Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

And a Happy New YEAR.

& A Happy New World.

To all subscribers of this site, a BIG BIG THANK YOU, to you all (from the three monks)

We wish you all well, for now and in the future, and may your future generations look back and say “you were there when the whole of mankind started to change his ways.

After New Year we will give you and the rest of mankind something to think about. Hopefully we will really start to get our act together and put forward our thoughts on what mankind has to do, although we are still learning how to use this website at the moment….. Now mankind HAS to learn how to change and we will teach you all how this can be done.

But it’s up to you if you want to listen.

Please, over Christmas when you have family and friends around… tell them about this website as this is a family movement and in the future we want the whole of mankind to be one family. We ask you for nothing, but to spread our words around the world.

Help us to help you. Mankind has to read this, and listen to what we have to say.

Please leave me your opinions and ideas :)

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