N W O Part 1 – Education

N W O part (1) Education.

I was going to start with global warming and over population but I have decided to start with education, because nothing will ever change if we don’t teach our children what is happening all round the world. Education is the most important part of this global political movement that I am trying to start, and the changes that I will be proposing with this movement’s polices. The children have to be warned of this movement’s policies and the new laws that the whole of mankind has to do and follow for global peace.

But first this movement has to get into government to change anything and everything including the way all governments round the world are run.

You have to admit this world is in a mess and getting near to breaking point both socially and economically. Our leaders are incapable of seeing the downfall that is coming with the actions they are doing today. They only see the short term, maybe the next 50 years if we’re lucky. We need forward looking political people. I want my movement to plan for the next 2,000 years. We can do it. Mankind can create movies of the future with his mind. Why don’t we all get together and use or minds to create a real future for our world? I want to create a political movement that is capable and strong enough to accomplish such a task. With the right education and planning this could be achieved.

Education will be at the top of the list for change with this movement. In time you will understand what I’m trying to accomplish. This is not easy. Imagine you are asked to solve every problem round the world all at once and also look into the future and imagine all the problems they are going to encounter. Then you tell me what your solution is to every problem. This is what I want all children to learn and think about. They have to think of the future because one day it will be their children’s future. If our children don’t start solving and understanding the world’s problems now, today, the future is going to be a total mess with our world leaders still doing nothing. The whole world can be changed with one very simple action. Just vote for change, with a new global political party. It’s as simple as that. There are new movements starting up today all looking for change and getting stronger by the day but they only want to change a few policies. If they ever get into government they might change a little bit but the whole political system will drag them down and political life will soon be back to normal, with all talk and no action. This leaves only one option (CHANGE ALL THE GOVERNMENTS ROUND THE WORLD) that’s the only answer to solving everything and I guarantee peace will follow.

I have seen two futures for mankind. One with greed, war and corruption the other one with peace and cooperation all round the world. At first it will be hard to change anything but in time this movement has to unite all the children round the world. Mankind’s future depends on teaching our children the facts and the truth. We have to get our children to plan for the future and get them involved. We can only do this if we educate them from a very young age. We have to write up a program for all the children round the world to follow and what they and mankind has to do and plan for in the future. Only our children today have the power to change anything but they have to be guided, they need a starting point. This is what I hope to achieve with this movement.

One suggestion I would like to see done is to get every child round the world to grow a tree from seed as a token gesture to get involved. These trees could be used by our future generations. Each tree will have a name plaque of who planted it and the date, this should encourage our future generations to do the same. We have to start repairing and cleaning up this world. All through history mankind has been destroying the land and the seas. Now we have to change our ways. I will go more into depth when I write about global warming and many other subjects that I will be writing about.

We live in a world where our children are taught violence from the day that they are born, they get this by seeing bullying in school, computer games, TV, the internet, all media, and entertainment, even sport is a form of aggression. Then we have street gangs, drug dealers, and criminals all round the world. Then we have the most sickening organisation of all for organised crime and killing. They even teach their own children how to kill and who to kill. This organisation is called the Islamic cult. That say kill all the Jews, kill the infidels, kill all the gays, fuck little kids, even kill their own people that leave their Islamic cult, enslave and stone their women. These people are the most disgusting people of all and they want Islam to rule the world. If you support this type of cult and let them in to rule the world then all I can say is welcome to hell on earth. This is a brainwashing cult, teaching the children what they have to do. Where ever Islam goes unrest will always follow.

The teaching of all the religions has to be taken out of school lessons there is no proof of any gods in any shape or form. If anything spiritual in going to be taught in schools then Monk A will guide and teach the children of the world a new way. You can call him the second coming or the new prophet if you want to, but you don’t have to pray to him because that’s silly. All you have to do is just listen and follow his words and his teachings then spread his words all round the world. Monk A cannot prove what he has known for years but if mankind follows his teaching the world will learn how to find IT and understand IT. I call it IT, because it has not got a name yet but I can teach and train the young minds of the world to find peace and understanding. This will get the children asking more questions and the search for more knowledge will grow, it will open their minds about life and the universe. But until then everyone round the world should also start thinking and questioning everything you’re told. Search with your minds, even question your own thoughts and your own beliefs. I believe that the human mind is more powerful and complicated than we all think it is. If Monk A can expand the human mind with thinking more logically then the possibilities will be endless. With understanding of the world peace will come, with the help and teachings of this movement.

Over the coming months I will be mentioning all the many new polices that this movement will be proposing, some of these need to be taught in schools. If we wish to keep our free speech and some human rights then the children of the world need to know how they stand in the world after they leave school.

One more very important subject to be taught will be population control and all the benefits of smaller families. We have to create a friendly and social community around the world. To do this we need new tough laws to target the out of control parts of society. In the future with all the changes that I will be proposing, at some point the communities (the people) will control the governments, if I can get this political movement into power.

We have to teach politics in all schools round the world and how all governments round the world work and to offer an alternative type of government that could improve and benefit everyone. Our future children have to know all the possibilities for new governments so that they can start planning for the future. I have grandchildren leaving school now and they have no idea of the outside world and all the global corruption they are going to encounter. We have to teach them that there is an alternative to what we have today if they choose to follow this world peace movement or some other similar movement that comes along. I can’t stress enough that we are all being brainwashed and misguided by all of our political parties and media. We live in a world where we can’t even trust our world leaders that we the people have voted for.

We have to teach and encourage all children in national pride in every country round the world and to honour the rights of all other countries. We see people today burning their own countries flags. These are people that are lost and frustrated with their governments and the whole political system. The world needs a movement for change. In Britain, after the Second World War, all the communities worked together and everyone knew and looked after each other. This has now gone. Communities and families have split up and moved on, close knit communities are now few and far apart. Our communities are not a family of friends anymore. Our governments do nothing to help or encourage such things. I want my movement to create a global family community. It can be done but it will take time.

We have to protect all our young future generations from all that is wrong in the world today. Only with education can this be accomplished. This movement will teach compassion and help the most vulnerable in all societies to help themselves to create a friendly society. But this movement will come down hard on crime and corruption. I will fight fire with fire, violence with violence. In the coming months you will start to understand how far this movement is prepared to go and you will start to understand that doing nothing is not an option any more. This world and society is falling apart. People have lost their souls and many, the will to live. They are lost with no one to truly guide them. All religions are destroying the minds of mankind. They have nothing new to offer or teach the people. Mankind’s only chance for peace now is by follow the teachings of Monk A or at least just listen to what he has to say. If you have to put your trust in someone then put your faith in Monk A and even question his teachings. Only then will you start to find the answers. He can only speak his teachings to the world because his book for mankind has not yet been written. When it is written the Bible and the Quran will be obsolete. The problem with the Bible and the Quran is that each generation goes through a time loop, as each generation dies out and a new one is born with these books nothing new is ever learnt. We are still killing each other with the teachings of our ancient ancestors. We need new ideas, new understanding and most of all a new way of life.

One more suggestion is that in the future the whole of mankind has to learn and speak English. In time there will be one language for the whole world. With the internet this can be done. Our children can teach themselves and each other, with internet friends all-round the world, to create a global community. We need young people with new fresh ideas to get out of the time loop of old laws and ancient ways. We have to start and create a global peaceful revolution, a united world willing to change with education and guidance. This can be done. They say that older people have wisdom and understanding. If this is so, then what has happened to our world leaders? I want to put my faith in young minds. I am an old man but with a young mind with visions of two futures. The time is now for mankind to choose between old ways or new ways. I want all the children to see the world though my eyes and to see all the changes that could be accomplished if they all united as one and worked together.

We have to teach our children what is involved with brainwashing. This is done to us all, at some point. This is done through advertising, the media that is controlled by politics. You only have to look at the American media to see the sickening way they try to manipulate the minds of the people. Even religion brainwashes the minds of the people. Christianity is not as bad as it used to be but Islam is the worst one for it. Where their very young children have to repeatedly read the Quran every day, then Muslims have to visit the mosque to pray four or five times a day. This is mind control at its extreme. All through history we have never had great leaders. There were only people that bullied their way to power and used religion to control the minds of the people (brain washing). Mohammed is a prime example he says join Islam or die, if you leave Islam you die, kill all the Jews and infidels that will not convert. The people all round the world have constantly lived in fear of all leaders. Think about it. Why do religions not pay taxes on all the wealth they have? It’s because all through history all the leaders have been paying religions to control the minds of the people. Our children need to learn and recognise brainwashing when it comes along. Our freedom is been lost to brainwashing.

(My Apologies to all Muslims)

It may seem that I pick on Muslims a lot. Please let me explain my writings and why I do it. Maybe in the future you can teach your children all the failings of your old ancient Islamic ways and all its laws and then incorporate the teachings of Monk A for all your future generations. I am a man of peace, a free thinker that questions everything. I look for the good and bad in everyone. I am also a real hermit, a loner. I see no one, I speak to no one. That’s the way it will always be. I do not wish it any other way. Only if this site goes global and mankind wants to meet the three Monks and to listen and to learn from our teachings will we leave our solitude. I dislike people telling me what I have to do. Jehovah witnesses knock on my door telling me to follow Jesus or I will go to hell. Then there is the street preacher who is also telling me to follow Jesus and save my soul. My answer to that is tell Jesus to come and see me and I will tell him where he has gone wrong. Now our government has helped millions of peaceful Muslims to escape poverty in their own country and let them come to my county. I am now classed as an infidel, not a hermit anymore. Now I have to follow Mohammed or die. Have you ever had one of those days when nothing goes right? Now I am expected to get down on all fours with my nose on the floor, my backside up in the air and mutter some Punjab. These people should really get a life. At my age I will be lucky if I can get back up, but if the man in front me farts I’m out of there in a shot. I suffer with wind so I apologise now to the poor man behind me with his nose up my backside, especially if I had a curry the night before. This is what is wrong with the world. Everybody is telling everybody else what to do. The world is full of idiots that shout their mouths off without even thinking of what they are saying, especially liberals. We have to give our children something better to follow so that they can just say no to bullies and loud mouths. So my message to Islam is, stop threatening me and my people, stop telling me and the world what we can and can’t do and keep your silly mouths shut. But most of all start spreading Monks A’s teachings to your people. When he starts speaking you will learn more from him than your old book, He will become your new prophet. Do this and I will stop picking on you. One day in the future we will all be friends.

To all subscribers.

I’m very sorry that I’m not loading this site up as quickly as I wanted to. Please keep following this site. Never give up on me. I have a lot to say from now until September. I am still having personal problems and I still cannot get home. This site is now my last chance to leave a mark on this world before I die. My ambition is to try and show mankind the errors of his ways and put right all the wrongs that he is doing. This site now has 34,000 subscribers and still growing. If you would like to see change and bring order all round the world, then tell everyone you know about this site. It’s all free. I just want to talk to mankind all at the same time. This is to your own advantage and especially all your future generation for the next 2,000 years.

I had a comment on this site.

It mentioned that I’m just looking for fame and fortune. This is not so. Yes I want publicity. This is the only way this site can work. All I’m after is to start a global debate with the whole world, with everybody round the world watching at the same time, bringing the whole of mankind together at one point in time. With technology this can be done. Jesus could only talk to his horizon and the people around him at that time. I want talk to the world all at the same time so that my words cannot be changed and we can start writing the new book for all future generations to follow.

My next write up will be global warming and world population control.

Until then I wish all subscribers peace and good health.

Please leave me your opinions and ideas :)

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