HermitMonk47 from www.newworldpeacemovement.com, the Alternative New World Order.
Once again, I have come back into your ever-increasingly sick corrupt world, the globalists are taking over your world, they are now in all your governments. Your governments are now oppressing the people with all these lockdowns, you are all starting to be controlled. With all these new untested vaccines the depopulation of the world has started, now vaccinated people are infecting the people that have not had the vaccine. People who have the vaccine are now suffering with a large number of side effects and dying, now they want to vaccinate all your young children with it. Can you see a pattern forming here, next year they are predicting another pandemic that you will all have to be vaccinated against? These vaccinations are a globalist propaganda, they can use this propaganda year after year because they know the people will just follow what they say. You don’t know what they’re pumping into you, it doesn’t matter what it says on the box, it is the corrupt intentions of the globalists you should be worried about. When everybody is used to getting these vaccine’s, and accept them every year willingly, this will be the day the globalists bring out the big guns. They can vaccinate more and more people quicker and in a shorter time period, this could happen very fast. If they shut down the Internet, the fake media news could make everybody think things are normal. While there could be billions of people dying all round the world in a very short time. If I was thinking like a globalist wanting to cut down the population, this is what I would do, Think about it
The globalists are controlling all your governments and the worlds finances, technology and the Pharmaceutical industry and the media, they are starting to create havoc on this world. The globalists are planning a mass extermination of the global population, it’s coming, so line up to get your jab. We all have to do our part to help the wealthy globalists to kill us all, this is all part of their great global reset, but your children are not included in their future plans. The globalists have been planning for this so-called pandemic for years they’ve been talking about it. They have talked about depopulating the world, but they never told you how they were planning to do that. These untested vaccines are the perfect way of depopulating the world, these untested vaccines will breakdown your immune system, this is happening today think about it.
You have to look at what is happening with all your governments around the world, and how they are all politically are working on similar lines for the N W O. The Globalist want to depopulate the world, and all your governments are forcing all these vaccines on you all. In India the government has turned off the electric supply to a village, where people refused to take the vaccine. This should raise questions in all of your minds to what is actually going on here, in politics and with the globalists agenda. All your rights are being slowly taken away, there will come a time you will have no rights at all, the way your governments are running this world. I could understand this if one government went rogue, but when all governments around the world clampdown on their own people, then there is something wrong with this world. You only have to look at Canada, Australia to see how what used to be free Democratic country have become a dictatorship. Think about it
You have to learn to put all your minds into the minds of the globalist minds and to try and think of how they are thinking. If you don’t think you can do this, then read our book and I will teach you how. Our book will teach you to project your minds into the minds of others, maybe in the future after reading our book you will be able to read minds. Your mind is more powerful than you think you’re just not using it properly. Think about it
I strongly think that these so-called vaccines were produced well before the so-called covid virus global Propaganda was started. Now think of what is happening around the world, people are dying on mass with these vaccines. I have heard in one hospital, in the covid ward there are 100% vaccinated people being treated for very serious side effects. This is just the start; I believe over the coming years vaccinated people will start dying over a period of time. Overtime when people start to die you will not notice it happening because most people will forget and will not relate all this to these vaccines. The Globalists and all your governments are strongly encouraging you all to take these vaccines. I heard you can get a free hamburger or a free lottery ticket if you get their injection, your leaders are trying everything to kill you. Have you ever before heard about a government bribing the people to take a medical treatment? Think about it
Before I start my rant on your world.
Let me first welcome all new subscribers to this site, I hope you realise you have joined a movement trying to take your world back from the wealthy globalist. This movement is out to change everything around the world, Including changing the way we govern ourselves, and we all start today to create a planned future for the whole of mankind. The governments we have today are out of date they are corrupt and don’t work efficiently anymore. Everything has to be changed every law, human rights, free speech, and the list goes on and on. You and a united world can change anything you only have to put your mind to it and vote for total change, with a new political party that wants to change the whole world.
Always remember this, I do this site for you the people of the world and my grandchildren and all of your own future generations, and I ask you for nothing in return. Because I keep getting censored, I would like you to help publicise my site, I now have 70,888 subscribers still a few short of the 7 billion that I need. If things work out right one day, I would like to meet you all and sit down and talk quietly of the problems of the world. I know there will come a day in the near future, where we will all meet in the darkness, as you are passing me by on your spiritual travels, but, that’s another storey for another time. Just read our book when we write it, and you will start to understand.
Starting today each of the four parts of my mind will speak to you all separately. You all have these four parts in your own brains, I call mine Hermit Monk A,B,C, and +D, because I live in isolation from your world. You can call your four parts of your minds anything you want, but you must learn to only use one part at a time. Each of these four parts of your mind, are your different emotions, they are spiritual, Practical, comical, and angry. Each of your four emotions are a different colour, when you read our book you will start to understand. When you mix up the four parts of your mind confusion starts, and you will never come up with the right answers. A prime example of this, Islam teaches peace but also creates violence all around the world, which part of Islam do you listen to, think about it.
From now on each of my four monks in my mind will be given a page to express his own random thoughts.
Monk, A) I am your atheist spiritual leader
I am the spiritual leader of this site, when we four monks start to write our book you will start to understand what I mean by this. I have been aware of my existence since 1947 since I was a young child, but I never thought anything about it. Your corrupt world has kept me dormant until 9:11 2001 that is the day I woke up with anger, on this day your world came into my life. In time our book will explain everything to you, but you have to read our book from the beginning to learn the truth at the end.
I want the whole world to do what our book tells you to do, by using your own subconscious mind, without outside influences. I will teach the people of the world to see the world with their eyes closed and find the answers on how to save your world.
The universe is vast and dark, yet you all see the light of the distant stars, now look into the darkness of your minds with your eyes closed and look for the distant light. The light is there you only have to learn to use your minds to concentrate on it, within the light there are answers our book will teach you to find them. When you find the light, I want you all to spread the light all around the world, this is the whole objective of this new Alternative New World Order. Our Book will explain what the light is, it might not be what you think it is.
I want my movement to help you train and control your minds, for world peace it is important to learn to do this. All through history all your government leaders and so-called religious leaders have failed you all. My movement will give mankind on alternative global leadership System and a knew alternative one world spiritual guidance. This world is locked in permanent turmoil with all your corrupt leaders and so-called religions it’s time you all looked at the world in a different alternative way. You don’t have to put up with all this turmoil there is always an alternative way you just have to put all your minds together and find it.
I want the whole world to experience Something that I have experienced, but you can only do it if you put your minds to it. Our book can only teach you the foundations for building your new world and an alternative future, our book will only give you the written plans. It will be up to you and your own imagination and your spiritual minds that will build your future on what we teach you in our book. Mankind must learn to switch off all the corrupt evil and greed in this world, then by using the power of your minds then you can create a more peaceful future. I want my movement and my book to bring together all the minds around the world and we will sit and talk and plan the future. The United nations should have been doing this, but they are so corrupt they ignore the real problems and the world’s needs. They just think of themselves and their high paying salaries and the authoritarian power that they have over the people.
With my spiritual teaching you will learn something new every day, you will not be repeating the same old words Generation after generation, as it is with your ancient bibles and Qurans. Our book is for all your future generations, the more you learn with our teaching the bigger this book will get. You will learn to control your minds you will quell the anger and evil in your souls, you will start to understand the meaning and purposes of life and the world around you.
I’m a quiet man and a loner I don’t like being around people I prefer my isolation. But on the day of 9/11, I started thinking of life and the world and all the problems round the world, it was never my intention to start a site. I was just quietly thinking and looking for answers with my mind, to all the world’s problems. Without realizing it, what I was really doing, was what you would call a form of meditation, I was seeing images with my mind. It came to the point that I could step into these images with my mind, you learn a lot more and quicker. This is why I think I have been guided to do this site, now I want to guide the world with a new teaching. Are you willing to let me into your minds to go on a long universal journey? When we write our book, you will start to understand.
I want the whole world to do something for me, this is very important because all your future generations depend on it. I want all religious people to pray to all your gods for guidance and for protection against the evil that is coming into your world. I want all the atheists around the world to question everything open your minds to what is happening and look for the answer. And to all the people that worships so-called Satan, you have to question your misguided souls. You have to learn to look for the light outside of the darkness of your minds. If religious people don’t get an answer or guidance from your Gods, and if atheists cannot find the answers. I say to the whole world, read the written words within our book, for within the pages are the answers you need, you only have to learn to understand them.
The globalists are evil people these are people without a soul and no emotions. These people are cold hearted calculating aggressive greedy tyrants, they do not care for you or your family. The Globalists and your governments are forcing all these injections into you, they live their own separated lives from you, within their own walled communities. They will never see the family sadness and emotions at funerals when people die from their vaccine. They will never see the suffering in the minds of the people from long term side effects they are creating. It’s not only the victims of these vaccines that suffer, it is also the mental health of the families that have to look after these people for the rest of their life. This proves how evil mankind’s mind can be, and how far he is prepared to go to make more wealth for themselves, while giving the people an untested poison, think about it.
Monk, B) I’m the one that watches your world
My biggest mistake on this site.
Over my lifetime of 74 years, I have observed the world and the behaviour of the world’s population. I have noticed over the years as the population kept growing the social order was starting to deteriorate. I was putting this down too overcrowding, the cost of living and the lack of good parenting. Today with my observations of your world it is not only the people of the world to blame for this breakdown. I put all the blame on all your corrupt government leaders and all your so-called religions. If the people at the top are corrupt the population becomes corrupt because they have nobody to look up to or listen to and trust. The globalists are in all your governments around the world, they want chaos and confusion, because it will take all your minds off what they are really planning. The globalists are the gangsters of the world, they aren’t pointing a machine gun at your head they are pointing a syringe at your arm. Wake up people of the world, or you may never wake up again, when the globalists take over and take charge of your world. I have seen the globalist 2030 drawings of the new cities for the future, they do not look like cities that will hold a big population that means a lot of you will have to die in the next 10 years. The depopulation of the world has started now, People are dying today with the vaccines, blood clots are developing and many other problems and still your governments are insisting you all get Vaccinated. You will need a covid passports to travel to leave your home you will not be able to work, your life will be suppressed without the passport. All your governments are doing the dirty work of the globalists, they are prepared to eliminate the lives of their own people. Vaccinated people are now contaminating the rest of the population with a spiked protein, they are accelerating the depopulation of the world. These wealthy globalists the UN and the W H O and all the secret societies should all be put on trial for crimes against humanity. This will never happen unless the whole world Unites with our alternative new world order. I say to the whole world, let us all take your world back from the globalists, this world is yours not theirs, let’s make history this day, for all our future generations.
My movement also wants to depopulate your world, but my movement will be more selective of who lives and who will die. My movement will get rid of the corrupt cancers within all of your societies, with a strong truthful education system. My movements will be the day of judgement on the whole world’s population, mankind will learn a new and fairer way, this I promise the world.
Do you want to be paying for corrupt governments for the rest of your life and all of your children’s lives? All your government leaders have used the people to create wealth for themselves. Just as all the Kings and Queens of old have done all throughout history, the people have had to sacrifice their own lives and pay for them to stay in power. It’s time the people took the authoritarian power from all governments and gave it to the people, I will explain more on this matter when the time is right.
All through history Kings and Queen Have taxed the people of the world to pay for armies to control the people. Later in history a police force was created to monitor the criminal worlds of the community. Now today all these police forces are enforcing the corrupt government political agendas on all the worlds populations. This world is becoming an authoritarian dictatorship, this world will soon be taken over by the corrupt globalists and all your governments are encouraging it. The police today are oppressing peaceful minded people, and at the same time encouraging antifa and black lives matter and all the other antisocial movements to take over the streets. All your corrupt weak-minded politicians are Hiding behind a wall of police, their only aim is to protect the corrupt politicians. And you all the hardworking taxpayers of the world are having to pay for all of this, Think about it. Politicians should be helping the people not oppressing, it’s time the world took the so-called power out of the hands of politicians.
Over the years I have noticed how people change their mental attitude when they are given a position of control over others. They become arrogant self-centred and they think they’re the bees and ees, and everybody has to bow down to them. This is what is happening today in all government’s politicians change, they become arrogant, this is what I have observed in people over my lifetime. When somebody is in government and won’t listen to the people then a country is heading for trouble.
We may have trouble writing our book because my written words cannot describe every lifetime of thoughts and experiences I have had, and what my mind was seeing. I will write the book, but I will also keep adding to it, as the lifelong memories come back to me. Our book will be the living book for all your future generations, not like your old dying Bible and Quran of the ancient past. All religions are a form of mind control, to control the minds of all the people, as it has been all through history. Religions would murder people for criticising them, they called it blasphemy, even today you can be killed if you leave Islam. Religions are just a mind controlling dictatorship, in Islamic countries religion is a political movement. At one point in history the Catholic Church and the pope thought he was the King over the government. They had the Spanish Inquisition, until Napoleon put a stop to it, everything is just wealth and power over the people. Today you have the globalists doing what Kings and Queens and all religions have been doing all through history. Everything is just brainwashing to keep power over the minds of the people, the same as all the corrupt political movements around the world. The people that profit from all of this are leaders of all the religions, true spirituality should be free thinking minds.
You will use our book to create the future for all your future generation. You will all learn to use your minds to help yourselves and the whole global community around your world.
Your politicians and the media are manipulating your minds to accept their total control over you it’s coming just get ready for that day and all hell will let go. The sad part of all of this is you put your trust in your governments and they turn against the people that elected them, this is how mixed up this world is. Look what’s happening with Biden he’s destroying America the same as the stupid Europeans have already done.
There are only a few big corporations running the world and the globalist with the help of the United nations and the W H O, the wealthy are going to steel your world from you, the poor people of the world. They will never be satisfied until they can control everything including you and your world and the whole of the financial markets.
My message to the world you have got to stop voting for these corrupt political movements. In Britain we have three main parties conservative Labour and liberal they have been running this country for a long time. For too long they have been Scrounging off the British people, the same as the Royal family has for hundreds of years. You don’t have to be intelligent to be in government look at Biden and the Democrats in America anybody can mess up a country,
It’s time the people of Britain voted for an alternative movement, if I can get mine up and running, I want you to wipe out the other three political movements. Because my movement will sort your country out once and for all, think about it. the same goes for the rest of the world let’s get rid of all this corruption. My movement will get rid of the incompetent imbeciles in all your government.
A little story
One of my sons is a bit of a nature person he likes to be out roaming the countryside and roughing it and living off the land. He takes his dog with him and the two of them will roam the woods in the Hills. Because our camper van is off the road at the moment, my son thought he would just go local, I live on the outskirts of the town my son thought he’d go Across the River to a green belt. He took the dog for a walk one day in this area and everywhere he looked there was signs of homeless people living in the area. My other son said that’s nothing you should see what it’s like on the other side of town. The point I’m getting at here, is how stupid my government is by letting all these migrants into my country. And my own people are kicked out of their homes to accommodate for all these migrants, and still more and more migrants are coming. I’ve just heard that in Spain 5000 migrants landed into Spain in one day this is not sustainable. The globalists and your governments are destroying their own countries, and the people of Europe will have to pay higher taxes to pay for all these migrants. This is not a migration it’s an invasion, these are all young men of fighting age, this is going to cause civil unrest in every country. There is nothing in Europe for these people to do they will just be claiming benefits and housing costs at the expense of all Europeans. Why have we had all these covid lockdowns while migrants can walk freely across Europe. The same goes for America and all the homelessness there in one of the richest countries in the world, Biden has opened the border to migrants. This is a planned attack by the globalists and your governments to bring down the western world. You don’t see China taking in migrants not that anybody in their right mind would want to go there. The point I’m getting at here with this story, it’s time you all woke up and changed all your sick corrupt governments, your future life depends on doing this. The globalists are paying for all these migrants the globalists are not your friends you’d better wake up to the fact.
In Britain we all voted to join the common market and also, we all voted to get out of the corrupt system. The same should go for the globalists one world order we should all vote if you want to be part of it, or we should all be able to vote if we want to be out of it. What happened to democracy where everybody votes, why should we all be told by the few that want to dominate your lives and your world.
My movement could do a better job with our eyes shut than all your corrupt politicians put together, this world is getting ridiculous. Why do we need political parties, why can’t everybody just work together for the good of their own people, it’s not rocket science? We don’t need highly paid leaders we just need a few wise intelligent people working for the people.
Listen to what the globalists are saying, they say you will own nothing, and you will be happy. Now look at this statement logically, this means you will not be able to accumulate any wealth you will be born poor and you will die poor. You will not be able to own a house you will have to rent a home, because the globalists will own everything, think about it. The majority of parents want to leave things to help their children when they die, this will not happen in a globalised world. Also, the globalists want to stop you selling your home you will only be able to sell if your home is up to a very high standard. This means the globalists are going to take over your private property and then rent it out. The wealthy globalists are going to be stealing the wealth of all the people, History is repeating itself. In days of old, the wealthy took the land off all the peasants and created wealth for themselves, they became the Lords of the Manor. This sounds a little bit like what the globalists will be doing to you all, they want to be the lords of the world, Think about it. Once you give into the globalists and your governments that are helping with the takeover of your world. You will lose all your freedoms and all of your rights and you will never get them back because the globalists want to control you and everything else. If you look at the state of Canada and Australia, they are already oppressing the people even today. Imagine what will happen in the future when all your governments and the globalists have total control over you. Think about it.
All these lockdowns are just a front for the globalist’s takeover with their hidden agenda, there main aim is to bankrupt all Countries, and the global population. If they can put the world into debt, the banks can then own everything, and the people and all future generations will have to pay higher taxes to clear any debt. You hear of people that have worked years in a business, now they are going bust, there are people losing their houses for not paying their mortgage, and people losing their rented accommodation. This is all part of the globalists agenda they want to put everybody into poverty, so that you all have to rely on their handouts. This is when the globalists say you will own nothing and you will be happy, the only people that will be happy will be the globalists because they would have got away with stealing the world from you all. This is a global robbery as the 1% steal from every man woman child on this planet. And for some reason all your corrupt governments are just sitting back and letting it happen. It’s time all the people of the world woke up and created a totally new political system for the whole world, think about it.
Now you may be wondering how will my Political movement be different from every other Political movement, the simple answer is. Unlike your governments and your globalists, my movement will never have secrets it will be the most open freethinking movement. My movement starting with your children in schools around the world will be taught of the alternative new world order and how we all have to change our ways. Children will learn of a new social order and also how we all have to depopulate the world. They will learn of the plans that we have for the future, and they will be allowed to contribute their ideas for their own future. This way we will get the whole world working together with one common aim, which will be the alternative new world order. It is important that children learn the truth about everything, they have to be taught of all the corruption in grownups. They will be taught how to use their mind spiritually this is not a religion it is common sense. Your children will be taught how to change the world for their own children and all your future generation. Our movement will show the children of the world the guiding plans that we have for your world. Children will study our plans while in school, they will learn to question everything especially in the political field. Education at a young age is very important, children’s minds should never be corrupted.
When I look at the world today and the education system it is one of the most ridiculous propaganda minds bending controlling stupidity. The first thing my movement would do with the education system is get rid of all politics religions drag-queens transvestites gays and lesbian out of the classroom. If these people want a rainbow-flag, then let them read our book and we will put more of the colours of the rainbow in their sick empty minds.
Monk, C) Comedian
Because of all your governments enforcing laws on you having to wear masks and restricting your movements, I have come up with a better idea. From now on my movement will be enforcing the wearing of chastity belts at all times for both men and women. You will also be fitted with a microchip to monitor any excessive movement. If the movement gets too excessive the police will have the power to do a home invasion to stop the movement. The mating season for humans when you can take off your chastity belts, will be the month of September so that every child is born in the spring. The same as it is with every other animal on the planet. Failure to comply with these new laws heavy fines and surgical removal will be enforced, this should help cut down the population a bit.
I’m not really in a joking mood today, this is because the political and social order on this world is deteriorating very quickly. Politics is not what it used to be, in days of old, Political parties got into power and run the country for a number of years. And if nobody liked what they were doing people would vote for a different party in the next election. Today we have political turmoil every day, everybody is fighting for dominance, everybody wants power. Politicians seem to spend all their time changing the rules and laws to suit themselves and do nothing to help the people. Western governments seem to be heading towards communism to get total authoritarian control over the population. Look at the Democrats in America they know they stole the election and yet they still want to impeach Trump. Because they know Trump would win in a fair election and know that they would never get elected again. Biden shouldn’t be in the White House he should be in a nursing home; he is not mentally competent.
A little story.
My son has never taken any interest in what’s going on in the world, when I told him about covid, he started watching the news. I kept my opinions to myself, I wanted him to learn of what is happening in the world. For two weeks every time I passed him, he would tell me how stupid president Trump was. In the end I asked him where are you getting the news from, he told me the BBC CNN and the British version of Sky News. I told him to expand his vision of all the news media Including the Internet, His vision on the world has now totally changed. He can now see all the corruption, All the brainwashing and propaganda he understands and sees the manipulations of every one’s minds. He can now see a near future breakdown of society, and all the troubles that will be coming to the world. The reason for this little story is to point out that the majority of people are just blindly going through life not taking interest in their surroundings. The Jews did this, they left it till they got to the gas chamber doors then it was too late. Think about it.
I say it to the whole world, do not trust anyone these days, because all your media and your governments are constantly lying to you. They are suppressing anybody that opposes their agenda, you are losing all your rights and freedom to communicate, if you oppose their agenda. This is starting to get very serious people are losing their job for speaking out, people are losing their lives for speaking out. Look at all the deaths of people around Hillary Clinton look at the people that go missing in China this is how serious the new world order is. They just want power over you, they do not care for you, they just want power and wealth, this is how mixed up this world is getting.
Now I appeal to the whole world please publicise our site let’s get this world moving and help get me out of my isolation and away from my keyboard. Help me get out of my isolation because my son is starting to do my bloody head in, he now sounds just like me.
M,+D) the angry monk
With our world getting more chaotic everyday what this world needs is a strong leadership, and our movement will do it.
Now let’s look at your future that my movement is going to be working for, and there will be no messing about.
Let’s first look at black lives matter and antifa the most disgusting of all weak- minded people that are financed by the globalist. Our movement will first give them all a strong warning not to riot, loot or set fire to buildings and attack the general public. They have to respect the people of all communities and the rights of all the people. Failure to follow our instructions will a result in the termination of their lives. If they are rioting or looting and is seen harassing the general public, they will be shot on sight. No more will this be allowed to continue it’s time the whole population stood up and said no more. The globalists in all your governments are allowing this type of unrest to carry on and are Encouraging it to happen. Now you might say this is a bit strong actually shooting people in the street, but you have to look at the other side of things. The globalists are prepared to terminate the lives of billions of innocent people’s lives with their vaccines, and their future virus and vaccines that they are now manufacturing, who is the real bad boy here, think about it.
Now we come to the peaceful protesters, wanting their rights and freedom to be heard. Our movement will create a platform for all these people to speak their minds to all their own countries population and the worlds.
These peaceful protesters will be encouraged to form a committee of five people to put forward their proposals or grievances. They will be put on live national television in front of five MPs of their own choosing, to discuss their grievances. Both sides can bring along notes that they want to say, but there will be no written speeches, people have to learn to talk to each other. Any MP that refuses to go on to this live broadcast will be expelled from government. From now on this movement will change history, from now on the people rule the world.
My message to all the good people in the world my movements will give you the power to protect yourselves. Because you will become the power with this Alternative new world order movement’s guidance, this will be a movement to change the world. Our movement will give all good people a mission To fight back you will organise yourselves all peaceful people round the world you will all get together and you will work together to get rid of the evil in this corrupt world. Do you want to try it, lets give it a go and see what happens?
We need to cut all governments in half one-part deals with industry and foreign affairs. The other half just deals with the people and education, the people will also control the police, the police will become part of the community. If anybody attacks the police, the police will be able to respond as it will be classed as an attack on the community. The police will also have the power to investigate all corruption in governments, and the criminal world with new strong laws. For too long governments have been hiding corruption from the people, this has to stop now. Every crime including child abuse will be investigated, there will be no stone unturned.
This movement will also look into the finances of billionaires, for too long these people have been ripping off the people of the world. There are some individuals that have more wealth than a number of countries. This has to be controlled, every individual on this planet will have a limit to what they can own. We won’t take from the rich and give to the poor this movement will get the people to invest in themselves. The stock markets will be controlled by the people and will control prices and supplies. My movement will give the whole world a real Global reset for all the people, not just the few Wealthy Globalists. If you agree with this part then let’s get this movement started, with a real alternative new world order. I want my movements to rip the guts out of corruption and you’ll have peace I’ll bloody make sure you do.
I don’t want the globalist to kill my grandchildren and you shouldn’t want them to kill yours but that’s what they’re planning. The virus was nothing, it’s the injections that are going to kill you, maybe not today but look at the next 10 years’ in time for their 2030 agenda. If you give in to or support the globalists you are giving them your lives and your children lives.
I agree that we have to cut down the population, but I wanted my movement to do it in a civilised way not murdering innocent people. My movements would terminate the lives of all violent criminal’s people starting at the top with people like Bill Gates who has killed thousands in Africa. You’re paying this man to inject his poisons into you all, now with all this money he’s making, he is now buying land, lots of land. Because he knows the Globalist are trying to crash the global economic markets, he will also control the food supplies. Globalists are already cutting down the food supply, don’t take my word for it watch what happens in the near future. Think about it.
I will terminate the criminals and violent people from your society for all the community. Now you might say this is a bit harsh but look what the globalists are doing they’re going to murder 7 billion innocent people, They’re doing it now they’re injecting it into your arms and this is just the start because now these people are infecting nonvaccinated people. They’re going to be creating the world’s biggest genocide, and your Socialists, antifa black lives matter are all supporting the Globalists. Black lives won’t matter when the contamination gets to them because they’ll be dead as well.
There are good and bad in all communities including all political and religious movements. There will come a time we have to get rid of the bad people, my movement says the time is now. It’s time the good people of the world took over to create a world that will be acceptable to everyone. We have to get the hatred and the anger out of the minds of all the populations and you can only do that with a new teaching. My movement will give the world a new teaching, this movement will help all the peaceful people, for the violent people I will give them real violence in return. Prime example of what this movement will do, Islam is attacking Christians all around the world they are blowing up churches. My movement says whenever a church is destroyed by Islam, every country around the world blows up a mosque. We will either have a global religious war, or they will learn a lesson and start to be peaceful. No more should the world have to put up with a corrupt religious political dictatorship.
Any murder by an Islamist on the free people of the world, the nearest mosque to the scene of the incident will be destroyed. The whole world has to learn to stop violence against others, this should and never be acceptable, my movement will sort out the anger of the world.
Back in history Islam invaded the European countries, they tried forcing their culture and their so-called religion on the Europeans. In the end the Europeans rebelled and kicked Islam out of Europe, now today all your governments have let Islam back in. Your governments have betrayed their own people, now we have no go zones in Europe, Islamic attacks on Europeans and churches. This weekend we have had Muslims going around Jewish areas in London shouting anti-Jewish abuse. History is repeating itself, there will come a time if Islam doesn’t change its attitude, we have to get rid of it again.
A little story
My son was on a roundabout in the rush hour when a Muslim pulled out in front of him there was slight contact between the two vehicles. My son called the police because this Muslim was starting to get aggressive, the police refused to come. Cutting a Long story short they changed details and went on their way. At 1:00 o’clock in the morning the police came banging on the door and arrested my son for racial abuse. The police brought him back at 3:00 o’clock in the morning they had to go onto the roundabout where the accident happened, the police said then it was the Muslims fault. Now what this Muslim didn’t know is that all my son’s friends are Muslims and he would never do anything like that. My son is prepared to go to court with all his Muslims friends backing him up. The point I’m getting at here is if you give somebody more rights, they will abuse them.
You must remember I’m not a racist, I judge every man Individually on his character, and his attitude within the community. I don’t trust any of your so-called religions, but I get angry when somebody gets in my face and starts telling me what I can and can’t say . I would say to any religious person, give me proof of your God or shut up, without evidence there is no proof. Religious books don’t tell you how to find the evidence, religious books are the fake news media of yesterdays. I believe there is a spiritual force, but you have to be able to open your minds to find IT, everything has to be questioned to learn the truth. Our book will encourage you to find the answers and guide you all with a new teaching for all your future generations. I will tell you what I have found and have experienced, but that’s another story for another time, just read our book and you will learn.
If my movement ever gets into power, it will stop all migration around the world. The globalists are paying for all of this Migration to happen, and your own government are sitting back letting it happen. These migrants are coming into Europe with new phones, cash cards and designer clothes, all paid for by the globalists. And then they are dumped into your countries and then you have to pay for their upkeep. My movement would close all the migrant registration offices they will not get papers, and they will not be allowed to claim benefits or housing costs. If they start stealing off the people they will be shot, If the globalists want all this migration then let them pay for it, they paid to get migrants here, so let the wealthy globalist pay to look after them.
You may be thinking this movement is a little bit violent when we says we will kill people. You have to look at the community a lot of people are too afraid to protect themselves and those that do retaliate are worried in case they get arrested for assault. Today criminals seem to have more rights than the general public, if they get caught and go to jail it’s a badge of honour to them. My movement is out to protect all the innocent people and the victims of crime. It’s the decent people within all of your communities that are getting attacked and murdered every day. Look at all the murders in America, knife crimes in London and Europe, people walking around the streets with machetes. Is this a future world that you want, or are you prepared to do something about it? This movement would give the people of the world 10 years to learn of the new tough criminal laws that this movement is prepared to bring in. After 10 years of learning, judgement will be put on the whole of the criminal world. When the criminals realise this movement is not messing about, I’m sure the criminal world will be reduced dramatically. Doing nothing to stop crime is not acceptable, allowing sick violent criminals to live is not acceptable. There is so much more to say on this subject including how the police can react to enforce the new laws, this will be a story for another time.
Today I’m going to turn away from your world for a while, I’ve really had enough of all your worlds stupidity. From now on we are going to start concentrating on writing our book, this book will be for every man woman and child, especially your young children round the world. Your young children of today will one day take over your world if they don’t learn anything from our book, then I hold no hope for mankind’s future.
This site will remain open while I’m writing this book, I will monitor this site for all new subscribers, just to see if people are really interested in changing this world. If subscribers stop coming, I will stop writing and you will never learn of our new political and spiritual teaching. I’m allowing myself a year to write this book, I will also be doing paintings to show you what my mind is seeing. I’ve never wrote a book before, I’ve also never read a book before, so this should be interesting. This site is going to remain quiet for a little while, but I will come back to keep you informed if there are any changes of plans on this site. Please don’t give up on me, please all new subscribers keep coming and one day we will all read and talk of the words within the pages of our book together.
This is goodbye for now from the four Hermit Monks.
I wish you all well in the coming year, Goodbye for now
Final emotional words and thoughts from the four Monks
Monk B
Please I beg you all the people of the world, wake up to what is happening around you. You have to change this world for the sake of all your future generation, there is so much we can all do, you should all really seriously start thinking about it. Bye.
Monk C
I want all the people around the world to be happy and free, but we are not going to get this unless you are all seriously prepared to do something and change everything.
You have to remember we’ve never tried saving a world before we could really do with some help, what are you doing tomorrow?
When the globalists say you will own nothing and you will be happy, does this mean they are going to give us all free weed. Bye
Monk +D
Please never ever give into the ever-increasing corrupt global political system that is being forced on you today, you must start to fight for your own freedom and all your children’s freedoms. This might mean getting blood on your hands, but Monk A, as your spiritual leader will forgive you for it, Evil minds have to be destroyed, no matter what the cost. Bye
Monk A
You must all start looking for answers with your minds and soles, to solve all the problems around the world. You only have to use the power of your minds, and then use your voices to change this world, Think about it.
A word to all religious people if you really believe there is a God looking down on this world. Try putting your minds into what your God is seeing, and what his emotions and feelings would be. Do you think he would be happy with all the evil, corruption, and Violence, that is in within every society around the world? If you don’t think your God would be happy with you, then you do your gods work and start doing something about it. You have a new world peace movement sitting here waiting to get started, you’ve only got to ask, and I will come to help you. I only need a stage or platform to stand on and a microphone to talk to the people of the world. Let the people of the world decide their own future, and not be dictated to by a few wealthy globalists, think about it. bye.