
new Snapshot_20150324_1
Monk B

This site has gone passed the deadline date of 9/11/2015 we have not accomplished what we had set out to do. This has showed us that we are incompetent in our writing and communication skills plus the lack of knowledge of the workings of the internet.

It is with great regret that today Monk A and Monk C have now left this site. As chairman of this site I will remain, I will give it one more year till 9/11/2016 to see what happens. I will not give up the chance of trying to start a peoples New World Order and asking the whole of mankind to go for total change, and change everything.

I ask all subscribers on this site to not give up on me, I would like to think of you all as friends and that you are also someone that is also concerned with the state of the world. I will be making some changes to the site soon, hopefully I will be doing less writing, but attempting to do videos instead. When we started this site it was our intention to talk to the whole world and put forward the ideas of going for total change with a peoples N.W.O. Doing a video might take me some time to set up as I have never done anything like this before and it might be a bit amateurish, so please make allowances for it.

Today we have 26.339 subscribers and still growing. I do hope I don’t let you all down as I have a lot to say about the state of the world and how we can bring change, if we all put our hearts minds and souls in to it.

I will sign off for now but I hope to be talking to you all soon.
Good bye for now
Monk B

Please leave me your opinions and ideas :)

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