safe. And still your governments let in more and more migrants into your countries and the Europeans are not allowed to say anything. Because they will be accused of being racist your government protect migrants more than their own people just look at the Scottish and Canadian governments, they are turning against their own people over this. You can tell which of your politicians are working for the Globalists world order, these are the ones that want mass migration and suppressing your free speech.  

My movement would close down all borders around the world , every country has to start being responsible for its own population and encourage the depopulation in every country with education.

Any migrant wishing to move into another country will not be given citizenship for 20 years, they must prove that they are responsible people. Any migrants that does any criminal activity, protest groups and any other antisocial behaviour, they will be removed from the country very quickly. They will also have to pay back any benefits that they have received over the years before they will be allowed to be considered for citizenship. Migrants will not be allowed to go into any government office or vote in elections, only people born in the country will be allowed that have full citizen’s rights. If you agree with what I have just written here, then you should be starting to create my movement. If you disagree you should think of what kind of life all your future generations are going to have in an overpopulated world, that you are creating and leaving for them, Think about it.

We all live in a world where we cannot trust our fellow man there are groups that are out to dominate your world. All through history leaders have attacked and conquered other countries, they have been helped by all the corrupt religious orders. Religions controlled the simple minds of all the people, Religious leaders helped the Kings and Queens and emperor of old. This was done by providing the manpower for their armies to fight for the wealthy elites’ wars, to help themselves to create more wealth. And it has always been the little man at the bottom that have to put their lives on the line to protect the controlling wealthy elites. Now once again, history is repeating itself with all the many factions wanting to create their own world domination, and they will do this by any means possible. You had the Ottoman empires spreading their influence around the Middle East, then you had Islam, Invading southern Europe, on their quest for world domination. Now you have the Jews. It is written in their ancient Pagan text that Jews were born too rule the world and anybody else should be exterminated. You have to remember The Jews are from Arab decent and they were very racist against all whites and non-Jews just like Islam is today.

Monk (D) The future New Alternative New World Order.

Mankind’s future is uncertain this is why we have to start planning the future today, we need people in government with real visions for a better future. We all have to get all of our minds away from all the corruption that has been happening all through history. I will give mankind an alternative new world order a world order of total change, I do not use these words, total change lightly. The Wealthy Elites have been secretly planning to take over your world for well over 100 years. My movement will publicly tell 7.5 billion people around the world, what all of our plans are, hopefully it will take less than 100 years before it can take over. The hardest part for me and this ALTERNATIVE NEW WORLD ORDER movement is getting out of my small room, only you the people of the world can open my door to your world. I need to stand in front of 7.5 billion people and give you all of my proposals, and listen to what you say, I want the world to have a global debate about saving your world. It’s up to you all the subscribers to this site to spread the word to bring change to your world, and in the future, we will bring peace. All that I have to say cannot be written it would take too long, mankind has to listen to the spoken word, and put all your trust in one man. Through history you put your faith and trust in Jesus and Mohammed and look at the state of this corrupt world today. its time mankind listened to somebody else for a change, Ancient thoughts from over 2000 years ago do not work in the 21st century. You know my name all you have to do is come to me on this site and I will teach you how to change the world.  

Monk (B), look at how we all govern ourselves today around the world.


In the past history of electing members for parliament was a good idea but today in this corrupt world you cannot trust this system. We have overpaid and Unqualified incompetent politicians, you only have to listen to the Democrats in America to understand how corrupt and stupid the hole political system is. The Democrats are funded by George Soros and the elite this is why the they are acting so stupid, People will do anything for money, think about it. The globalists have infiltrated all Democratic governments, they are using their vast wealth that they have taken off you the people over the years. Now they want to take the whole world off you all, they want to enslave you they want to control you. Look at what they’re doing they are creating unrest amongst every community they fund antifa, they fund black lives matter and mass migration . You have to remember George Soros was a Nazi collaborator with the German Nazi party in the Second World war, and he’s using the same tactics of fear to take over your world, once again history is repeating itself. Look at all the destruction that these protest groups are doing, and your government are just sitting there and letting it happen. now looked at how authoritarian your governments are starting to be with this Corona flu, where you can be arrested for not wearing a mask. To me this sounds like the Jews in the Second World war, where you had to wear the Star of David to show that you are compliant to the government’s authority. Now today you have black lives matter and antifa the new brownshirts of George Soros and the Elites new global Nazi party. If a Globalist movement has to use violence to get control of your world, then this is not the type of people you want to control your world. Is this a world you want, are these the type of people you want to run your world, these people are prepared to destroy your world to take it over, Think about it. You have to think of the life of all your future generations and what you are going to leave them, their future is in your hands today, think about it. To change the future and get rid of all the corruption, you have only one chance by creating and voting for this new Alternative global movement, Think about it.


Look at the China types of governments around your world where communism rule and look at the structure of it. You have people at the top creating wealth for themselves and then you have the poor at the bottom . The Communist governments suppresses the people with a heavy-handed police force where people can disappear never to be heard of again. It’s a country because of your religious beliefs you can be put in Internment camps for re-education and brainwashed to follow the communist dictatorship. The Communist Party own your body they can take your body parts from your living conscious body at any time and sell them on the world market. Is this a world you want of total suppression and your total submission to your government, where your loss of freedom of choice is lost and has been taken away? This will be your world if the global elite’s takeover your world because this is what mankind is capable of doing to its fellow man, History will just be repeating itself. Think about it.

Now you have to look at Islamic governments look at Iran the people are rising up they’ve had enough of their police state, you have the state police and you have your religious police. Once again you can be persecuted for any political dissent where’s the freedom for these people. In Iran they have just executed somebody for protesting against the Iranian government. Once-again the history of Islamic governments is repeating itself, the Leaders of government at the top want keep their authority and suppress the brainwashed people. As with all leaders today round the world today, they want to keep their power and wealth for themselves and take it from the people. Look at Saudi Arabia where the Royal family have taken all the oil wealth off the people, to fund their own decadent lifestyle. They use heavy handed police and religious police to control the people with fear just as it has been for over a thousand years. This is a country where you could have your head chopped off, or your limbs chopped off for the simplest and most pathetic reason. A woman Can be imprisoned for being attacked and raped , there is no compassion for women in Islam it’s time the world learn the true storey, because Islam wants to dominate your world.

Now let’s look at what You can expect with the globalist’s elite world order.

These people are going to repeat history once again, but this time it is going to be on a global authoritarian world, ran and controlled on fear, just like communism and Islam. You have to remember the globalists have been planning in secret behind closed door away from the world so that they cannot hear. If their movement was so good why have Secret meetings, they should have stood in front of 7.5 billion people and explain what they wanted to do. This is a poorly ran organisation, it’s a little like the gangsters of old, but now today the so-called globalists want to take everything for themselves and to control you all with fear. The elites are prepared to kill you the people of the world, just look at the twin towers and the number of people that were killed on that day. This was a planned demolition by the elite, it was a globalist planned attack to make a lot of money. The towers had just been bought, there was an insurance put on it to cover for terrorist attacks, that’s why they used the planes to hide the real reason they did it. There are still people dying today because of the dust and chemicals involved and the American government planned this against their own people. The globalists did this to create a war because there is a lot of money for the Elites in making weapons, and then they sent their troops into the Middle East to die. At the inquiries over the twin towers this was the biggest cover up going, trillions of dollars were missing and look at how much insurance money they got it was a lot more than what they paid for it. The globalists elites are out to make a quick buck on everything they do at the people’s expense, this type of disaster was planned it didn’t just happen.

Let’s look at the elite global warming scam, they made a movie about it they gave it publicity and they are still making a lot of money out of it today. This global warming scam is only benefiting the wealthy people, now they want to start putting a carbon tax on everything you buy. The corrupt media are promoting this global warming scam to put fear into the minds of all the people, with fear comes mind control. With mind control people will donate to all these Global warming foundation and charities and the people of the world will believe everything they are told. What nobody tells you is that the C 02 used to be a lot higher than it is today, they have proved this by the amount of C O2 in core samples taken from the ice caps. Also, volcanoes all around the world on land and under the seas are putting out more C O2 than what mankind is doing. You have to remember Greta Thunberg is related to George Soros and look at all the wealth that she has made from all the publicity, think about it. This is all part of the globalist plan to take from the poor and give to the rich, history is once again repeating itself.

I’m getting bored with writing so, I’m going to sign off now, I’ll be back after the American election In November, and if Trump does not win, I will come back to your hell hole of a world. Good BYE. 

I use a dicta phone to save my thoughts for this site, if you’re not bored yet, I’ve laid my thoughts out below for you all to read. 

The thoughts of chairman Hermit monk A,B,C, and D.

We will never have peace in this world, there are too many angry people, to bring peace you have to think calmly, you have to control your minds. In this world of lies you have to question everything that you are told, this movement will teach you all to think calmly, or it will terminate you.

When you look around your world and look at all the violent incidents that never get reported, you will realise how sick your world really is. Your politicians are weak minded people they create more problems by not doing anything, you have laws that you do not follow, you have religion that you say are spiritual and peaceful, but they kill. Mankind is not civilised and it never will be unless it is taught a new way , only then will you have peace and my movement will give you peace in the near future and it will destroy all the evil in your world, you will take control of your own world and yourselves.

Look at your world today you have the United nation the World Health authority and all your governments they are creating more problems for this world than they are solving. To me it looks like your politicians just want to get their salary and not bother doing anything about it.

Over the years you’ve had leaders around the world talking about this new world order and yet a lot of these leaders are part of secret societies and they won’t tell you what it’s about. you had President George Bush and other leaders saying this on television how can you trust somebody in a secret society my movements will ban anybody from government that are in a secret society

I am just one little man in this world what I want is to start a conversation and we will all sit down together and think of what we’re all going to do about changing this world in the future.

You all have emotions, you all feel your emotion, my movement will teach you how to see your emotions, think about it. You could call it, putting it in your words a spiritual experience, my movement will teach mankind, something that all your so-called religions can never teach you.

There are a lot of Muslims around the world, believe it or not, I am their friend, it’s your so-called money-making religion that I don’t like. 

Everybody seems to want power why don’t they just start solving problems and think about what the people need, today’s governments are creating problems not solving them This is why we have to change the whole political system and get rid of corruption

You have to remember in the past there were a lot of uneducated people and their minds were manipulated by the few just as it is today, but this movement will open mankind’s minds to what is happening all around you.

With my new religious teaching nobody bows down to anyone, be it God or your fellow man you all stand up straight and you will view life with reason and understanding

We all have but a short time on this planet we should all work together to improve the world for all future generations Instead of destroying the world with greed and corruption, my movement will teach mankind how to do it, but you will not like some of the answers.

People rely on religion to give them Salvation the problem is people rely on it too much and they believe everything their religious leaders tell them. The problem is now people do not look for answers anymore they just rely on what they are told, their minds are closed, and they learn nothing new

My name is hermit monk I should be called Guy Fawkes, because I want to blow up every government around the world.

The human mind is sick and corrupt, Cure the mind and you can cure the world It is as simple as that, but you can only cure the human mind with the truth.

You have Trudeau in Canada praising China and its accomplishments and he is supporting their beliefs, but he doesn’t live there. He does not know the truth of this dictatorship, and what it is really like, For the common people. You should never judge a country by the people at the top in power, you should judge a country by the standard of life for the common people.

The globalists could very easily do a global genocide, Bill Gates is pushing his vaccines on everybody. It is the simplest way of terminating the lives of billions of people or sterilising them, the world would never know it happened because the Bilderberg group Own the media and they could shut down the Internet until it’s all over.

Brexit is holding back because the British government is part of the global elite and they’re holding back on leaving the EU . All governments are part of the global elite,

You can’t trust the globalist elites you cannot trust your own governments you cannot trust your religions; I want the whole of mankind to put all their trust in me, and the alternative new world order.

All around the world there is paedophilia and Human trafficking that is rampant round the world, and all your governments know about it, and do nothing, if you can’t trust your government to stop it, Then my movement certainly will.

With this corvid 19 I have heard that the police will be allowed to go into your home and take your children. Don’t forget a lot of people in government are paedophiles.

You all have to be very careful because overtime your minds are being manipulated just a little bit at a time, and you are being controlled. You have to remember over the years they have been doing human experiments both medical and psychological. Now today the globalist elite are going to use this knowledge on you to control your body and to control your minds.

Always remember we live in a rip off world you have all these non-profits organisations, yes, they are non-profit because what’s left over, goes in the pockets of the people organising it.

We need to change our governments all around the world we have to create a new type of efficient government I have a lot of suggestions for this. But it is up to you the people of the world to come up with your ideas for a new type of government. One day I’ll tell you my ideas and you can tell me yours, and together we will create an efficient corrupt free government for everyone to follow and work with .

Let this movement put its arms around the world, this movement will Unite the whole of mankind. This movement will get rid of all the murders all the gangs in the world and then all the other scum of the world, this I promise mankind. I say to all the good people in this world you have to stand up and fight by voting for this movement. You will never have peace in this world while your world is being ran by fools.

If this movement does ever take over it will give mankind 10 years of education and then it will give you 10 years of extreme reprisals against corruption and the criminal world, this I promise mankind.

Goodbye for now people of the world.

I’ll be back in November, BYE .