
New World Peace movement.com

My  apologies to all subscribers.

I apologise to all 84714 subscribers for not doing any writing for over a year, 2023 has been the worst year of my life, I have been twice rushed into hospital and spent some time in hospital. I would like to thank the ambulance drivers, all the staff in A&E,  and all the staff on Ward 9 at South Tees Hospital. I was very impressed with the standard of care and the friendly attitude of all the staff, all we need to do now is get the rest of mankind to be like these people, and this world could have peace. This could be achieved with a new teaching and the right Kind of leadership, and a complete change of the whole global  corrupt political system. I will explain more as time goes on.

Although I’ve been ill for over  a year and doing no writing, I have still been watching the world and the deterioration in the global social order. For the breakdown of society, I blame all your western governments, all your religions and their puppet masters the globalists, this world is being run on corruption and greed. All my life, I have never voted I have never trusted any political party, now today my distrust In all governments is well founded, all your governments        today are now working for the globalists new world order. We have to get political movements out of government, Politics divides all governments, Politics divides the community, Politics divides the country, Politics divides the world, we should all learn to work together. Politicians come to the people to get voted in, once in power they turn their backs on the people and start working for the globalists. The globalists want to depopulate the world they’re already doing it with the help of all your western governments, your governments are killing you. Your governments already know these covid vaccines are killing and injuring millions of people, and they still want you to get more. I’ve just had a letter from my doctors to go and get a flu and a covid vaccine, if you can’t trust your own government, who can you trust? Your Western governments had a lockdown because of COVID, but they still let in thousands of unvaccinated migrants, so much for the pandemic it proves your leaders are idiots. There are a number of reasons for letting in so many migrants into Europe and America.

  1. They are to replace the Europeans and Americans  that all your governments are killing off with all these vaccines. They are also killing off the worlds population with invisible weapons and lies, and you the people of the world are paying for all of this through your higher taxes.

2. They’re bringing in all these migrants to destabilise the civilised world. Now we have migrants attacking Europeans, We have no go zones. We have gangs of criminal aliens in all the countries. Law and order is breaking down. You are not allowed to criticise or you will be called a racist. Freedom of speech is being suppressed, all your rights are being taken away, It’s only a matter of time, before all your governments will have to bring in martial law. Once these migrants get citizenship, they will want to bring their families over as well, and they will be entitled to all their benefits.

3. Your own governments are out to bankrupt the western countries so that the banks and the globalists can take over. Look at all the benefits these migrants are getting, accommodation in 4 star hotels. A living allowance And it’s the European taxpayers that have to fund all this. In 40 years time if these millions of migrants don’t get a job, they will all still be claiming pensions, which will bring down all the western economies.

4. With all these migrants, there is now a shortage of housing house prices are going up, now the big companies are buying up housing to rent. Now House rentals are going up to a ridiculous amount, this is just another way of getting more money out of the poor people of the world. Now all your own governments are now having to pay all these higher rents for the unemployed people, to do this they have to increase your taxes. In America if somebody bought a cheap house they have to pay Property Tax, now with the house prices going up the property tax goes up. And they still have to pay off their mortgage. This is all part of the wealthy globalist plan, Bankrupt the people, Bankrupt the countries. And you the people have to pay for all of this, your own governments are doing this to their own people, Your own government is not your friend.


Religions are just like politics they are all corrupt, from the beginning of mankind we have always had  Religions to control the simple minds of the people.  Back in history people would believe anything they were told, today we have the media lying to the population. There is no truth in any religious books, the Bible or the Quran, these books have been changed and rewritten many times over 2000 years. Christianity has been going on for over 2000 years, And Islam for 1500 years. Isn’t it time the world woke up, we can’t keep going back on ancient writing. From a very young age I used to go with my parents to church. When I was only seven years old, this is when I walked out of a Christian Sunday school, I realised then that religion was all a con, and I never went back again. It wasn’t until 9/11, 2001, when I started questioning the meaning of life and I was very surprised in what I found. Although I am an atheist, I did find something which in your words would be called spiritual. I also experienced an out of body experiences on a number of occasions, and melting with peoples minds all around the world. One day I’ll sit down and talk to the world and I will teach mankind what  I have learnt and you will all have peace, or my movement will kill you. I will explain more when the time is right.

All your religions have been used for power over the minds of the people, the Bible was created to control the minds of the simple uneducated people, it was used for creating wealth for those that preached and controlled it. Christianity used to be a violent religion you could be killed if you criticise or questioned it, or if you were an nonbeliever. Christianity has calmed down, It now teaches peace and understanding and created a more civilised society. The problem with this is Christians are now too civilised and free thinking, they do not fight back they’d sooner turn the other cheek like civilised people do. The globalists are persecuting the Christians with the help of the simple minded Muslims that are burning down churches. Why do you think your own governments are letting in so many Muslims into the West. Back in history, Islam was kicked out of Europe by the Christian Europeans, now today all your own governments are letting them all back in.(Think about it.).

Now we come to Islam, Islam was created by Muhammad who was a warlord and Islam has been fighting the world ever since. He used the word Allah to get support for his armies, and to get the people to fight for him, this was only so he could make more wealth out of the people. Islam is in competition with the globalists, Because Islam also wants World domination. Mohammad killed 700 Jews in one day because they would not fight in his army, and still after 1500 years Islam is still killing people all around the world. Now we come to the Jews, they also want world domination, They control the banks and the media and the financial markets. I used to support the Jews because of the Holocaust and the Six Day War. But since then I’ve seen what they are really like, they are just as bad as Islam, they are prepared to kill and steal from anybody that is not a Jew. Now we come to satanists  the devil worshippers this proves to me that people will believe anything they are told. Its time the whole of mankind woke up and started thinking and questioning everything about what is happening in this world? It’s time mankind closed all the ancient books on history and open a new blank book. I will tell the whole of mankind what to write, everything I tell you to write can be tested. It will help mankind to solve problems, this will all be done with the power of the mind. The human mind can control the world it can do good or your mind can do evil, you must decide which side your mind is on? But that’s another story for another time. The globalists want to start a new one world religion, how can you create a new religion? Where is their god, who will be the globalists spiritual leader, is this how Christianity and Islam was created and started?. Can anybody just stand up and create a new religion, if there is a God, can anybody prove it to me?

My alternative new world order.

The globalists want to take over the world and they want to reduce the world’s population by 7 billion people. Who gives the globalist the right to say who can live and who has to die? They’re going to take all your freedoms away, they are stealing the wealth of the people with higher taxes. They’re going to force you to pay a carbon tax on everything you bye, and if you buy too much they will close your bank account. Up till now, the globalists have only got one thing right, and that is, YOU WILL OWN NOTHING,  this is because the globalists want to own everything you have. With the help of your own governments, they are going to tax you into poverty, You may have notice how expensive everything is getting these days the globalists have started. Nobody voted for the globalists, they’re just taking over with using their wealth and thinking that nobody can do anything about it, its only all your corrupt western governments that are helping them. When talking about corrupt governments, people always come back with the same answer and that is, what can I do about it I’m just one person? Today I say to the whole of mankind, you have two choices you can start a global civil war or you can start a new global political movement to take over the world. If the globalists wanted to take over the world, they should have started their own political movement, instead of corrupting all of our governments. Now today, all the corrupt political parties are supporting the corrupt globalists, and not the people that they are supposed to represent. My global political movement will be for all the people by the people and it will not tolerate corruption, I will explain more as time goes on.

This global political movement will sit down with the whole of mankind and we will solve all the problems of the world. This movement will have a 30 year plan for the whole of the world, 10 years to teach all the parents and children all the new laws and 20 years to implement them. Your politicians today do not solve problems, In fact, they seemed to create more problems. Your politicians are only interested in getting a high salary and doing nothing, the only time they seemed to agree on anything, Is when they’re getting their pay rise. It can take them years to make decisions, they aren’t bothered they are still getting a high salary, just look at Brexit and Britain is still under Europe’s control. The globalists want to do a great reset. I want my new world order to do a bigger greater reset, my world order is for the whole of mankind, not for the thieving wealthy globalists.

Here are some changes, that I propose for the whole world you don’t have to agree with everything I say. I just want you to read, And think how would you change the world. If we can get the whole world thinking of change, we can accomplish anything, if we all put our heads together.

Here are a list of proposals that I would like my movement to do.

  • Start a new political movement to get into power, and then sit down with the whole population  and talk to all the people about changing everything in government. We have to streamline government at the moment it’s a very inefficient way of ruling, it’s run by incompetent people who haven’t got a clue about what’s going on. There are many ways in which we can change all the governments around the world, that the people of the world have to agree on what we decide on. Governments have to work for the people, not just the big corporations, the people outnumber the 1% globalists this world is yours, you are the majority, you have to take over.

This movement will split up all the governments departments, any thing that concerns the people will be ran by the people. You will elect 15 people to take control of the country these 15 people will employ qualified people to run each department. IE doctors run the health service. Farmers run agriculture. Military people run the army. Qualify Industrialists run Industry the list goes on. These people have to report back to the 15 leaders, if the leaders think they can’t do the job they will be replaced.

  • This movement will take over the banking system. and if this movement can get into every government around the world, we can write off the worlds debt. Then mankind can go into the future debt free, with a new banking system, this will be this movements Great world reset. There has to be a limit on everybody’s  individual wealth that they can have, the globalists are very wealthy people now they’re robbing the world of all the poor people’s wealth.
  • This movement will pull out of the United Nations and the World Health Authority these are non elected people. The United Nations was created for human rights, now today the United Nations are going against everything that they were put in position to do. My movement will create a new United Nations with only elected people, no more will the globalist be allowed to dominate the world. My movements will create more human rights, and punish those that abused human rights. I’ll talk more on this matter later.
  • This movement will get rid of maritime law, we will all create a new common law for the whole of mankind, where everybody is treated equally with equal rights. For too long, the wealthy have been getting away with murder, this has to stop.
  • The police will be taken out of the hands of government and put into the hands of the people, the people will control themselves. The police will be given the power to investigate corruption in government, This movement will have a contact number for anybody wanting to report any corruption, if anybody is being blackmailed and they can name the blackmailer. They will be given amnesty providing they don’t do it again. (An example) a paedophile, If he can give the names of five other Paedophiles, he will be given amnesty and somewhere else to live. I will talk more on this matter later.
  • With this new police force, they will be taught how to talk to the public, at the same time the public will be taught how to talk to the police. All this will be done in the 30 year peace plan this movement has for the world, this movement intends to get rid of all crimes. All violent criminals will be terminated nobody will do a life sentence in prison, Society should not have to pay for their anti social behaviour. If anybody objects to this ruling let them build their own prisons and let them pay for their upkeep. I don’t see why the public should pay for these Antisocial people. I will talk on this matter later.

This movement will take over the Pharmaceutical industry, for too long they have  knowingly been poisoning the world with all their vaccines, and other medications. I have personally tested some tablets and found magnetic particles in them.  They want the world to be ill, because they can make more money, they can’t make any money with a healthy population. There has now been an increase in the number of cancer cases, heart attacks, blood clots. Now somebody has to pay for  the treatment for all these illnesses, ( that somebody will be you, ) through your taxes and medical insurance. Always remember the  WHO Is part of the New World Order, and they want to get rid of 7 billion people. (Think about it). Bill Gates has been banned from some African countries for knowingly killing and crippling thousands of children.  You have to question this, are the globalists and all your governments protecting Bill Gates, because this man has never being charged. This man could one day come for you, he has already done it with the COVID Vaccines, he’s already killed and crippled millions of people. Think about it.


This movement will also be looking into changing the hole of the legal system, and changing a lot of the old laws for too long this world has been run on all out of date laws. For too long, the legal system has been a corrupt money making machine for the wealthy. Governments are bringing in more and more political laws, your freedom of speech is slowly being taken away from you. This is all being done to protect the corrupt people in government, and the globalists. The way things are going, in the near future you will have no rights at all, and you will all become the slaves of the globalists. Islam has Sharia law, Islam is not a religion It is a political movement, to control the minds of the people and to create wealth for the leaders. Islam is a male dominated movement, It suppresses and enslaves the women and young girls they have less rights than men. It’s time the whole global legal system is brought under one movement.


You may have noticed all the protests that are  going on around the world against what all your governments are doing. You may have notice that politicians don’t want to talk to protesters, the police on  many occasions are attacking the protesters. My movement will give the people a voice there will be a new system put in place where all the politicians have to meet the people, to explain themselves. Protesters have to organise themselves, they will name the politicians that they want to talk too. They will go into a large meeting hall for this meeting and it will be televised. If a politician refuses to go to these meetings, they will be kicked out of government.


My movement will say who can and cannot be in government, Here is a list of rules for people who can and cannot be in government.

  1. You have to be born in the country, to vote or be in government.
  2. You’re not allowed to have dual citizenship.
  3. You’re not allowed to have offshore banking.
  4. You are not allowed to be part of any secret society.
  5. You are not allowed if you have any criminal record.
  6. To be in government you have to declare all your Financial assets and investments?

Controlling the cost of living

You may of noticed the higher cost of everything in the shops these days, higher energy costs higher insurance, everything is going higher and higher in price. This is all part of the globalist plan to make everybody poorer, so that they can control your lives and the wealth of the world, because they want to steal everything you have. When the globalists and your governments have full power over you they could come round and take your houses off you, then make you pay rent on it. If the globalists and your governments can take the land off the farmers, there will be nothing stopping them coming for your property. (Think about it.)

This world is becoming an authoritarian world where you will have no rights, It’s going to be a lot worse than Communist China. Just listen to all your corrupt western governments they want to cut down the population. they’re trying to start a war with Russia. Who do you think’s going to fight this war? It will be you the people that have to fight this war. This is a good quick way to cut down the world’s population, this is what the Corrupt globalists and your own governments want. First thing to happen if we go to war is the food supply will run out and people will die more of starvation, than in the battlefield. Think about it.

This site may be changing.

I’m going to start doing videos I’ve got somebody who will help me set this up, as I’m not very good with computers and the Internet. I’m a 77 year old man my computer is just a keyboard to me, I’m hoping I can do more on video than I can on my typewriter. I’ll be on BitChute YouTube. And all the other sites, I will let all subscribers know what I’m doing and when I start doing it. I’m hoping to get more subscribers because I want to talk to the world, I just hope the world is going to listen. I just want to change the world for the better before I leave it. The whole of mankind should be thinking this way, because we all have to leave this world to our children and all future generations. I want my movement to plan for the distant future, I want you and the whole of mankind to start a 30 year bloody war. This will be a war of the good people of the world against the evil violent criminals and corrupt people this can be done you only have to put your minds to it.

I’m going to sign off now.

If you think we could change this world if we all work together, tell all your friends, tell everybody to subscribe to this site, tell all your children to join me. Because this movement has to work for all your future children for the next 2000 years, we have to forget the wrongs of the past and think of the future. This world is yours and I hold mankind responsible for what happens in the future.

Goodbye for now. This is Hermit Monk signing off.

3rd April 2022

Once again, I have come back into your sick corrupt world, a world of lies and deceit by the globalists and all your governments, and all your lying media. You live in a world where you cannot even trust your fellow man. Especially the people in all your governments that you elected to look after you, with all their corruption they are failing you. It is time we change the way we govern ourselves change everything and go for total change, both in government and the economic markets and the social order. We must get politics out of all governments; politics divides the people and creates division within the whole global community. I am trying to start and new global political movement just to get into and take over every government round the world and unite the people of every nation. This is not really a political movement, but it’s a movement to guide mankind with a new teaching and new way of looking at the world. Once in power this movement will start by educating all the children of the world from a very young age, teach them of all the problems of the world. Teach all the children how to solve problems and let the children of this world save mankind from all this stupidity your leaders are inflicting on you all. You don’t want corrupt politicians ruling you, you need wise men guiding you with understanding and visions of a better future. You also have all your religions that are supposed to be guiding you, the globalists say they are going to create a one world religion, this means they will also be working for the corrupt 1% wealthy globalists which want to suppress you all. I will give you all, the whole of mankind a new religion of spiritual understanding, my movement will take your minds where they have never been before. My movement will give the world a new form of a religion that you can actually test to see if it works, I will explain more on this matter when the time is right.

Now before I start with my angry rants on your world, I must apologise to all subscribers, in my last write up I said I was going to do a video and go on Bit chute. Unfortunately, the mic on my computer is not working so I’m going to have to write my words for the whole of mankind to read, I apologise for this. With having to write my words this is going to take a lot longer than I wanted, and I might not have enough time on earth to tell my full story. I have a very long complicated story to tell the world, it’s a story with millions of problems to be solved, although this is complicated it is also very simple to do. Every problem around the world can be solved by using the power of your minds and finding the right leadership to bring all the minds of the world together. The mind can be a powerful tool you only have to learn to use it properly, and my movement will teach you how to do it.

Now, a message to all heavy goods drivers and truckers all around the world, I used to be a waggon driver myself until I retired. You do not realise the power you all have; you can bring down governments, I have thought about this since 9/11 2001. The roads and highways of the world are the veins and the arteries of the world, and you are the lifesaving blood vessels that use these roads and keep this world alive. I’ve been watching what has happened in Canada on the waggon protest there, and how the Canadian government has towed your waggons away and threatening to sell them. If this happens there are several things you can do about it, you do a national strike until you get your waggons back. Or, on the first Monday of the month you go on strike, on the next month you go on strike for Monday and Tuesday and then the next month Wednesday and so on. This will give the people of Canada chance to stock up on food, or you could just deliver food and stop all the transportation of manufactured goods and fuel.

Covid 19.

Covid 19 was supposed to have been a biological weapon when I first heard about it, I was a little bit concerned but within a week I knew there was something wrong. Now today we are hearing of more bioweapon labs all round the world that the 1% globalists and your governments have created, can you see a pattern forming here? The World Health authority have discussed pandemic’s before, and how they would counteract a pandemic, can you see the same pattern continuing. And isn’t it strange that Bill Gates came up with a so-called vaccine to counteract this so-called bioweapon within months of it going around the world. Isn’t it strange how healthy people and sportsman are dropping dead on the field since the vaccines were distributed? Isn’t it strange that only vaccinated people are having life threatening problems that are affected with heart attacks and blood clots and over a 1,000 other side effects? Isn’t it strange that doctors are finding different particles in other batches of these vaccines, isn’t it strange how AIDs is spreading within the whole community and now people have to get tested for it? Isn’t it strange that some schools want children checked for heart conditions before they’re allowed to do sports in schools? Isn’t it strange that President Biden insisted that the whole military establishment gets the vaccine, and now they’re trying to start a war with Russia? The Russians won’t have to fire a shot they just have to wait for the U S army to drop dead on the battlefield. Isn’t it strange how the World Health organisation know that there will be more variations coming in the next few years? Do you think that they have been talking to a fortune teller or do you think they have more viruses lined up to be released? Isn’t it strange that Bill Gates is releasing mosquitoes that could spread diseases in South America, and who gave him permission to do this, think about it? Isn’t it strange they first experimented on animals, but they all died, so then they experimented on the global population with their vaccines, Think about it? The globalists are prepared to experiment on you all, as the Germans did it in the last World war, communist China does it to prisoners and are still doing it today and you want to give up all your right to these 1% globalists that have no regards or emotions for your life you are just a commodity to them, you are working for the banks that control you. Isn’t it strange the pharmaceutical people didn’t want to disclose their records for 75 years? Isn’t it strange how all your governments around the world have been forcing these so-called vaccines onto you all? isn’t it strange how old diseases a starting to come back like chicken pox mumps and all the other childhood diseases, think about this you don’t know what they’re putting in all these vaccines today they all just looked like Clearwater, think about it. Isn’t it strange the people that have had this so-called vaccine have been catching covid 19, this is because their immune system has been destroyed now their bodies are open to anything that comes along, take your time, and think about this? With the vaccinated immune system breaking down, this means they can catch any disease and they could be the super spreaders for the rest of the population, think about it. The globalists have all the diseases they want in their labs, all they have to do now is release them to the world, it’s an invisible weapon you don’t see it and you don’t hear it, but it will kill you. Viruses are the best silent and efficient weapon to depopulate the worlds, and the pharmaceutical people can make a lot of money on all the suffering of mankind.

Isn’t it strange how everything has gone quiet about these vaccines and restrictions are getting lifted, I believe this is because people have been going to police stations to report a genocide crime under common law? I will get more into this common law later. Isn’t it strange that all your leaders round the world say the same N W O and W H O words as if they are all reading off the same script? Isn’t it strange the puppet president of America Joe Biden is now talking about the new world order, and he is doing what the 1% globalists want, he is now helping to bring down the economy of America? Please don’t just read my words, use your minds and read between the lines, look deep into what is happening in your world, because things are going to get very serious, very soon.

World War 3

Now we come to World War 3, it’s not with the Russians, it’s with the 1% globalist they have fired the first shots they have shot millions of people with these vaccines into your arms. You could say it is an armed robbery because they want to kill you all and they want to steal your world away from all the poor people. You must remember it is the globalists that created this so-called virus, but it didn’t create a pandemic, it was the media that made it out to be a pandemic to put fear into all of your minds. Now ask yourself why do you think they did this? They wanted to shut down the world and put millions of people out of work and bankrupt all the small industries. This was to force people to spend their savings or sell their assets, now there are people losing their homes, people being evicted for non-payment of rents. Now with more people out of work and on the poverty line, crime is increasing the whole social order around the world is beginning to breakdown. All of this was to bring down the economies of the world we now have a global recession, and the cost of living is going up, but nothing has really changed. Now the 1% globalists are creating higher prices for everything, gas, electric, food, everything is going to go up in price, this is to make the people of the world even poorer so that you the people must rely on the 1% globalist. The wealthy globalist are doing what they said they were going to do, and you the people will own nothing.

Now use your minds and try looking into the future, how would you like to live in a world where you own nothing and the 1% globalists own everything, think about it. With all the wealth the 1% globalists have taken off all the people, the globalists will have more power to rule over all your lives. And if you don’t bow down and submit to the 1% globalist, they will close your bank accounts, which they have already done to people in Canada and Australia.

It is my belief, that the 1% globalists have not used their biggest silent weapon yet, but it will soon be coming to the world, this new weapon is food. I had thought about this a few years ago but I was never really sure about it, now today leaders are starting to talk about food shortages. The 1% globalists want to starve the world to death, there are two ways this can be done. Have you noticed that all your western governments and the fake media are trying to create a war with Russia, this will create food shortages? At a young age after the Second World War, I can still remember going to the shops with a ration book, now with a larger population today this is going to be a lot worse. Look at the numbers of migrants moving into the Western countries this is going to create more problems, and your governments must know this but still they flood the country. With extra mouths to feed with starvation, comes civil unrest, people will be fighting and killing each other over food that will be the only way to survive, it will be kill or be killed. Now look at the American government it has asked farmers to destroy part of their crops, or they won’t get their farming subsidies. Now look what Bill Gates is doing he is buying up a lot of farmlands across America, all he has to do now is say I’m not going to plant any seeds this year on my land. Let’s take a quick look at what is happening in Africa the globalists and the government they are creating racial tension. And by doing this they are killing white farmers that were very efficient in what they did, in South Africa they used to export food to other countries. Today they are only producing 40% of what they used to do, this is how the globalists and corrupt governments destroy this world. there are only a few countries that can produce enough food to give foreign aid to the third world. There will come a time when these countries won’t be able to supply foreign aid because they have to many people in their own overpopulated countries. Now look at America, Biden is going the same way he has left the boarders open to flood the country with millions of migrants, already in America some shops have no food on the shelves. This is all part of the destabilising agenda of the 1% globalists and with the help of a puppet president and the deep state to bring down America. With the globalists everything is done slowly a little bit at a time so that you do not notice the changes, but the 1% globalists are still making their high profits with higher prices in the shops.

Are the 1% globalists the type of people you want to rule you and your world, now is the time to think of your future generations, because the 1% globalists want to exterminate 6 billion people? You must think now about which part in the future will your future generations belong to, will they be exterminated, or will they be slaves to the 1% globalist, think about it?

If the globalists had been intelligent people, they would have talked to the world to bring order and self-control but no they want to steal the world and steal all your wealth, by terminating 6 billion people do you think this is the type of leadership your future generations would want?

What is politics?

To ask, what is politics, you must go back in history to the very start of mankind, in the beginning there was hunter gatherers where a leader would guide a tribe. When the people settle down and started farming for themselves and small villages started to appear. Small industries developed to help the community, and then came money to pay for services amongst the population. This is when greed started taking over the world, this is when gangs of thieves Stole from the people, and the leaders of these gangs made themselves wealthy and became kings and Queens. They taxed the people and with all this wealth they created armies to control the people, with all these armies they invaded other parts of the world to steal their wealth. Overtime the people rose up and got rid of kings and Queens and brought in a form of democracy. In Britain they didn’t quite get rid of the Kings and Queens, and they had to compromised and ended up with the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Even today you cannot trust royalty, you have Prince Charles who is part of the globalist movement, you have Prince Andrew who has just paid to get out of a Court case. Overtime the world population has got rid of wealthy royal families, unfortunately they have now replaced it with corrupt governments. Now today you have the 1% wealthy globalists and the wealthy banking families getting ready to take over your world and they will suppress the global population. The 1% globalists and bankers will become the kings and Queens, and all your corrupt politicians will become the Lords of the land. Just as it has been all through history, now today history is repeating itself but on a larger scale.

All my life I have watched all the political parties at election times, but I have never voted myself because I have never trusted any of them. In England we had three main parties, conservative, labour, and liberals, these political parties over the years they have changed leadership on a lot of elections. The conservative party used to be for the middle class, over the last two years they have been supporting the new world order and now are starting to sound like a Communist Party. The Labour Party used to be for the working man they created corrupt unions, now today they want to create socialism which is just another form of communism. I haven’t heard much about the liberals lately but I’m sure if they were in power, they would be the soft in the head woke people. Politics and democracy has changed, it is not what it used to be, now it is run by corrupt money grabbing individuals that only think of themselves. They don’t work for the people anymore; they are now working for the 1% wealthy globalists because it is more advantage for their own wealth. Government corruption is everywhere both in national and local government, I have witnessed this where I live, and nothing ever gets done about it, it’s time for total change. It doesn’t matter which political party you vote for they’re all the same, all they want is power and with power comes wealth. Just look at the wealthy leaders in China and then look at the poor people that are starving and living in poverty in China. Then look at the Saudi Arabian king how they take the wealth of the country for their own personal gain. Then look at The Islamic leaders in Afghanistan how they have taken over the country and rule with a gun to control the population. Now they’re leaders are spending millions of pounds on houses for themselves while the rest of the country is in poverty. This is how all your governments work, wealth for the people at the top and tax the poor people at the bottom. Now wait and see what happens when the 1% wealthy globalists take over the world, you will own nothing, and you will not be allowed to question their authority. They have already built the concentration camps in the west for political dissidents it won’t be long before they bring the gas chambers.

Now a little warning to all the people that are getting paid for encouraging the 1% globalists agenda, where do you think you and your future generations will stand in their one world government. You have the likes of antifa black lives matter and all the other groups, once the globalists get what they want, they will be part of the 6 billion people they get rid of. Think about it.

My Alternative new world order political movement.

I want my movement to get the whole world thinking and talking of going for total change all around the world, it can be done, you must use your minds and think about it. Over my lifetime I have seen little political parties come and go, in the 60s the hippies tried to start a peace movement, but it fell apart with corruption. Now today you have one little poor Hermit Monk trying to start a new global political movement to take over the world is anybody interested in helping, think about it. Religious people say there will come a day of judgement, my movement will bring that day of judgement on the whole of mankind, and you will all have peace, or my movement will destroy you. This world is divided, you have good and bad people within every community, the problem is you never hear from the good people. Good people are quiet they never bother anybody they keep to themselves; these are the people that my movement will represent. The 1% globalists know that they can control the quiet people they are doing it today, they are suppressing your thoughts and all your minds with censorship. The media is manipulating all your minds with propaganda and mind control, so that you only hear what they want to tell you.

My movement will advise the world what you all must do and stop the wealthy 1% globalists taking over your world. First you must register this Alternative New World Order as a political movement and spread this news to every corner of the world on the Internet. Get all the protest groups, and all the good people, and those that have suffered side effects and have seen people die from these vaccines, that your leaders have injected into you all. Rally all the good people from around the world to join this one movement you will all stand united; this must be a global effort. When there is an election coming up you tell all the people of the world do not vote for any political movement that have been forcing all these killer vaccines on you and all these lockdowns. Because these are the leaders that are working for the wealthy 1% globalists and have started taking all your freedoms away with their oppressive laws.

If you can get this movement into power, your political leaders must show an example to the whole world’s population that you mean business about changing everything. They will do this by reducing all their salaries of all the leaders around the world by half, if political leaders don’t like this then they shouldn’t be in government. For this movement to bring change to the world there will be sacrifices to be made, but there will be a lot of other good things to be gained. We need wise men and true leaders of people to commit themselves to looking after the people not suppressing them. In the future leaders of people will be rewarded for their accomplishments, which will be decided by the people. All will be explained as time goes on how this will all be done, as I have said before this is a complicated programme but it’s also a very simple one. If you look at the world with a closed mind it is complicated, if you look at world with an open mind the answers will come to you. In my mind I have planned the future for mankind just one step at a time, my plan for your world is for the next 2000 years, after that it’s up to you what you do.

Now you might be asking yourself if my movement got into power all around the world, what would this movement do first.

The first thing this movement would do would be arrest all the people creating and distributing these killer vaccines, and all the politicians that knowingly force these on the public. (A little story) a friend of my family a young man is now in hospital with internal bleeding he has had the vaccine, I’m starting to hear of other little stories from the people around me. My movement will nationalise all the pharmaceutical companies Close all the biological labs, private companies will not make profit off the population. From now on the people will find cures for themselves with the help of my movement and everything will be thoroughly tested before it is used.

The next thing this movement will do is nationalised the world banking industry for too long wealthy families have been running the world and manipulating the world economies for profit. My movement will create a one World Bank where everybody banks, my movement will get the people of the world to invest in themselves. This movement will write off the world debt and start again, this will be the greatest reset for this world to bring order and start afresh. The wealthy 1% globalists want to bring in digital banking your pound or your dollar it’s just a number, that means they can just create money whenever they want, or they can take it off the people. Money will just become a fictitious currency with no value, and nothing to hold in your hand as a backup, if the digital world breaks down. The 1% globalists will have total control over everything in your life and all your future generations, finances, and all your future generations will be enslaved.

The next thing my movement will do is to put a limit on how much wealth one person can have, this will be put to the people of the world to decide. The 1% globalists are making trillions of dollars at the expense of the rest of the world’s population, this must be controlled because they are creating poverty all around the world. And then you hear of people making millions of pounds for doing next to nothing, people just making millions just for doing a favour or promoting publicity. Just look at Hunter Biden in Ukraine getting £50,000 a month because his name is Biden and then he’s making more money from a Russian woman and then he’s getting more money from Chinese companies. All this wealth moving round within the hierarchies of the wealthy people is taking off you the poor people through taxes and the high profits that companies make. This is just one man doing financial transactions, this is happening all around the world every day the wealthy are just accumulating wealth for themselves and doing nothing for the world community. This movement will heavily tax all the big corporations, we will control their profit margins, if we have a big company that wants to expand and benefits the world their money will be returned because they will start working for the global community. This movement will unite the whole population of the world we will all start working together this can be done but it will take time and with education this movement will teach the whole world a new way.

The next thing this movement will do, is to concentrate on the depopulation of the world, this is the biggest problem this world is facing. With overpopulation unemployment is the biggest problem it creates poverty, the human mind with nothing to do or think about is just a total waste of space and time. These people are just living to survive, they become a strain on society, there is homelessness and poverty all around the world this creates social unrest. These people are just lost souls, nobody helps them, the United Nations, and the World Health Organisations and all your governments have turned their back on all these people. My movement has plans to help these people, it will take time, but it is up to you the people of the world if you want to do what I am going to suggest. The 1% wealthy globalists want to take the wealth of all the people around the world, I say to the people of the world you are the majority you take the wealth off the 1% globalists. You are the majority, you can vote for this movement, and this can be done, with the right leadership and with guidance and with the right education, this world will be yours. I’ve seen people Protesting and storming their governments offices, now you must protest against the United Nations and the World Health Organisation and all the world banks. Get this movement into every government around the world and you can create an alternative United Nations get rid of the corrupt old and bringing in a new U N with people that care for the global community. The people of the world must do this, it is in your own interests to vote for this movement. If the world community can create enough power to take all the wealth off all the globalists, we can use this wealth to depopulate the world. The 1% globalists won’t mind you doing this, because they were quite prepared to do it to you, we can just turn the tables on the 1% globalists.

The first thing we must do, is educate the people and all children of the world about why we must depopulate, and how this can be done, and what all the benefits will be if we do this. Birth control will be the biggest sacrifice the whole global population has to make, China did a one child rule, now the rest of the world must do it. With all the wealth we take off the 1% globalists we can pay the people all around the world to just have one child, as a financial reward. Let’s say people agree to this, what this movement will do, it will pay a couple to have just one child if they have two children there is no increase if they have three children all financial help stops. Now if people only have one child this movement will pay for all their education free university or any other type of training to improve their lives. For a child that isn’t qualified enough to go to university financial help will also be given to them to help them through their lives. If we can gradually bring down the world population you can rid the world of poverty, in time this movement will create a social order that everybody will accept.

(A little story), I have heard in some Islamic countries they marry off their young girls just to get rid of them, and in some cases, they will sell their children to anyone that will buy them. Poverty and desperation creates the downfall of society, people are forced to do anything to survive, this is how sick the human mind has become. With education my movement will teach all the parents of the global population, they have a big responsibility to protect the minds of all the children around the world. In the future this movement will teach mankind how to see and spiritually touch and feel things with your minds. There will come a time to be born and a time to die, this movement will teach mankind to die peacefully and to make room for the new future generations, but that’s another story for another time.

Now if we can take all the wealth of the 1% wealthy globalists, we can use their wealth to help mankind and bring order to the world. With overpopulation and unemployment and homelessness all around the world my movement will start paying a living allowance to everyman woman and child on this world. This movement is not just going to give money away, people will have to be responsible to create a social order where everybody works to help each other in the global community. In many parts of the world people are starving, my movement will encourage the people to grow their own food they will be allocated plots of land, or they will help farmers to produce more. Many parts of the world have droughts, my movement will take freshwater from the sea and pump it all around the world. This water will also be used on all the deserts of the world we will make the deserts green; this movement will repair the world from what mankind has destroyed.

In the West many farmers buy modern tractors and farming equipment, my movement will take all the old tractors and farm equipment and dump them in the third world countries. In these countries they will repair them they will get them running and put them to good use. On land that cannot be farmed, people will plant trees, to be used by our future generations, this movement will invest in the future. This movement will give anybody that is receiving the living allowance they will be given jobs to do, in return for receiving this allowance. This will be helping people in the community, maybe even doing small repair works for the community and for some jobs training will be given. This list goes on forever, there are so many little jobs that need doing around the world, we can tidy this world up, if we all work together.

My movements war on crime.

All through history crime has been in every community lawlessness has never really been solved, and today with overpopulation crime is increasing. My movement will rid the world of crime it’s going to be tough on the criminal world and it will not tolerate crime. You might ask yourself why we have crime, the reason is poverty, greed, human rights, overpopulation which is causing the breakdown of society. There is also another reason which is bad parenting, with a lack of social order control over their children. There must come a time when the whole world must say no more crime, my movement will stop crime dead in its tracks from the day it takes power. As I have said on this site before this movement will teach the children of the world for 10 years about new laws that this movement is going to implement. After those 10 years, this movement will bring down the day of judgement on the whole of the criminal world and a new guidance for mankind.

Also, what is wrong with this world is all these soft in the head woke and human rights people, that get upset if you don’t use the right pronouns, or they want to protect the emotions of criminals. My movement says what about the emotions of all these innocent people that have been a victim of crime, what about them? If I can get my movement into governments, all around the world my movement will give the people the authority to police themselves. No more will governments use the police to control the people, my movement will create a people’s police force to control the community and control any corruption in governments.

Over the years many countries have stopped the executions of prisoners, my movement will bring back the extermination of prisoners 10-fold. People will be terminated doing life sentences, violent criminals, rape, child abuse, terrorism, human trafficking, and gang members. Now you might be thinking you can’t do this it goes against the human rights; it’s not civilised, and that human life is precious. Now think about this, the 1% globalists are starting and are prepared to kill 6 billion people with these experimental so-called vaccines, where is the human rights for these 6 billion people, think about it. if this movement’s laws could be brought in, I’m sure the criminal world would think twice about committing a crime, I believe Crime would be drastically reduced.

(A little story) 30 years ago when I moved into this house, it’s on the outskirts of an estate, so I don’t see many people. but my children were harassed every time they went to the shops by a gang of youths. Police got involved but nothing happened, then one night 15 youths of this gang beat my son and fractured his face. I went round to the home of the leader of this gang, I told him straight anymore trouble and I’m going to come round and kick your head in and then I’ll start on the rest of you. My family has had no more trouble after that encounter, but today I still hear there are still gangs of youths roaming the estate. The point I’m getting at here with this story, is your governments and the 1% globalist are the same as leaders of a gang this oppress the people using the police. Just look at Canada with Trudeau he has the police attacking very peaceful protesters, governments are now gang ruled or its a form of mafia. Nothing is ever going to change unless the people of the world stand up, and say no more and takeover the world, my movement will give people power for the whole of mankind. You have to be tough on crime and you have to be tough on your government’s make them accountable for what they do and get rid of them if they cannot do the job.

Population control.

Now I’m going to say few things that you might not like what this is, but it will be a good thing for all future generations.

We must stop all migration from every corner of the world, every country must start being responsible for its own population. Each country must get the population down to a level that they can feed themselves and only have to import small amounts of other types of food. This will create a level of population that will be acceptable for all your future generations, this is what this movements has to aim for, to create a stable future.

Every child born around the world will get a microchip implanted, this microchip will only give personal information of their name and their date and place of birth. There is a reason for this in these troubled times, you have Graves of the unknown soldiers, you have dead people being found with no identification. Plus, we can manage to observe the size of the population of the world and each country more accurately. If migration is still going on in the future migrants will not be allowed to vote in another country, they will not be allowed to take a position in government. They will still come under the human rights of that country, but they must be sterilised, they must accept this before they are allowed to migrate. Overpopulation is a very serious problem and the whole world must realise this problem, with education this can be taught to the children of the world.

Maritime law and common law.

What I’m going to say now, it’s up to you if you want to cheque up on it because I’ve only heard of this over the last two months. I will go more into this subject when I get more information, I’ve already seen some proof of what is happening, your government and your banks are financially ripping you all off. Apparently, there are three laws, but you only hear and are ruled by one of them which is maritime law. In 1885 with the great fire of London and flooding so many people died they were all classed as missing and being lost at sea, this brought all the people on land to be ruled by maritime law. You hear maritime phrases like citizenship, birth canal, banks, if you go to court you go in the dock, with these laws you become fictitious character. With these maritime laws you’re not exactly a slave but you are expected to pay taxes and work for and be submissive to the establishment.

With common law you are a living man or woman of the land and you do not come under maritime law this gives you more rights and better legal representation. If you register yourself under common law, you become a freeman with more rights, this can help you financially and protect your human rights. When you were born you get a birth certificate there is a trust fund set up for you, this trust fund lays dormant, but you’re not told about this. Now if you go to the bank and ask for a bank loan, the banks will take this money out of your trust fund and then charge you interest on it. Also, if you have a mortgage on your house, you can claim back all the money you paid in. As a common law man or woman nobody can take the House off you, under maritime law you don’t actually own the house it belongs to the government. In Ireland the government is on about taking over people’s holiday homes to put all these migrants in. Now imagine what would happen if the 1% wealthy globalists took over the world, they could take the homes off everybody, and you would have no rights. (Think about it)

The reason I’m telling you about this is because my eldest son has just paid nearly 1000 pound to a company that has helped him get rid of 20,000 pound of bank loans. I have seen his bank account these loans have been written off; he is now working to get rid of his mortgage I will let you know what happens on this, it might be next year.

I have also heard that there are people on the Internet that will just tell you what you have to do free of charge. But I recommend you go through with a legal company because there is some come back from the banks and this company can counteract any legal negotiations. I’ve also heard of somebody on Facebook that will help you through it, but  with smaller charge. I hope this Information Will be helpful for you, if you can get rid of your debts you can buy me a pint of beer.

I’m going to sign off now with a message to my 75.006 subscribers.

Thank you for coming to my site, I am sure that you are all looking for answers to combat the troubled state of this messed up world. This is what I’m also doing just looking for answers and putting my ideas round the world, but I need everyone’s help. I’m just one little poor Hermit with no computer experience no knowledge of promoting the site. This is a big world, and I live alone in one small room, and I’m watching this world very quickly deteriorate on my computer screen. I just want to save the world for all your future generations, it can be done but I need serious help to spread the words. I’m going to leave it up to you the subscribers to help publicise this site if you want to save this world tell everybody about this site. We can only save this world from all the political stupidity; we must get the majority of the people of this world to go up against the wealthy 1% globalists and your governments that are planning to steal your wealth and world from you all. Please I beg the whole world look at what your politicians and the media are doing to you, they’re all part of the globalists they are destroying your minds your social order your communities and your families. They are dividing you all they’re setting one against another they are creating unrest, people have to learn to question everything they are told.

It’s goodbye for now I wish you all well.

I know that one day we will all meet, I won’t tell you where and I won’t tell you when, because that’s another story for another day (Goodbye for now)


HermitMonk47 from  www.newworldpeacemovement.com, the Alternative New World Order.

Hermit Monk (B)

Once again, we have come out of our isolation and back into your Increasingly corrupt sick world. Where all your human rights are being taken away by the Wealthy globalists and the  UN and W H O, they are doing this a little bit at a time, so that you do not notice or realise what is happening. The people of the world have to start questioning everything, you all have to start looking for answers. In time I will teach you all how this will be done, I will teach you to turn the tables on the globalists you will take all their wealth off them. Then you will put all these globalists into these isolation camps, that they have built to put you in, and you turn the tables on the globalist. You will take the wealth off them, so they will have nothing, and they will be happy. When we take all their wealth off them It will be used to help depopulate the world and look after all the people of the world. Mankind will be taught to be responsible for its own world and future, But that’s another story for another time.       

Christmas message.

Hermit Monk (B)

I would like to take this opportunity to wish every subscriber and the rest of the world a happy Christmas and a happy new year. I hope you can get all your families together with all these lockdowns that are being forced on you all. Hopefully in the future my movement the alternative new world order will make the world one big family. But that’s a long way off in the future after you and I have all left this world, hopefully it will be your future grandchildren that will create this new Alternative world order. Nothing will ever change in this world unless we all make the effort to teach our children an alternative way. If you do not learn to change, the wealthy globalists will be controlling you and all your minds, to be part of their global corporations.

I am just one little man trying to bring 7.5 billion people together. I just want to change your way of thinking, if I can get the people thinking of peace you will get peace. If people keep thinking with anger you will always have conflicts and social unrest. I want to use education to bring people together this has never been done or tried before by your Political and religious leaders. All through history your political and religious leaders just want power and wealth. I want to give you a movement that wants neither of these  two, but just peace.

In time I will give you all my visions, that I have for your future and I want it to get into all of your minds. In time I will tell you all how this will be done but that’s another story for another time.

In time I will tell you everything, because instead of me writing my words, I’m going to start speaking my words to the world. And if I can get enough subscribers I will come out of my isolation and reveal my identity. I will soon be going onto Bit Chute and Odyssey and other platforms to promote this site; I will keep all of you informed when this happens.

While I am Wishing all my subscribers a Merry Christmas, I would also like to spread my best wishes to all the protesters around the world. I am glad to see that these numbers are getting larger every time I see it. I would like to see these protests groups going a little bit further, instead of just protesting. I would like them to form a totally new global political movement and kick out all the corrupt political parties all around the world. And go into government with a different attitude, this world needs change, total change, and work for the people not against them. Democracy is corrupt it’s not a people’s government anymore it is now a globalist corporation , it is the globalists that control your governments. You have to get out all the political parties that are forcing all these Vaccines on all the people, this is all part of the depopulation of the world. Your governments in every country are paying the globalists with your taxpayers’ money. Your leaders in governments come to you to get your vote to get them in, but once in power they turned their backs on you the people and then support the globalists. In Britain Boris Johnson keeps changing the rules about these lockdowns, I think he is waiting to  see what happens in Australia and New Zealand . Because these two countries are heading for a communist dictatorship, with all the stupid rules that they’re bringing in. If they are successful Britain and Europe will follow suit and so will America, because with Biden, America will be doing the same. I say (let’s go Brandon, and I say the same to all the other leaders of the world, that support the wealthy globalists. I’m personally getting fed up with all the lies and disseat  from all your governments and all the media.  My movement would kick out all politicians in governments for lying and I would close down any media that lies to the people, we need a new Alternative world order of truth.

Monk (C)

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy new year, please think of me over Christmas because I’ve got to live in isolation with the other three boring monks. I’m lucky in a way All our kids buy us bottles of booze and the other three monks don’t like it in the house, so somebody’s got to drink it. It’s funny I can never remember a Christmas or new year’s; I can’t understand why.      

The other three monks (A)(B)and(D) Have given me the job of putting this site on BitChute and I haven’t got a clue how to do it. When we started this site, we only bought this computer to be just a typewriter not to go chasing around the Internet. I haven’t got a clue how to do it. You have to remember I’m 74 years old, I’m an old man. But I don’t think I’m as bad as Joe Biden, so we’ll see what happens, so just give me time. They also want me to start up a chat room can anybody give me any advice on how to do it, and how many people can I talk too at one time, this would be much appreciated.

Monk (D)

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year; we don’t know what the new year holds for us all, it could be a rough year for everyone. You can thank the global elite and your politicians  for this because they don’t give a s–t about anybody. Things will change if we can get our Alternative New World Order up and running, we will sort your world out. The wealthy globalists say they want a new world order, but it is not a new world order it is an old-world order. Look back in history how the wealthy kings and Queens have ruled the countries and taken from the poor to gain wealth for themselves. They tax the poor to create armies to control the poor, and they gave their loyal followers land, when they took over the land, they kicked the poor off the land. History is repeating itself because the globalists say you will own nothing, and you will be happy. Instead of the wealthy globalist ruling one country they want to rule the world and take the wealth of all the people. They also want to cut down the population they’re doing it now, with these vaccines that will breakdown your immune system. In the next few years these people will suffer with any virus that comes along because their body will not fight it back. And look at all the heart attacks, still born Babies. People are dying of  blood clots and all the other side effects. This is genocide, they created the virus they created these vaccines years ago this was their plan from the start, think about it. Ask yourself why is Bill Gates and Fauci still walking free, it’s because the wealthy look after themselves. Doctors and nurses that speak up are suppressed or struck off the medical register, what has happened to freedom of speech, Think about it.  This will be your future and your children’s future, that the globalists are planning for you, suppressing your thoughts and speech, is this what you really want?

Since getting this computer I have heard a lot of satanism and child sacrifice  personally I’ve got no evidence. But if I can get this movement up and running my movement will hunt down and terminate  all the Satanist and child abusers. This movement will get rid of all the evil in this world and protect all the innocent. I have also heard of human trafficking, apparently, it’s a multi- billion-pound business if it’s so big why hasn’t anything being done about it. My movement would bring an end to all of this quickly and efficiently this I promised the world. This movement will cut down the population by getting rid of all the evil in this world, this I promise the world. This movement will be selective of who lives and who will die, not like the wealthy  globalist who want to indiscriminately  kill billions of people with their injection. There is an old saying (and the meek shall inherit the earth), my movement is on the side of the meek and it will fight for them.     

Hermit Monk (A)

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, this should be the season to be happy, but I know many of you are worrying about the future. Today this worlds future is looking very bleak, with the wealthy globalist’s dictatorship and their agendas. If everybody on earth put their minds together, you could totally change the future for a better life for you and all your future generation. I’m not saying it would be easy, but it is possible you just have to look deep into all of your souls to find the answers. This is where I come in, I will teach you all to use your minds and how to project your minds all around the world, you will learn to sense the world with your eyes closed. You will learn to feel the four emotions of the world, you will use your emotions.

Monk (A) will teach you to control and suppress your (D) emotions.

Monk (B) over time I will guide mankind of what has to be done.

Monk (C) will bring friendship and all people together.

Monk (D) With a power-full controlled mind I will rid the world of all evil.

Now I would like all subscribers to do what I have been doing since 9/11/2001 and put all your minds into thinking about saving this world. If you were given the responsibility to find the answers to all the problems how would you do it. Maybe one day in the near future we could all get together and we will compare all our answers. We will pick out the best answers and we will teach them to all your children, and as your children grow, they will also think about it. We will make all their young minds grow strong with understanding and order by working together, with a new teaching.  Corrupt evil minds must be destroyed if blood has to be spilt to get peace, then this has to be done, think about it. My movement will bring peace all around the world and those that stand in my way will be destroyed. Corrupt world leaders in governments, people in the criminal world will learn to fear this movement, they will either change their ways or be destroyed.

This is goodbye for now, from the four Monks A,B,C,+D

We are keeping this write up a little bit short, hopefully when I get a media site up and running, I will be speaking to you all. You will be able to interact with me more and ask questions about starting to plan the future for the next 2000 years. And if you’re interested in planning a future for all your future generations then, please start telling all your friends of this site, let’s get the whole world involved this is your world, you have to make the effort to sort this world out, and I will guide you all.

And now a final message to all subscribers, I really do appreciate you all coming to this site, it gives me hope. Let me welcome all subscribers and wish you all a happy Christmas from those that join in the beginning of this site, and to those that are joining today, I thank you all you keep my spirits high. At the moment I have 73,500 subscribers and growing every day, please do not hesitate to join us if you’re reading this for the first time today. I want this movement to take over this world and I want you all 7.5 billion people to join me.

Goodbye for now

From the four Monks A,B,C,+D


HermitMonk47 from  www.newworldpeacemovement.com, the Alternative New World Order.

Once again, I have come back into your ever-increasingly sick corrupt world, the globalists are taking over your world, they are now in all your governments. Your governments are now oppressing the people with all these lockdowns, you are all starting to be controlled. With all these new untested vaccines the depopulation of the world has started, now vaccinated people are infecting the people that have not had the vaccine. People who have the vaccine are now suffering with a large number of side effects and dying, now they want to vaccinate  all your young children with it. Can you see a pattern forming here, next year they are predicting another pandemic that you will all have to be vaccinated against? These vaccinations are a globalist propaganda, they can use this propaganda year after year because they know the people will just follow what they say. You don’t know what they’re pumping into you, it doesn’t matter what it says on the box, it is the corrupt intentions of the globalists you should be worried about. When everybody is used to getting these vaccine’s, and accept them every year willingly, this will be the day the globalists bring out the big guns. They can vaccinate more and more people quicker and in a shorter time period, this could happen very fast. If they shut down the Internet, the fake media news could make everybody think things are normal. While there could be billions of people dying all round the world in a very short time. If I was thinking like a globalist wanting to cut down the population, this is what I would do, Think about it          

The globalists are controlling all your governments and the worlds finances, technology and the Pharmaceutical industry and the media, they are starting to create havoc on this world. The globalists are planning a mass extermination of the global population, it’s coming, so line up to get your jab. We all have to do our part to help the wealthy globalists to kill us all, this is all part of their great global reset, but your children are not included in their future plans. The globalists have been planning for this so-called pandemic for years they’ve been talking about it. They have talked about depopulating the world, but they never told you how they were planning to do that. These untested vaccines are the perfect way of depopulating the world, these untested vaccines will breakdown your immune system, this is happening today think about it.

You have to look at what is happening with all your governments around the world, and how they are all politically are working on similar lines for the N W O. The Globalist want to depopulate the world, and all your governments are forcing all these vaccines on you all. In India the government has turned off the electric supply to a village, where people refused to take the vaccine. This should raise questions in all of your minds to what is actually going on here, in politics and with the  globalists  agenda. All your rights are being slowly taken away, there will come a time you will have no rights at all, the way your governments are running this world. I could understand this if one government went rogue, but when all governments around the world clampdown on their own people, then there is something wrong with this world. You only have to look at Canada, Australia to see how what used to be free Democratic country have become a dictatorship. Think about it     

You have to learn to put all your minds into the minds of the globalist minds and to try and think of how they are thinking. If you don’t think you can do this, then read our book and I will teach you how. Our book will teach you to project your minds into the minds of others, maybe in the future after reading our book you will be able to read minds. Your mind is more powerful than you think you’re just not using it properly. Think about it  

I strongly think that these so-called vaccines were produced well before the so-called covid virus global Propaganda was started. Now think of what is happening around the world, people are dying on mass with these vaccines. I have heard in one hospital, in the covid ward there are 100% vaccinated people being treated for very serious side effects. This is just the start; I believe over the coming years vaccinated people will start dying over a period of time. Overtime when people start to die you will not notice it happening because most people will forget and will not relate all this to these vaccines. The Globalists and all your governments are strongly encouraging you all to take these vaccines. I heard you can get a free hamburger or a free lottery ticket if you get their injection, your leaders are trying everything to kill you. Have you ever before heard about a government bribing the people to take a medical treatment? Think about it            

Before I start my rant on your world.

Let me first welcome all new subscribers to this site, I hope you realise you have joined a movement trying to take your world back from the wealthy globalist. This movement is out to change everything around the world, Including changing the way we govern ourselves, and we all start today to create a  planned future for the whole of mankind. The governments we have today are out of date they are corrupt and don’t work efficiently  anymore. Everything has to be changed every law, human rights, free speech, and the list goes on and on. You and a united world can change anything you only have to put your mind to it and vote for total change, with a new political party that wants to change the whole world.

Always remember this, I do this site for you the people of the world and my grandchildren and all of your own future generations, and I ask you for nothing in return. Because I keep getting censored, I would like you to help publicise my site, I now have 70,888 subscribers still a few short of the 7 billion that I need. If things work out right one day, I would like to meet you all and sit down and talk quietly of the problems of the world. I know there will come a day in the near future, where we will all meet in the darkness, as you are passing me by on your spiritual travels, but, that’s another storey for another time. Just read our book when we write it, and you will start to understand.

Starting today each of the four parts of my mind will speak to you all separately. You all have these four parts in your own brains, I call mine Hermit Monk A,B,C, and +D, because I live in isolation from your world. You can call your four parts of your minds anything you want, but you must learn to only use one part at a time. Each of these four parts of your mind, are your different emotions, they are spiritual, Practical, comical, and angry. Each of your four emotions are a different colour, when you read our book you will start to understand. When you mix up the four parts of your mind confusion starts, and you will never come up with the right answers. A prime example of this, Islam teaches peace but also creates violence all around the world, which part of Islam do you listen to, think about it.

From now on each of my four monks in my mind will be given a page to express his own random thoughts.         

Monk, A) I am your atheist spiritual leader

I am the spiritual leader of this site, when we four monks start to write our book you will start to understand what I mean by this. I have been aware of my existence since 1947 since I was a young child, but I never thought anything about it. Your corrupt world has kept me dormant until 9:11 2001 that is the day I woke up with anger, on this day your world came into my life. In time our book will explain everything to you, but you have to read our book from the beginning to learn the truth at the end.

I want the whole world to do what our book tells you to do, by using your own subconscious mind,  without outside influences. I will teach the people of the world to see the world with their eyes closed and find the answers on how to save your world.

The universe is vast and dark, yet you all see the light of the distant stars, now look into the darkness of your minds with your eyes closed and look for the distant light. The light is there you only have to learn to use your minds to concentrate on it, within the light there are answers our book will teach you to find them. When you find the light, I want you all to spread the light all around the world, this is the whole objective of this new Alternative New World Order. Our Book will explain what the light is, it might not be what you think it is.

I want my movement to help you train and control your minds, for world peace it is important to learn to do this. All through history all your government leaders and so-called religious leaders have failed you all. My movement will give mankind on alternative global leadership System and a knew alternative one world spiritual guidance. This world is locked in permanent turmoil with all your corrupt leaders and so-called religions it’s time you all looked at the world in a different alternative way. You don’t have to put up with all this turmoil there is always an alternative way you just have to put all your minds together and find it.

I want the whole world to experience Something that I have experienced, but you can only do it if you put your minds to it. Our book can only teach you the foundations for building your new world and an alternative future, our book will only give you the written plans. It will be up to you and your own imagination and your spiritual minds that will build your future on what we teach you in our book. Mankind must learn to switch off all the corrupt evil and greed in this world, then by using the power of your minds then you can create a more peaceful future. I want my movement and my book to bring together all the minds around the world and we will sit and talk and plan the future. The United nations should have been doing this, but they are so corrupt they ignore the real problems and  the world’s needs. They just think of themselves and their high paying salaries and the authoritarian  power that they have over the people.              

With my spiritual teaching you will learn something new every day, you will not be repeating the same old words Generation after generation, as it is with your ancient bibles and Qurans. Our book is for all your future generations, the more you learn with our teaching the bigger this book will get. You will learn to control your minds you will quell the anger and evil in your souls, you will start to understand the meaning and purposes of life and the world around you.

I’m a quiet man and a loner I don’t like being around people I prefer my isolation. But on the day of 9/11, I started thinking of life and the world and all the problems round the world, it was never my intention to start a site. I was just quietly thinking and looking for answers with my mind, to all the world’s problems. Without realizing it, what I was really doing, was  what you would call a form of meditation, I was seeing images with my mind. It came to the point that I could step into these images with my mind, you learn a lot more and quicker. This is why I think I have been guided to do this site, now I want to guide the world with a new teaching. Are you willing to let me into your minds to go on a long universal journey? When we write our book, you will start to understand.

I want the whole world to do something for me, this is very important because all your future generations depend on it. I want all religious people to pray to all your gods for guidance and for protection against the evil that is coming into your world. I want all the atheists around the world to question everything open your minds to what is happening and look for the answer. And to all the people that worships so-called Satan, you have to question your misguided souls. You have to learn to look for the light outside of the darkness of your minds.  If religious people don’t get an answer or guidance from your Gods, and if atheists cannot find the answers. I say to the whole world, read the written words within our book, for within the pages are the answers you need, you only have to learn to understand them.

The globalists are evil people these are people without a soul and no emotions. These people are cold hearted calculating aggressive greedy tyrants, they do not care for you or your family. The Globalists and  your governments are forcing all these injections into you, they live their own separated lives from you, within their own walled communities. They will never see the family sadness and emotions at funerals  when people die from their vaccine. They will never see the suffering in the minds of the people from long term side effects they are creating. It’s not only the victims of these vaccines that suffer, it is also the mental health of the families that have to look after these people for the rest of their life. This proves how evil mankind’s  mind can be, and how far he is prepared to go to make more wealth for themselves, while giving the people an untested poison, think about it.                                     

Monk, B) I’m the one that watches your world 

My biggest mistake on this site.

Over my lifetime of 74 years, I have observed the world and the behaviour of the world’s population. I have noticed over the years as the population kept growing the social order was starting to deteriorate. I was putting this down too overcrowding, the cost of living and the lack of good parenting. Today with my observations of your world it is not only the people of the world to blame for this breakdown. I put all the blame on all your corrupt government leaders and all your so-called religions. If the people at the top are corrupt the population becomes corrupt because they have nobody to look up to or listen to and trust. The globalists are in all your governments around the world, they want chaos and confusion, because it will take all your minds off what they are really planning. The globalists are the gangsters of the world, they aren’t pointing a machine gun at your head they are pointing a syringe at your arm. Wake up people of the world, or you may never wake up again, when the globalists take over and take charge of your world. I have seen the globalist 2030 drawings of the new cities for the future, they do not look like cities that will hold a big population that means a lot of you will have to die in the next 10 years. The depopulation of the world has started now, People are dying today with the vaccines, blood clots are developing and many other problems and still your governments are insisting you all get Vaccinated. You will need a covid passports to travel to leave your home you will not be able to work, your life will be suppressed without the passport. All your governments are doing the dirty work of the globalists, they are prepared to eliminate the lives of their own people. Vaccinated people are now contaminating the rest of the population with a spiked protein, they are accelerating the depopulation of the world. These wealthy globalists the UN and the W H O and all the secret societies should all be put on trial for crimes against humanity. This will never happen unless the whole world Unites with our alternative new world order. I say to the whole world, let us all take your world back from the globalists, this world is yours not theirs, let’s make history this day, for all our future generations.  

My movement also wants to depopulate your world, but my movement will be more selective of who lives and who will die. My movement will get rid of the corrupt cancers within all of your societies, with a strong truthful education system. My movements will be the day of judgement on the whole world’s population, mankind will learn a new and fairer way, this I promise the world.       

Do you want to be paying for corrupt governments for the rest of your life and all of your children’s lives? All your government leaders have used the people to create wealth for themselves. Just as all the Kings and Queens of old have done all throughout history, the people have had to sacrifice their own lives and pay for them to stay in power. It’s time the people took the authoritarian  power from all governments and gave it to the people, I will explain more on this matter when the time is right.

All through history Kings and Queen Have taxed the people of the world to pay for armies to control the people. Later in history a police force was created to monitor the criminal worlds of the community. Now today all these   police forces are enforcing the corrupt government political agendas on all the worlds populations. This world is becoming an authoritarian dictatorship, this world will soon be taken over by the corrupt globalists and all your governments are encouraging it. The police today are oppressing peaceful minded people, and at the same time encouraging antifa and black lives matter and all the other antisocial movements to take over the streets. All your corrupt weak-minded politicians are Hiding behind a wall of police, their only aim is to protect the corrupt politicians. And you all the hardworking taxpayers of the world are having to pay for all of this, Think about it. Politicians should be helping the people not oppressing, it’s time the world took the so-called power out of the hands of politicians.

Over the years I have noticed how people change their mental attitude when they are given a position of control over others. They become arrogant self-centred and they think they’re the bees and ees, and everybody has to bow down to them. This is what is happening today in all government’s politicians change, they become arrogant, this is what I have observed in people over my lifetime. When somebody is in government and won’t listen to the people then a country is heading for trouble.   

We may have trouble writing our book because my written words cannot describe every lifetime of thoughts and experiences I have had, and what my mind was seeing. I will write the book, but I will also keep adding to it, as the lifelong memories come back to me. Our book will be the living book for all your future generations, not like your old dying Bible and Quran of the ancient past. All religions are a form of mind control, to control the minds of all the people, as it has been all through history. Religions would murder people for criticising them, they called it blasphemy, even today you can be killed if you leave Islam. Religions are just a mind controlling dictatorship, in Islamic countries religion is a political movement. At one point in history the Catholic Church and the pope thought he was the King over the government. They had the Spanish Inquisition, until Napoleon put a stop to it, everything is just wealth and power over the people. Today you have the globalists doing what Kings and Queens and all religions have been doing all through history. Everything is just brainwashing to keep power over the minds of the people, the same as all the corrupt political movements around the world. The people that profit from all of this are leaders of all the religions, true spirituality should be free thinking minds.

You will use our book to create the future for all your future generation. You will all learn to use your minds to help yourselves and the whole global community around your world.      

Your politicians and the media are manipulating your minds to accept their total control over you it’s coming just get ready for that day and all hell will let go. The sad part of all of this is you put your trust in your governments and they turn against the people that elected them, this is how mixed up this world is. Look what’s happening with Biden he’s destroying America the same as the stupid Europeans have already done.

There are only a few big corporations running the world and the globalist with the help of the United nations and the W H O, the wealthy are going to steel your world from you, the poor people of the world. They will never be satisfied until they can control everything including you and your world and the whole of the financial markets. 

My message to the world you have got to stop voting for these corrupt political movements. In Britain we have three main parties conservative Labour and liberal they have been running this country for a long time. For too long they have been Scrounging off the British people, the same as the Royal family has for hundreds of years.  You don’t have to be intelligent to be in government look at Biden and the Democrats in America  anybody can mess up a country,

It’s time the people of Britain voted for an alternative movement, if I can get mine up and running, I want you to wipe out the other three political movements. Because my movement will sort your country out once and for all, think about it. the same goes for the rest of the world let’s get rid of all this corruption. My movement will get rid of the incompetent imbeciles  in all your government. 

A little story

One of my sons is a bit of a nature person he likes to be out roaming the countryside and roughing it and living off the land. He takes his dog with him and the two of them will roam the woods in the Hills. Because our camper van is off the road at the moment, my son thought he would just go local, I live on the outskirts of the town my son thought he’d go Across the River to a green belt. He took the dog for a walk one day in this area and everywhere he looked there was signs of homeless people living in the area. My other son said that’s nothing you should see what it’s like on the other side of town. The point I’m getting at here, is how stupid my government is by letting all these migrants into my country. And my own people are kicked out of their homes to accommodate for all these migrants, and still more and more migrants are coming. I’ve just heard that in Spain 5000 migrants landed into Spain in one day this is not sustainable. The globalists and your governments are destroying their own countries, and the people of Europe  will have to pay higher taxes to pay for all these migrants. This is not a migration it’s an invasion, these are all young men of fighting age, this is going to cause civil unrest in every country. There is nothing in Europe for these people to do they will just be claiming benefits and housing costs at the expense of all Europeans. Why have we had all these covid lockdowns while migrants can walk freely across Europe. The same goes for America and all the homelessness there in one of the richest countries in the world, Biden has opened the border to migrants. This is a planned attack by the globalists and your governments to bring down the western world. You don’t see China taking in migrants not that anybody in their right mind would want to go there. The point I’m getting at here with this story, it’s time you all woke up and changed all your sick corrupt governments, your future life depends on doing this. The globalists are paying for all these migrants the globalists are not your friends you’d better wake up to the fact.   

In Britain we all voted to join the common market and also, we all voted to get out of the corrupt system. The same should go for the globalists one world order we should all vote if you want to be part of it, or we should all be able to vote if we want to be out of it. What happened to democracy where everybody votes, why should we all be told by the few that want to dominate your lives and your  world.

My movement could do a better job with our eyes shut than all your corrupt politicians put together, this world is getting ridiculous. Why do we need political parties, why can’t everybody just work together for the good of their own people, it’s not rocket science? We don’t need highly paid leaders we just need a few wise intelligent people working for the people.

Listen to what the globalists are saying, they say you will own nothing, and you will be happy. Now look at this statement logically, this means you will not be able to accumulate any wealth you will be born poor and you will die poor. You will not be able to own a house you will have to rent a home, because the globalists will own everything, think about it. The majority of parents want to leave things to help their children when they die, this will not happen in a globalised world. Also, the globalists want to stop you selling your home you will only be able to sell if your home is up to a very high standard. This means the globalists are going to take over your private property and then rent it out. The wealthy globalists are going to be stealing the wealth of all the people, History is repeating itself. In days of old, the wealthy took the land off all the peasants and created wealth for themselves, they became the Lords of the Manor. This sounds a little bit like what the globalists will be doing to you all, they want to be the lords of the world, Think about it. Once you give into the globalists and your governments that are helping with the takeover of your world. You will lose all your freedoms and all of your rights and you will never get them back because the globalists want to control you and everything else. If you look at the state of Canada and Australia, they are already oppressing the people even today. Imagine what will happen in the future when all your governments and the globalists have total control over you. Think about it.

All these lockdowns are just a front for the globalist’s takeover with their hidden agenda, there main aim is to bankrupt all Countries, and the global population. If they can put the world into debt, the banks can then own everything, and the people and all future generations will have to pay higher taxes to clear any debt. You hear of people that have worked years in a business, now they are going bust, there are people losing their houses for not paying their mortgage, and people losing their rented accommodation. This is all part of the globalists agenda they want to put everybody into poverty, so that you all have to rely on their handouts. This is when the globalists say you will own nothing and you will be happy, the only people that will be happy will be the globalists because they would have got away with stealing the world from you all. This is a global robbery as the 1% steal from every man woman child on this planet. And for some reason all your corrupt governments are just sitting back and letting it happen. It’s time all the people of the world woke up and created a totally new political system for the whole world, think about it.

Now you may be wondering how will my Political  movement be different from every other Political movement, the simple answer is. Unlike your governments and your globalists, my movement will never have secrets it will be the most open freethinking movement. My movement starting with your children in schools around the world will be taught of the alternative new world order and how we all have to change our ways. Children will learn of a new social order and also how we all have to depopulate the world. They will learn of the plans that we have for the future, and they will be allowed to contribute their ideas for their own future. This way we will get the whole world working together with one common aim, which will be the alternative new world order. It is important that children learn the truth about everything, they have to be taught of all the corruption in grownups. They will be taught how to use their mind spiritually this is not a religion it is common sense. Your children will be taught how to change the world for their own children and all your future generation. Our movement will show the children of the world the guiding plans that we have for your world. Children will study our plans while in school, they will learn to question everything especially in the political field. Education at a young age is very important, children’s minds should never be corrupted.      

When I look at the world today and the education system it is one of the most ridiculous propaganda minds bending controlling stupidity. The first thing my movement would do with the education system is get rid of all politics religions drag-queens transvestites gays and lesbian out of the classroom. If these people want a rainbow-flag, then let them read our book and we will put more of the colours of the rainbow in their sick empty minds.

 Monk, C) Comedian

Because of all your governments enforcing laws on you having to wear masks and restricting your movements, I have come up with a better idea. From now on my movement will be enforcing the wearing of chastity belts at all times for both men and women. You will also be fitted with a microchip to monitor any excessive movement. If the movement gets too excessive the police will have the power to do a home invasion to stop the movement. The mating season for humans when you can take off your chastity belts, will be the month of September so that every child is born in the spring. The same as it is with every other animal on the planet. Failure to comply with these new laws heavy fines and surgical removal will be enforced, this should help cut down the population a bit.

I’m not really in a joking mood today, this is because the political and social order on this world is deteriorating very quickly. Politics is not what it used to be, in days of old, Political parties got into power and run the country for a number of years. And if nobody liked what they were doing people would vote for a different party in the next election. Today we have political turmoil every day, everybody is fighting for dominance, everybody wants power. Politicians seem to spend all their time changing the rules and laws to suit themselves and do nothing to help the people. Western governments seem to be heading towards communism to get total authoritarian control over the population. Look at the Democrats in America they know they stole the election and yet they still want to impeach Trump. Because they know Trump would win in a fair election and know that they would never get elected again. Biden shouldn’t be in the White House he should be in a nursing home; he is not mentally competent.

A little story.

My son has never taken any interest in what’s going on in the world, when I told him about covid, he started watching the news. I kept my opinions to myself, I wanted him to learn of what is happening in the world. For two weeks every time I passed him, he would tell me how stupid president Trump was. In the end I asked him where are you getting the news from, he told me the BBC CNN and the British version of Sky News. I told him to expand his vision of all the news media Including the Internet, His vision on the world has now totally changed. He can now see all the corruption, All the brainwashing and propaganda he understands and sees the manipulations of every one’s minds. He can now see a near future breakdown of society, and all the troubles that will be coming to the world. The reason for this little story is to point out that the majority of people are just blindly going through life not taking interest in their surroundings. The Jews did this, they left it till they got to the gas chamber doors then it was too late. Think about it.

I say it to the whole world, do not trust anyone these days, because all your media and your governments are constantly lying to you. They are suppressing anybody that opposes their agenda, you are losing all your rights and freedom to communicate, if you oppose their agenda. This is starting to get very serious people are losing their job for speaking out, people are losing their lives for speaking out. Look at all the deaths of people around Hillary Clinton look at the people that go missing in China this is how serious the new world order is. They just want power over you, they do not care for you, they just want power and wealth, this is how mixed up this world is getting.   

Now I appeal to the whole world please publicise our site let’s get this world moving and help get me out of my isolation and away from my keyboard. Help me get out of my isolation because my son is starting to do my bloody head in, he now sounds just like me.             

M,+D) the angry monk

With our world getting more chaotic everyday what this world needs is a strong leadership, and our movement will do it.

Now let’s look at your future that my movement is going to be working for, and there will be no messing about.

Let’s first look at black lives matter and antifa the most disgusting of all weak- minded people that are financed by the globalist. Our movement will first give them all a strong warning not to riot, loot or set fire to buildings and attack the general public. They have to respect the people of all communities and the rights of all the people. Failure to follow our instructions will a result in the termination of their lives. If they are rioting  or looting and is seen harassing the general public, they will be shot on sight. No more will this be allowed to continue it’s time the whole population stood up and said no more. The globalists in all your governments are allowing this type of unrest to carry on and are Encouraging it to happen. Now you might say this is a bit strong actually shooting people in the street, but you have to look at the other side of things. The globalists are prepared to terminate the lives of billions of innocent people’s lives with their vaccines, and their future virus and vaccines that they are now manufacturing, who is the real bad boy here, think about it.

Now we come to the peaceful protesters, wanting their rights and freedom to be heard. Our movement will create a platform for all these people to speak their minds to all their own countries population and the worlds.

These peaceful protesters will be encouraged to form a committee of five people to put forward their proposals or grievances. They will be put on live national television in front of five MPs of their own choosing, to discuss their grievances. Both sides can bring along notes that they want to say, but there will be no written speeches, people have to learn to talk to each other. Any MP that refuses to go on to this live broadcast will be expelled from government. From now on this movement will change history, from now on the people rule the world.

My message to all the good people in the world my movements will give you the power to protect yourselves. Because you will become the power with this Alternative new world order movement’s guidance, this will be a movement to change the world. Our movement will give all good people a mission To fight back you will organise yourselves all peaceful people round the world you will all get together and you will work together to get rid of the evil in this corrupt world. Do you want to try it, lets give it a go and see what happens?    

We need to cut all governments in half one-part deals with industry and foreign affairs. The other half just deals with the people and education, the people will also control the police, the police will become part of the community. If anybody attacks the police, the police will be able to respond as it will be classed as an attack on the community. The police will also have the power to investigate all corruption in governments, and the criminal world with new strong laws. For too long governments have been hiding corruption from the people, this has to stop now. Every crime including child abuse will be investigated, there will be no stone unturned.

This movement will also look into the finances of billionaires, for too long these people have been ripping off the people of the world. There are some individuals that have more wealth than a number of countries. This has to be controlled, every individual on this planet will have a limit to what they can own. We won’t take from the rich and give to the poor this movement will get the people to invest in themselves. The stock markets will be controlled by the people and will control prices and supplies. My movement will give the whole world a real Global reset for all the people, not just the few Wealthy Globalists. If you agree with this part then let’s get this movement started, with a real alternative new world order. I want my movements to rip the guts out of corruption and you’ll have peace I’ll bloody make sure you do.

I don’t want the globalist to kill my grandchildren and you shouldn’t want them to kill yours but that’s what they’re planning. The virus was nothing, it’s the injections that are going to kill you, maybe not today but look at the next 10 years’ in time for their 2030 agenda. If you give in to or support the globalists you are giving them your lives and your children lives.

I agree that we have to cut down the population, but I wanted my movement to do it in a civilised way not murdering innocent people. My movements would terminate the lives of all violent criminal’s people starting at the top with people like Bill Gates who has killed thousands in Africa. You’re paying this man to inject his poisons into you all, now  with all this money he’s making, he is now buying land, lots of land. Because he knows the Globalist are trying to crash the global economic markets, he will also control the food supplies. Globalists are already cutting down the food supply, don’t take my word for it watch what happens in the near future. Think about it.

I will terminate the criminals and violent people from your society for all the community. Now you might say this is a bit harsh but look what the globalists are doing they’re going to murder 7 billion innocent people, They’re doing it now they’re injecting it into your arms and this is just the start because now these people are infecting nonvaccinated people. They’re going to be creating the world’s biggest genocide, and your Socialists, antifa black lives matter are all supporting the Globalists. Black lives won’t matter when the contamination gets to them because they’ll be dead as well.

There are good and bad in all communities including all political and religious movements. There will come a time we have to get rid of the bad people, my movement says the time is now. It’s time the good people of the world took over to create a world that will be acceptable to everyone. We have to get the hatred and the anger out of the minds of all the populations and you can only do that with a new teaching. My movement will give the world a new teaching, this movement will help all the peaceful people, for the violent people I will give them real violence in return. Prime example of what this movement will do, Islam is attacking Christians all around the world they are blowing up churches. My movement says whenever a church is destroyed by Islam, every country around the world blows up a mosque. We will either have a global religious war, or they will learn a lesson and start to be peaceful. No more should the world have to put up with a corrupt religious political dictatorship.

Any murder by an Islamist on the free people of the world, the nearest mosque to the scene of the incident  will be destroyed. The whole world has to learn to stop violence against others, this should and never be acceptable, my movement will sort out the anger of the world.

Back in history Islam invaded the European countries, they tried forcing their culture and their so-called religion on the Europeans. In the end the Europeans rebelled and kicked Islam out of Europe, now today all your governments have let Islam back in. Your governments have betrayed their own people, now we have no go zones in Europe, Islamic attacks on Europeans and churches. This weekend we have had Muslims going around Jewish areas in London shouting anti-Jewish abuse. History is repeating itself, there will come a time if Islam doesn’t change its attitude, we have to get rid of it again.

A little story

My son was on a roundabout in the rush hour when a Muslim pulled out in front of him there was slight contact between the two vehicles. My son called the police because this Muslim was starting to get aggressive, the police refused to come. Cutting a Long story short they changed details and went on their way. At 1:00 o’clock in the morning the police came banging on the door and arrested my son for racial abuse. The police brought him back at 3:00 o’clock in the morning they had to go onto the roundabout where the accident happened, the police said then it was the Muslims fault. Now what this Muslim didn’t know is that all my son’s friends are Muslims and he would never do anything like that. My son is prepared to go to court with all his Muslims friends backing him up. The point I’m getting at here is if you give somebody more rights, they will abuse them.

You must remember I’m not a racist, I judge every man Individually on his character, and his attitude within the community. I don’t trust any of your so-called religions, but I get angry when somebody gets in my face and starts telling me what I can and can’t say . I would say to any religious person, give me proof of your God or shut up, without evidence there is no proof. Religious books don’t tell you how to find the evidence, religious books are the fake news media of yesterdays. I believe there is a spiritual force, but you have to be able to open your minds to find IT, everything has to be questioned to learn the truth. Our book will encourage you to find the answers and guide you all with a new teaching for all your future generations. I will tell you what I have found and have experienced, but that’s another story for another time, just read our book and you will learn.

If my movement ever gets into power, it will stop all migration around the world. The globalists are paying for all of this Migration to happen, and your own government are sitting back letting it happen. These migrants are coming into Europe with new phones, cash cards and designer clothes, all paid for by the globalists. And then they are dumped into your countries and then you have to pay for their upkeep. My movement would close all the migrant registration offices they will not get papers, and they will not be allowed to claim benefits or housing costs. If they start stealing off the people they will be shot, If the globalists want all this migration then let them pay for it, they paid to get migrants here, so let the wealthy globalist pay to look after them.

You may be thinking this movement is a little bit violent when we says we will kill  people. You have to look at the community a lot of people are too afraid to protect themselves and those that do retaliate  are worried in case they get arrested for assault. Today criminals seem to have more rights than the general public, if they get caught and go to jail it’s a badge of honour to them. My movement is out to protect all the innocent people and the victims of crime. It’s the decent people within all of your communities that are getting attacked and murdered every day. Look at all the murders in America, knife crimes in London and Europe, people walking around the streets with machetes. Is this a future world that you want, or are you prepared to do something about it? This movement would give the people of the world 10 years to learn of the new tough criminal laws that this movement is prepared to bring in. After 10 years of learning, judgement will be put on the whole of the criminal world. When the criminals realise this movement is not messing about, I’m sure the criminal world will be reduced dramatically. Doing nothing to stop crime is not acceptable, allowing sick violent criminals to live is not acceptable. There is so much more to say on this subject including how the police can react to enforce the new laws, this will be a story for another time.            

Today I’m going to turn away from your world for a while, I’ve really had enough of all your worlds stupidity. From now on we are going to start concentrating on writing our book, this book will be for every man woman and child, especially your young children round the world. Your young  children of today will one day take over your world if they don’t learn anything from our book, then I hold no hope for mankind’s future.

This site will remain open while I’m writing this book, I will monitor this  site for all new subscribers, just to see if people are really interested in changing this world. If subscribers stop coming, I will stop writing and you will never learn of our new political and spiritual teaching. I’m allowing myself a year to write this book, I will also be doing paintings to show you what my mind is seeing. I’ve never wrote a book before, I’ve also never read a book before, so this should be interesting. This site is going to remain quiet for a little while, but I will come back to keep you informed if there are any changes of plans on this site. Please don’t give up on me, please all new subscribers keep coming and one day we will all read and talk of the words within the pages of our book together. 

This is goodbye for now from the four Hermit  Monks.

I wish you all well in the coming year, Goodbye for now

Final emotional words and thoughts from the four Monks

Monk B

Please I beg you all the people of the world, wake up to what is happening around you. You have to change this world for the sake of all your future generation, there is so much we can all do, you should all really seriously start  thinking about it.       Bye.

Monk C

I want all the people around the world to be happy and free, but we are not going to get this unless you are all seriously prepared to do something and change everything.

You have to remember we’ve never tried saving a world before we could really do with some help, what are you doing tomorrow?

When the globalists say you will own nothing and you will be happy, does this mean they are going to give us all free weed.   Bye 

Monk +D

Please never ever give into the ever-increasing corrupt global political system that is being forced on you today, you must start to fight for your own freedom and all your children’s freedoms. This might mean getting blood on your hands, but Monk A, as your spiritual leader will forgive you for it, Evil minds have to be destroyed, no matter what the cost.  Bye

Monk A

You must all start looking for answers with your minds and soles, to solve all the problems around the world. You only have to use the power of your minds, and then use your voices to change this world, Think about it.

A word to all religious people if you really believe there is a God looking down on this world. Try putting your minds into what your God is seeing, and what his emotions and feelings would be. Do you think he would be happy with all the evil, corruption, and Violence, that is in within every society around the world? If you don’t think your God would be happy with you, then you do your gods work and start doing something about it. You have a new world peace movement sitting here waiting to get started, you’ve only got to ask, and I will come to help you. I only need a stage or platform to stand on and a microphone to talk to the people of the world. Let the people of the world decide their own future, and not be dictated to by a few wealthy globaliststhink about it. bye.        

The four Hermit Monks, 19,04,2001

Once again, I have come back into your pathetic sick corrupt world, your world is getting sicker as each day passes. There is a global political virus going round your world it is getting into every part of your society it is creating havoc, division, and hatred, . This global political virus is controlled by the wealthy globalist elite, they are now in all your hallways of power, they are spreading around all your worlds governments. They want to take control of all your countries and your world, this Globalist virus pandemic will penetrate into every part of your society. It’s happening today look at all the new rules laws and regulations that all your governments are making. Every government around the world, they are all working to create the same laws, this has all been planned for many years. The sad part of this is the majority of the people around the world are just foolishly sitting back letting it all happen. I say to all the people of the world, wake up, stand up and rebel against this globalist world dictatorship for the sake of all your future generation.  

Now before I start my angry rant on your world.

Let me first welcome all new subscribers to this site, I really do appreciate you all taking the time and effort in coming. Now today it is with great regret that I have to say to all subscribers both new and old, that I am turning my back on your world and I am walking away. I am a quiet man of peace, but when I look around your world, my anger has taken over my calmness with all your pathetic stupid political and religious leaders. Maybe your God has foolishly picked the wrong man to save you and your world from all of mankind’s stupidity and failings. All I wanted was to sit down quietly in front of the whole world and tell you all, about starting a new political movement and a new truthful one world religion, for the whole of mankind to follow. I have never had intentions of writing all my words, I only wanted to sit in front of 7.5 billion people and give you all the spoken word. You have 25 different Qurans and over 100 different bibles, all of them written by many different people over the last 2000 years, how can you believe in a book that keeps changing. You all have to learn to open your own minds and question everything or you will never learn anything. When you read old religious books, your minds are stuck in the past, my religious book if I ever write it will put your minds into the future. But that’s another Storey for another time  

This site will remain open till June and I will make my final decision on whether this site closes down. In the meantime, I will monitor this site for the number of new subscribers Because it is you the subscribers all 68,556 of you that have kept me going over the last few years. But I am not reaching the number of subscribers that I needed, this has been my disappointment and my failing. My words have got to go all around the world to 7.5 billion people, that is the only way we are going to save this world from stupidity. 

From now on this site is open to criticism and questions, because if you don’t ask the question, I can’t give you the answer. Also, if you have any ideas of your own for bringing total change to everything in this world, such as how we totally change all your governments. Nothing will ever change in this world unless we all put our minds together and think about change, think about it. ( thinking about change is not hard)

The globalists migration plan.

Why do you think the globalist and all your governments are financing the mass migration from third world countries to the West? Simple answer is the Western countries have been very stable since the Second World War With the help of Christianity. Christianity has been a good stabilising social factor for the people within all the European and American communities. This religion taught the people of the west to love their neighbour turn the other cheek and help each other. There used to be more trust between the people in the community, everybody seemed to be polite, there was a good social order. The globalists don’t want this, they want to cause friction unrest and division within all of your communities. Christianity is being attacked on all fronts the globalists banning religious services especially in Canada. The globalists are inviting Muslims from all around the world to the west, these people like to attack Christians all around the world. Look at all the churches in the west, that have been burned down and attacked by Muslim migrants. These migrants are doing the globalist dirty work by suppressing Christianity, there are now new laws protecting these people, and giving them more rights. The globalists are out to destroy the peaceful western cultures, with an influx of other disruptive cultures. Europe has now got migrant no go zones for Europeans, where it is not safe to walk around, they are taking over all your countries as more and more migrants move in. This is what your governments and globalists want is to cause chaos and confusion, and to get political gain and to destroy the European culture. Everything today is political this is how the globalists are taking over the world, your world is going to get more corrupt as the globalists take over. Think about it.  

There is talk that Christianity and Islam will be getting together for a one world religion, these religions have been lying to the people for 2000 years why should we start trusting them now.

Think about what is really happening all around you and take a closer look at your world today. The globalists are creating tension within all of your communities to take your attention away from what they are really doing within all your governments. Your governments are bringing in more rules, laws, and regulations to suppress your freedom of speech freedom of movement, the list goes on and on. The globalists are creating an authoritarian world where you have no rights at all, and you must bow down to their authority that is coming, think about it. The problem with this world today, people live in their own little social bubble, they do not think of what is happening on the outside, but it is the outside world that is going to burst their little bubble. When their bubble bursts there will be an influx of a police states, a dictatorship controlling everything This is starting to happen with the police today. The problem with people in the West they have never lived through a communist dictatorship and they do not realise what is coming. You should all study North Korea because this is what your country could be like in the near future.

A little Storey from a few years ago.

A few years ago, the British government was going through a big financial problem, and in the house of commons, an MP stood up and blamed all the problems on the baby boom in the 60s and 70s. This is because those children from the 60s are now retiring and claiming a pension and is now creating a big problem on the country’s financial situation. Now look at what the British government is doing they have opened the borders to millions of migrants. Even with all the locked downs on the British people they are still assisting migrants into the country at Dover. The British government are putting all these migrants into four-star hotels all over the country at the British taxpayer’s expense. A lot of these migrants can’t speak English so they will not get a job for a long time they’ll be all claiming benefits for a long time at the British people taxpayer’s expense. The point I’m getting at here is these migrants are age between 20 and 40 years old, and in 30- or 40-years’ time, all these migrants will need a pension, who are the British government going to blame then, Think about it. Now look at America and the millions of migrants that are flooding the border the same is going to happen in America, at the American people’s taxpayer’s expense. Every western country in the next 40 years is going to be bankrupt and it is your globalist and government leaders that are doing it. With all the bankrupt countries the globalists banking system will be claiming all the property and wealth off all the poor people. British government is asking the people to take out private pension and insurances for when they retire. This is because they know they cannot afford to pay all these pensions and they’re going to have to stop paying pensions. My experience in doing this my father in law paid into the Scottish widows all his life, they went bust for a few years and then started back up again my father in law lost everything. I’ve heard of other pension companies going bust and the people losing everything, how can you trust them how can you even trust your own government. Satan and an evil oppression is coming into your world, where are all your good Gods now to help you, think about it.  

A new political party that will actually do the job.

For anything to change in this world we have to change the whole political system and change everything. There is a lot to do, big decisions have to be made freedom of speech has to be brought back into the public domain. For too long the people are being oppressed more and more each day, and if we don’t stop it now you and your children will have nothing to live for in the future. I’m a man of peace but looking at this world today we are going to have to create a global revolution against the Globalist in your governments, the people have to stand up for their own rights. I am glad to see that there is a lot of people around the world protesting on mass about all these authoritarian globalist lock downs. Seeing this gives me hope, but I still think we have to go further with a new strong minded uncorrupted political party. Please I ask everyone, if you hear of a protest, I would like you all to go along to it, just stand at the back so that you are not harmed. This is just to increase the visual numbers; it would be much appreciated. Don’t forget these people that protests over lockdowns they are doing it for you the people, you should be helping them.

I have just heard that the British government are giving free training for people to become backups for the police force. Look at what’s happening here, your government trains them today and you pay them tomorrow at the taxpayer’s expense. Your government is going to put up the people’s taxes, to pay these people to attack the British people, think about what’s happening in this world. This sounds like the government is creating a Gestapo, Brown shirts to assist the corrupt government to bring in more and more laws to oppress the people. When Boris Johnson got to be Prime Minister, I thought he was like Trump an Intelligent strong-minded person, I didn’t realise he was such a blithering idiot the same as Joe Biden. I’ve always suspected that the police have already been backed up by members of the armed forces, with looking at the bad attitude of the police today. The police today should be ashamed of themselves they’re supposed to protect the public not to be the strong arm of a corrupt government. Look at all the Civilised Western countries Canada Australia New Zealand Britten Europe, and the attitude of the police. This proves to me that all western countries are heading for a communist dictatorship with a form of martial law, created by the globalists N W O, Think about it.  

Just a daft thought.

If anybody wants a long cheap holiday abroad, just throw your passport away and when you enter their country tell them you’re a migrant. They will have to put you into a four-star hotel and give you benefits while you are in their country,  

The so-called covid flu virus.

The whole global world population should just step back and take a good look at what is actually happening here with this so-called pandemic. The first thing to look at is the globalists want to depopulate the world by any means possible, they’re already financing and developing new viruses. These untested vaccines that they want to force on all the people we’re already made before this so-called pandemic was released on the world , I have seen the date of manufacture on the box. Every so often the world does have a pandemic sometimes with a high percentage of deaths but with this so-called covid flu it is very low, less than 2% the same as a normal winter flu season. If you don’t believe this statement you phone a funeral service and ask them has there been more deaths since this so-called pandemic. They will tell you that it is just a normal winter number of deaths, this proves you have all been lied to, who can you trust these days. To understand the globalists, you have to think with your mind like a globalist that want to cut down the population they want to control every part of your life. Their biggest weapon is the media they can brain wash a manipulate all your minds and the whole global population’s minds, they are doing it every day, think about it. The globalists control the big tech companies now they’re suppressing all the little people, both you and me. Now they control the global Pharmaceutical industries, imagine if you were a globalist what would you do with these companies. For the globalist and all your corrupted governments this would be the perfect weapon to quietly cut down the world’s population. The media would spread panic about this invisible pandemic, your corrupted governments would lockdown the countries to put fear into the minds of all the people. Propaganda and mind manipulation can be a very powerful tool to control the minds of the population. In the Second World War the Jews had to wear a star, today you have to wear a mask to show that you comply. The Jews had to undress and line up to go into the shower, today you have to roll your sleeves and line up for this so- called vaccine. The Jews didn’t know that the showers were gas chambers that would kill them, today you don’t know if these untested vaccines are going to kill you, think about it. You don’t know what is in these untested vaccines you can’t believe everything that the Globalists tell you about what it says on the box. They could be Injecting anything that they wanted to put into your bodies, even poisons and you can’t Sue them because they are protected by the World Health authority. During the Second World War the Germans did medical testing on the Jews, today the globalists are doing medical testing on all the people with untested vaccines. After the Second World War these doctors were put on trial, when is the world going to put the globalists and your governments on trial. Think about it  

I have heard of a number of things that are in these vaccines that could be life changing and shortening your life in years to come. There is talk of changing your DNA and breaking down your immune system, this could kill you with just a common cold think about it. I have heard that they’re are putting nanochips into these vaccines, the globalists are definitely out to control you.

A little Storey I heard.

A young man wanted to go abroad but he needed a covid passport, but he did not want the vaccine , his mother was a nurse, so she got in one. When he got to his destination, he was tested with a nose swab and tested clear, then he went through a scanning machine he was then told he had not had the vaccine. To me this sounds like the globalists are actually putting nano chips into all your bodies, Remember Nanochips are very minute metal particles. Now look at the big picture 5G communications it’s spreading all around the world, you should know as well as I do you do not put metal in a microwave. Think about what’s going to happen to somebody who has these nano chips inside them standing next to a 5G tower. They’re going to start cooking from the inside causing a lot of medical problems, this could really reduce the population quickly, think about it. Don’t forget 5G is also a military weapon, it can cook your eyes, and they can aim it at you anytime they want, think about it.

Three things you should know about so-called covid.

(1)  This killer virus is so stupid it doesn’t know how to kill people, it leaves it up to his friends the flu virus and pneumonia and any other virus who wants to be his best friend. And if his friends don’t do the job, your doctor will give you a jab in the arm just to make sure. 

(2)  Covid does not like communism, look how quickly it left China and spread all around the world and locked you all down. China is now free of covid , and they’re all back at work building more battleships planes to take over the world and celebrating with large pop festivals.

(3)  Maybe Covid is a Chinese propaganda virus spreading communism, we are all certainly getting a big taste of communism. Look at all these new laws and Censorship, lockdown’s, freedom of movement, forced vaccinations, police home invasion, Human rights violations, the list goes on and on. Seriously think of what is happening to your world.

(4)  My last word on covid, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, WAKE UP WORLD, look at what your governments and the globalists are doing to you all.

My ever-increasing growing anger every time l look at your pathetic world.

I’m beginning to think that I am living in a world of transvestite queer fairies, and the wicked witches are the globalists and all your government leaders. You can’t say anything these days or you are called a racist a Nazi or a white supremacist, the list goes on and on. The globalists say they want to take all your property and you will rent it You will own nothing. and they will pay you a living allowance and you will all be happy. My movements will make the globalists extremely happy because my movement will take all their property and wealth off them and give them a weekly allowance, (It’s only fair ). The globalists don’t want you to fly and travel, to reduce the carbon footprint. My movement will take all their private planes off them so that they have to do the same as the rest of us, it’s only fair. My movement will test all new vaccines on everybody working in the Pharmaceutical industry first, it’s only fair. My movement will take over and nationalise all the banks, and get rid of all the global debt, let the bankers be as poor as the rest of us.(It’s only fair to do this ). If we can change the whole banking system, we can say it is the alternative reset of the one world. Get rid of the world debt and start again with a one world currency this would take the tension off everybody. The globalist want to screw you so why don’t you screw them, there’s more of you than there is of them. This can be done you just need a strong-minded new movement and leadership with a common aim for the whole of mankind, Think about it. Don’t be a pussy all your life get up and start shouting for freedom and common sense. What this world needs is leadership with strong balls, if they haven’t got the balls, they can have mine I’m 74 and not using them.  

The power of the human mind

Because this site might be closing down in June, I have decided to write my lifelong Storey of my thoughts and observations of your world. I say to all subscribers both new and old, please tell all your friends of this site, because this site and this alternative new world order movement wants to teach you, and the whole of mankind how to think with a free open mind. I need as many subscribers as I can get to keep going, I want everybody round the world to start thinking of an alternative new world order it is in your own interest, I cannot stress this enough. The wealthy globalists have only gotten their wealth and power by taking it off you the people, they do not care one little bit about you.

The globalists want to change your DNA, the human body has been created with evolution over a very long time, your body is designed to do anything. The only thing to improve on now is your brain power, unfortunately this has a long way to go to improve. But I believe the human brain in the future is capable of much more if it is taught properly. People have to stop listening to all these stupid liberal, woke and racist people, this world is getting ridiculous, I’ve just heard that a green tree is now racist. I’m sure if your God was looking down on this world, he would be thinking what the hell is going on down there.

When I start writing my book, it will teach you all how to use your minds, you will learn the sense of touching things without touching, you will learn to hear things without hearing. You will learn how to use your emotions and how to receive the worlds emotion, your minds will learn how to tap into the rhythm of life. You could say with using all your senses together you could actually learn how to tap into what you would call the spiritual world. Without realizing it I have been doing a form of meditating all my life, I was putting my mind into trying to solve engineering problems. That’s another Storey for another time.

All my life I’ve never even thought about meditation I’ve never seen the point in it, I definitely would not pay somebody to teach me. They say you will find peace in your inner self and your soul, my answer to that is, if you don’t know who or what you are then you should see a psychiatrist. It’s all very well looking for your inner peace, it’s the Chap that wants to punch you in the face you should be thinking about. This world is never going to have peace unless you all put your minds together and think as one. My new one world order religion will sort out all your minds and this world with a new teaching. This movement will brainwash all your minds, then put your minds in the spin dryer, then iron it smooth then we can start with a clean new world. Then all the dirt and corruption will go down the drain and into the sewers where it belongs, But that’s another Storey for another time.

A Change of plan

I have decided to keep this site going for one more year, I’ve realised if I’m going to write my lifelong storey of all my thoughts over the last 74 years, then it’s going to be a very long Storey. I hate writing at the best of times, I’m very slow at it using just one finger, it could take forever to finish my book. On this site I’m going to try and keep it as short as possible, I will tell you how I started, on what I call my mind game. It is important you all know how my life story and line of thought started, because it was not until 9/11/ 2001, on this day my mind and all my thoughts was opened to the stupidity of the human mind. What came after that day is what I want to teach the world, that is the day I put all my thoughts into questioning life itself. This is something you should all be doing, you should all be questioning everything, I cannot stress this point more strongly. Your life and the lives of all your future generations, all their lives are all dependent on what you all do today at this moment in time. Always remember I’m trying to start a movement for the future, for all your future generations. I must warn you all now, if blood has to be spilt then blood will be spilt to achieve all my rules, and all your god’s rules, which are similar to mine. In the future only the meek and intelligent people shall inherit the earth, I have now spoken now make it so, if you all want peace.

I am now closing my laptop down and my window on your world, I will only open it to write my book and cheque on the numbers of new subscribers. The more subscribers that I get, the more I will write my book if the subscribers stop coming, I will stop writing my book. Now it is up to you all the subscribers to help advertise my site, because I have been censored and band on Facebook and Twitter the globalists are trying to keep me quiet.

Now it’s goodbye from me and the four Hermit Monks A,B,C.+D

Goodbye for now.  

Random thoughts of the four Monk.

M,A) Please I beg you all the whole of mankind look at the world with your mind, Look at all the troubles around your world. Is this a world you all really want to bring up your children, Children should be free to develop in their own time? But in this world in many cases, it is the Grown Ups that are twisting and destroying the minds of all the young. The whole world needs to be taught a new way, a new way of thinking with the power of the mind. If our movement can teach the parents of this world then they can teach their own future children, the new way of this alternative new world order.

M,B) With us closing this computer down for a while , I might try doing some paintings to illustrate our book and to give you an idea of what we have seen and experienced.

M,C) I’m the comedian on this site, and I think what this world badly need is comedians in government. You will notice that comedians tell the truth more times than politician do, they will make fun of themselves and all the people around them. What this world needs is more humour, we all have to learn to laugh at ourselves, and all our mistakes. Now today in this world, the globalists are censoring the comedians, now comedians have to be careful of what they say. The globalists are going to take all the fun out of all your lives and your world, soon life will not be worth living. Think about it.

M+D) I’m the angry man on this site, I have kept quiet for many years but now my anger is taking over. I see the weakness in the minds and lack of character in all your leaders in government, they do nothing to help the poor people they just want their high salaries. Your leaders are creating crime within all of your society mob rule is allowed to exist within your communities. This would never happen if this movement was in charge, this movement would protect all the good innocent people and terminate anyone that doesn’t comply. A prime example Black lives matter, antifa, street gangs, and anyone else that does not comply to a Friendly social order, I would terminate the lot. This world will never have peace and freedom if these mentally sick people are allowed to walk the streets. People are afraid to go out because of the social unrest in all the towns and cities around the world. The globalists are paying for this to happen, look at the leaders of black lives matter and the million-pound houses that they are now buying, Think about it. look at the Democrats in America and Maxine Waters and others encouraging the people to riot and loot. The Democrats want to defund the police but at the same time they are Encouraging more and more criminal acts, is this a world you want. Think about it. This is all a globalist plan to cause more unrest, so the government can bring in more laws to suppress the people. Think about it.

If you want peace to come to you all in the future go and talk to the other three Monks if you want the problem sorting out now quickly and efficiently then come and talk to me M+D. Always remember you cannot be nice to criminals their minds are incapable of listening to reason.

M,B) WARNING, Get ready for the next round of fear mongering by the globalists they’re having another talk about climate change and you can be expecting a lot of new rules and regulations to come in for the rest of the world. The globalists are out to screw you every which way you turn because global warming and covid are all part of their global mind control, to take over your world. You should realise whatever they decide to do, they’re going to make you pay for it, this is how a dictatorship works. You should know it’s going to be another load of lies because they are out to control you. If you don’t achieve 0 carbon the globalists are going to screw you to the ground, this is how ridiculous this world is getting. The globalists are also bringing in rules and regulations so that you cannot sell your house and the globalists will end up taking it over, it’s coming they’re going to screw you all every which way you turn. If we don’t get rid of these globalists your life is going to be a living hell, listen to them the telling you what they’re going to do. WHY do you all just sit there and accept it, wake up world you will own nothing, and you will be happy. The globalists will be happy because will own all your property, and you have to keep paying and paying them for the rest of your life. And if you don’t comply to their demands, they will close your bank accounts they will have the power to do whatever they want.

M,B) I’m sure you all would like to see this world a better place, so why don’t you all start thinking about doing something about it. The globalists want to create a world for themselves you will become their slaves and you have to bow down to them. Why don’t you create your own world, organise yourselves talk to the people create an alternative? I’m sure if you can draw up a plan to show the public, the people would start backing you and sponsor the movement.  

M,A) You and all your children will have to read our book to understand what you all have to do for this world. When I finish this book and if you all have read it from the first to the last page, only then you all have to decide if this book is going to be your new alternative Bible and religion for your future. Do not make any decisions until you have all read the last part, because the last part is why I came into your world.

My book will leave you asking many questions, you will only find the answers if you use your minds and do what the book tells you to do.

M+D) Look at the advancement in science today and the good it has done for the whole world. Put science in the wrong hands of the globalists, they can create terror and suffering around the world. When I was very young scientists said there was going to be an Ice Age, today scientists have change it to global warming. Today they want to change your DNA I’ve heard they want to create super soldiers, and for the rest of the population they are confusing them with their own sexual gender. Imagine a future of super soldiers controlling a population of queer fairies, who do you think will be controlling the world then, if you think it will be the globalists you are right. The wealthy globalists control the scientific world, they have the power to depopulate your world very quickly and you’re not allowed to question them. Today the globalists are building their strength, when they have full power life will be hell on earth.

MB) I’m going to go now, please I say to all new subscribers to this site when I can get enough of you together in one place. We will all sit down quietly together and plan the future of your world for all our future generations.

Goodbye for now

I hope you are all starting to see the light, as I have seen it. Bye 


Hermit Monk47 from www.newworldpeacemovement.com the Alternative New world Order. Plus, the Alternative Great Global Reset.

Hello world

Once again, I have come back into your sick corrupt world of constant lies and deceit, the globalists N W O are taking over your world with something that will be a lot worse than communism. Their agenda is to depopulate your world, this will mean killing you and all your children, and all your governments around the world are blindly helping them to do this. Don’t forget the human mind is capable of such atrocities, mankind has done it before and they could do it again, when they take over your world. Mankind must now decide, do you put all your faith in the globalist secret society that want to terminate all your lives. Or, are you going to put all your faith in all your so-called Gods and wait for a miracle to happen? Or, would you follow my totally new movement that will sort out your world once and for all into the long distant future? The globalists want to steal your world from you all, they have already accumulated a great wealth, that they have already taken off you the people, now they want to take everything else.

Now before I start my angry rant on your world.

Let me first welcome all new subscribers to this site, I now have 67,583 and still growing day by day. I am glad to see that there are still people out there round the world, that are interested in what is happening all round your world, and hopefully you are also looking for change. I want to start a new political party a party that is actually going to get the job done and sort this world out once and for all. I call on all subscribers both new and old to start helping in publicising this site, I need your help to change your world. If you look around the world at all the protest groups in every country, that are stopped in their tracks by overzealous police and the army. In my mind all these protest groups are a waste of time and effort, I want my movement to Unite all these protests groups and all the people around your world. You would be better off creating rally’s where you can publicly put your points forward to the population and to create a new political movement that will be acceptable to the whole of the public. To change anything in this world, you have to get into the hearts of all your corrupt governments of the world and destroy them all from within. You can only do this with a new strong type of political party that is prepared to change everything and bring down the globalists and corrupt politician’s that are taking over your world. On this day, the whole world has to decide, do you support the 1% of the globalists that want to suppress and enslave you all. Or would you support a real people’s movement that will free all your minds with a new teaching and education, think about it.

My failings with this site.

I am an old man and I am weak, I live in total isolation from your world, but I can still remember how free my world use to be, when I was young, (I want my old world back). Today with all the greed, corruption and censorship that has taken over your world, I am not a free man anymore. Your technology is outgrowing your human minds, in the future computers will rule you and your world, computers don’t have emotional feelings. Without emotions you will lose your community Identity, you will be isolated from free thinking. Emotional feelings, imagination and thoughts are part of your spiritual existence, without this your mind is dead to life and the spiritual world and you will learn nothing. (I will explain more on this matter if we ever meet in the future )

Another thing that I am failing on is my lack of knowledge of the Internet and running a site. You have to remember my computer screen is only my window on your world, and my keyboard lets me tell you my thoughts with my written words. Now I ask all subscribers if any of you are capable of running a site on the internet to create a global movement an Alternative New World Order. We need to get the whole world Involved and speaking up, why should the world be dictated to by the corrupt globalist 1%. You all have a voice use it, you all have free minds use them, use them to your own advantage, for the sake of all your future generations. If we can get people in every country doing this type of site, we can get all the people of the world talking to each other. We all have to go for total change, you are capable of changing everything you only have to put your minds to it. Someone could make a living out of this and finance a site with donations and advertising, you can use anything you see on this site. I ask you for nothing in return, my time and my words are free to you and your world to use. I’m an old age pensioner I am living on a small state pension, but I would quite happily donate £500 to anyone who could start a site. The people of the world have to act quickly, the wealthy globalists are taking over your world, they’ve just paid for and stolen the American election. The secret globalist society are now out in the open and are pressing their agenda much more strongly than before. Their agenda is to oppress the people of the world with a communist martial law, you only have to look at all the new laws that your governments are bringing in. When the globalists have full power, this will be the start of the total oppression of all your minds for you and the rest of the world. Think about it.  

Political parties.

All my life I have never voted for any political movement, but over the years I have always watched and listened to all their lies and the promises that they never fulfilled. At election time they will smile and shake your hand or kiss your babies, but once in office they turned their backs on you the people. Their only interest is their high salary and how much more they can make on the side using their position of so-called power. Once again history is repeating itself, in days of old, the Kings and Queens oppressed the people, now today the politicians are oppressing the people. You only have to look at America and the Democrats they have stolen the country and are now handing it over to the globalist’s world order for their own personal profit. They got rid of trump with his Millions upon millions of followers and have given it to a man that couldn’t even fill a small car park. I’m at the point now where I question the British and European elections, plus the EU with all their unelected members running Europe. It’s time for change, all of this corruption has been going on for far too long, the world needs a new movement like mine to put a stop to it all. My movement will police itself and all governments round the world and Kick out all the corrupt Politicians. It’s time this world woke up, there are 7 billion of you, are you going to take all this B S you get off all your governments. Think about it. My movement will totally change all governments it will reduce the size of governments and it will reduce the salaries of all members in government. Governments have to work efficiently with cost cutting and get rid of all the waste in all Governments, they have to be ran like a business, but it will do the best they can for all the poorest of people. For too long governments have always done cost cutting from the poorest in society, my movement will start at the top and work down. My movement will break up governments into sections, each of these sections will be run by highly qualified people. These people will be given these positions by the elected members of government and will also be removed if they are not up to the job.

You have to look at all the types of governments we have today, be it communism socialism democracy capitalism they’re all the same. Every one of these governments only benefits the people in power, elected members should be working for the people not against them. We have to get politics out of all governments because they spend more time arguing between themselves than they do actually doing the job. We have to divide up all governments one part just dealing with the people and Social problems in society. The people of the country will also run the police for themselves, with new laws. I will explain more on this matter when the time is right. 

Another part of government will run farming and agriculture to feed the people. Another part will be just running industry, we can’t have industrially minded people ruling the people and social order. My movement will also create a new people’s banking system where all government departments and the people have to use this one bank. All large financial transactions coming in and out of the country will have to go through this bank. This bank will monitor the spending of all government departments and is allowed to report to the people if anything is questionable. The people running this bank will not be getting high paid bonuses, it’s the Peoples Bank not the globalist Elites bank. This bank will give higher interest rates on the people savings, and hopefully a lower interest rate on new Small business. Hopefully as time goes on, this bank will deal with all the Housing costs, to get the cost down for the people. In the future there will be no private landlords renting property, people will be encouraged to buy their own property with the help of this peoples Bank. Homelessness will be eradicated with temporary accommodation for the homeless, I will explain more later when the time is right. I want my movement to get the people of the world involved and to invest in themselves and their countries and their world, it can be done you only have to think about it.  

Human rights and new laws.

You have to look at the United Nations and their incompetents with their human rights, they made the laws but never enforced them. After the Second World war The German Nazi party were put on trial for crimes against humanity, this should have been a lesson to the world. Now since that time, Russia China North Korea Cuba have done crimes against their own people and nothing has ever been done or said about it. You have people in the UN from countries that are committing Human rights violation, and they’re sitting on committees for human rights. You have the United Nations forces in some countries committing violations of human rights against the innocent people they are supposed to be protecting. Your world leadership is really sick in the head, it’s about time you all sacked the lot of them and started again. Think about it.

The only people that benefit from the UN’s human rights, are the criminals of the world that demand the protection of their laws. The Vast majority of people that aren’t protected by the UN are the Innocent victims of crime where are their rights?  

My movement would dispense of the United nation and the WHO to create a new alternative UN for all the people, the UN and the WHO will be given a new programme to follow that will change all the laws. You have the likes of Bill Gates donating to the World Health authority to get their approval so that he can make more money. He’s killed thousands of people, crippled and deformed thousands of young children in Africa with his vaccine. Where are all these children’s rights? Bill Gates cannot be sued He’s made sure of that with the protection of the World Health authority. He talks of depopulating the world, now he wants to vaccinate 7.5 billion people , now people today are dying with his new untested vaccines. It will only be a matter of time before indiscriminating vaccines are forced on everybody this is part of the globalist agenda. How can you trust a man like this he’s always smiling while he’s promoting the globalist agenda with his Vaccines and making a lot of money at the same time? If he was a decent person, he would supply the world at cost price, even if he charge 1-pound profit he would make 7.5 billion pounds think about it  

My movement also wants to depopulate your world, but my movement will be selective of who will live and who will die. My movement will protect all the innocent people of this world, and it will terminate the lives of all the criminals round your world, only then you will have peace of mind. As I have said on this site before, this movement will educate the whole of mankind for 10 years to learn the new laws of this movement. These new laws will be taught in every school around the world, so that everybody knows what is coming. Children will be taught to control their anger and open their minds to the new world that is coming, with the help of this movements new teaching. Children will be taught of their responsibility for this new world and for all their future generation. Children will be taught for their own safety not to enter or be part of the criminal world. Because after 10 years the day of judgment will start and the criminal culling will begin all around the world, no violent criminal will be spared. My movement will do this because it has to help and protect the good honest people of the world, your UN and all your governments have failed you.

Here is a list of people to be terminated.

Terminate all Murderers

Why should the people in a peaceful community have to tolerate such actions, while a murderer is allowed to live his full life in jail? You have to think of all the mental stressed in the minds of the families of the victims, this could go on for years. My movement Is a believer in strong justice, an eye for an eye, and a life for a life, People must learn and understand murder is not acceptable. I will explain more when the time is right.

Terminate all Terrorists

All terrorists should be terminated; their minds are weak because they are brain washed and have no other way of expressing themselves. This should never be tolerated in a future peaceful civilised society.

Terminate all People and organisations who Finance terrorism.

These people should also be terminated for inciting terrorism, these people do this for their own political gain or pathetic religious reasons. This will not be tolerated in a future civilised society. I will explain more on this matter when the time is right.

Terminate all Organised Gang members.

For too long gangs have terrorised and put fear in the minds of the people in all communities around the world. My movement will create a special police force to combat this, I will explain more when the time is right.  

Terminate all People traffickers

This is another form of slavery Created by the criminal world, why has this been allowed to go on for so long, it’s hard to believe. As with a lot of the criminal world your government have just sat back and let this happen, my movement will not tolerate this. It’s time the world woke up to the suffering that is going on all around your world, your leaders and all your governments are too weak to do anything about it. It’s time for ,,.

Terminate all Paedophiles.

These are the most disgusting of all people within your society then minds are sick, they are unable to control their own minds. For some reason your governments seem to want to protect these people, could it be your members of governments are also paedophiles think about it. My movement will have a special police force that will Protect all the children of the world . I will explain more when the time is right.  

Terminate all Rapists.

Rape has to be classed as a murder we have to be prepared to do everything we can to protect all the innocent people of this world. I will talk more on this matter when the time is right.

Terminate all Violent criminals.

For too long violence has been within all of your communities, people have to learn to control their minds and emotions, my movement will do just that. I will explain more when the time is right.

Terminate all prisoners doing life sentences in jail.

For too long Prisoners have been given more rights than the general population, my movement will change all this. I will explain more on this matter when the time is right.

Now you might be thinking this is a bit harsh and goes against all the human rights, now you must ask yourself where are the rights of all the innocent victims of crime. We are all a community animal why should we put up with the criminal world within every community. Why should the community have to pay high taxes and pay for the upkeep of the criminal world that abused the people within your community? An example of this, there has been a young migrant in Europe for less than three months, he murdered three Europeans and was sentence to life in prison. Now the people of that country have to pay for the upkeep and imprisonment of this young man for the next 60 or more years. With what this country spends on this young man you could help a number of homeless people, think about it. I’m sure a lot of people would object to this harsh reality, and object with protests outside the prison. My movement would say to all these people, you have to register for making monthly payments to the prison system and you pay for the full cost to keep these people alive. I don’t see why the rest of the community should be paying for criminals, if you have a vicious dog you put it down what makes a vicious human different? My movement says, see a problem solve it quickly, unless somebody can come up with a better idea, but it has to solve the problem quickly. I’m sure if people knew what was coming with these new rules, your crime and violence would drop dramatically without having to do it, think about it  

Covid 19

Wake up world, this virus is not a medical problem it’s a political and a global mind controlling program design to take over and control you and your world, by the globalist new world order. This flu virus is supposed to be a pandemic, I was expecting to see people coming round the streets ringing a Bell and a cart shouting bring out your dead, ask yourself how many people do you know that have died of covid. Hospitals aren’t overrun with patients in fact some hospitals are closing down, now ask yourself who is lying to you. This is all a political a manipulation of all your minds by the globalists that want to control your world. Look at all your Kings and Queens all through history and all of your religions, where you all had to bow down to them. It’s happening again, but now you have to bow down and submit to the globalists that want to control you. Look at what is happening Bill Gates and Fauci are now donating money to the Wuhan labs in China again. Now ask yourself are they looking for the Super virus that will wipe out 90% of the world’s population. Bill Gates keep saying that there will be new strains of this virus how does he know can he see the future, or is he creating them for you and your children in the future. Think about it. If the virus doesn’t kill you the vaccines will, there have been a lot of deaths with these vaccines and a lot of very serious side effects. There are a lot of top highly payed Doctors working for the globalists and telling you publicly to take the vaccines. There is also a lot of highly qualified doctors telling you not to take the vaccine, these doctors are being censored and band on the Internet. You never hear of the suffering of the people that have had these vaccines on the main media news. There will come a time when they will force these vaccines on you all, you will need a vaccine passport to go anywhere, there is talk of this now. This is all a form of martial law; your freedom is slowly being taken away they are programming your minds to a obey their authority. You have to remember the globalists are making billions in profits while they are bankrupting you and your countries with all these lockdowns. This world needs people in charge that you can trust, and you can only do that by creating an alternative world government that will work for and listen to the people.

The Random thoughts of the four monks.

(1)  Biden might be the president of America, but he is a puppet of the globalists he has stopped the building of the wall he’s going to flood America with millions of migrants from all around the world. The whole of society is going to breakdown there are food shortages and homeless people now, what do you think it’s going to be like when millions of more people come into that country. He is foolishly going to do what the stupid Europeans have done to their own countries they have opened their gates to migration. These are people that are coming to your countries from failed states, the globalists are creating a world of failed states all around the world. Don’t forget it’s you the people of each country that have to pay for the upkeep of all these migrants that means more taxes less jobs. The more money your governments borrow to pay for all these migrants it is your future grandchildren that will be paying the bill, With interest. You also have to think about an overpopulated country, this will mean the globalists Industrial complex will have an endless supply of cheap Labour. This will mean more poverty in the rest of the community making people more dependent on the globalist state for an income. The globalists are starting to take over your world, now you’re stupid American and EU leaders are helping them. Your leaders are taking away all your rights a little bit at a time, now with the police and army martial law will soon be coming. Just look at the army surrounding the American capital does this look like martial law to you, it does to me, think about it.  

(2)  As a European I can say to the American people you are now a laughingstock at what is happened in your election. Your country is now run by Democratic fools and they are going to fool you even more.

(3)  We have to use the Internet to create an open public debate site to create our own alternative new world order where we can all put forward our own ideas. You have to solve all the problems of the world, and everybody can contribute their thoughts on how we’re going to do this. There will be no more small secret societies dictating to the rest of the world everything will be out in the open, this I promised the world.

(4)  You have to remember it was the big banks that financed communism in the beginning in Russia and in China and anywhere else where communism took over. It was the big banks the finance communism and now they’re turning their attention onto the western world, they are creating a global communist world. Where only the people at the top benefits from your labours, you will become their slaves.  

(5)  The globalists say they are planning for the future the great reset they are not planning it for you they are planning it for themselves, and you will be their slaves. Because these people are the gangsters of the world.

(6)  Biden is promoting the new world order this is how he’s got into being president he’s cheating and lying he’s backed up by the globalist elite. You cannot trust a man that is backed by the new world order. America should get rid of Biden and the Democrats and start my new political party to take their place. If Trump in 2024 gets back in power this movement has to work with him and the Republicans, America needs intelligent leaders, not fools. 

(7)  My movement will look into all the so-called charity foundations that are owned and ran by the globalist elite. My movement will make them declare everything that is going on so that everybody knows where every penny is being spent. You only have to look at the Bill Gates and the Hillary Clinton foundation to realise that corruption is rampant at all levels.

(8)  Euthanasia, this movement will help and educate the people for when your time comes to leave this world. When you come to a certain age you will all know your time is getting close, a lot of people fear death. A lot of people suffer for months and even years with the breakdown of their aging bodies. This movement will help and educate mankind of what to expect when that day comes to you all. Although I am a very strong atheist, maybe, just maybe, I have touched on, or experienced something that you might find very interesting. But that’s a very long storey for another time.

(9)  Everybody talks about freedom, yet you all put Corrupt politicians in charge That work to take your freedoms away . Don’t you think it’s time if you change your political party to an alternative movement because global government is going to suppress you and your minds and suppress all your thoughts, they will eventually suppress the whole global population. It’s starting today in your world with censorship Think about it,

(10) When I look around the world and see the number of cases of police violence against peaceful Demonstrators. And at the same time allowing people like antifa and black lives matter ran sack your cities, and police just stand down and let them get on with it. This is proving to me that your governments are working for the globalists and are prepared to rule your world with violence. If the globalists and your governments are prepared to create martial law then your leaders do not care for your rights , they also have no regards for your life, think about it.

(11) How can we have a world of peace while your own leaders are creating conflict between different groups in the community against each other. They also create conflict in other countries to justify their own power they do this for their own political gain. It is always the leaders not the people that are doing this, it’s time we change all the leaders we all have to work together to create a world for peace.

(12) This world is led by incompetent corrupt political leaders that only think for themselves they take the wealth off the people. It’s the tradesman and labourers of the world that builds a country and builds the world, but politicians take advantage and support only those that will only give them more wealth, they’re not interested in the little people. All my life I have seen and heard of corruption both in national governments and local governments where millions upon millions of pounds goes missing. There is so much money being floated around it’s hard to keep a track of where it all goes. It’s time the people of this world woke up to the big criminals of this world that are your politicians. Today all your governments are slowly taking all your rights away a little bit at a time so that you do not notice. It’s time you all woke up, we have to design and create a government where politicians can be watched and prosecuted for any wrongdoing.

(13) My movement will change the world if it ever gets into power, it will create new laws and get rid of all old outdated laws. Because the future is all you’ve have and you must turn your back on the past, we have to change the way we all look at life and this world. It can be done by using your imagination, imagination can be a powerful tool. Over the years films and books have been written of modern future worlds, there’s nothing stopping us today from creating a real future. The globalists have used their imagination and are now creating a future for themselves and for their own personal wealth and power, to control you and the masses. You and the rest of mankind now have to use your own imaginations to create an Alternative future world for all your future generations. You have to create a freethinking world without censorship, without strict government control as it is with communism.

(14) They want everybody to wear a mask to cover your face without a face you do not exist your facial expressions are lost. The same as it is with Islam, where the women face has to be covered this is how you are all being controlled think about it.

(15) Covid is just a tool to bring in authoritarian governments all around the world, look at the way the police are attacking the public, and the very high fines that are being implemented. You have to wear a mask, you have to keep a distance, you have to stay in your home, this is becoming an authoritarian world and your governments are creating it, The Western countries are going to end up like China or North Korea. A lot of these political parties are being funded by the globalist; this means you cannot trust your politicians.

(16) We have to look into the salaries of people that are working for the governments such as scientist like Fauci, because they will tell the world anything they want because they’re getting paid a very high salary for doing nothing. Fauci get 400,000 a year plus more money for making public speeches, I could do with a job like this. The point I’m making here is if you pay somebody enough money, they will tell you anything your governments wants them to, don’t forget this is your public tax money they’re spending.

(17) The globalists are always getting Government subsidies for their Charities and foundation the wealthy are not paying for this, you the people are paying for all of this with your taxes. The globalists are bleeding the world dry and Laughing all the way to the bank, and you the people are paying for it all.

(18) Everything in this world is a con, Corruption is everywhere, and nothing ever gets done about it. What this world needs is a totally new look on the whole system to combat corruption. My movement will create a movement that if you see corruption or not getting justice in the courts the people can report it to this movement and they will sort it out. The movement I am trying to create, will not just be a political party it will be a social order movement, For the people by the people.

(19) You have to ask yourself what do these globalists really want, they’ve have more than enough wealth for any person to survive in comfort. They want to take over everything else doesn’t this sound a little bit silly. Why do these globalists want to enslave the rest of the world where are these people souls, where is there compassion for their fellow man?

(20) Big pharma has to be controlled this has to be put into the hands of the public because they are making too much of a profit on killing people. All science round the world on drugs and vaccines will be controlled by the people and put into public hands.

(21) This movement will create a day of judgement on the whole of mankind, this movement will also help and educate you all to change your ways, this I promise the world. My movement will do more for you all than all your so-called gods put together could ever achieve. This movement will teach the people of the world to use just one word, this is a word that is rarely used these days, this word has to be used all around the world. My movement will punish those people that do not use this one word, this word you all have to use is the word, (truth).

(22)You hear of all the experts on climate change, and you hear all the scientists on the covid 19 vaccines. But you never hear from all the scientists on global warming that are banned from talking, and you never hear from the Covid scientist that are also banned from talking. Your minds are being controlled by big tec and the globalist, they’re out to put fear into your minds it’s all part of their controlling you the people. Wake up world they’re coming to get you.

(23) When I was young, I heard about China and the communist takeover where everybody was supposed to be equal. Everybody was given a Spade and told to go and dig for food, everybody had to wear the same clothes, march, and carry the Communist flag. It was the peoples party where the people would rule, it all sounds good on paper, look at China today. Today you have the people at the top, billionaires hundreds of them they are going around the world investing in property. Yet I have heard of people actually starving to death in China, you have internment camps for the people, you have political prisoners. Everybody is monitored with facial recognition, there is no freedom of speech you cannot criticise leaders. They’re harvesting the body parts from living prisoners, religious people are targeted and suppressed, some people go missing never to be heard from again. Now I’m not the brightest person in the world, so can anybody tell me how is this the peoples party where everybody is equal. The point I’m getting at here is, imagine what a globalists communist world could do, if they were in charge. You wouldn’t have to die to go to hell, you would be already in it and living it, think about it  

(24) The quality and freedom of life is more precious than wealth, you can be poor and be happy as I was many years ago when my mind was free and living on the breadline. Today your free thinking is band with censoring and suppression is being enforced on you, how far do you think your leaders prepare to go to control you and your world? Think about it because nobody else seems to be doing it.

(25) Years ago, the British people were asked if they wanted to join the common market, they all voted yes. When the people realised it was full of regulations and to many rules, we all voted to leave. Now ask yourself, shouldn’t we all have been asked if we wanted to join the globalists new world order. Think about it.

(26) Bidon has just signed an order for Mail in voting, this means the Democrats can now win every election in the future, bye, bye Republicans welcome to the new world of the Democrats dictatorship.

Before I sign off.

let me once again, thank all the subscribers to this site, you are all very special to me the more people that come to this site gives me hope for the future of your world. Always remember I do not do this site for fame and fortune I do this for my grandchildren and all of your future grandchildren.

Goodbye for now from the four Hermit Monks

Christmas 2020

Hermit Monk47 from www.newworldpeacemovement.com the Alternative New world Order. Plus, the Alternative Great Global Reset.  

Once again, I have come back into your sick corrupt and disgusting violent world, where all your freedoms are being taken away as each day passes. You only have to look at the American Elections to see how far the corrupt deep state and the globalists elites are prepared to go in their effort to take over and to control your world.

I have been looking around your world, you all need help, serious help, and my movement will do it, Some of you will not like some of my proposals. I will offer the whole world a movement that will solve all your problems quickly and efficiently, but it’s up to you if you want to listen. I am a man of peace, but in your world, there is no peace, I call on all the good peaceful minded people round the world to stand up and together we will create an Alternative World Order, this I promised the world.

Now before I start with my rant on your sick world.

Let me first welcome all new subscribers to this site, because it is you the subscribers that keep me going. With you all coming to this site, it gives me hope for a better world in the future, and for all your future generations. I now have 65,328 Subscribers and still growing day by day, still a few short of the 7.5 billion that I need to save your world, but I live in hope. Today, I am asking all subscribers to this site to help me totally change your world. I have been using Facebook, Twitter,  to advertise this site, I keep getting banned on these sites. It seems the globalists don’t want the people of the world to know the truth, so they keep banning me. Please everybody help me to promote this site and unlock my door into your world, and I will personally come into your world and bring total change. I cannot write what I would like to say it would take too long, I need to stand in front of the whole world and give you all the spoken words. You say the pen is mightier than the sword, I say the spoken word telling the truth is mightier than the pen.

This world needs a new teaching for all future generations, the search of knowledge and understanding, mankind has lost its way with its ignorance for the reason and the understanding for life.      

You are all part of this world, it is your responsibility to speak up, I have my ideas, you have to put your own ideas for change out into the world, for the world to see. When I look around your world, I see a very big jigsaw puzzle with thousands and thousands of pieces, each piece is a problem. It is when you put this Global jigsaw together you see the big picture, you can see what has to be done, you can see what has to be changed.

The globalists are taking over your world, and all your governments are helping them, your leaders have turned their backs on you and all your communities and have embrace the Globalist. They have chosen wealth and power for themselves, over the people of the world. History is repeating itself once again, all through history you have had your wealthy Kings Emperors and the Lords of all the lands. Today it is the banks and the global elite that now want to take over your world and rule your world and control the minds of the population. Only two men can save your world, one of them hopefully is President Trump, the other is a man that you may never meet, because he is leaving your world next year, when this site has to close down.

The corrupt globalists and the corrupt  U.N. and the W.H.O world order.

Over the years The United Nations have created human rights for everyone round the world, now today they’re taking all your rights away from you. They are creating a communist dictatorship where all your human rights will never again exist. Look around at your world today see what’s going on within all of your communities they are controlling you with fear. They control the fake media news, they are controlling your minds they are censoring the internet, so that you cannot speak, they are suppressing your thoughts. All these locked downs are to stop you from meeting people they want to keep you isolated from others to stop you talking. Look at all these lockdowns, they are a form of martial law, look at how aggressive the police are getting with peaceful protesters,  this is all part of the global agenda. With all these peaceful protesters around the world it will soon be the military and police that will be on the streets of all your towns and cities. Also look at all  these new laws they are making day by day, when this so-called pandemic is over these laws will still be there and they will keep adding more. All your governments are gradually creating a communist dictatorship to protect the wealthy and themselves. While at the same time controlling and suppressing the minds of all the poor.

Think about what the globalists are doing to your western cultures.

1)     Their aim is to suppress and control your thoughts, and to put fear into all your minds, they want to isolate you from the rest of society.

2)     They have imported all these migrants to infiltrate all your communities you now have no go zones; these are areas where it is not safe to go. Europeans are being attacked by migrants all the time, there’s just been another murder in Italy, this is happening on a regular  basis. There is something wrong, when your own police tell you not to walk around in certain places in your own towns. This is what the globalists and all your governments are doing to you in all your countries, and if you speak up you are called a racist and can and will be arrested.

3)     The globalists wants to concentrate everybody into overcrowded towns and cities and  take the property off everybody so that you have to pay rent to them. Many people have invested in property to hand down to their children when they’re gone, this will all be stopped, and all your children will be left in poverty.

4)     The globalists want to restrict all your travel, they want to keep you all in the towns and cities, there will be no freedom your cities will become your concentration camp.

5)      They want to give you a monthly allowance, and if you don’t obey to their rules this finance can be stopped at any time. You will become slave to the globalists agenda with all your rights taken away.

6)     With all these lockdowns businesses are going bankrupt and they will all be forced to closed down permanently. Property prices will drop to the floor, or property will  be abandoned this is when the big banks will buy up your world. This is a calculated form of theft to take the wealth off all the people of the world by the globalist elite.

7)     Everything the globalists are doing to you the people today, has been planned many years ago in advance. It has been done by wealthy people sitting around a table in secret and deciding how to get your wealth out of your pockets and into  there’s. Now that their plans are coming out in to the open, you can expect a lot of serious things to happen. These people are out to steal your world, your wealth and your freedom,

8)     The globalists are lying to you all the time in the media, they are mentally  manipulating your minds, they are playing on your weakness of you trusting them.

It is so easy to create fake news to control the minds of all the people, this is not a new idea, it has been used all through history by wealthy leaders for well over 2000 years, to control all the  minds of a population. This fake news all through history has come in the form of handwritten parchment’s called the  Bible and the Quran, the same with all the other cults. The people of the world had to bow down to their leader’s rules or suffer the consequences, the same as it is today with the Globalists fake news.

The people that are creating the fake news today will be suppressing all the thoughts and minds of their own  future generations, in their future years to come. the youth of the world  have always rebelled against authoritarian dictatorships, as it has always been through history with the young minds. In the future the youth will rebel once again, this will create more problems for all future generations, what we do today affects tomorrow.  Mankind must learn to teach truth today and create a world of free-thinking people; a free mind is an understanding and peaceful mind. 

Coved 19

This is a manufactured gift for you all, from the globalist elite to be given to mankind to help with their new world order and it is you the people of the world that will suffer. This is a manufactured virus created by the elites Bill Gates and the UN that has been presented to the world to control you both politically, mentally and physically. It has been created to put fear into the minds of all the people around the world to suppress and control your thoughts. This is just the start of a global extermination of a large part of the world’s population. This is not just a clinical problem it is a political manipulation of all your minds, and all your governments are encouraging it to happen.

This flu virus is not the killer it is what the globalists want to put into your body that will be the killer. they have the science and technology to do it, they are suppressing all your thoughts to not question their authority, to allow them to inject it into your body. When you’re injected you will not die straight away, it will be the particles in the injection that will kill you in years to come. It will shorten your lives and the people of the world will not notice; people will think it’s normal because over time everybody dies at some time.

I was fooled at the beginning of this propaganda, when I saw people dropping dead in the streets of Wuhan. Today on reflection, this reminded me of other propaganda in Syria and how they tried to fool the world. They were blaming the government for gassing the population in a residential area, they had the television cameras there filming all the bodies on the ground. But when they turned the cameras off, all these bodies got up and walked away. Don’t you think it’s strange that China is now up and running, and the rest of the world is locked down why do you think this is? (think about it). I have also heard through the Grapevine, that the globalists have six other viruses registered and ready to use against you. Always remember the globalists want to cut down the population they have the means and the equipment to do it. The globalists are not your friends, they are cold calculating wealthy people, there agenda is to bring down all your economies and control your world.

All your government’s round the world are plotting with the globalists to depopulate your world. All through history genocide has happened time and time again and leaders have got away with it, Think about it. Could we all be heading for the biggest genocide mass extermination  this world has ever known, the globalists could be capable of doing this. Look at what has happened around your world, the Germans had their concentration camps, The Russians had their internment camps China and North Korea has them. Now look what is happening in the rest of the world, America has the FEMA camps Canada wants to build isolation camps. New Zealand wants isolation camps, to put people in for 14 days and if you don’t take the vaccine, you have to stay locked up. Australia is working on similar lines; they have one camp, and a member of their own government didn’t even know about it. I have heard of another country in Europe Where their government also want isolation camps to do similar things.  Where in the western free world, have we ever thought we would be needing internment camps, Think about it. Now think about this, once this so-called pandemic is finished what are these camps going to be used for? Could they be for all the political prisoners and protesters that are against the globalist dictating authoritarian new world order. Now for something else to think about, with a new renewable energy where they drop dead carcases of cattle into a machine that chops them up to make biofuel. To me this is not a big enough renewable energy source, there would not be enough cattle for it to work efficiently. Don’t forget, the global elite’s new world order  want to depopulate your world by eliminating 7 billion people. these isolation camps can easily be turned into extermination camps, all they have to do is put one of these biofuel machines into all these camps. These camps could quietly be turned into a factory producing biofuel from all the human bodies, there would be no evidence to show what has happened. The bio oil will be extracted the flesh can go into animal feed or put into the human food chain, the bones could be crushed into dust and scattered over the land. There would be no need for mass graves as the Nazis did with the Jews, this has happened before, and it could happen again. Mankind is a barbaric animal you are all capable of doing such atrocities, as it has been shown all through history, and it could happen again.               

I am just one little man in your world of 7.5 billion people.

The whole object of me running this site is to try and bring total change all around your world, and to Unite the people of the world. I am not politically minded, but I want to start a new political movement, a global political movement for the whole of mankind. I want this movement to take over every government around your world and work with the people for the people. we have to change the whole political system of government we have to get politics out of government. Politics divides the people we need to Unite the people and create a government that is fair to everybody. Today around the world we have incompetent leaders, amateurs that don’t know what they’re doing, A country should be run like a business with strong intelligent leadership.

I am prepared to come out of my isolation and into your sick world, and stand in front of the whole of mankind, and we will all draw up a plan that we all agree to, on how we all rule ourselves. We all have to change the whole worlds corrupt political system we have to change everything.

All through history this world has been dominated by the wealthy corrupt Kings and Queens emperors and all the rest, now today we have your own corrupt political leaders helping the wealthy globalist elites to take over your world. It’s about time we planned our own future and turned our backs on the past, with a new teaching. With every animal round the world, they have to teach their young how to survive, but in this modern world we have to teach our human children a lot more. We have to teach our children to control their minds, we are all a community animal we should all be working for the community but, today there is a breakdown in society. All through history we have had wars killing and corruption and everything else that goes with it, let’s stop the world. let’s start it again and change the whole world and the future, not for us today, but for all our future generations let us all take control of this world take control of your minds. My movement will teach the whole of mankind how to teach all your children to use their imagination at a very young age. Your children’s minds can be a very powerful tool in creating a peaceful future for themselves and the rest of mankind. With the right training from the ages as young as two years old they can be taught to expand their imagination and to learn right from wrong. But that is another Storey for another time, if you want to  listen.

The authoritarian state of religion.

As you may have noticed with this site, I am a very strong atheist I believe in nothing without proof. I see all religions as just a corrupt political money-making movement not a religion, Religion has always worked with the wealthy elites, as they have done all through history to control the minds of all the people. For anybody that speaks up against religion, they created the word blasphemy, that would give them the authority to kill any opposition, just as it still is in the Islamic world today. My Alternative N WO movement unlike communist China, would never suppress anybody’s personal belief, nobody should ever be allowed to do that. The only time that I would intervene with a religion is when they attack other people, this should never be allowed, and should never be tolerated.

I call on the whole world too seriously question all your religion and your beliefs in these religions. Question the existence of God, question your belief in miracles, question your belief in a man flying on a winged horse going home from the pub.

With my observation and listening to the people of your world, I believe that a few of you have actually touched on what you would call spirituality. Many of you will just brush it off and think nothing of it, and many of you exaggerate it to the point that it becomes a lie. My movement will teach you how to use your senses properly and to question everything that you observe. I believe there is a driving force within all of you but with your ignorance you are all incapable of proceeding, to find what you would call enlightenment. You have to imagine and think of spirituality as a constant universal radio wave, or universal Internet of life. Mankind has to learn how to use your minds and be able to switch on the receiver to receive all these messages. Maybe one day in the future, if you open my door I will come into your world and teach the whole world an alternative to what you call a so-called religion. What I have to teach the world you will never find in books, because IT has to come to you when the time is right. But that’s another storey for another time and it’s up to you if you want to listen.

Although I am an atheist, I’m not one of those that want to ban Christmas, to me Christmas is a special time of year. Christmas is for the whole family to get together it is important that we keep the family union. Maybe, one day in the future, we can get the whole of mankind to become one big family.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all subscribers both new and old, a Happy Christmas and hopefully, a Happy New Year, and maybe one day in the  future a Happy New World.

Random thoughts of Hermit Monk

Many groups of people want to keep their own culture of their country but with globalisation you are all losing your identity. My movements will suggest to the world that we closed down all boarders, stop all the mass migrations each country will be responsible for their own population. With this movement’s future, world cultures will be preserved and remembered, as it works alongside with modern science and technology into the future. My movement will create a real Alternative United Nations, a global movement that will solve all the problems of the world, this I promise the world.     

The globalists are planning for what is happening in the near future, why should we listen to them, let’s all plan our own future, there is more of us than there is of them. Let us decide our own future,  there will be some difficult decisions to be made, we have to depopulate the world it can be done with self-control and education and time.

They are putting untested things in these vaccines that will change your DNA  you will never be able to change them back. The human race is still evolving naturally but changing the DNA will destroy it. We can still evolve physically and mentally and a little something else, with the right guidance from this movement.

Mankind has to learn a new way and my movement can do it, when the time is right.

My movements will give the whole world a real movement not a dictatorship not corrupt leaders you will have the power to get rid of anybody that is corrupt because I will make all the new rules for this world

As it has always been through history the wealthy have taken from the poor The Kings of old tax the people too extreme, they took the lands off their people and gave it to their followers. The same is happening today the wealthy elite have shut the world down and putting everybody in deeper and deeper into debt. Only the wealthy elites are going to profit from all this chaos, all your future generations are going to be paying back this debt plus interest for hundreds of years into the future, this will create more poverty all around the world.

The wealthy elite want to depopulate the world I say let them get on with it but let them pay for it. They can create a financial reward for anybody that get sterilised in the third world this could happen where poverty is rampant.

The globalists are closing down all the small businesses, but the big companies are staying open and doing well, once again the globalists are controlling you the little people.

They talk of global testing but this is the perfect way of giving you the virus they put it up your nose and you’re contaminated it can be as simple as that, and people would not suspect what has been done to them Because the world population keep following just like sheep.

You hear talk that socialist that want to take the wealth from the rich and give to the poor, I’ve never agreed with this, but there comes a point in time when this might have to be done. The wealthy are interfering with governments they have infiltrated the political system they’re taking over your governments . When wealthy globalists use their wealth to control your world and all of your lives then we must take the wealth off the global elite. It can be done because there is more of the poor, they are just 1% of the population.

Your governments are using covid to bring in the new world order, they are bankrupting all your countries. Governments are going to start borrowing off the big banks putting everybody in debt, for a lot of years to come. If my movement ever takes over this world, I will nationalise all the banks, or I will get the people of the world to invest in themselves and create their own banks. But that’s another Storey for another time.

Political correctness it’s getting to the point of being absolutely ridiculous you can’t say anything. It’s all part of suppressing your thoughts It causes more conflict within the community than it cures. There has to come a point where we all have to say no more to this stupidity, there’s something wrong with the human mind it’s getting out of control.

My movement will bring in an alternative great reset for the world, world of real order, I will bring in new rule’s new laws, that will be enforced by you the people. My movement will put the people in charge of their own communities you will not be ruled by the 1% of this world. This is another long Storey to tell but if you want to listen, I’ll talk to the world about it.

Government should be put in place to help the people not to dictate and suppress the people

I am a loner I talk to no one This site is my only voice to your world, it’s up to you if you want to listen, I give the world an alternative approach to everything that the globalists are suggesting. They want to give everybody in the world a monthly income, and nobody owns anything, everything has to be rented. If the globalists want to bring this in, then they should do the same and get the same monthly income as the rest of the world.

All through history the wealthy have stolen from the poor and now the wealthy are stealing your world from you the whole of mankind, the whole global population. When will this ever stop, my movement says the time is NOW, this must stop NOW? My movement will control your world with your help, and it will be a new beginning for the whole of mankind?

The problem with this world is, the world’s population do not ask questions, they are quite happy to drift through life with a blindfold on, as long as they are not affected. In this modern western world, everything is done for you, and you are all will willingly take all the benefits. With the globalist new world order where do you think you will stand when they take all these benefits away from you, as they are now planning to do. Could you survive if nobody was there to helped, you think about it. Could you leave your towns and cities and live off the land in the wild, foraging for your own food. You’d better start thinking about it, because starvation is another weapon of the globalists against the world’s population. Think about it very seriously, because there is now the beginning of a food shortage. Wake up world it’s coming to a town near you, Take ALL your blindfolds off and ASK questions. My movement will give you ALL the answers.

The globalists are flooding your countries with migrants, both in America and in Europe they do this to overpopulate your countries. They will use this to reduce your salaries and pay you less, you will be forced to work for next to nothing. Look at history when the population grew to a point where there was extreme poverty, the landowners of the world would pay people very little to work for them. When a plague went around the world and wiped out the biggest part of the population the landowners were forced pay the people a lot more. This still goes on today look at the sweatshops in China and other third world countries, with overpopulation the wealthy get richer and the poor get poorer. Think about it. I have just heard that Joe Biden is going to open the borders to mass migration into America Joe Biden is part of the globalist elite. There are now thousands and thousands of people getting ready for the long March to the American border. The American people can now expect overcrowded cities, an increase in crime, an increase in homelessness. And if Islam is allowed into your country you will have no go areas where it is not safe to walk on your own streets, the same as it is in Europe. The Democrats are out to destroy your country, think about it, seriously think about it. I’m a man of peace but it is time to kill all corruption, at all levels of this world. Starting at the top cut the heads off the globalists United Nations and the World Health authority. Join my movement I will cure your world of all its sickness, I will inject all the globalists and all the corrupt leaders with my sword. My movements will heal all the wounds that corruption has caused to all my people. But it’s up to you if you want to listen.

I’m going to go now, I’m tired and weary of your world, there’s an old saying, God helps those that help themselves,( now ask yourself this question ), what are YOU going to do about it.

A personal message from Hermit Monk to all the American people.

The whole world is watching, you are the last hope for freedom in this world, you must all rise up and get behind and support President Trump. Your country is being stolen from you, what happens in America will affect the whole world. Your police and armies should Unite with the people to bring down the sick Democrats that are destroying your country. I ask you all to put your lives on the line to save your country and the rest of the world from the disgusting Democrats and the globalists secret society that want to suppress both you and me. If you rise up the rest of the world will rise up, resistance is now growing today all over Europe. The whole world is waiting for you all to start this uprising, I am a man of peace, but you have my permission to kill.

Goodbye world, I do not know when I’ll be back, bye

26th September 2020

HermitMonk47 from www.newworldpeacemovement.com The Alternative New World Order.

Monk (A)

We have decided to come back into your Sick Oppressive and Increasing authoritarian world Where your freedom is slowly being taken away from you all as each day passes. Always remember the elite globalist want all Your wealth and to control your world and your lives and they will do anything to get it.

Monk (B)

Before I start let me welcome all new subscribers, we are growing very slowly, we now have 62,706 Still a long way off the 7.5 billion people I need to save your world. Because without you the people of the world, I cannot save your world unless the whole of mankind joins this one movement. In time, and in the long distant future, my proposals for your world will be laid out in front of you for you all to see. Always remember, this is your world so look after it, never let the few steal and take everything from you all, the poor people.

Monk (A) The world Population needs to wake up.

Our world is made up of many different communities, many Different cultures, many different beliefs and now today there are many different political movements. These divisions have been going on since the beginning of mankind and mankind has never stopped it or has never been able to question why. The simple answer is all through history your minds have all been secretly and mentally controlled by fear, and by the wealthy few that want to dominate over the whole population. All through history, in every country around the world there have always been two Wealthy authoritarian movements in charge of every country dominating and using their aggression against their own people.

First. There have been the Kings and Queens that stole from the people with taxes they stole the land off the peasants They built themselves large Castles and palaces. They had their three-square meals a day while their poor people starved, and everyone had to bow down and submit to these people. When the poor people rose up the wealthy would tax the people more and build a bigger army to suppress the free-thinking people. This sounds a little like our modern-day world, this is your world today where you are all being censored from talking, and you have to bow down to their authority.

It seems nothing will ever change, but it can, if you all open your minds and start to follow and support my movement.

Now we come to the other movement that’s has been helping and supporting all the Kings and Queens throughout history, they also did this to create their own personal wealth for themselves. This other movement is still working today in the 21st century protecting all your Corrupt leaders as it has been all through history. This other movement is used by the elitists to manipulate the minds of the population to keep the people minds suppressed and afraid to speak their mind. The name of this other movement has been changed slightly in the last few years, it is now called the media fake news, it used to be called religion. Religion has controlled the minds of the people all through history with their fake writings and made up storeys. They did this to create wealth for themselves and Brainwash the people into submission to help the leaders of all the countries around the world. In the ancient past they used fear to control the minds they made strict rules to follow and if you didn’t follow the rules you would go to Hell Fire when you die. Religions were authoritarian state and you weren’t allowed to criticise it, look at Islam today you can still be killed if you leave the religion. Christianity used to be like this but over the years through history they have Calmed down a bit, but they still have blood on their hands. What I am getting at here is that the populations minds can be manipulated, call it brain washing if you want, you have to remember this all happened in ancient times to simple minded people. Today the elite’s globalists control the media and they are using it to control your minds, you can call it brain washing if you want.

Democracy used to be a good way of creating a government to work for and help the people that elected then to rule. Over the years there have been many political parties all wanting to go into government to voice their opinion.

All through history Kings and Queens have taken over countries, or Revolutions have taken over Governments, even religion have taken over Governments. They would kill anybody that gets in their way, their only aim was to control the population and take the wealth off the people for themselves.

Now today we have a new secret army coming into all of your governments around the world , you cannot see it, you do not hear it, until it is in your governments and they start changing things to suit their own narrative. Who are these people that work in secret within all of your governments, your biggest question should be what do they want? The simple answer is, they want to control you, they want to take the wealth off all the people, they want the world’s population to submit to their authority. You can call them the wealthy Elite Globalists or a form of Communists whichever you prefer, either way it’s going to be an authoritarian world. Just look at the world today, they are creating unrest within all of your communities all around the world. In nearly every country round the world there are protest groups against their own corrupt governments, the wealthy elites are slowly taking over. This is why I do this site I am trying to create a new global political movement for the whole of mankind, and to create an Alternative New World Order. My new world order will educate the world with a new teaching, to create a family world order, and to help all the oppressed people of the world in all countries. But that is another storey for another time.

You have to look at what has happened in the United Nations and the World Health Organisation, once again History is repeating itself. You also have to look at what happened in the European Common market, we all voted to join this market today only Britain has pulled out. We joined a trading common market, but it ended up being a corrupt government, they have taken all the rights off all the European people. This European government has been infiltrated by globalists with nonelected people to rule Europe They are destroying Europe deliberately. This is all part of the Globalist Elites new world order They are flooding Europe with Thousands upon thousands of migrants to bankrupt all the European countries they are creating poverty and unrest amongst the EU. When the EU collapses and heavily in debt Europe will have to borrow from the wealthy elites the big banks, the Banks will end up owning your Europe. The United Nations and the World Health organisation has now been infiltrated by the Wealthy Elite and the Big Banks plus Bill Gates. The elites are now trying to bankrupt the world so that the whole world is indebted to them, they are playing on Mankind’s ignorance of the situation. They want to rule the world with fear, they have already started this with the threat of the global warming lie which is going to wipe out the human race. Well that did not work very well, so now today the globalists are paying people to go and set forest fires round the world and are blaming it all on global warming. The globalist agenda is to concentrate the whole population into the big cities and out of the countryside, so now they are burning down your homes and in time they will take over your land. A lot of people have died in these fires this is how far the globalists are prepared to go they want to create fear in your minds think about it.

Then they created the corona flue lie, which is going to wipe out the human race. With this Corona lie they have shut down your world with all this quarantine nobody is working the economy is going to crash this is just what the banks want and putting you all in debt to the big banks. Already around the world people are losing their homes and their business this is going to accelerate as time goes on, and then the banks will move in and buy the lot at a knock down low price. George Soros has done this before and he’s doing this again with the help of all his Wealthy Globalist Elite friends. They want to take this world off you all, they want to control and brainwash you all and then get you to submit to their Authoritarian world order. When they decide to depopulate your world there will be the biggest genocide this world has ever known, they will do it, they have already talked about it. There is only one way you’re going to stop all of this, and that is, follow the new teachings of this Alternative New World order and with your help I will destroy the elites. The first thing I will do is disband the United Nations and the World Health authority and then I will start on all the banks, but, that’s another Storey for another time. You all have the power to do whatever you want in this world; you all just have to put all your minds together all 7.5 billion of you and take control of your world for all the people. My new world order movement will give mankind the power to change everything, and all you have to do is just simply vote for it, and we will take over the world.  

Monk (B) Mass migration.

All through history every country around the world has always protective their countries from invasion and Tried to keep their own culture. now today in the West the weak-minded governments of the West they have opened the floodgates and turned against its own citizens. This has happened in over 170 countries, your politicians are not what they say they are, they are now working for outside forces and have turn their backs on their own people. Your politicians are now working for the elite globalists and the big banks, they now think more of their own personal wealth then the well-being of their own people. Why do you think your governments want to have mass migration? They want to bankrupt all your countries. The globalist elites such as George Soros, are financing this mass migration to all your borders, then all your governments lets them in. Why do you think your government’s want to bankrupt your countries the answer is they are working for the globalists and there is nothing you can do about it, unless you join my movement? look at your world today with all the lies about COVID-19 and all the shutdowns, nobody is working, Your governments are now paying out more and more in benefits to the population. Even with the shutdown migrants are still coming into your countries, and you the people in the future will be forced to pay for it.

Let’s look at what you are all going to have to pay for in the long-term future.

1 First you have to pay for all the transport, Police and social workers to escort them from the border to wherever you’re going to place them.

2 Then you have to pay for all the medical staff to cheque them out, and then for all the Immigration people to give them legal papers to stay in the country.

3 Now you have to pay for all their long-term accommodations which could last for years, be it a hostel or a four star hotel which will not be cheap, then you will have to pay for the cost of their rented housing, once again it will be you the taxpayers that will be forced to pay for it all. Don’t forget with a shortage of housing we now have British and Europeans sleeping on the streets, and still more migrants come. Now with this all this shutdown people are now threatened with evictions for non-payment of rents people are going to lose their homes. Think about it. Their vacant homes will then be turned over to migrants once again think about it, this is happening in your country  

4 Then we come to the payments of all their benefits for their weekly living allowance, it will be you the taxpayer that will have to pay for it all.

5 now we come to all their free Health benefits They will all be registered with a doctor they will get free eye tests free dental work, which you have to pay for through your taxes,  

6 We already have a mass unemployment problem in the west, and yet all your governments are still encouraging more and more unskilled migrants to come into your countries. You, and your children and all your future grandchildren are going to be paying unemployment and housing benefits for a lot of years to come to all these thousands and thousands of migrants. A lot of these migrants may never be able to get a job Because of overpopulation and in the near future all these migrants will be at retiring age and be eligible for a state pension which will bankrupt all the countries in Europe and Britain. President Trump has the right idea, he’s building a wall at least this world has one intelligent leader.

7. You also have to remember that a lot of these migrants are terrorists, and in Britain the police are monitoring thousands and thousands of ISIS members. and it is you the taxpayer that have to pay the police for all of this monitoring.

This is not a migration to the West it is an invasion to the West and all your Incompetent government leaders are letting it happen. I personally know of a Muslim man serving a jail sentence for making bombs, I have heard of weapons being found in Mosque’s. These are not the people you want in your communities it seems to me that’s all your governments are out to create civil unrest. This is what the elite globalists and the media are planning they want to create fear in the minds of all the people. George Soros and the elites are encouraging this Islamic invasion of the West, you have to ask yourself is this the globalist elite secret army. You will notice that the bombings in Europe have gone quiet, have they been told to be quiet until they are called for to take over. Think about it. Today we now have Large number of migrants attacking Europeans this is happening on a regular basis. You don’t see it; you don’t hear about it because the media is keeping quiet civil unrest has come to Europe and it is going to accelerate as more migrants come. With overpopulation mass unemployment people are getting bored this is when the criminals will take over your Cities. It’s happening today you have gangs with guns and knives taking over your cities Europeans are moving out of migrant areas because it’s not safe. And still your governments let in more and more migrants into your countries and the Europeans are not allowed to say anything. Because they will be accused of being racist your government protect migrants more than their own people just look at the Scottish and Canadian governments, they are turning against their own people over this. You can tell which of your politicians are working for the Globalists world order, these are the ones that want mass migration and suppressing your free speech.  

My movement would close down all borders around the world , every country has to start being responsible for its own population and encourage the depopulation in every country with education.

Any migrant wishing to move into another country will not be given citizenship for 20 years, they must prove that they are responsible people. Any migrants that does any criminal activity, protest groups and any other antisocial behaviour, they will be removed from the country very quickly. They will also have to pay back any benefits that they have received over the years before they will be allowed to be considered for citizenship. Migrants will not be allowed to go into any government office or vote in elections, only people born in the country will be allowed that have full citizen’s rights. If you agree with what I have just written here, then you should be starting to create my movement. If you disagree you should think of what kind of life all your future generations are going to have in an overpopulated world, that you are creating and leaving for them, Think about it.

We all live in a world where we cannot trust our fellow man there are groups that are out to dominate your world. All through history leaders have attacked and conquered other countries, they have been helped by all the corrupt religious orders. Religions controlled the simple minds of all the people, Religious leaders helped the Kings and Queens and emperor of old. This was done by providing the manpower for their armies to fight for the wealthy elites’ wars, to help themselves to create more wealth. And it has always been the little man at the bottom that have to put their lives on the line to protect the controlling wealthy elites. Now once again, history is repeating itself with all the many factions wanting to create their own world domination, and they will do this by any means possible. You had the Ottoman empires spreading their influence around the Middle East, then you had Islam, Invading southern Europe, on their quest for world domination. Now you have the Jews. It is written in their ancient Pagan text that Jews were born too rule the world and anybody else should be exterminated. You have to remember The Jews are from Arab decent and they were very racist against all whites and non-Jews just like Islam is today.

Monk (D) The future New Alternative New World Order.

Mankind’s future is uncertain this is why we have to start planning the future today, we need people in government with real visions for a better future. We all have to get all of our minds away from all the corruption that has been happening all through history. I will give mankind an alternative new world order a world order of total change, I do not use these words, total change lightly. The Wealthy Elites have been secretly planning to take over your world for well over 100 years. My movement will publicly tell 7.5 billion people around the world, what all of our plans are, hopefully it will take less than 100 years before it can take over. The hardest part for me and this ALTERNATIVE NEW WORLD ORDER movement is getting out of my small room, only you the people of the world can open my door to your world. I need to stand in front of 7.5 billion people and give you all of my proposals, and listen to what you say, I want the world to have a global debate about saving your world. It’s up to you all the subscribers to this site to spread the word to bring change to your world, and in the future, we will bring peace. All that I have to say cannot be written it would take too long, mankind has to listen to the spoken word, and put all your trust in one man. Through history you put your faith and trust in Jesus and Mohammed and look at the state of this corrupt world today. its time mankind listened to somebody else for a change, Ancient thoughts from over 2000 years ago do not work in the 21st century. You know my name all you have to do is come to me on this site and I will teach you how to change the world.  

Monk (B), look at how we all govern ourselves today around the world.


In the past history of electing members for parliament was a good idea but today in this corrupt world you cannot trust this system. We have overpaid and Unqualified incompetent politicians, you only have to listen to the Democrats in America to understand how corrupt and stupid the hole political system is. The Democrats are funded by George Soros and the elite this is why the they are acting so stupid, People will do anything for money, think about it. The globalists have infiltrated all Democratic governments, they are using their vast wealth that they have taken off you the people over the years. Now they want to take the whole world off you all, they want to enslave you they want to control you. Look at what they’re doing they are creating unrest amongst every community they fund antifa, they fund black lives matter and mass migration . You have to remember George Soros was a Nazi collaborator with the German Nazi party in the Second World war, and he’s using the same tactics of fear to take over your world, once again history is repeating itself. Look at all the destruction that these protest groups are doing, and your government are just sitting there and letting it happen. now looked at how authoritarian your governments are starting to be with this Corona flu, where you can be arrested for not wearing a mask. To me this sounds like the Jews in the Second World war, where you had to wear the Star of David to show that you are compliant to the government’s authority. Now today you have black lives matter and antifa the new brownshirts of George Soros and the Elites new global Nazi party. If a Globalist movement has to use violence to get control of your world, then this is not the type of people you want to control your world. Is this a world you want, are these the type of people you want to run your world, these people are prepared to destroy your world to take it over, Think about it. You have to think of the life of all your future generations and what you are going to leave them, their future is in your hands today, think about it. To change the future and get rid of all the corruption, you have only one chance by creating and voting for this new Alternative global movement, Think about it.


Look at the China types of governments around your world where communism rule and look at the structure of it. You have people at the top creating wealth for themselves and then you have the poor at the bottom . The Communist governments suppresses the people with a heavy-handed police force where people can disappear never to be heard of again. It’s a country because of your religious beliefs you can be put in Internment camps for re-education and brainwashed to follow the communist dictatorship. The Communist Party own your body they can take your body parts from your living conscious body at any time and sell them on the world market. Is this a world you want of total suppression and your total submission to your government, where your loss of freedom of choice is lost and has been taken away? This will be your world if the global elite’s takeover your world because this is what mankind is capable of doing to its fellow man, History will just be repeating itself. Think about it.

Now you have to look at Islamic governments look at Iran the people are rising up they’ve had enough of their police state, you have the state police and you have your religious police. Once again you can be persecuted for any political dissent where’s the freedom for these people. In Iran they have just executed somebody for protesting against the Iranian government. Once-again the history of Islamic governments is repeating itself, the Leaders of government at the top want keep their authority and suppress the brainwashed people. As with all leaders today round the world today, they want to keep their power and wealth for themselves and take it from the people. Look at Saudi Arabia where the Royal family have taken all the oil wealth off the people, to fund their own decadent lifestyle. They use heavy handed police and religious police to control the people with fear just as it has been for over a thousand years. This is a country where you could have your head chopped off, or your limbs chopped off for the simplest and most pathetic reason. A woman Can be imprisoned for being attacked and raped , there is no compassion for women in Islam it’s time the world learn the true storey, because Islam wants to dominate your world.

Now let’s look at what You can expect with the globalist’s elite world order.

These people are going to repeat history once again, but this time it is going to be on a global authoritarian world, ran and controlled on fear, just like communism and Islam. You have to remember the globalists have been planning in secret behind closed door away from the world so that they cannot hear. If their movement was so good why have Secret meetings, they should have stood in front of 7.5 billion people and explain what they wanted to do. This is a poorly ran organisation, it’s a little like the gangsters of old, but now today the so-called globalists want to take everything for themselves and to control you all with fear. The elites are prepared to kill you the people of the world, just look at the twin towers and the number of people that were killed on that day. This was a planned demolition by the elite, it was a globalist planned attack to make a lot of money. The towers had just been bought, there was an insurance put on it to cover for terrorist attacks, that’s why they used the planes to hide the real reason they did it. There are still people dying today because of the dust and chemicals involved and the American government planned this against their own people. The globalists did this to create a war because there is a lot of money for the Elites in making weapons, and then they sent their troops into the Middle East to die. At the inquiries over the twin towers this was the biggest cover up going, trillions of dollars were missing and look at how much insurance money they got it was a lot more than what they paid for it. The globalists elites are out to make a quick buck on everything they do at the people’s expense, this type of disaster was planned it didn’t just happen.

Let’s look at the elite global warming scam, they made a movie about it they gave it publicity and they are still making a lot of money out of it today. This global warming scam is only benefiting the wealthy people, now they want to start putting a carbon tax on everything you buy. The corrupt media are promoting this global warming scam to put fear into the minds of all the people, with fear comes mind control. With mind control people will donate to all these Global warming foundation and charities and the people of the world will believe everything they are told. What nobody tells you is that the C 02 used to be a lot higher than it is today, they have proved this by the amount of C O2 in core samples taken from the ice caps. Also, volcanoes all around the world on land and under the seas are putting out more C O2 than what mankind is doing. You have to remember Greta Thunberg is related to George Soros and look at all the wealth that she has made from all the publicity, think about it. This is all part of the globalist plan to take from the poor and give to the rich, history is once again repeating itself.

I’m getting bored with writing so, I’m going to sign off now, I’ll be back after the American election In November, and if Trump does not win, I will come back to your hell hole of a world. Good BYE. 

I use a dicta phone to save my thoughts for this site, if you’re not bored yet, I’ve laid my thoughts out below for you all to read. 

The thoughts of chairman Hermit monk A,B,C, and D.

We will never have peace in this world, there are too many angry people, to bring peace you have to think calmly, you have to control your minds. In this world of lies you have to question everything that you are told, this movement will teach you all to think calmly, or it will terminate you.

When you look around your world and look at all the violent incidents that never get reported, you will realise how sick your world really is. Your politicians are weak minded people they create more problems by not doing anything, you have laws that you do not follow, you have religion that you say are spiritual and peaceful, but they kill. Mankind is not civilised and it never will be unless it is taught a new way , only then will you have peace and my movement will give you peace in the near future and it will destroy all the evil in your world, you will take control of your own world and yourselves.

Look at your world today you have the United nation the World Health authority and all your governments they are creating more problems for this world than they are solving. To me it looks like your politicians just want to get their salary and not bother doing anything about it.

Over the years you’ve had leaders around the world talking about this new world order and yet a lot of these leaders are part of secret societies and they won’t tell you what it’s about. you had President George Bush and other leaders saying this on television how can you trust somebody in a secret society my movements will ban anybody from government that are in a secret society

I am just one little man in this world what I want is to start a conversation and we will all sit down together and think of what we’re all going to do about changing this world in the future.

You all have emotions, you all feel your emotion, my movement will teach you how to see your emotions, think about it. You could call it, putting it in your words a spiritual experience, my movement will teach mankind, something that all your so-called religions can never teach you.

There are a lot of Muslims around the world, believe it or not, I am their friend, it’s your so-called money-making religion that I don’t like. 

Everybody seems to want power why don’t they just start solving problems and think about what the people need, today’s governments are creating problems not solving them This is why we have to change the whole political system and get rid of corruption

You have to remember in the past there were a lot of uneducated people and their minds were manipulated by the few just as it is today, but this movement will open mankind’s minds to what is happening all around you.

With my new religious teaching nobody bows down to anyone, be it God or your fellow man you all stand up straight and you will view life with reason and understanding

We all have but a short time on this planet we should all work together to improve the world for all future generations Instead of destroying the world with greed and corruption, my movement will teach mankind how to do it, but you will not like some of the answers.

People rely on religion to give them Salvation the problem is people rely on it too much and they believe everything their religious leaders tell them. The problem is now people do not look for answers anymore they just rely on what they are told, their minds are closed, and they learn nothing new

My name is hermit monk I should be called Guy Fawkes, because I want to blow up every government around the world.

The human mind is sick and corrupt, Cure the mind and you can cure the world It is as simple as that, but you can only cure the human mind with the truth.

You have Trudeau in Canada praising China and its accomplishments and he is supporting their beliefs, but he doesn’t live there. He does not know the truth of this dictatorship, and what it is really like, For the common people. You should never judge a country by the people at the top in power, you should judge a country by the standard of life for the common people.

The globalists could very easily do a global genocide, Bill Gates is pushing his vaccines on everybody. It is the simplest way of terminating the lives of billions of people or sterilising them, the world would never know it happened because the Bilderberg group Own the media and they could shut down the Internet until it’s all over.

Brexit is holding back because the British government is part of the global elite and they’re holding back on leaving the EU . All governments are part of the global elite,

You can’t trust the globalist elites you cannot trust your own governments you cannot trust your religions; I want the whole of mankind to put all their trust in me, and the alternative new world order.

All around the world there is paedophilia and Human trafficking that is rampant round the world, and all your governments know about it, and do nothing, if you can’t trust your government to stop it, Then my movement certainly will.

With this corvid 19 I have heard that the police will be allowed to go into your home and take your children. Don’t forget a lot of people in government are paedophiles.

You all have to be very careful because overtime your minds are being manipulated just a little bit at a time, and you are being controlled. You have to remember over the years they have been doing human experiments both medical and psychological. Now today the globalist elite are going to use this knowledge on you to control your body and to control your minds.

Always remember we live in a rip off world you have all these non-profits organisations, yes, they are non-profit because what’s left over, goes in the pockets of the people organising it.

We need to change our governments all around the world we have to create a new type of efficient government I have a lot of suggestions for this. But it is up to you the people of the world to come up with your ideas for a new type of government. One day I’ll tell you my ideas and you can tell me yours, and together we will create an efficient corrupt free government for everyone to follow and work with .

Let this movement put its arms around the world, this movement will Unite the whole of mankind. This movement will get rid of all the murders all the gangs in the world and then all the other scum of the world, this I promise mankind. I say to all the good people in this world you have to stand up and fight by voting for this movement. You will never have peace in this world while your world is being ran by fools.

If this movement does ever take over it will give mankind 10 years of education and then it will give you 10 years of extreme reprisals against corruption and the criminal world, this I promise mankind.

Goodbye for now people of the world.

I’ll be back in November, BYE .

5th July 2020

From the 4 Hermit Monks, Hello world

(+D) We have come back into your stupid politically correct and chaotic world, it’s about time Mankind grew up to the facts and put a stop to all of this stupidity. You think that you are the intelligent species, but I don’t see any of this when I look around your world and see how pathetic you all really are.


From now on, I Monk (+D) Will be in charge of this site, for too long the other three monks have kept me quiet, because I am outspoken and not politically correct. Here are some changes to this site, at the beginning of sentences or paragraphs there will be a sign to tell you which hermit monk is writing. There are four hermit monks in my mind, there is hermit monk (A)(B) and (C)+(+D), You all have these different characters in your own minds, but I can see you are not controlling yours, when I see the pathetic state of your world. This movement is going to teach mankind how to control your own minds, if you all control your minds then you will learn how to control your world. Each of these four senses is part of your character that makes up your personality and a little something else, I will explain what these are.

Hermit monk (A),

I am the quiet man, I live in the darkest part of all your minds, you could call him your soul or your spirit, He only comes out at night when everything is dark and quiet. He goes around your world at night and into all the darkest parts of all your minds, he becomes part of your world of dreams and nightmares. You all have the ability to do this, but because of all the pressure, greed and corruption in your world your minds are stagnant in this cesspit of a world. All your so-called religions teach you absolutely nothing, they just keep repeating from these ancient old books to every generation after generations, the same old lies are just constantly been repeated, and nothing new is ever learnt. My movement will open all your minds and you will all learn a new way of living and thinking. You will have to learn how to use your own mind without outside influences, because there are people out there that want to control and destroy your mind. If this movement can bring you and all your minds together, we can bring the world together only then, will we have peace around the world. This movement wants to put new images in to all your minds, and you will seek the answers with your own images. You all must learn to teach all your children the new ways of this new alternative world order. If we ever meet one dark quiet night in the future, we will all talk of the uniting of  all the minds around the world. This movement will prepare your minds for the time of your own deaths, it will tell you when and how you will move on, But that’s another Storey for another time. Some of you are wondering what my new one world religion is about, and you want answers,  I cannot give you an answer in just a few words. To find out what it is, you have to come to me and listen to my Storey, because my book has not been written yet. We the four monks each have a long Storey to tell the world, but only I monk (A), can tell you the end of this Storey. To understand the final chapter, you will first have to know what happens from the first chapter to understand the end of the book.                          

Hermit monk (B),

He watches the world and files all the data that is given to him through the day and stores them in your memories. He only seeks the truth and questions why people round the world want to lie to him, when you can understand all the lies you understand the motivation behind this deep state corrupt elite’s world order. The whole human race has to start questioning what is going on in your increasingly authoritarian world because there are people out there, that want to destroy you. You are their porn’s, the slaves that the deep state wants to control, if you let them into your head, they will control your mind, this is now slowly happening today. When the worlds 1% wealthy elites use their wealth and start interfering in the worlds political System, and the United Nations and the World Health authority, it’s time the people of the world put a stop to it. My movement will help mankind to do this, In the future we will all sit down quietly and discuss what we are all going to do, rioting and protesting does not work. If the wealthy elites and the socialist want a communist world where everybody is equal, then this movement will happily take all their wealth off them. We all live on a small planet, we are a community animal, and yet there are the few that steal and strip the wealth off the rest of the people. You have to ask yourself how much does one human body need to survive in life and live in reasonable comfort. I’m not a socialist but there comes a point where we all have to decide what the limit is on personal wealth for any one man in this world to have.             

Hermit monk (C),

I am the comedian, I will make a joke of every disaster to keep the morale up of the other three monks, as we look around your depressing world. There’s a lot of sad depressed people in this world, you can fight back against depression if you can make a joke of everything. Laughing can lift up your spirits, and you will get a good feeling, and you can bring joy to other people with it, this is what our world badly needs. If we ever meet in the near future, you can all laugh at me with all my new proposals for  your world.  Or, you can laugh with me when I point out all the stupid things that your stupid world leaders are trying to introduce, it will be your choice. we still don’t know when we’re going to get out on the road and start rallying  the world to join this site and advertising this site. I’m also very worried about this other new Epidemic that is going around the world, because I am at that age where I could catch it very easily. It’s called senile dementia; it seems to be running rampant in the Democratic Party in America and also in the leaders of the EU. I need your help more than the other three monk because I’ve been locked in isolation since 9,11, 2001 with these other three miserable sods. I want you all to help and promote this site, so that I can get out of here, so that we can all Celebrate a new beginning with this alternative new world order.        

Hermit monk (+D), I am the angry man, I am the one that wants to tear your world down and start building a new alternative world with a real lasting civilised order, for all future generation. You have small groups of people demanding their rights, they want to have changed just to suit their own narrative. But to do this they want to take the rights off everybody else’s rights, suppress everybody else’s free speech. There are too many angry people in this world it is breaking down society it’s time we all took one step back and looked at the world logically. I’m a man of peace, but now I’m getting angrier and angrier at the whole corrupt political system around your world, and the breakdown and out of control human mind.                 

(B) A quick word from the four monks

On 9/11 2001 when I started seriously looking and thinking about the state of your world, I started to look for answers to all the problems. And the more I got into it I realized this world needs a drastic change I was only looking for answers, it was never my intention to go public. I am a shy and quiet person I prefer  my isolation from your sick world, it was never my intention to force my opinions into your minds. After many years of thought and thinking what the future holds for mankind, I had gone 2000 years into the future. I came to a point where I couldn’t go any further, because something very strange happened, but that’s another storey for another time. There are two roads to the future, there is the way you’re going today with self-destruction; there is another road with a set out plan for you all to follow the choice will be yours to take. I made strict rules when I started, and I was to keep my opinions to myself, this is why I say you have to come to me to listen to my storey. Monk A will give mankind a new one world religion, I monk B will tell you what has to be done, monk C will keep you entertained, and monk +D will enforce my rules.                

(+D) Now before I start more of my angry rant on your world.

Let me first welcome all new subscribers to this site, we now have 60,437 Still a few short of the 7.5 billion people that I need to change your world. I want to create an Alternative New World Order a new political movement, with visions for a better future and to take over every government around your world. I want my movement to get the whole world thinking and working together and planning for all your future generations. I want all subscribers to join in my vision for the future and I would like you all to tell other people from around the world to come and join this movement, United we all stand divided we all fall. We the people have a war to fight against the Elites World Order the United Nations and the corrupt World Health Organisation and all the other secret societies and the fake media. All through history the wealthy have taken the land off all the poor people, now they want to take the whole world off everyone. They are creating poverty, they are bringing down the Economy, they are creating unrest between all communities, and your world media are helping them to suppress your minds. like fools you are helping them do it with all this Rioting and looting  the burning of buildings this is all part of their plan, there will come a day when the elites turn on their own people that have been doing this for them. The elites are not your friends they will eliminate you with a blink of an eye, they just want to take over your world nothing else. Think about it.

(+D) Black lives matter

Black lives matter, I have no respect for these people they are the sick minded animals with-in the human race, and they care for no one but themselves. They should look at the number of black gangs that kill Blacks, they are brave when there is a gang of them. They show the world how sick they really are, they video their attacks on individuals, and put it on the Internet, and they brag about it and think it’s funny. Everybody has a camera on your mobile phone, the truth cannot be hidden anymore the world is open to see your sick culture. The leaders of BLM have sold themselves and their soles out and turned against their own people, they are financed by the Elites world order and they care nothing of their own people. I’d like to know how much these people at the top are earning to create havoc in their own community. If these people want respect then they should earn it, they should first look at their own community, and teach their own children a new way with education. They have to teach their children to be civilised and to care for their own people around them in their own community. I see their world through their dark sad eyes, I can see what they are seeing, and it is not civilised, they should all be ashamed of themselves. There is good and bad people in every community around the world, all your government leaders are too weak minded to help you, all your governments leaders only think of themselves. Enjoy what you have today, because when the elite’s world order takes over things are going to get a lot worse under their authoritarian  dictatorship. I’m not a racist, I judge all people on their character I see good and bad in the minds of every community.

To me the black lives matter movement is an out of control animal pack of weak-minded idiots, with no sense of law and order. What the black people of the world need is a movement like mine, that will come into your communities and make them safe. I have seen Blacks in a children’s play area protesting against the black gangs in their own community, after a child was killed by a stray bullet. I can understand their frustration against the black gangs in their own communities, this would all stop if my movement was in charge of your world. My movements would give you 10 years to educate your children about the new laws that I would bring in, and if things do not change in that time, my movements will create havoc in the criminal gang world. There is a human jungle out there, and the rules of the wild is to kill or be killed, this movement will do anything to protect all the decent innocent people in every country around the world. And as regards to all this rioting and looting, if you get arrested by my movement it will go around to your home smash all your windows and take all your property, this I promise you. (B) We will talk more on this matter if we ever meet in the future.

Now let’s look at all the hostilities of black lives matter, they want to pull down all the statues in the western world. Now today they are on about pulling down all the statues and symbol of Christianity, to me this sounds like Black lives matter have joined with  Islam and ISIS against Christians. I know there is a number of Muslims within the ranks of black lives matter they are using the black people to do their dirty work. My question to the whole world is, why aren’t these people complaining about all the slavery in Islam, which is still going on today in the 21st century? There is also nothing ever mentioned About Islam killing blacks in Africa and the rest of the world, at what point in all of your minds, do you wake up to all the facts of what is going on in this stupid world. (B) we will talk more on this matter later.  

(+D) Antifa

I’ve never looked into this pathetic organisation I don’t think they really know what they want, I’ve seen them in live interviews, and they can never give a full answer. It’s my impression that they want Communism, they should go to North Korea  try living there and see what a communist dictatorship  is really like. As with black lives matter, they’re also getting paid also by the elite world order, this is another group of people they have turned against their own kind. It’s like everything else you have people in this world, that will sell their souls and fight against their own community that they live in. If these people want a civil war then my movement will give them one, and I will put a price on all their heads. No more should society have to put up with this stupid pathetic nonsense, your weak pathetic governments and police are just letting them get away with it. If my movement ever gets up and running, I want all decent law-abiding friendly people in this world to vote for my movement, I will soon put a stop to all this stupidity. When you have human vermin in your society you will be able to call the pest control, this I promise you.

Population control

When you look around the world and see the vast number of people just aimlessly walking around this world. You have to ask yourself, do we need this many people, there has to come a time when we have to say no more. There is going to be a breakdown in society because of overpopulation like a lot of rats in a small cage they will start killing Each other. If you look at the world today this is already happening with all the rioting  and all the murders, then there’s the ungrateful migrants that have been allowed into western countries, and now are attacking western people. This is all part of the plans for their new world order they are playing on your ignorance and forcing this on you all. The new world order want to depopulate the world with the help of Bill Gates and his vaccines, he’s going to target 7.5 billion people. Think about this, if the Elites can allow a military virus from a top secure lab to spread out into the world’s Population, and also shut your world down. Now think of the implications here, they could do this at any time in the future if they want too, they are the ones with all the technology and chemicals. All they have to do is put it in your water in your food within your community and the media would all blame this on a new strain of virus. Bill Gates will be happy, because you will all have to buy his vaccines, or you die, either way, Bill is laughing all the way to the bank. Now think about this, Bill Gates has been predicting this epidemic for a few years, now he’s on about the second wave, how does he know this he’s not a chemist . He has the pattern number for this corona virus, so what else has he been creating for his next generation of viruses to spread around the world .

All through history poverty has been created by over population, when we had plagues going around the world and people were dying on mass, it is what happened after these plagues that is important. With less people about landowners and wealthy people, were forced in to paying more to the population to keep their farms and businesses running. When the population grew again the landlords and wealthy people started paying less to the people, poor people were forced to work to survive. Now look at the world in the West today we have high unemployment, homelessness,  people having to go to food bank, and your governments are still letting in thousands and thousands of more migrants. Your own governments want to keep you all in poverty so that they can get their high salaries, even with your forced isolation they have still been letting more and more migrants into your countries, so much for your lockdown, who can you trust these days. What this world needs is a movement like mine, my movement will stop all migration, remove all illegal immigrants out of your communities within two to three months, if my movement was in charge . My movement will sort your world out, this movement will do what all your invisible pagan gods and all your so-called religions have failed to do.

My movement is going to target all the low lives in this world, starting with all the criminal violent people. There are violent people doing a life sentence in prison, why should the rest of the community have to be paying for this. There is no logical reason for allowing these people to live, a decision has to be made and my movement will do it. There are a number of ways to sorting this problem out and it will be you the people of the world to decide which one it is. I suggest if somebody is going for life in prison that person should be placed in a room with a hydraulic Bolt pointing at his head and in the room next to it there is a button, and the family of these victims of this murderer walk through this room and it is up to them whether they push the button. Some of you will say that all human life is precious and should be protected at all cost. Now, ask yourself why are Blacks and white gangs killing each other all round the world, even your own governments have weapons of mass destruction and are prepared to kill millions. So, don’t tell me that my movement cannot be selective and terminating the lives of criminal low lives within all of your communities. The main purpose of this movement is to protect all the good people in this world, and eliminate all the corruption, as with everything this movement does, first people will be educated, about what will be coming.         

Pharmaceutical control

I want my movement  to restructure the World Health authority and put real Qualified medical people in charge of it. People that cannot be bribed by people such as Bill Gates with all the donations he’s put into for his own interest. President Trump knows what’s going on and he put a stop to their donation to the WHO, this Organisation is totally corrupt and incompetent of doing the job. You have to look at what Bill Gates is doing, now he is buying up pharmaceutical companies all around the world. He wants to have total control over all the vaccine in the world so that you were all forced to take his vaccine. he likes to keep quiet about all the children he has killed and paralysed for life and Sterilised in Africa and around the world with his vaccine. This has all been done in secret and Quietly been planned for many years, they knew there was a virus coming because they have Deliberately created it and this lockdown of the world was also planned. This has all been planned for over 100 years, they have been plotting all of this against the people of the world. I’m old, and an at-risk patient, but I would never take another flu vaccination, I would sooner die naturally of flu than to be killed by his vaccines. He says he wants to depopulate the world, and he always smiles when he says it, I would never trust a man that smiles all the time. You have to remember this is a man that wants to save the world with his vaccines, but he also wants to depopulate your world. He has put himself in the position of authority, now he can obtain the personal  records of every person around the world. Now the world is open to his way of thinking he can choose now who lives and who will die, He can target the few, or he could wipe out the masses. And if the lying world media were to hide what was happening, there would come a time when it would be too late to protect yourself from the evil of the Elite world order.       

My movement is also going to go for the depopulation of the world, but my movements will target the people that do not deserve to live, I will explain more later. I want my movement to do a global education programme on population control, where people will learn what the benefits will be if we can all depopulate our world. With a reduced population the quality of life can be vastly improved, we will all be able to calm down and free all your minds, because you will not all be competing against each other all the time. There is so much that has to be done all around the world, and all your worlds politicians just want their high salaries, plus expenses, and all the other privilege benefits. Always remember, it is you the people that voted these people into office they are there to represent you, not to suppress you. Now today I want you the people of the world to support this movement, this is something else we have to talk about.            

(C) Mankind has created music from the beginning of the human race, but I want to create more music in harmony for all your future generations. There is an old song called, I would like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, I want the whole world to start and create music for the new age that this movement is out to create. Music has always brought people together, let’s try and bring the world together. Music Will be taught  in every school around the world, they will learn to play instruments, because in music there is mind control, created by time and rhythm, and you will create the rhythm of life and this rhythm will get deep into your children souls. The problem is children are bored these days they have nothing to do but look at the TV or computer screen they don’t do anything they just exist the same as their adult parents. When I look into the eyes of very young children, I see excitement a spark of life an eagerness to learn but that soon fades when they get older. All children must learn to use their full power of their minds, even trying deep meditation because there is more to life than you all think there is. But that’s another Storey for another time

Monk (+D) Slavery

All through history there has always been slavery all round the world  and in many ways, it is still happening today, but nobody seems to understand it or talks about it. Slavery is the oppression by one group of people’s minds over another, this comes in many forms, be it in politics, religion or the organised criminal world. When I listen to your world talking to me, I hear that it is always the white man’s fault that has exploited all this slavery. But it is the Civilised Christian  white man that started putting an end to all this slavery, all around the world, and yet the white man still gets blamed for starting it. You have to look a long way back in history to before the white man travel the world. The Middle East and North Africa was the biggest culprits to do slavery, with their marauding armies they stole from the people and enslave them. Mohammed was the biggest culprit for this in fact he encouraged it and put it in the Islamic writings of his so-called religious books, and it is still there today. Muslims all around the world still bow down to and believe in these books, their attitude to slavery cannot and will never be changed. The Arab world have just recently said they have banned slavery, but, in the Muslim world, they are told it is alright to lie if it furthers Islam’s Domination over others. look at ISIS they were out for getting as many sex slaves as they could and yet they say they have band slavery; at what point can you trust a  Muslim. You also have to look at the treatment of foreign workers in Arab countries it is just a little bit less than full slavery.

When the European started trading in slaves from the African nations it was the Africans and the Arabs that supplied the slaves to be shipped out to America. As it is with the human sick -mind condition, people will sell their own people and their own souls for profit, the human mind has a lot to learn. There is still slavery within all of your communities all around the world. There are grooming gangs, there is organised human trafficking going on all around the world, enslaving your young innocent children. Put your mind into the minds of all these children, feel their suffering, feel their physical abuse and feel the loneliness and sadness in their deep sad minds. What about all the feelings of these young children, you have pathetic people that are politically correct saying you’re not allowed to say anything in case it hurts somebodies’ feelings? Why doesn’t society listen to the screams of these children instead of only thinking only of your own pathetic feelings. There are parts of the world where very young children have to work long hours for their wealthy masters, or they are cast out onto the street to beg to survive. Where are all the Liberal do gooders in this world in situations like this, you never hear from them they would sooner turn their heads and walk away. For too long political and religious leaders have covered up all these abuses of your children it’s time for change, this world needs my movement to sort it all out. My movement will teach mankind to use your emotions properly, a controlled emotion is a powerful tool for making things right.

(+D)The Holocaust.

Think about what I’m writing here, because in my words, is what’s in the mind of the human race and what it is capable of doing, and how different cultures want to dominate this world. All through history there have always been wars, with marauding armies going around the world and eliminating other cultures. No one culture should take the blame to what has happened in the past, our history has been written on lies and Deceit. People have been brainwashed into fighting for their Supreme leaders, or they have gone to war over all their invisible Fictitious Gods. It has never been the people’s fault; it has always been the leaders of each nation and all the so-called religions. They’re the ones that have corrupted the people’s minds there is still a lot of people that still believe a lot of this silly nonsense today. All leaders and religions of the world have always made the people of the world sacrifice their own lives to create wealth for themselves. To change what is going to be a chaotic future, we all have to Learn the real truth and  forget the past and put all this behind us. Our World order  movement will give mankind a new teaching, and a new way of looking at the world, it will tell you what can be changed and what will be quickly changed. But that’s another Storey for another time.

Now let’s look at the mass murders of history, it has always been the so-called religions that have created genocide. From the Jews and the Arabs, they have spread out far and wide The Jews made their way up into Russia The Arabs invaded southern Europe. Islam still wants to take over your world They say that the world belongs to them. The Jews also have this belief because it is also written in their books, they also think that they are the special people and should be rulers of the world. Islam was kicked out of Europe with the Crusades because their teachings were not compatible with the more civilised Christians. When different cultures meet there will always be conflict it is written in their books to create it. With the attitude of a lot of Muslims in Europe today, we may have to have another crusade to free our world of this cancer in our community. Now a little question to ask yourself, why do you think The Germans hated the Jews so much? The Jews all through history never had a permanent Homeland they live with in all communities  created wealth for themselves by trading. They were the money lenders to the world they would trade in everything you could say they were the start of the banking system. They would get so wealthy that they would finance wars and in return get a high interest reward, you could say they were the starting banking system of the world. The Jews were very racist they had overtime they exterminated millions of White Christian Russians; this is why the Germans did not trust the Jews.

The Second World war was an opportunity for the German people to protect themselves from both the Jews and their plans for their world domination. There are Holocaust deniers, but I have seen these gas chamber in use, I have seen when they dropped the gas containers through the roof of these gas chambers. I hold no  grudge to the German people; this was a generation before their time they are not responsible. I’m trying to make a point here by mentioning this, you have to open your mind to the world. There are people in this world today that are and will be prepared to do any atrocity against their fellow man. There are secret societies around the world plotting against you, they use the media to manipulate your minds. If you don’t know your enemy, then you are already defeated, if you don’t recognise your enemy you have lost the war. Now today the globalists elite are pushing their agenda 21 to take over your world and you will be enslaved under their authority. Take a step back and look at the world from a different angle and  look at what is happening around you. They are looking at ways to depopulate your world eradicate the people that they do not want in their world, this has happened before, and it is happening again. Your world leaders from 170 nations have agreed to this new world order, your own leaders are selling your soles to the devil.

The Banks and the big Corporations are the ones that are going to profit from your Annihilation, they WANT to control your world. They already have advanced weapons for crowd control they are now recruiting people that will trace your every movement, Secret police. Look at what is happening today you have the elites wanting to create a Socialist world order, which is only communism. Now look at what has happened in all the authoritarian  communist countries, such as Russia China on North Korea, now ask yourself is this a world you want. This will be a world of oppression you will have no freedom of speech you can be arrested at any time or you could just disappear. All these countries have Internment camps for those that disagree with the government, all your human rights are taken away, is this a world you want? This could be coming to your country, now ask yourself this question, why does America have FEMA camps, I have heard there is a FEMA camp in Alaska that will hold 2 million people. You have to ask yourself has the elite world order and the Socialist Democrats already been planning for your extinction, could there be another Holocaust coming. You the people of the world have a big Decision to make, or are you going to let this Elites Ancient  Jewish Secret Society take over your world, or would you be prepared to vote for an alternative world order. What you decide today will determine what happens to your future generation, my movements is the only movement that has a vision and will be planning for the next 2,000 years into mankind’s future.

Monk (+D) Politics today.

Today there’s no such thing as a political system, what we have today is a group of bad actors in government reading speeches from a rehearsed script. This is what is wrong with this world, nobody actually talks to each other anymore. Politicians only have their own interest in mind, you vote for them, but they don’t represent the people anymore, now they represent the banks and high finance. Government is like a theatre; you pay them to act, and they act as if they are the ones running the country, but your governments are controlled by other forces. Look and listen to what your politicians are saying and doing today, every time politicians speak today, it’s all about racism ethnic minority rights, and how you all should bow down to migrants, Politicians are actually deliberately creating racism. In Europe there’s a lot of unemployment homelessness within their own community and yet their governments are still flooding  their countries with more and more migrants.

Western governments are out to bankrupt the West and it is you the western people that will have to pay for all this debt that your governments are creating. In the West over hundreds of years their populations have created a better life for themselves with science and technology. Now your leaders today have opened the floodgates to untrained third world migrants to strip the West of all the wealth that they had accumulated for themselves. Never in the history of mankind has leaders of the world willingly given up their own countries to foreign invaders. This action has shown how weak minded all your politicians are these days, they have sold out your own countries to create havoc within the western community. Politicians are weak minded fools; they are incapable of making decisions they live in a separate world from everybody else. Politicians invite all these migrants in, but they don’t live in the community where they are sent, they don’t see the hostility of migrants in all the communities, that is increasing day by day. What has happened in politics, where are all the strong characters of old were real people of old could make real positive decision. This week alone we have just had 6 murders in Britain by 2 migrants, it is time all your governments get some balls and stand up and fight back. I have the plans for a political party that will do just that, and all you have to do is vote for it when it’s up and running, no more messing about let’s get the job done.

Now I monk (+D)

I want this movement to put its arms all around the whole world, to show the whole world that there is somebody looking out for them. This movement will not just be a political movement, this will be a movement that raises the real concerns of the population. People will be able to come to this movement for support, this movement will create a voice for the people about corruption in all governments and all corruption and criminality in society for too long the quiet decent people of this world have been neglected. This movement will also quickly get rid of any corrupt people within the ranks of this movement, this movement has to show it will police itself and the rest of the world. 

This movement will also promote a people’s lower profit banking system, for too long the people have had to pay high interest rates to the big banks, we will talk about this later.

This movement has a lot of changes to do to this world, anything to do with the public has to be run by the people we have to get private companies out of the whole bloody system. Politician will give a private company a job to do, but the politicians always get a little backhander. My experience with private companies in the public sector, they are a total waste of time and a waste of your money. This movement will also create an affordable legal system for the whole population, no more will the people have to pay ridiculous high prices for lawyers. This is another Storey for another time.

Now that I am in charge of this site, I am going to make some changes, Next July 2021 This site is going to close down if the subscribers to this site does not reach 150,000. I say this because if the people of the world are not prepared to get up off their backsides and do something to bring a big change to this world then you are not worth saving. This is the first time I’ve tried to save a world, up till now I’m not doing a very good job of it, I don’t see why I should make the effort if the rest of the world just wants to stay ignorant and be suppressed by your deep state masters. In the meantime, I’m going to look at other platforms to work from, such as BitChute, I’m not going to even bother with the (YouTube N,W,O) because they would censure me straight away. This is the problem with this site, nobody talks to me or asks me questions  nobody can hear my spoken words.

In the next 12 months I will keep you all informed about what is happening, don’t expect a lot of writing from me, because I am like the other three Monks and dislike writing with one finger on this computer.

(D) For the rest of this year I’m going to just sit back and watch your world fall apart on my computer, this computer is my eyes on your chaotic world. When I look at your world, I see that some people that are against this Elites new world order, but nobody brings up any positive way of changing or stopping the takeover of your world. There are a lot of quiet poor people all round the world, that think they cannot do anything about it, but they can, by simply voting for this new alternative world order, a new political movement for all the people of the world. You have to remember the poor are the majority and in a Democratic world the poor can take over this world just by voting for it. Think about it, nothing is impossible if you are capable of putting all your thoughts and trust into this one movement, let your minds take over the world. If there is anybody out there trying for an alternative world order can you the subscribers let me know about it and tell me how I can get in touch with them.

I’m going sign off now, it’s been a long night

Please always remember, you the little people of the world, you are the silent majority, you can control your own world, if you put your mind to it. In time we’ll get together and talk about how we will do it.

Bye for now

               Monk +D


(C) We Monks are taking up painting again we have a lot of unfinished paintings to complete, these pictures will be put on this site and you can see what we have been doing.  Bye


(B) Don’t forget this movement is up against a lot of other world orders, you have the wealthy elite new world order. Then you have the Chinese wanting to dominate the world with communism and their N,W,O . You also have Islam wanting to dominate the world with their world  order. Then you have the Jews wanting to take over the world, with their world order. And then you have my movement the alternative new world order, I think we should have a global election to see what the people of the world really want. We should all put our Proposals for a world order on the table and let the people of the world Decide, which world order they want.        Bye.


(A) goodbye until we meet in the darkness of the night, I will come into all your dreams or I will create your nightmares, if you don’t change your ways.       Bye           


24th May 2020


Hermit monk is back in your sick corrupt and out of control  world again.

May I take this moment to welcome all new subscribers to this site, I now have 59,271 subscribers and we are growing every day. I really do appreciate you all coming, hopefully one day in the future we can all get together face to face and create our own Alternative New World Family Order.

Please always remember to read my words slowly, because I have written them slowly with only one finger. Plus, it gives you time for my thoughts to sink deeply into your minds.

Just a little reminder of what the whole object is of this site, this site is just one little stone, that I have thrown into the still waters of your world. I want to see the ripples from this one little stone go all around the world, just one little stone in a big ocean for the world to see, and to bring the whole of mankind together. When the whole of mankind can see the ripples and hear my spoken words, that will be the day when we can all start to talk of change, total change. Jesus walked the land in peace spreading his word for change with his disciples , Mohammed walk the land spreading his words for change with a sword and all his armies. I personally will just sit here and wait for you and the rest of the world to come to me, if you want answers then you must first ask the question. I don’t class myself as a spiritual leader, but I will give mankind a new teaching, and a new way of thinking for you and all your future generations. You all have to learn to open your minds and use your emotions when you look at the world. Your emotions are the nearest thing to spirituality you are going to get, so use them wisely, there will always come a day of judgement.      

If I had been a whiz kid on a computer, I would have done videos, talk shows and things like that, but all you get with this site, is one simple little man writing with one finger, and with two visions of your future. Maybe one day in the future we will all sit down together and talk about my two visions for your future generations.

The Universe.

From the beginning of mankind, every generation has looked up to the night Sky and gazed in wonder at all the stars. As the sun and moon and all the stars slowly drifted across the sky, people thought the earth was the centre of the universe. To the simple-minded people, they believed that only a God could have created such a wonder, an all-powerful God that created the universe and all life on earth. Storeys were created all round the world of all these many gods and the simple-minded people had to bow down to all of these Gods. Laws were made in the name of the many Gods, human sacrifice to the gods were performed and fear was embedded into the minds of the simple people. Pagan symbols were created and eventually books were written and the people in charge of these so-called religions became wealthy and controlling. Everything is mind control, if you can control the people’s minds you can control their wealth and you can take it off them. Mind control has been going on since the beginning of mankind and it is still going on today with all the new religions fake news and now censorship where the truth is not accepted. Today in this modern world with advanced technology, once again mankind is looking at the stars and now looking for intelligent life, because there isn’t any here on earth. Yes, there are a few intelligent people capable of creative achievements, but socially mankind is still mentally living in the dark ages. All through history there have been many great philosophers, that have question everything, only to be torn down and persecuted  by all the so-called religions. Religion has held back mankind mentally without visions of the future, Mankind is stagnant with its thoughts, and mentally stuck in the past, It’s time for change. I want my movement to get the whole world thinking logically and forget the past, we all have to look to the future because that is where we are all going. I say to the whole world if there is a God then give me Scientific or physical  proof, and if you can’t do this, I want the whole world to start listening, only to me. I want my movement to make the human race the most intelligent species in the universe, this will be done with the new teachings of this movement. If there is already an intelligent species out there, then we had all better get a move on, because we have wasted too much time with all your Pagan beliefs.          


All through my life I have never took any interest in politics, but as I look at the world today it is now my belief that you cannot trust any politician. I have just heard that the British government is quietly selling off the National Health Service a little bit at a time, so that you the public  do not notice it. With private companies running the health service it means an increase in the cost to the whole of the public, because they want their profits. Even today with private companies supplying the health service, there is a two-tier charge for each item they sell, a higher cost for the National Health and the lower cost for the people in the shops. All the British  taxpayers will have to pay a higher cost to the private company, you have to ask yourself how many politicians are making money out of this, at the taxpayer’s expense? All governments are corrupt, look at the PM of Canada and the Democratic Party in America and the EU leaders it’s all money in the bank for them. All your politicians around the world are messing this world up, it’s not the people’s fault, it’s your politician’s. The whole world has to find an alternative way of governing, mankind cannot keep going on like this, we have a world run by idiots. A lot of your world politicians are part of secret societies, they are also working with the Wealthy Elite Secret societies. All through history, leaders have ruled with a sword, today your leaders rule with lies and deception. Today your governments are ruled by the elites because they pay the politician to do their bidding, to create more wealth for themselves. Any member of government that is a part of any secret society should be kicked out of government and should never take a political role again. This is what is wrong with the world today, the people don’t have a way of getting rid of corrupt politicians, everything is covered up. It is time for a change, total change, Sort all the governments out and we can sort this world out.  I want to start and create an alternative global political movement that will do just that, and with no messing about. See a problem, then solve it quickly, and no matter what it takes it is as simple as that, but the people of the world have to be behind this  movement. The hardest Part for this alternative movement is getting it started, because I’m running out of time, so it will be up to you all the people of the world to get up off your arses and start thinking of what you can do. You have to start using all the grey matter in your heads, and put it to good use, because it has been lying dormant for many generations.

Every political movement around the world they are all the same there is no difference between any of them, Corruption rules this world with the help of all your politicians. In a free market democracy, it is the leaders of industry and the Banks that dictate to the government what they want. Your governments will bail out the banks and it is you the little people of the world that has to pay for it with your taxes. Now look at Socialism and Communism they’re both the same, they both say they are for the people. But in truth the leaders of the party are just working for themselves and all the wealth that they can get at the expense of the poor little people. Nothing ever changes history just repeats itself over and over again, there are those at the top controlling those at the bottom. With communism you have an authoritarian state, where police will attack you and suppress your freedom of speech, It’s time for a total change all around the world. If I can get my movement to rule the world, this movement will start at the top, and get the government   hands out of the bottomless money pot. Governments have to be run like a business and do financial cuts wherever possible, this will include the salaries of MPs and all of their endless expenses. Get an efficient working government, and you will have an efficient running country. With all the new rules that my movement will be proposing the people will control the police and they will have the power to investigate corruption in government. For too long greedy manipulating people that think they are better than everybody else have been running this world, well, their free ride stops with this movement.                   

The Media.

A little Storey about the media.

Many years ago, before I got rid of my television set, I used to watch CNN for the American news. then a few years back I got this computer, And I saw a man coming down an escalator saying he was running for president, I thought to myself, who the hell is he. I turn to CNN to find out what was going on,  straight away I knew there was something wrong with CNN, to a point of being ridiculous. I started watching the American election and the night that trump won the election, it was the funniest night in my life just watching all the news people’s faces drop to the floor.

The media are the same as politicians you can’t trust any of them, it’s the elites N W O that own the news media and they get their reporters to tell the people only what they want you to know. Real news is being suppressed by the elites and your governments, for their own political motives. How can we have a free world when your own fellow man is working against you, think about it. I have to go on the Internet to find any real news, have you heard of an 11-year-old white European girl being beheaded in a park by a recent Muslim migrant. Have you heard of all the rapes and murders against Europeans by migrants put your mind into the minds of all these victims, because it could be your child next? The media won’t tell you about all of this and your politicians don’t want the media to tell you, because they do not want any trouble. Facebook and YouTube and all the other censoring outlets, and all your governments they should all be ashamed of themselves, for letting this world get in such a state. If people can’t speak out nothing will ever change, I want this movement and the whole world to be able to raise all the people’s voices and put an end to all of this pathetic chaos. I have seen women protesting and raising their voices against the rape culture in Pakistan, only to be attacked by Muslim men. This is not acceptable in the future world that I am trying to create, this movement is out to protect all the innocent people of the world. It is the responsibility of all government leaders to listen to the people, this is their job, and why they are in office. If they can’t find a solution, they shouldn’t be in a government office and they should be ashamed of themselves.            

Population control

In the beginning of mankind there has never been any thought of controlling the population, the human race was  capable of coping  with an increasing population. Every so often a plague would go around the world, it would reduce the number of the people, this was the way of nature controlling the world. Today we have modern medicine and now we have interrupted the rhythm of the world, now is the time to question what we are all doing to our world. Look down with your minds, on all your crowded cities and towns, see how they have all expanded, they have covered what once was green land. In the poorer countries with your mind, look down at all the crowded shanty towns see how far they go, this is no way to live, we are all just existing with no real purpose in life. Look at all the homeless people all round the world, we are incapable of looking after our own society. Put your mind into all the minds of all the poor starving people round the world, feel what they are feeling, imagine with your mind what they are going through. I ask you all to use your minds, because what I have described could be coming to your children, your grandchildren and all your future generation. Today it is up to you all to turn this world around, we have to bring order out of all this chaos.

Science and technology.

Today mankind is advancing technically very quickly, but mentally mankind is still very much still living in the past, and it is abusing its own advancements. Your leaders want more advanced weapons and they will sell them round the world, they will do anything for a profit. In America The Democrats want to take the weapons off all their people, but they will quite happily sell weapons to other people around the world. My movement would stop the selling of all weapons, if a country wants weapons then they have to make them themselves.

The whole world should now start questioning technology, and how your world leaders and the new world order, will be using it. Today we have many cameras with face recognition spreading all over your towns and cities watching your every move. Now there are drones with cameras that can follow you and give you orders; we are getting very close to an authoritarian world. There is a great advancement in humanoid robots, we are getting very close to where humans will be controlled by robots. I have seen a robot being in a simulated attack by two men the reflexes on this robot we’re very fast and it never wavered. Now imagine with your mind of the power of this machine if the new world order gave it a weapon to use against the people. Please Think about this, if these machines were put into full production there could be millions walking your streets all round the world controlling you all, in a very short time. Today with the Internet being speeded up with these new 5G towers, think about how much faster these robots will be able to move. There are 5G towers going up all around the world, are these for speeding up and the controlling of these robots. Earth’s atmosphere protects us all from the harmful solar wind, today we have satellites beaming down these harmful waves onto the earth the elites are out to depopulate the world. The Elites will be safe they will live in their deep underground bunkers there are tunnels all over the world, it is you the people that will die. The elites will live longer because they will feed off the chemicals that’s they process from your young children. Even today the World Health Organisation  is talking of taking your children out of your family home because of this virus.

If I’m right on this theory, then this means the wealthy elite have chosen robots over the health of the world’s population. The wealthy elite know that these towers will breakdown the cells in the human body and the Oxygen molecules. In the whole of the population, there will be a large increase in cancers brain tumours lung disease, this will be a lot worse than any simple virus. This 5G will Sterilise the whole population and shorten the lives of a large part of the population. Can anybody tell me are there any of these towers near government offices, I know that there are some right next to your children’s schools. I am glad to see that some people have taken it on themselves to burn down these towers around their communities.   

The so-called elites also want to put a microchip into 7.5 billion people so that they can control your every movement. These chips will also be used to control practically every part of your life you will have to use this chip for everything you do. The last time this was done, it was the Germans putting a number on all the Jews, now with this authoritarian world order they are going to put their mark on all of you, think about it.

I have heard talk of a Global forced vaccination a mandatory vaccination where you have no choice in this matter. But what the elites haven’t told you Is that there are once healthy children dying in Africa and India where once healthy children are now having very severe side effects from these drugs. These people will be allowed to pump any chemical into your body because you cannot sue them by a new law, they have covered themselves financially by the world order legal system. With these vaccines, they are changing the DNA of the human body they’re taking DNA from aborted children and pumping this into your children, of your world. We’re going to end up in a world where boys will think they are girls and girls will think they are boys.

A little Storey of the Pharmaceutical industry

I have heard of a woman in America she was given an executive job in a pharmaceutical company  and she would be getting 17,000,000 a year. To the likes of you and me, this would be a lottery win, every year for the rest of our working life. The question here is, how many more people higher up are getting this type of salary? Because it is you the little people that are forced to pay the high cost for all your medications to pay for all their salaries. I have also heard that Bill Gates wants to sell his vaccines for $50 a shot,  now multiply this by 7.5 billion and how much he is getting from you all around the world, give me a couple of minutes to work this out how much Bill Gates will be making,  .—————————————-No, forget it, I only have 10 fingers.

My alternative world order will take over the Pharmaceutical industry, every country will have their own labs to do research on vaccines and all medical problem. Everybody will share any advancements they make with the New Alternative World Health Order Authority they will allocate or provide new factories where these products will be produced. There are a lot of natural remedies for a lot of illnesses, which the pharmaceutical people don’t want you to know about, because it will reduce their profits. My Alternative World Health Order will be looking into all these possibilities, and the world’s population will be informed of this.   

The Elites one world religion.

I have just heard again that the so-called Catholic religion and the so-called Islamic religion, that they are getting together to create a new one world religion. Does this mean that what the world has been told up until today has all been lies and made up stories? So now we have two child molesting organisations, working with the wealthy Elites new world order, this couldn’t get any funnier. Are they going to get rid of your old Gods and bring in the Devil, because this world is going to hell? All through history all so called religions have always worked alongside with their leaders now they’re going to work for an evil world order. This so called one world religion is going to brainwash the masses into believing anything that the elite world order wants the people to believe in. Wake up people of this world put your faith in my new world order movement and together we will create real peace and harmony all around the world.

Let me just tell you a little something about myself, I am a strong-minded atheist, I do not believe in anything without proof, but something has happened that I cannot prove. I can only teach the whole of mankind how I  found it, but you have to train your mind and all your emotions to see what I have seen. I believe that there is a strong possibility that there is a consciousness after death, all living creatures become part of this consciousness. For anything to exist there has to be a form of energy and a purpose, I think I have found it, but that’s another story for another time.

The world’s wealthiest people gather in Switzerland every year plotting to take over your world for their own ends, is this a world you want were the 1% rule the masses. I have decided to start my own secret meetings on how we are going to get this world back, and get this alternative world order up and running and start putting this world right. This is what I want all subscribers to do from now on, I want you to read this site very quietly , don’t let anybody see or hear you, this is our secret, wink wink, say no more. As soon as I find a quiet pub somewhere out in the country, I will inform all subscribers, and we will all have one hell of night, if someone byes me a beer, don’t forget, moms the word. You can bring a friend, but you have to tell them to keep quiet about it, we don’t want the press there, it’s our secret. Don’t forget this is our secret we’re going to change everything, including the wealthy elite. And if the wealthy elites will not change their ways and start helping the world and do what this movement tells them. Then this movement will eliminate them, this I promise the world.

You have to remember the elites are prepared to kill you; they have already closed down the world they have the virus they have the scientific weapons that can destroy your world. they want to depopulate your world when this starts you cannot win; your freedom will be lost for ever. You have to remember the wealthy elites are not powerful people, they are just cunning manipulating people they will pay, bribe, blackmail other people to do their dirty work. Just as it has been all through history this is how all the wealthy have always controlled the masses.  You have to remember the elites don’t like the people in the West because they are free thinkers and were once a stable civilised community. They are bringing down the West with all this migration because they are assisting it all. They want to overcrowd the West and bankrupt it, by making you pay out all the housing costs and benefits free health service the list goes on. They want to create tension within all the different communities, in other words, they want you all to start killing each other. All of this has been created by your own weak-minded corrupt politicians they are all part of the elite’s new world order. You have to remember all through history different cultures have always been at war, different religions have also been at war with each other, this is still deeply embedded in the minds of the world population today. The leaders of the West have been so pathetically stupid, that they haven’t took this into consideration, all these old cultures are still taught the old ways. All of this is going to make it more difficult for this New Alternative NWO movement to re-educate the whole of mankind.

I’m going to sign out now.

I hope you’re all enjoying your isolation in this lockdown; I personally have been enjoying it since 11/9/2001. for a hermit this is the perfect life. I don’t have to talk to anyone I don’t have to listen to anyone, my life could not be better. But I am still prepared to come out of my isolation to talk to the whole world if you all want to make a real effort and go for total change all around your world.

Goodbye for now.

I do not know when I’ll be back in your sick corrupt world. My camper van is still off the road because of this shutdown I can’t get it re-registered.