24th May 2020


Hermit monk is back in your sick corrupt and out of control  world again.

May I take this moment to welcome all new subscribers to this site, I now have 59,271 subscribers and we are growing every day. I really do appreciate you all coming, hopefully one day in the future we can all get together face to face and create our own Alternative New World Family Order.

Please always remember to read my words slowly, because I have written them slowly with only one finger. Plus, it gives you time for my thoughts to sink deeply into your minds.

Just a little reminder of what the whole object is of this site, this site is just one little stone, that I have thrown into the still waters of your world. I want to see the ripples from this one little stone go all around the world, just one little stone in a big ocean for the world to see, and to bring the whole of mankind together. When the whole of mankind can see the ripples and hear my spoken words, that will be the day when we can all start to talk of change, total change. Jesus walked the land in peace spreading his word for change with his disciples , Mohammed walk the land spreading his words for change with a sword and all his armies. I personally will just sit here and wait for you and the rest of the world to come to me, if you want answers then you must first ask the question. I don’t class myself as a spiritual leader, but I will give mankind a new teaching, and a new way of thinking for you and all your future generations. You all have to learn to open your minds and use your emotions when you look at the world. Your emotions are the nearest thing to spirituality you are going to get, so use them wisely, there will always come a day of judgement.      

If I had been a whiz kid on a computer, I would have done videos, talk shows and things like that, but all you get with this site, is one simple little man writing with one finger, and with two visions of your future. Maybe one day in the future we will all sit down together and talk about my two visions for your future generations.

The Universe.

From the beginning of mankind, every generation has looked up to the night Sky and gazed in wonder at all the stars. As the sun and moon and all the stars slowly drifted across the sky, people thought the earth was the centre of the universe. To the simple-minded people, they believed that only a God could have created such a wonder, an all-powerful God that created the universe and all life on earth. Storeys were created all round the world of all these many gods and the simple-minded people had to bow down to all of these Gods. Laws were made in the name of the many Gods, human sacrifice to the gods were performed and fear was embedded into the minds of the simple people. Pagan symbols were created and eventually books were written and the people in charge of these so-called religions became wealthy and controlling. Everything is mind control, if you can control the people’s minds you can control their wealth and you can take it off them. Mind control has been going on since the beginning of mankind and it is still going on today with all the new religions fake news and now censorship where the truth is not accepted. Today in this modern world with advanced technology, once again mankind is looking at the stars and now looking for intelligent life, because there isn’t any here on earth. Yes, there are a few intelligent people capable of creative achievements, but socially mankind is still mentally living in the dark ages. All through history there have been many great philosophers, that have question everything, only to be torn down and persecuted  by all the so-called religions. Religion has held back mankind mentally without visions of the future, Mankind is stagnant with its thoughts, and mentally stuck in the past, It’s time for change. I want my movement to get the whole world thinking logically and forget the past, we all have to look to the future because that is where we are all going. I say to the whole world if there is a God then give me Scientific or physical  proof, and if you can’t do this, I want the whole world to start listening, only to me. I want my movement to make the human race the most intelligent species in the universe, this will be done with the new teachings of this movement. If there is already an intelligent species out there, then we had all better get a move on, because we have wasted too much time with all your Pagan beliefs.          


All through my life I have never took any interest in politics, but as I look at the world today it is now my belief that you cannot trust any politician. I have just heard that the British government is quietly selling off the National Health Service a little bit at a time, so that you the public  do not notice it. With private companies running the health service it means an increase in the cost to the whole of the public, because they want their profits. Even today with private companies supplying the health service, there is a two-tier charge for each item they sell, a higher cost for the National Health and the lower cost for the people in the shops. All the British  taxpayers will have to pay a higher cost to the private company, you have to ask yourself how many politicians are making money out of this, at the taxpayer’s expense? All governments are corrupt, look at the PM of Canada and the Democratic Party in America and the EU leaders it’s all money in the bank for them. All your politicians around the world are messing this world up, it’s not the people’s fault, it’s your politician’s. The whole world has to find an alternative way of governing, mankind cannot keep going on like this, we have a world run by idiots. A lot of your world politicians are part of secret societies, they are also working with the Wealthy Elite Secret societies. All through history, leaders have ruled with a sword, today your leaders rule with lies and deception. Today your governments are ruled by the elites because they pay the politician to do their bidding, to create more wealth for themselves. Any member of government that is a part of any secret society should be kicked out of government and should never take a political role again. This is what is wrong with the world today, the people don’t have a way of getting rid of corrupt politicians, everything is covered up. It is time for a change, total change, Sort all the governments out and we can sort this world out.  I want to start and create an alternative global political movement that will do just that, and with no messing about. See a problem, then solve it quickly, and no matter what it takes it is as simple as that, but the people of the world have to be behind this  movement. The hardest Part for this alternative movement is getting it started, because I’m running out of time, so it will be up to you all the people of the world to get up off your arses and start thinking of what you can do. You have to start using all the grey matter in your heads, and put it to good use, because it has been lying dormant for many generations.

Every political movement around the world they are all the same there is no difference between any of them, Corruption rules this world with the help of all your politicians. In a free market democracy, it is the leaders of industry and the Banks that dictate to the government what they want. Your governments will bail out the banks and it is you the little people of the world that has to pay for it with your taxes. Now look at Socialism and Communism they’re both the same, they both say they are for the people. But in truth the leaders of the party are just working for themselves and all the wealth that they can get at the expense of the poor little people. Nothing ever changes history just repeats itself over and over again, there are those at the top controlling those at the bottom. With communism you have an authoritarian state, where police will attack you and suppress your freedom of speech, It’s time for a total change all around the world. If I can get my movement to rule the world, this movement will start at the top, and get the government   hands out of the bottomless money pot. Governments have to be run like a business and do financial cuts wherever possible, this will include the salaries of MPs and all of their endless expenses. Get an efficient working government, and you will have an efficient running country. With all the new rules that my movement will be proposing the people will control the police and they will have the power to investigate corruption in government. For too long greedy manipulating people that think they are better than everybody else have been running this world, well, their free ride stops with this movement.                   

The Media.

A little Storey about the media.

Many years ago, before I got rid of my television set, I used to watch CNN for the American news. then a few years back I got this computer, And I saw a man coming down an escalator saying he was running for president, I thought to myself, who the hell is he. I turn to CNN to find out what was going on,  straight away I knew there was something wrong with CNN, to a point of being ridiculous. I started watching the American election and the night that trump won the election, it was the funniest night in my life just watching all the news people’s faces drop to the floor.

The media are the same as politicians you can’t trust any of them, it’s the elites N W O that own the news media and they get their reporters to tell the people only what they want you to know. Real news is being suppressed by the elites and your governments, for their own political motives. How can we have a free world when your own fellow man is working against you, think about it. I have to go on the Internet to find any real news, have you heard of an 11-year-old white European girl being beheaded in a park by a recent Muslim migrant. Have you heard of all the rapes and murders against Europeans by migrants put your mind into the minds of all these victims, because it could be your child next? The media won’t tell you about all of this and your politicians don’t want the media to tell you, because they do not want any trouble. Facebook and YouTube and all the other censoring outlets, and all your governments they should all be ashamed of themselves, for letting this world get in such a state. If people can’t speak out nothing will ever change, I want this movement and the whole world to be able to raise all the people’s voices and put an end to all of this pathetic chaos. I have seen women protesting and raising their voices against the rape culture in Pakistan, only to be attacked by Muslim men. This is not acceptable in the future world that I am trying to create, this movement is out to protect all the innocent people of the world. It is the responsibility of all government leaders to listen to the people, this is their job, and why they are in office. If they can’t find a solution, they shouldn’t be in a government office and they should be ashamed of themselves.            

Population control

In the beginning of mankind there has never been any thought of controlling the population, the human race was  capable of coping  with an increasing population. Every so often a plague would go around the world, it would reduce the number of the people, this was the way of nature controlling the world. Today we have modern medicine and now we have interrupted the rhythm of the world, now is the time to question what we are all doing to our world. Look down with your minds, on all your crowded cities and towns, see how they have all expanded, they have covered what once was green land. In the poorer countries with your mind, look down at all the crowded shanty towns see how far they go, this is no way to live, we are all just existing with no real purpose in life. Look at all the homeless people all round the world, we are incapable of looking after our own society. Put your mind into all the minds of all the poor starving people round the world, feel what they are feeling, imagine with your mind what they are going through. I ask you all to use your minds, because what I have described could be coming to your children, your grandchildren and all your future generation. Today it is up to you all to turn this world around, we have to bring order out of all this chaos.

Science and technology.

Today mankind is advancing technically very quickly, but mentally mankind is still very much still living in the past, and it is abusing its own advancements. Your leaders want more advanced weapons and they will sell them round the world, they will do anything for a profit. In America The Democrats want to take the weapons off all their people, but they will quite happily sell weapons to other people around the world. My movement would stop the selling of all weapons, if a country wants weapons then they have to make them themselves.

The whole world should now start questioning technology, and how your world leaders and the new world order, will be using it. Today we have many cameras with face recognition spreading all over your towns and cities watching your every move. Now there are drones with cameras that can follow you and give you orders; we are getting very close to an authoritarian world. There is a great advancement in humanoid robots, we are getting very close to where humans will be controlled by robots. I have seen a robot being in a simulated attack by two men the reflexes on this robot we’re very fast and it never wavered. Now imagine with your mind of the power of this machine if the new world order gave it a weapon to use against the people. Please Think about this, if these machines were put into full production there could be millions walking your streets all round the world controlling you all, in a very short time. Today with the Internet being speeded up with these new 5G towers, think about how much faster these robots will be able to move. There are 5G towers going up all around the world, are these for speeding up and the controlling of these robots. Earth’s atmosphere protects us all from the harmful solar wind, today we have satellites beaming down these harmful waves onto the earth the elites are out to depopulate the world. The Elites will be safe they will live in their deep underground bunkers there are tunnels all over the world, it is you the people that will die. The elites will live longer because they will feed off the chemicals that’s they process from your young children. Even today the World Health Organisation  is talking of taking your children out of your family home because of this virus.

If I’m right on this theory, then this means the wealthy elite have chosen robots over the health of the world’s population. The wealthy elite know that these towers will breakdown the cells in the human body and the Oxygen molecules. In the whole of the population, there will be a large increase in cancers brain tumours lung disease, this will be a lot worse than any simple virus. This 5G will Sterilise the whole population and shorten the lives of a large part of the population. Can anybody tell me are there any of these towers near government offices, I know that there are some right next to your children’s schools. I am glad to see that some people have taken it on themselves to burn down these towers around their communities.   

The so-called elites also want to put a microchip into 7.5 billion people so that they can control your every movement. These chips will also be used to control practically every part of your life you will have to use this chip for everything you do. The last time this was done, it was the Germans putting a number on all the Jews, now with this authoritarian world order they are going to put their mark on all of you, think about it.

I have heard talk of a Global forced vaccination a mandatory vaccination where you have no choice in this matter. But what the elites haven’t told you Is that there are once healthy children dying in Africa and India where once healthy children are now having very severe side effects from these drugs. These people will be allowed to pump any chemical into your body because you cannot sue them by a new law, they have covered themselves financially by the world order legal system. With these vaccines, they are changing the DNA of the human body they’re taking DNA from aborted children and pumping this into your children, of your world. We’re going to end up in a world where boys will think they are girls and girls will think they are boys.

A little Storey of the Pharmaceutical industry

I have heard of a woman in America she was given an executive job in a pharmaceutical company  and she would be getting 17,000,000 a year. To the likes of you and me, this would be a lottery win, every year for the rest of our working life. The question here is, how many more people higher up are getting this type of salary? Because it is you the little people that are forced to pay the high cost for all your medications to pay for all their salaries. I have also heard that Bill Gates wants to sell his vaccines for $50 a shot,  now multiply this by 7.5 billion and how much he is getting from you all around the world, give me a couple of minutes to work this out how much Bill Gates will be making,  .—————————————-No, forget it, I only have 10 fingers.

My alternative world order will take over the Pharmaceutical industry, every country will have their own labs to do research on vaccines and all medical problem. Everybody will share any advancements they make with the New Alternative World Health Order Authority they will allocate or provide new factories where these products will be produced. There are a lot of natural remedies for a lot of illnesses, which the pharmaceutical people don’t want you to know about, because it will reduce their profits. My Alternative World Health Order will be looking into all these possibilities, and the world’s population will be informed of this.   

The Elites one world religion.

I have just heard again that the so-called Catholic religion and the so-called Islamic religion, that they are getting together to create a new one world religion. Does this mean that what the world has been told up until today has all been lies and made up stories? So now we have two child molesting organisations, working with the wealthy Elites new world order, this couldn’t get any funnier. Are they going to get rid of your old Gods and bring in the Devil, because this world is going to hell? All through history all so called religions have always worked alongside with their leaders now they’re going to work for an evil world order. This so called one world religion is going to brainwash the masses into believing anything that the elite world order wants the people to believe in. Wake up people of this world put your faith in my new world order movement and together we will create real peace and harmony all around the world.

Let me just tell you a little something about myself, I am a strong-minded atheist, I do not believe in anything without proof, but something has happened that I cannot prove. I can only teach the whole of mankind how I  found it, but you have to train your mind and all your emotions to see what I have seen. I believe that there is a strong possibility that there is a consciousness after death, all living creatures become part of this consciousness. For anything to exist there has to be a form of energy and a purpose, I think I have found it, but that’s another story for another time.

The world’s wealthiest people gather in Switzerland every year plotting to take over your world for their own ends, is this a world you want were the 1% rule the masses. I have decided to start my own secret meetings on how we are going to get this world back, and get this alternative world order up and running and start putting this world right. This is what I want all subscribers to do from now on, I want you to read this site very quietly , don’t let anybody see or hear you, this is our secret, wink wink, say no more. As soon as I find a quiet pub somewhere out in the country, I will inform all subscribers, and we will all have one hell of night, if someone byes me a beer, don’t forget, moms the word. You can bring a friend, but you have to tell them to keep quiet about it, we don’t want the press there, it’s our secret. Don’t forget this is our secret we’re going to change everything, including the wealthy elite. And if the wealthy elites will not change their ways and start helping the world and do what this movement tells them. Then this movement will eliminate them, this I promise the world.

You have to remember the elites are prepared to kill you; they have already closed down the world they have the virus they have the scientific weapons that can destroy your world. they want to depopulate your world when this starts you cannot win; your freedom will be lost for ever. You have to remember the wealthy elites are not powerful people, they are just cunning manipulating people they will pay, bribe, blackmail other people to do their dirty work. Just as it has been all through history this is how all the wealthy have always controlled the masses.  You have to remember the elites don’t like the people in the West because they are free thinkers and were once a stable civilised community. They are bringing down the West with all this migration because they are assisting it all. They want to overcrowd the West and bankrupt it, by making you pay out all the housing costs and benefits free health service the list goes on. They want to create tension within all the different communities, in other words, they want you all to start killing each other. All of this has been created by your own weak-minded corrupt politicians they are all part of the elite’s new world order. You have to remember all through history different cultures have always been at war, different religions have also been at war with each other, this is still deeply embedded in the minds of the world population today. The leaders of the West have been so pathetically stupid, that they haven’t took this into consideration, all these old cultures are still taught the old ways. All of this is going to make it more difficult for this New Alternative NWO movement to re-educate the whole of mankind.

I’m going to sign out now.

I hope you’re all enjoying your isolation in this lockdown; I personally have been enjoying it since 11/9/2001. for a hermit this is the perfect life. I don’t have to talk to anyone I don’t have to listen to anyone, my life could not be better. But I am still prepared to come out of my isolation to talk to the whole world if you all want to make a real effort and go for total change all around your world.

Goodbye for now.

I do not know when I’ll be back in your sick corrupt world. My camper van is still off the road because of this shutdown I can’t get it re-registered.                       

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