Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

And a Happy New YEAR.

& A Happy New World.

To all subscribers of this site, a BIG BIG THANK YOU, to you all (from the three monks)

We wish you all well, for now and in the future, and may your future generations look back and say “you were there when the whole of mankind started to change his ways.

After New Year we will give you and the rest of mankind something to think about. Hopefully we will really start to get our act together and put forward our thoughts on what mankind has to do, although we are still learning how to use this website at the moment….. Now mankind HAS to learn how to change and we will teach you all how this can be done.

But it’s up to you if you want to listen.

Please, over Christmas when you have family and friends around… tell them about this website as this is a family movement and in the future we want the whole of mankind to be one family. We ask you for nothing, but to spread our words around the world.

Help us to help you. Mankind has to read this, and listen to what we have to say.

end times for C

Monk C       26/08/2014

This is my last chance to talk to you all before 9/11, so read my words slowly for I am writing this with one finger and it takes time, so don’t rush to get to the end. On this site we don’t make things up to put on this site, all we do is talk to you, all we want form you is to listen and start thinking of all future generations. When you’re gone, you’re children have to carry on the cycle of life, their future is going to get harder and harder to survive, for the wealthy rule the world and they want more and more and do not care for the social wellbeing of the people. It’s time for change, you have the power to do this but it’s going to take time, you have to control your leaders. There is talk of the illuminati wanting to take over the world, this movement says no to this, this movement says let the people take over the world. This is why this site is here to talk to 7 billion people, so tell your friends of this site, tell them to subscribe so that we can see how many of you want peace. We want this site to be the biggest site on the internet, we made this site for you to start THINKING of change all round the world. We now have 9.792 on this site and over a hundred joining a day so we know we must be doing something right. Please remember we ask you for nothing, all we can do is guild mankind into the future. The rest is up to you all.

If you have read the last meeting you see that monk B is now leader of this movement, and monk A has asked us to make one last note to mankind in case I can’t manage the site, I had a go this week end, I’ll tell you now it’s not looking good for us carrying on, my way of thinking is if you can’t hit it with a big hammer then it can’t be fixed. So if there is anybody out there in the Middlesbrough area and have some spare time and could just load the site, or just show me how to do it, it would be much appreciated, I’ll do the rest. Jenny can’t do the admin because of ill health so I’m struggling at the moment to carry on, this is all new to me. All I can do is use my last remaining brain sell to tell my one finger to write all this. You see, I would like to see the whole of mankind start and join a movement like this, a movement that is looking for change all round the world. The world is never going to change the way you all are going on, you need to look at the world in a new light, let the children plan their own future, they will probably do a better job at it than your carrier seeking politicians. You’re political and religious leaders are letting mankind down, they tell the people what want they want you to believe in, not thinking of the consequences it has on the social order all round the world. If you were to ask the people of all the nations what would you like to see in the world? I’m sure they would all say they want peace not war, it’s your stupid leaders that start wars not the people. Wait till Monk B dose his write up on the policies of this movement, and see if you can work with any them, it’s not going to be easy so I warn you now, think about what he says.

I will be loading Bs write up, it will only be a bit at a time, so check his column once a month, as I don’t yet know how to inform you of all up dates. When you come to the site go to the meeting room you will find out of any changes, and what is happening with this site.

Everything now also depends on your reaction to what Monk A is going to ask mankind to do on 9/11 for world peace.

Now it is time for me to go this is my last write up on this site, for now this site gets serious and there is no room for a clown. I see nothing but sadness in the world, people all round the world are starting to struggle with rising cost of living. People are losing their home, the cost of renting a home is rising the little man can’t keep up with market forces, and more people are homeless. Social order is going to break down, over 67 years I have seen this happening. It is time for change all round the world, this is going to be a mammoth task with some very big decisions to be made. Your world leaders are incapable of changing anything they follow the old ways of history that is why the world is in such a mess, the UN is a waste space united is supposed to mean united. They should be doing something about ISIS these people are just thugs they just kill, before long they will be using gas chambers to get rid of people who will not convert to Islam, to save bullets and time. Wake up world start putting this world right no matter what the cost, what you do today could change the future. Stay as you are and this world will fall to pieces.

This time I’m off, I do rant on a bit don’t I, but I get so angry with you all when I look at what is happening all round the world. What you need is a bloody good peace movement, do you know of one ha ha. Right one last thought, I want every computer in the world to have the new world peace movement in its memory then we can really start talking, if that happened I would pay someone to load this site, just to get the ball rolling faster. I have just had quick look at the site there is 9.918 that’s a 126 to day most of these must be from America my live traffic is lit up with America flags. Thank you America. You still have a long way to beat the Brits, I hope the Brits are not all football supporters that would start a world revolution.

Thanks to all subscribers for your interest in world peace.

I will be at the meetings so I will see you there.

Bye for now your friendly Monk C bye.






End times


Monk A

It is with great regret that I have to close this site.

This is due to my lack of knowledge of running a web site, I will come back to this site on 9/11/2014 to ask mankind to do something for me, and then I will walk away and say no more.

At this moment in time there are 8.158 users on this site and still more coming. I feel I am letting you all down, I’m sure you are all looking for peace in the world, maybe I’m not the man to bring it to you, or that mankind is not ready for total change all round the world.


The only way to keep this site going is for someone to volunteer to be admin to this site, someone in the north east of England, if there is then email ( and we will talk.


Until then, it is up to you if you keep subscribing, until I can sort something out. I will let you know in September what is happening.


Good bye my friends

From       Monk A,     Monk B     and Monk C       we wish you all best in the future











Hermit Monk is back


Hello my friends… This is just a quick note to you all, as I have been experiencing a very high volume of spam on my website. This has caused me to apply extra spam filters which may unfortunately block genuine visitors on occasion so to avoid this, you can contact me directly at 

Thanks again for stopping by my website… I hope that you find it enjoyable and informative and I look forward to your comments and opinions.


Hello to the whole of mankind………

I must apologise for being away for so long, but I have been isolated for a while due to ill health, but I am now back and I am ready to stay!!!!

If you keep watching this site, you will notice that I am making a series of proposals for the whole of mankind which, in the future will bring peace to the world. I will need your help and suggestions in order for my plan to work, and if we all work together we can make the world a better place for all future generations.

You will notice the sub headings at the top of this page and each heading represents a topic that needs addressing, and I need your opinions to assist me in collaborating everyone’s views and ideals in order for me to set plans in place for us all to follow.

For years I have wished for a better world and this can only be achieved if the whole of mankind work together… United as one…. And I have suggestions to put forward to you all, which I believe will change this world forever.

Please be aware that this is just the beginning…… Because as your ideas and suggestions for a better world come in, more sub headings will be added, as there is a lot of problems in the world that need to be resolved and there are a lot of political and religious issues that need to be addressed before any changes can be made on a permanent basis.

Thank you for taking the time to read my website, and I will be back soon with some of my ideas to bring total change to the world, which I need you to consider and respond to.

Hermit Monk