Author Archives: Admin

29th February 2020

Hello world.

I have decided once again to come back into you’re mentally sick corrupt and out of control world, and talk to you all, with my righthand middle finger, just one letter at a time. This would be so much easier if I was sat face to face with you all, and I could look you in the eyes and speak my thoughts. Because I do not have the time to write all the answers with one finger to all your world’s problems, I can only speak to you with my answers, but it is up to you the people of the world, and it is up to you to ask me the questions. If you want the answers you have to come to me, when I drive around the country this summer, with my ALTERNATIVE WORLD ORDER rally van. This is your world, YOU ALL have to look after it, YOU all have to be responsible for this WORLD, because today this is all you’ve HAVE.

Today I’m just going to give some random thoughts of how I see your world.   

But first.

let me welcome all new subscribers to this site, now all I want is the rest of Mankind to wake up and to come to this site and together we will create a world order that everybody can accept. I now have 56,139 subscribers and still growing day by day, I thank you all, it is you the subscribers that keep me going, and I live in hope for a better world.

A Quick word

WARNING to all subscribers.

With this virus going around the world please go out and buy supplies for your family and friends, buy tin food, dry food anything else that will last. Keep your families together be prepared to protect yourself, Isolate yourself from the outside world. I fear the worst for mankind, and for what your leaders have released into your world. I wish you all luck over the coming year. And in your isolation if the Internet is working please promote this site tell all your friends, let us all come out of this disaster with an alternative new world order. I wanted my movement to reduce the population over 300 years with education, but it looks like the Wealthy Elite’s World Order wanted to do it in one year with their virus. Don’t forget this is a military secret virus it is designed to kill a population, and your Wealthy Elites of the world have set it free. Whether it was done deliberately or not, it doesn’t matter now, but it should never have been created in the first place. Now you think about this, you pay your taxes to the scientist to find cures and to help mankind, and then they turn around and do something like this, who is the fool, is it you, or your leaders?    

Now back to my random thoughts

 I class myself as David with a slingshot against Goliath, I am one little man with a slingshot full of words against all the world’s corruption. In my slingshot are also my ideas for an Alternative N,W,O for the whole of mankind too follow, a world order with no secrets, an open and honest order. If you agree to my ideas, I want you to pick them up and pass them round the world, at the same time I want you all to put your ideas in your own slingshots and we will let the world decide whose is best. I want my movement to free your minds, and also to open all of your minds, and to think different from what has gone before. I want my movement to teach you all to expand your minds and use your brain to its maximum potential, and not to be a slave to the Elites. 

You will not be getting this type of freedom from the Elites world order; all they want to do is control you and suppress your thoughts and control the world economy. The wealthy Elites not only control the media, they are also controlling your minds, they have the power of life and death over you. They have the viruses to depopulate your, world, they have the weapons of war to destroy your world. The Elites world order is in all of your governments, they are slowly taking over, they are creating Division within all of your communities. They are helping and financing protest groups around the world and they are letting violent criminals and terrorist back onto your streets. The Elites are financing and flooding your already overpopulated countries with migrants, with over population comes conflict and clashes between all communities. With overpopulation they can keep your wages down, they are creating poverty and homelessness all around the world. They are controlling the housing market by making it difficult for the people to get mortgages to buy, at the same time they are increasing the rents for the poor. Today the people are paying more in rents than it would be for paying a mortgage. The Elites banking system want to take your money and keep the property, this is just another way of suppressing the people. The Elites are stealing off your governments, in countries that pay housing costs the Elites just raise the rents and your governments have to pay it, I have seen this happening. Now the wealthy Elites are suppressing your thoughts on the Internet, they do not want you to question their influence and power that creates their corrupt authority over you. You have to look at what is happening in politics today, there is a lot of talk of socialism which in the true sense, it is just communism. Look at Chinas leaders, they want to depopulate their country, they have already been killing a large number of baby girls, as well of forced abortions, and now they have a manufactured virus. Socialism is being promoted by the wealthy Elites; they promise you free healthcare free University studies they promise you equal rights for everyone. All socialist say that they will take from the wealthy and give to the poor so that everybody is equal, and your standard of living will be improved. The Wealthy Elites also wants you all to vote for socialism, and for the rest of the world to welcome it with open arms and to save our world. A majority of all the people around the world are poor and are struggling to survive, to a poor uneducated person this will sound like a dream come true.


The wealthy elites and the Socialists are encouraging mass migration of the world’s poorest people to the west, only to get their votes. Everybody likes free stuff, and all the benefits of the West, i.e., housing costs, and all the unemployment benefits, pensions, Healthcare, free eye test. And to Top it all, because they are a minority your governments give them more rights than the native people. Bring your peaceful religions and you’re MS13, we will give you sanctuary cities so that you can do whatever you want. If you are caught making bombs don’t worry about it, you will soon be out of jail and you can start killing again because you need our loving Socialists Parties help.


When I look into the eyes of a socialist, I see anger, I can see his lies, and he knows he is lying, he is the front man for the Elites world order. I can sense that if he ever gets into power, he would be prepared to kill anyone that gets in their way. Look at what has happened in America with the Social Democrats they have tried to bring down an elected president. They have lied and cheated, and they have manipulated the media to put forward their political aggression on the people of America. Now, I say to all Americans, If I can get my political movement up and running, I want you all to turn your backs on the socialist Democratic Party and vote for my party instead. My movement will work with and will support any president that is working in the best interest of all the people, as it should be all around the world.

In the future we have to get politics and religion out of all the governments round the world, because it divides all the people around the world, we have to find a new way, an alternative way. The problem with the human mind is it looks for people to trust and lead their Nation, in today’s world we can’t trust anybody. We live in a world of greed and corruption and everybody is out for themselves both in politics and religions. Politicians and religious leaders just one power over the people to accumulate a personal wealth for themselves, and they will lie and cheat to accomplish this. Go back in time with your mind to the time of Jesus, did this man really exist or was it just a made-up story to control the populations minds. If there was such a man, he would have lived in a corrupt violent world, a world of many gods and where the wealthy elites with their armies ruled the world. Did Jesus see all of this, did he see the oppression of the people the high taxes to pay for the army and to keep the wealthy in charge. Did he turnover the money table in the temple to protest against the wealthy Elites corruption over the people.

And did he try to change the world, did he see the world as I see it today, because nothing has changed it is still the same today. Look at the power struggles in religion after Jesus died, everybody wanted power over the people because there was wealth to be gained in religion. There were religious wars created all over the Middle East as each religion wanted power and wealth over the simple minds of the people. Now look at all the wealth and property that all religions have today, and still they charged the poor people of the world while telling all their lie’s. The same goes for Mohammed as a young man he saw the wealth in the Christian and Jewish religions, so he started Islam to gain that wealth and power over the simple-minded people. 

Since the death of Jesus, there have been over 100 different bibles written, so how can this be the word of God. It takes a long time to write a book by hand, this is just the words of many-men writing a book to earn a living, and not the word of God. The same goes for Islam there are 26 Qurans that were all written after Mohammed’s death, once again, these books were written by man to control the minds of people. Mohammed ruled with the sword, convert to Islam and pay the taxes, or die, and this is how it still is today, nothing ever changes. If you believe there is a God looking down on mankind, you put your mind into the mind of your Gods, so that you can see what he sees. Does he see an out of control world where death and destruction is all around, mass murder, the blowing up of innocent people. The persecution of innocent people that just want to live in peace, the burning to death, the hacking to bits of living people’s bodies, and all the evil within the mind of the human race. And you say he is a loving God, If I was your God and looking down on this world, I would have hanged my head down in shame, and I would have turn around and walked away. Now we come to the big question, is mankind prepared to turn its back on all the old ancient gods of the past and sit down with me for a new teaching for the future. My movement will be The Time Machine for the future as we go into the future it will stop and make changes and then move on. And in time the changes will get less and less as the problems of the world will be diminished,


There is corruption all around the world even in all the large charities there is corruption, I have seen food delivered to countries, only to be repackaged and sold elsewhere. Charities are a large Salary earner for the people at the top of these charities, It’s like everything else the wealthy at the Top take from the poor at the bottom. Look at people that are promoting global warming now ask yourself, how much are these people getting? through donations and government grants, and for what. I have just heard of a food poverty charity, they had an open weeklong promotion, with the press there and all the leading town councillors. This charity was getting donations from the public, the local council and businesses, it was successful in raising funds. A week later when food was to be distributed the leaders of this charity cancelled it, once again the well-paid take from the poor at the bottom. There are charities promoting terrorism, but they claim to be helping needy to get your money. There is the ship clearing the ocean of rubbish and getting paid for it, but there are countries just dumping their rubbish into the rivers and seas. Even your governments send aid all around the world and even that gets abused by the people in charge, my movements will sort all these charities out, with new laws their financial books will be open to the world to see.

Children’s education.

I want my movement to protect all the children of the world, from the day that they are born to the age of 18. This movement will educate all your children with a new teaching to advance their minds, I will give them visions of the future and what they have to aim for.  When they become 18 years old, they will be sent out into the world to teach the rest of the population of what has to be done. And if anyone, harms any of my movement’s children, their lives will be terminated, for too long child abuse has been neglected, my movement will sort this world out, once and for all, with new laws. Our children are our future, if they can have a stable childhood, we can create a stable future.

The world media

A lot of the media they are only political news people for the wealthy elite’s new world order, bought paid for by the elites. They have sold their souls to the devil, how can a world function properly on lies and deceit, these people do not realise what they are doing. The media have the power to bring down a stable world, and this is what they are doing. If the population cannot get the truth then how can the population protect themselves, from the evil people within the community. The media is creating all this unrest around the world and they do this only for financial reward, they have turned against their own people that they should be representing. Once again wealth dominates over the poor people of the world and suppresses the minds of the people. I am all for free speech but when the media lies to my people, my movement will hold them all accountable in the courts legal system. My movement will seek the truth in all parts of the community and on the Internet, all reporters will have to prove where they get their information from. No more will the media brain wash the people of the world; peace can only come to the world with truth and honesty. There is so much more to be said on this matter maybe one day in the future we will sit down and talk.

World Economic Markets 

I have been watching the progress of this virus and I looked at the World Health Organization and the United Nations. And I think both organisations are incompetent of making decisions, the only thing they seem to be worried about is the global Economic markets. Once again it is wealthy elites Just thinking of themselves before the well-being of the rest of the world’s population. They can sit in their high office have free lunches and social gatherings and get well paid for it, and they can fly around the world, and when they run out of money, they just ask for more. It’s the good life for them, and quite honestly, I don’t think they know what they’re doing or what to do. Even the EU leaders are still encouraging migrants into Europe, even though they don’t know or realise what they’re doing, they are getting well paid, so maybe they just don’t care. My movement would stop all migration Immediately, I would advise all the people not to fly on commercial flights. I would advise the world’s population to cancel all their holidays abroad. If this virus creates more chaos this movement would ground all flights and put the world in isolation mode. My movement would close down non-essential industries, and only keep the food and farming industry active, plus the electrical industry and water. These industries would be given all the free fuel they need to keep their businesses going. To the rest of the population I would say go into isolation just keep within your own social group and protect yourself. This movement would put the freeze on all mortgage repayments and all the people’s rents, plus all bank loan repayment. I say do this to stop the stress and worry of people’s finances that will be in the minds of the population, because they are helping with this voluntary isolation. The wealthy elite and your world leaders have created this virus of war, so now they should pay for it. There is so much more to say on this matter maybe one day we’ll get together and talk about it.


I personally dislike everything about politics, Politicians and governments because this is the most inefficient way of running any country and the world. You vote, and you put the most unqualified people into  your government, what you need is hard hitting business people with a sense of responsibility for all the people of the country, we have to streamline all governments, get rid of all the inefficiencies and waste. We need all countries all people to be able to be united, and to be able to put their trust in their own  governments, I say to you all, put your trust and faith in me, and my Alternative New World Order. Remember this, I will soon be leaving your world, but I want you all to have the tools to build a better world for all your future generations.

One of the biggest problems in governments, is all the different political parties, come election time you have all the backstabbing and arguments. And once in government Tt all this arguing carries on Instead of everybody working together, as it should be. I would prefer to be governed by Intelligent, independent, free-thinking people the world needs people that can think outside the box. The majority of politicians today are just in it for financial reward and public recognition and thinking that they are special. We have to cut down the size of governments, and with a very small number of elected people they have to pick and employ intelligent people to do the jobs. There are so many ways we can change the government to do this we all have to sit down and find the best way. We all have a lot to talk about on this matter and much more, we have to change everything nothing will be spared.

The one 1% the wealthy elite.

Do not worry about the wealthy elite this movement will sort them out in the future with the new teachings of this alternative new world order. Because this movement will encourage the whole of mankind to work together with just one aim, and this will be for a better world for all your future generation. This is something else I’d like to sit down and talk to you all about. But it’s up to you, you don’t have to listen to me

I think I’m getting a blister on my middle finger, so I’m going to sign off.

Before I sign off, do one thing for me, please use your imagination and create images and dreams of your future in your mind, and in the future your dreams could come reality and for all your future generations. Please stand up and act, do something, spread the word of this site, don’t let this site be just my dream for your future. Because I am thinking of you, and for all of your future generations, you are in my mind all the time, and I can’t get you out. There have been times when I have thought that I have been guided to do this, but that is another story for another time.  

I’m going to close my computer down and turn off your world; I will be back at the end of April; I’m going to take up painting again for the next two months. I will put my pictures on this site for you all to see what I have done.

This is goodbye from

hermit monk (A)

hermit monk (B)

hermit monk (C)


End of another year

Although I prefer to be a loner, and a recluse, now, after a long period of isolation, I have decided to come back into your sick corrupt and out of control world. But first, I welcome all new subscribers to this site, I now have over 53,300 subscribers and it is still growing day by day, but it is still a few short of the 7.5 billion people that I want to talk to. 

Today I start to open up and start to put forward my proposals for an Alternative New World Order movement, and an Alternative United Nations, and an Alternative One World Religion. In time I will explain what this one world religion is. But, today in this modern world, your minds are closed to change, you do not question things, so your minds are not ready to listen. Mankind has a lot to learn before I can give you all the answers, what I have to say you will never find in books, you have to use your mind to see what I have seen. In time I will mention all the problems of the world, and in time I will give you the answers to solving every problem round the world. But you all have to learn how to open your minds and to think for yourself, and not be influenced by outside forces.

First, I’ll start with the Elites New World order and George Soros, this is the last man on earth that I would trust, he has worked with the Nazis in the last World war. He stole from his own people and he has been stealing from the world ever since, and he has no remorse for it. He has been stealing with his dealings with countries all around the world, and the people have had to pay higher taxes because of it. This is a man, and with the help of all his wealthy Elite friends, that are financing political movements to bring in socialism all around the world. They want to destroy democracy and to create poverty, so that the people have to rely on the state to survive. Look at China, North Korea, this is the type of world they want to create, control the minds and you can enslave the people. Any member of government that wants open borders, they are also working for the elite N,W,O, mass migration will bring down the economy in every country. With a large population wages can be kept low, and poverty will increase, and more people will have to rely more on the state. Overcrowding in towns and cities crime is increasing, gangs are walking the streets, knife crime and rape is increasing, this is what you can expect more of in the future. The Elites use to pay people to welcome migrants as they arrived in a  country, you don’t see this anymore, now these people live in fear for their own lives. You can thank the Elites world order and your corrupt leaders for all of this, it is their plan to control your minds, and your lives. In the near future, even the police will have to get more violent just to protect their own lives, this is when the Elites martial law will spread round the world.

Our world is divided within every community around the world, with all the corrupt political leaders, and with all the corrupt so-called religions. You have to look at how easy it is to corrupt the minds of the people, and the people will believe anything you tell them. Today in the 21st century a new so-called religion was born, it is call Scientology, now, look at all the wealth this movement has created for itself. Their leaders are not religious, they are salesman, and they will tell you anything to get you into their cult and make money out of the people. If they can do that today, imagine how easy it was to create religions over 1000 years ago, when the people had simple minds and lack of education. Every political party every religion want power over the people, and to do this they will tell you anything to manipulate your minds. You have to remember, in your world with wealth means power, and recognition a status symbol, and an ego trip. This is when the wealthy Elites isolate themselves, this creates a two-tier society, the more wealth they have, the more they want. Now the elites want your world, they want to suppress  you, they are taking you off Facebook and YouTube. The media the so-called free press, is also controlled by the Elite’s and they are only telling you, what they want you to hear and the truth is thrown out the window. My movement would have sued these people for every lie they tell, or close them down, this movement would Sue anybody that knowingly lies to my people.   

Now we have the Elites Antifa Storm Troopers, they are also suppressing free speech within every community. You have to remember, these people are being financed by the Elites to cause unrest, and this is money that the Elites have taken off the people of the world. This is just like the Kings and Queens of old, they take your money to finance their own corrupt controlling of the masses, and now they are controlling Governments. Now, the people of the world are getting angrier and angrier, because their governments do not listen to the people, your religion are also working with the Elites. Greed and corruption rules this world, and the little people of the world have to fall in line to the wealthy Elites lies and deceit. You have to look all around the world in nearly every country, people are protesting about what the government is doing, or, should I say not doing. The leaders of the world are getting well paid, so they’re not interested in the little people. These are the world leaders that cannot make big decisions, because it might stop them from keeping their power, we have some serious problems to be sorted out. It is always the innocent, the law-abiding citizens that are bullied by the political and criminal world, and the people have never had a real voice.  

You have to look at the threats that the Elites new world order are trying to push on the people of the world, and they are using their wealth to control the poor. They are controlling the media, they are manipulating your minds, your freedom of speech is been taken away from you. These are not intelligent people, these are people with no long-term vision for the world, these are evil people that just want to take your wealth off you, the people. Everything is done in secret, if the U N wants to change the world they should sit down with the whole of mankind and talk about it, this is what my movement is prepared to do. They are pushing for socialism which is only communism, and communism is just a way of controlling people. Just look at Russia, North Korea and China, if the government doesn’t like you, they will put you in an internment camps and like China they will take out your organs, and sell them on the world market,( Is this a world that you want). America is already planning this, they have FEMA and possibly extermination camp just sat there waiting to get filled, ( Is this an America you want). The Socialist Democrats want total control over you, they are creating social disorder so that they can one day bringing in martial law, the threat is there. Democrats ran areas are letting criminals and criminal illegal immigrants back onto the streets and back into your communities, instead of deporting them. This is all part of the Democrats Elites way of bringing down society so that they can control you, this is all done just a little bit at a time so that you do not notice it. The Elites will become the mafia, the gangsters of the world, and you are all just sat there letting this happen. You have to look at George Soros, this man has used his wealth to bankrupt countries, and to interfere with governments all-round the world. This is a man that has made billions of pounds out of the suffering of the many, you have to remember, it is you the people of the world that he has stolen this from, through your country’s taxes, all of this has contributed to this one man’s wealth. Because this man is running charities that are helping the mass migration of people to the west, and your governments in the west are contributing to his charities with your taxes. Your Governments in the West are creating chaos in your own countries with your money, they are helping the elite’s new world order, can’t you see it? This man should be paying for all these migrants benefits and all their housing costs, instead of just dumping people into your countries, and you the people now have pay for it all.      

A loaf of bread cost the same for a billionaire as it does for a poor man, in the future this new Alternative N,W,O movement will put a limit on how much one  man can have. ( We will discuss this matter when the time is right ).

And then we have the other world order, which is the Islamic state world order that wants to kill all infidels. They want to kill you if you don’t join this colt, and they will kill you if you leave this colt, you will be control by the so- called religious police, once again your freedom is taken away. Once again this is a mafia gangster cult, where only people at the top benefits this wealthy Islamic state. The teachings in Islam is the same as the MS13 gangs, because they will also kill you if you don’t join their gang and they will kill you if you leave it, once again you will be controlled by this religious mafia, the gangsters of the world.

If you do not believe me, then you have to listen to the Imams and the clerics, and all the leaders of this Pagan religious cult. They teach their children to kill infidels, they are allowed to have infidel sex slaves, they do animal and human sacrifice’s all in the name of their evil cult. You’re allowed to stone people to death, beat their wives, they will throw Gays off buildings and when their bodies hit the ground, they all shout, Allah Akbar. (Is this a world you want for all your future generations). You had better start thinking about this very seriously, because this is coming to your country, because the elites and the socialist  are planning it.

I am one man in 7.5 billion people, but I want to start a global political movement to spread all around the world to Unite the people of the world. I want this movement to educate all the children of the world, to teach them to project their minds into the future, and to turn their backs on the past. The children of today have to plan an Alternative  future, for all their future generations, and to do this we have to go for a total change. With the world population growth, and all the unrest within the community created by overpopulation this movement will cut out the sick criminal cancer within every community. This movement will protect the innocent people of the world from the corruption and abuse of the few. You have to look at all the crimes that are committed all round the world, violent crime, mass murder, suicide bombers we live in a sick and out of control world. Nothing will ever change unless the decent people of the world stand up and vote for my movement that I am going to be proposing.

As time goes on, and as I put forward over time, more of my proposals for total change, I would like to see the subscribers of this site increase 10-fold. Until one day in the future, this movement can sit down and talk to the whole world, only then, can we create a peaceful global revolution of total change. You have to remember that I am just one little man with a vision for the future, for here on earth, and the universe, this is how big I think, and how my mind works. I want to project my mind into 7.5 billion people, and we can only do this with education, the world has to start thinking outside the box, because that is where all the answers are. In the future with each new generation that comes along, and with the help and the teachings of this new movement Mankind will create their own stable future. This movement is not only doing global planning, it will be doing family planning, because the whole world has to make the effort to reduce the population of the world. With a reduced population, instead of fighting for world resources we can be sharing world resources, but that will be up to the children of the future to sort out.

Now let’s say, I can get enough people interested in starting a new  political movement, I will personally register it as a global political movement, at my own expense. This movement has to be different from every other movement that has gone before, this has to be a movement of total change all around the world. This movement has to be the majority in every government, then it will turn around and reduce the size of government it will also reduce the salaries of leaders. No more will the leaders of the world be the privileged people if a country does well, then they will do well, if a country does badly, it will reflect on and reduce  the leader salaries. You have to remember countries are built by the inventers and the tradesman, and the humble skilled Labourers, not those in government, because they’re the ones that bleed people dry.

You may say starting a big political movement is an impossible thing to do, you have to look around Europe and England at all the new little new political movements that are starting up, they are starting up because the people are angry because of the way that their countries are being ran. The problem with all these new little political movements is, they get lost in the corrupt system of government.  

All through history the wealthy have controlled the masses, and then came democracy when the population was low. Now today, in the modern Technical  world, and with overpopulation the division within every community, democracy is now corrupt and breaking down, it’s time for change. We have to look at an alternative way and create a world that gets rid of corruption in every corner of the world.

Now before I start talking about changing government let me give you a few examples of how corrupt your governments really are. A few years ago, The British Prime Minister told the police not to investigate child abuse by Muslim gangs, this is a government crime against your children . And then there was a case with Tommy Robinson where the police escorted a large group of Muslims to one of his meetings, they were throwing stones at Tommy’s supporters and the police just stood there and did nothing stop it, this is your governments organised crime against the people.

 Look at what is happening in America with the Democrats and all the lies they’re putting out they are creating race hatred, they are dividing the nation. The Democrats want to take the guns off the people so that they can control the people with force. The police in America are also letting trump supporters be attacked by antisocial  antifa, 

This is happening all around the world, is this the type of Elite’s New World Order that you would accept, or would you prefer an alternative world order. You are going to have to make up your mind’s very quickly because this is going to be a global police world.           

Let me just mention the stupidity and Inefficiency of one countries government, and this is Britain. We have over 600  MPs in the House of Commons, and we have over 700 so-called Lords, in the house of Lords, it has taken 3 years of talks about leaving the EU. And they are also working against the wishes of British people, how can you put your confidence in an inefficient government like this. and still the government is talking, my movement would have sacked the lot and started a new. Politicians are not in a rush to sort out problems, think of all the salaries these people are getting over the last 3 years, and they still can’t make a decision . Government leaders In Britain and around the world Are protected by rules that they have made, I say take the rule making away from government, and give it to the people. With the type of government this movement will be planning for the whole of mankind, it will be in the  people’s own interest to listen to my proposals.

Just look at the Democrats in America they have lost the presidential seat and are fighting to get it back by any means possible, they are just like the mafia or gangsters in government.

This movement if it gets in power, will design A government that would be acceptable to everyone and if the people want different types of government, it will be put to the vote and the people will pick out the best one. Once in power this movement will start from the moment of birth of the children of the world, we will create a future generation of civil order. Parents will be instructed about bringing up children they will teach their children manners, politeness, this is lacking in today’s society. Parents will be responsible for their children’s upbringing, this will help your children to avoid the pitfalls of the new rules That will be introduced. Parents will be responsible for their children up to the age of 18 if a child breaks the law the parents will be fine or even imprison. If somebody has an out of control dog the dog is put down and the owner pays the fine, it will be the same with children. ( I will explain more when the time is right). This movement is going to reintroduce the death penalty Not just for murder but for rape, Armed robbery and any violent crime Including terrorism. ( I will explain more when the time is right). Criminals will get longer prison sentence, and work in prison factory They will get a minimum wage this will pay for their upkeep in the jail and it will be a benefit to their families outside and once released from jail they will pay a criminal tax for the rest of their life. Violent criminals both male and female will be sterilised before they are allowed to leave jail, because we don’t want violent people creating more violent people. It is time the civilised society fought back against crime, the good people of the world have to protect themselves and their communities. 

Now you might say this is a bit strong, as this movement grows people will start to understand what this movement is prepared to do, hopefully people will listen and understand. And by the time this movement gets into power hopefully crime will be reduced, and we might not have to bring in these new laws. And in the future children will be encouraged to take up hobbies, play musical instruments anything that will help children expand their minds. Because in today’s world children are bored and out of control this movement will help the children of the world to become part of the community. Part of the problem is human rights, in the future criminals will have their rights taken away, ( I’ll explain more on this matter when the time is right).

A brief intro into how this movement would create one government system for every country, there are many ways, but it will be up to the people of the world to put forward their proposals. It will always be put to the people to pick out the best way for the whole world to follow in the future. We need people in charge that are genuinely interested in the wellbeing of the country, people who actually care for people, that will protect the people not just have self -interest in mind. We need people with the long-term future vision. We all have to find intelligent Qualified  business people to layout the rules for the country, these business people will report to the people of what has to be done, and it has to be put to the  people to decide if their decisions are accepted. ( I will explain more later )

I would like this movement to create two parts of government with in every country, one part of the government will work on international matters and the commercial side of industry. The other part will deal with the people, they will work for the wellbeing of the people and the community. These people will also be given total control of the police, the police will be given the power to investigate all criminality both in government and within the community. The people the community will take control of the criminal courts system, they will write all the new laws for the community and get rid of all the old laws.( I will say more on this matter when the time is right).

The other threat to my peaceful Alternative World Order, is the Islamic world order, this is a religious and political cult that has been going on for well over 1000 years. Muhamad was not a peaceful man he was a dictator a killer and a murderer, he would attack and steal from all the communities around him. With the power of his sword and his armies, he would force his people to follow his teachings. He used the word God, he knew that it was a powerful tool to control people, because this is what the simple-minded people believed in. He would enslave his captive prisoners. He ran his cult on fear of reprisal if the people did not follow him, this was the beginning of his cult called Islam. Mohammed was the Elites George Soros of the ancient world, He used his power and wealth to manipulate the minds of the masses, and so it still is today. Years after Muhamad’s death, his Elites followers had the Quran Written to control the  minds of the people, because this was a good way of making money from the people. All through history Islam has brainwashed the children from a very young age, they are forced to read the Quran from a very young age. They have to bow down and pray 4 times a day, they are forced to dress in the Islamic attire to show everyone that they are a Muslim. Freedom of choice and thought is not in the Islamic teaching, this is brainwashing, mind control on a global scale. When a child’s mind his constantly bombarded with Islam, their minds are kept closed their freedom of thought is lost. This is when the elites in Islam can control the masses and they know they will never be questioned. They are promised 72 virgins in heaven, or if they don’t follow Islam they will go to hellfire, they live in fear in life and fear in death. This is how Islam controls the minds of the population and with all the brain washing, the population believe everything they are told.

Islam is a threat to the teachings of my Alternative New World Order; my Alternative world order is going to Protect the very young children in Islam.

They practice female genital mutilation, this movement will bring in laws to prevent this, their parents will be imprisoned and sterilised. Children will be allowed to sue their parents if this is done to them, this will also include the Jewish practice of circumcision. Children of the world will have the protection of this movement; our children are our future and must be  protected at all times.

Forced child marriage will be stopped, and the selling of children into forced marriage, this movement will protect all the children of the world. You have to think of the mental stress in these children minds, their bodies are just being used, for the male’s personal selfish pleasure this is all it is. This is a form of prostitution at the expense of young children this will be stopped all around the world. I have heard that some children die because of internal damage, this is a sick and unacceptable form of child abuse. 

The age for marriage for all children will be raised to the age of 18 years old. This will help children to mature mentally and to be able to think for themselves, it is their body, it will be their choice. And if any Islamic cult leader promotes this suffering to the children, they will be severely punished. This movement will destroy this ancient cult mentality, with new religious teaching from this new alternative world order. ( I will explain more later )

And in the case of honour killing, this movement will do an eye for an eye, and a life for a life.

And my message to all the Muslim women around this world, you will all come and sit down with this movement and you will tell this movement all your problems. Because this movement will free all the oppressed minds of people in this world, your thought are yours, you must protect them, and free your minds.

I have just been told from an educated ex Muslim woman, that in Islamic countries men prefer to have sex with goats. I can’t prove this, but if the goat is under the age of 18  then this movement will have to look very seriously into this matter. I have now just heard that a gentleman on The Young Turks has asked for this to be made legal, please check it out. This movement will also do animal rights, because animals also have thoughts, they have a mind, so they should also have rights.

Now I will give you a reason why I dislike and do not trust Islam, I have had a terrorist within my family  circle. A 22-year-old Muslim he was friends with one of my grandchildren, he has now been in jail since July on terrorist charges, he was caught making bombs. This is what you get when you invite Islam into your community, and this is the thanks they give you for helping them. I live in a small town, how many other small towns have bomb makers, think about it, because you could be their next target. My movement would put all these terrorists in internment camps until the threat is over. Or, for every bomb that is ignited my movement would blow up a mosque, until the threat is over, my movement will fight fire with fire. The silly thing is, the stupid British government leaders know who these people are but are letting them walk freely and spreading their hate in all of your communities. Your leaders don’t want to upset anybody in case they lose voters, Politicians can’t see the devastating long-term effect to what they are doing. The British police are having to monitor thousands of Muslim terrorists, and this is all been paid for by the British tax payer.            

Now I say to all Muslims around the world, come and join my alternative world order, together we can create a peaceful world order for everyone. This movement will teach you how to close your minds, and to project your mind into the darkness of space and time. As your mind and thoughts gets stronger you will begin  to see the light, and in time you see what I have seen. BUT, if you don’t want to join my movement, at least convert to Christianity because they are on the first step to see what I have seen. The only problem with Christianity is they still read old ancient books, and their minds are still locked in the past, but at least they have become more civilised.

Just look at the Elites Socialists Democrats in America, they have lost the presidential seat and are fighting to get it back, by any means possible, they are just like the mafia or gangsters in government. They have held their meetings in secret, they change the rules, they stop people from questioning their procedure. Witnesses are being stopped from attending these hearings, everything is done on third hand hear say, and whispers. These are the people that are in charge of the most powerful nation on earth, and yet they act like spoilt children that have had their PlayStation took off them. This is why I say let’s Change the way we all govern ourselves, and let’s get politics out of government. These people are just like the British government, they have been doing this for the last 3 years and still they haven’t got anywhere. Once again, these people and all their hangers on, have been getting paid for the last 3 years, once again the American taxpayers are paying for their inadequacy. If these Elite Socialist Democrats are part of the new world order, then you can expect chaos all around the world.

On 9 11 2001 the Elites n w o  opened my mind to how far these people will go, it has proved to me that they are prepared to kill anybody, to get what they want. This 9/11 was only a show to manipulate the minds of the American people, so that they could go to war, and steal off the American people. Trillions of dollars went missing on that day, and all the records were destroyed, it looks like the Elites got away with it. It was a timed demolition job, because steel and concrete does not free fall like that. These people have used  American lives for their own personal gain,  and for their Elites world domination. They do this a little bit at a time, so that you do not notice, they hope that you will forget things, and do not connect all the dots. There are only two men in this world that can stop this madness, one of them is Donald Trump, and the other man, is Me, but only with your help. The Elites Socialist  Democrats in America are in panic mode, look at all the impeachment hearings against  Trump, they want their power back no matter what the cost. This is all because Trump asked a leader to do him a favour, today I ask all my subscribers to do me a favour. Can somebody ask Donald Trump if I could speak at one of his rallies, as a possible future world leader, I hope I don’t get impeached for this, by asking for a favour.

Now one more little thing, global warming, this is one of the biggest CON’s this world has ever had, and your United nation are encouraging it, and they are putting fear into the minds of the world population. The name of the United Nations should be changed, to the Divided Nations, these people are part of the Elites World order. They are dividing your world not uniting it, their motto must be divided and conquer, and you the people of the world are throwing money at it. You pay them high salaries and get nothing in return, just like all the political leaders round the world. They have put Saudi Arabia on a committee for human rights, that’s like putting a paedophile in charge of a children’s orphanage 

Mankind needs a World Order like mine, a movement that will sweep corruption off this planet.

I’m getting bored now, I’m a simple man, I write all this with one hand and just one finger,( my middle finger ) just one key at a time. Now if mankind doesn’t wake up to the state of the world, then I will turn my hand round and I will point this finger upwards and walk away. I have a lot to say but I can’t do this without publicity, I don’t want your money, I want your action. I only do all this for the safety of my grandchildren and for all  their grandchildren and all my future generations, how far into the future dose your mind go.  ( please start thinking about IT )

And to the person that put my Writings on Bit Chute, I thank you most sincerely. Maybe one day in the future we can meet.

Once again, I’m going to close my computer, and go back to my solitude I wish you all, a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR, and maybe in the future you can all say A HAPPY NEW WORLD. This is possible,   but only if you all get your fingers out and start doing what is required.


I am tired of your world, I’m going to go to sleep but I will be back about March or April before I go on the road again. In time I will tell you what I’m doing, I have over 53,000 subscribers I want to see that number double by the end of April. Remember this is your world it is your responsibility to change it, if you need my help come and talk to me.  

                                                                      BYE for NOW.

End Times

Hermit Monk B from The Alternative New World Order
To all 49,276 subscribers

Today it is with great regret that I have not achieved what I would have liked, I wanted to try and create a world order of truth and openness with no secrets. I know my failing is due to my inadequacies of using a computer and the internet to promote my thoughts. Because of this I have decided to go back to my old way of life of being a hermit and a recluse again, and not wanting anything to do with your corrupt world. You have to remember that I am a simple man and I ask for nothing, but I like to mentally solve problems in my mind, and this is what I have been doing 24 7 since 9:11 2001. Since 2001 I have looked at the whole world logically and I can see where mankind is going wrong. I have found millions of problems all around the world, Mankind could change all of this, but it just needs the right leadership, which is lacking in todays world. I cannot write all the problems, for one it would take too long, secondly, I dislike writing, there is only so much I can do with one finger.

I was going to close down this site, but, I have now decided to go for one more year and see what happens. From now on, I will only give my thoughts to the people who comment on my site, I will give you all my thoughts on all of your world’s problems. You have to remember this is your world it is your decisions that will create the future. There is an old saying, God helps those that help themselves, now is the time for the whole of mankind to start helping themselves, for the benefit of all our future generations.
Remember this, If you don’t ask the question’s, then I cannot give you the answers to solve your world’s problems.

I should have been on the road by now, but unfortunately my van is costing a lot more to repair than was expected. I have also now taken my website name and the Alternative New World Order sign off the side of the van. If this site picks up and I get the publicity that I need, I will replace the signs on the side of the van, and I will come back into your world.
Please remember this, it was my intention to try and create an open free speaking alternative world order, that would have been acceptable to everyone. I wanted to get the whole world working together to create a future for all our future generations. Instead of a so-called elite secret society dictating to the rest of the world what they want, because the world will become a dictatorship for the wealthy. The elite’s new world order is starting now, we have censorship all around the world and you cannot say anything against it, or you will be censored, or in some cases killed. The fake news is against freedom of speech for the people, you are only getting what they want you to think, and to control and twist your minds into their way of thinking. I have been censored on face book and so have a lot of my friends on the internet, I am just a poor man and I cannot compete against the wealthy elite. Think about this, if they can do this with the media, what do you think they will do when they get total power over the people that disagree with them. We are getting to the point where we cannot tell the truth anymore because of all the pathetic little laws they are bringing in.

There are no plans set out for the world to follow, but there are plans within the Elites secret society N W O which you are not told about. My plans for the whole world would have been for the whole of mankind to hear.
Please I beg you all, and the rest of the world to start thinking very seriously about what is happening all around the world today and stop all your foolishness, it is time mankind grew up.
You can see who is part of this Elites secret society’s new world order, they are the politicians that are encouraging mass migration, these are the people that have turned against their own people and their own country. Look at what is happening in the EU, when mass migration is allowed into another already overpopulated country. There comes a shortage of housing, house prices rise, then it becomes more difficult to rent off private landlords because rent prices also rise. Only the wealthy benefits from overcrowding because they hold the properties and can charge whatever they want, and the government will be paying their rents. The government will also be paying all their benefits and you the people will be paying higher taxes to pay for all of this. The British government a few years back reduced benefit payments to their own people, but give themselves a pay rise, and still allowed in more migrants in the country. The government said that they needed more migrants to work and pay for benefits and old age pensioners. But who is going to pay for all the migrants when they retire? Do we let in more migrants to pay for all of their benefits, the country is on a downward spiral?

With over population extreme poverty will increase ten-fold, poverty is increasing today, there is already an increase in homeless people and charity food banks. I have heard that some of these food banks are not coping with the increasing number of hungry people, Britain and the EU are starting to be third world countries. We should be decreasing the population, not adding to it, if this over population trend continues there will be no hope for any western country. All your western government are working against their own people, I have just heard that the British government is giving donations to Antifa. Antifa are the Brown shirts of the Elite’s New World Order, these are the Nazis that wants to rule the world, do as they say, or they will attack you. George Soros was a Nazi collaborator, to me this sounds like history is repeating itself. Your governments are also sponsoring Islam to control the people, and to create unrest amongst all communities, because you’re not allowed to criticize Islam. But you are allowed to criticise Christianity and the so-called white supremacist and any political movement that goes against the leadership of the country.

Look at what happened to Tommy Robinson, when the police escorted a gang of Muslims to one of his meetings to cause trouble. Then the police just stood back and let them attack Tommy Robinson and his supporters. Britain is becoming an aggressive police state, where your rights are being taken away. Tommy is an outspoken person, thankfully he speaks his mind, but the British government stays quiet, and suppresses him, and the people, with the police force once again. All Tommy has done was to publicise the disgusting behaviour of the Muslim community. Because the councils and the police have kept quiet for years about the disgusting Muslim sexual abuse of our young British children. The media are also responsible by not reporting everything and not warning the British people what is happening in their own community. How can the British community protect their own young children if they are not told about the dangers within their society?

Now we come to the other problems with mass migration, The National Health Service Is overwhelmed with migrants, and the waiting time to see a doctor has lengthened considerably. Our schools are filled to full capacity, and your choice of school for your children to go to is getting less and less. I have just read a school application form and it asked what colour and what country is the pupil from, there was a long list of countries for people to tick the box. But there was no place on the application form for a white British pupil, white people will one day be a minority in their own country. And the western governments are encouraging this to suppress their own people, because a suppressed society can be a controlled society by their own governments.

Now a quick look at all your governments.
Since 2001, I have been watching governments round the world, and I have realised what a waste of money they really are. They do not unite the country, if anything they politically divide the people and bring unrest into the community, as is happening today. Politicians today only do it for a high paying career with benefits, and with only their own interests in mind, and they will lie and manipulate the people just to keep their jobs. People are voting and paying higher taxes for people that are incapable of doing their job and wasting public resources. This would never be tolerated in a private company where efficiency is there objective. If all governments were being ran like a private company, I’m sure they would have all been sacked by now. Democracy has been on the go for well over 1000 years and it has spread all round the world, today it is now a corrupt system of governments that should be changed. This is what I have been trying to do with this site, and to change the whole corrupt political system with an alternative type of government and an alternative new world order. But I have failed in my effort to do this, maybe one day in the future mankind will wake up to the truth of what is happening.

Pride in nationalism is going down the drain, when will the people of this world ever learn there will be no individual people anymore, you will be controlled on mass. This is what the elite’s new socialist world order is trying to do and you can’t say anything about it, or you will be controlled.
The western governments, by not sorting out the big problems today, they are making the future world, that much more dangerous for all future generations, your governments are run by weak minded people. Politicians are soft because they are too frightened to solve problems, they are only interested in getting re-elected and getting back into government. Western government are bringing in pathetic laws too fast, such as mass migration, they are destroying society and causing conflict between each group of people. People do not like big changes, big changes should be brought in gradually with education, because the human mind cannot cope with extreme change.

We are all being manipulated in one way or another, in the private sector you have advertising, billions of pounds spent on advertising to buy their goods. Now governments are doing the same They are manipulating your minds It is time you all woke up to the fact that they only want to control you.
In the West people are getting soft because everything is getting done for them, this is how we end up with socialism, because they think everybody owes them a living, without having to make the effort and work for it. Socialism will destroy the world because with overpopulation, there is only so much that can be shared. With the socialist, if you don’t agree with them you will be cast out from society, as it is in Russia and China, people will be put into interment for disagreeing with socialists, that is how socialism works.

Why don’t the Democrats in America take the guns off the criminals first, and then see if the rest of the population would give up theirs in the future. Now a silly little thought, lets say the Democrats take your guns off you. What is there to say that they will only take the guns off the Trump supporters. Come the civil war, the Democrats have all the guns. You have to remember, it was the Democrats that were selling guns to terrorist, who in this world can you trust.
With this site I wanted to get your visions of the future, I wanted publicity to tell the world of your vision. And I would also tell my own vision of the future, and together we could have created a different future, but it doesn’t look as though it is going to happen anytime soon.
With all the talk of global warming, and all the pollution there is talk of cutting down on cars and planes, why not just cut down the population and the problem will be solved. To do this people have to be educated to understand this problem. If you don’t educate people, the population will never stop growing, you have to create a vision of the future. This is what this world needs, it needs people with vision and then knowledge to project their images to the people. Without visions and dreams there is no future, the world will become stagnant and a cesspit, as it is in some parts of the world today, including parts of America. Overpopulation is a strain on the infrastructure of every country and is creating poverty around the world.

People accept what they are told without question, this is the problem with the world, people are incapable of making up their own minds. They are always influenced by forces that they cannot control such as big corporations and fake news, like CNN and the BBC and all of the others.

A little while back I said I thought I was a socialist, but on reflection I have looked around the world at socialism. Today the word socialist is only used as a political tool to wind-up the people and to get power in government, socialism is, and will become a dictatorship. Because you cannot trust leaders that have power over the people, it has been like this all through history. This world today is not ready for socialism. There is so much that needs doing before we should even consider socialism, there are too many problems, and our world today is incapable of solving any of these problems. My plans for the whole world in the future, were on similar lines of socialism, but my plans were for 500 years in the future, not in todays world. Education would have been the biggest factor in this new political movement that I was trying to start, but it doesn’t look as though this is going to happen now.

I have heard Christians talk about the end times, and the day of judgement My movement would have fulfilled this Prophecy, and more. With this political movement it would have solved the world’s problems quickly and efficiently, and with no messing about, but once again, this doesn’t look as though it is going to happen any time soon.
My last days on the internet
Today I am going to turn off my computer, I’m going back to my old way of life and being a recluse again, and to walk away from your world. I will only turn this computer on once a week, to check this site. You can talk to me on this site if you have any questions, this is the only time, I will talk to anyone.

And to all subscribers, I thank you all for making the effort to visit and read this site, I thank you all. And if you never hear from me again, I wish you all well in your uncertain future.

Latest Report

Ken from  = The Alternative New World Order

I am still very angry at the world, I stopped writing because of my anger, I was going to take up painting again, but for the last 7 weeks all I have done is stared at a blank Canvas. So, now I’m going to vent my anger in my writing, and what this alternative new world order is going to do, if it ever gets to Power. This movement has to solve all the problems in the world quickly and efficiently, no matter what it takes, I do this so that you will start to understand how I feel about the whole world. Up till now I have said nothing, I’ve done this deliberately because I didn’t want to frighten you off because this movement, if given the chance is going to break eggs with a big stick. 

Let me first tell you of some of the silly little things that really annoy me and get my temper up, and that is the silly people of America. There are two types of Americans, there are the total idiots and the other are the intelligent people with common sense. The total idiots are the ones that follow the democratic socialist party, these people do not realise they are being brainwashed. I can look into a Democrats dead eyes and I can tell when they are lying, these people are destroying America.

I believe the Democrats are being controlled by the wealthy Elite and George Soros and they are being bribed, blackmailed and controlled by a secret society. They are being blackmailed, bribed in many ways including paedophilia child abuse and sexual orientation. Remember this, these are the people that you have put in charge of your country, also look at the wealth that they are accumulating by charging for favours to the elites, and making speeches plus selling books. Politics like religion is just another way of making money, and lots of it. This is how sick your leaders are, this goes against the teachings of this new alternative New world order.

The EU is working on similar lines, they’re all working for the elite’s secret society, because when I look at the EU parliament, I can see the corruption in all their faces. They are working towards controlling your minds, and one day they will enslave your bodies, they will use Islam to suppress the people. If this alternative New World Order movement ever takes over it will create a one world religion, where you do not bow to anyone, you will stand up straight and use your minds.         

Then we have the intelligent people of America, they are the ones that follow Donald Trump, and his supporters know what they’re talking about. These are the people that want freedom and freedom of speech, which is at the moment in time is been taken away for the people.  

Then we have CNN, years ago when I had a television, I used to watch CNN for the American news. When I got a computer, when their election started, I turn to CNN for the news and straight away I knew there was something wrong. I knew that I was looking into the dead eyes of a lying CNN; these people are also working for the Elites world order and to bring down America.

Now we come to the brain dead Antifa, that have been brainwashed by the Elites and George Soros. These people shout abuse and call people Nazis to anybody that does not agree with them. This movement will take them to court, and they will have to prove that the people they are abusing really are Nazis. If they can’t, then they will have to pay compensation to the people that they are abusing.

Then we come to Cair, women’s rights, black lives matter, these movements are finance by the Elite, and George Soros, and other elements, to bring down the government. You will always notice that there is a Muslim in amongst them, Islam is creeping into your society. This movement will sort the lot out, and all the other people that finance disorder in the community. This movement stands for peace and harmony between all people, anybody that doesn’t want peace will be isolated  from society. I will explain more on this matter later, if we all ever sit down together and talk about planning the future.

For too long the innocent people of the world have been victims of aggressive lying politicians, and aggressive criminals, this has to stop. The whole structure of society has to change by getting society working together with a common aim. This movement will protect all the innocent people of the world and give them more rights over those that persecute them. This movement will get rid of the United Nations and all the human rights, in the future it will be called the United World.

With the new  teachings of this New Alternative New World Order movement, people in the United World will write all the new laws for today, and for the long distant future, no more will the few control the many. This movement will give all communities round the world the rights to get rid of the disruptive parts of their communities. For too long the human rights have worked against the victims of crime, but you will always hear criminals demanding their Human Rights. This movement says, what about the rights of the victims that did not ask to be the victims?

This movement will create a deterrent for all criminals, they will get longer prison sentences, and they will pay a criminal tax for the rest of their lives. In the future criminals will pay for the prison System, why should the public be responsible for the criminal element in their society? I will explain more on this subject if we ever meet on the road. In time this movement will explain what your rights will be, and what you have to do to protect yourself and your community, for today and in the future.

My biggest problem with the world is all the governments around the world, because in many countries people are demonstrating  against their own government’s corruption. In the future there will be a new law where the leaders of a country will have to stand in the street and face the demonstrations, if they fail to do this they will be taken out of office and never allowed back in government.

No more will leaders be allowed to make laws for their own protection, the people will rule the world, under the guidance of this Alternative New World Order. People are being lied to all the time, the political elite just want your vote to get them in, and then turn around and do whatever they want. People of the world are paying higher taxes to pay for their corruption and incompetence. With all these new political parties that are starting up today and wanting change , they are going to the people to get their support, there is one very big problem with this.

All these new political parties will change nothing, now I will explain why nothing will ever change. Years ago, the Green Peace Party came to life with well thought out new ideas for the whole world, put together by intelligent people. Over the years, they started to gain seats in government, but now today you hardly ever hear of them, I will tell you why. It’s because they got lost in the corrupt political system, governments are a closed shop to outsiders.

Now I will tell you what this movement will do, this movement will talk to the whole world and we will all start to work together to create a new alternative type of government for every country. It will start in the democratic way, where everybody votes for who they want in government. All new MPs will be taught of what has to be done, and when it is to be done, they have to start planning for the distant future starting today. Watched over by the people of the world because this movement will plan to unite the world.

This will be achieved overtime, as each new generation takes over. There are so many problems in this world that have to be solved, this all has to be planned carefully and logically. In the future there will be no room for being a liberal or socialist.

Now, I come to a few other little things that get my back up. The world is getting to a point where you can’t say anything, you cannot criticise anyone. If you do, you are called a racist or an islamophobia by the socialist stupid mentality, this is all done to create unrest amongst all communities. The elite’s world order is whittling away at the fabric of  the social community all around the world. Even in governments they are doing the same, they are promoting anti society rhetoric and with racial slurs. Now today, even the police are frightened to do anything or to say anything in case they are called racist, we are living in a world of weak-minded governments, that your leaders are creating.

There are too many elected MPs in the British government, all they seem to do is to bring party politics into government, instead of dealing with the real issues. After three years, the British people are still waiting to leave Europe, this shows how inefficient this government is. With over 600 MPs and over 700 members in the House of lords surely somebody can make a decision on this matter.

This proves my point about inefficiencies in governments, and why we should be thinking of changing the whole government system. Government should be run like a business, if MPs can’t do the job then they should be taken out of office, there should be no room for inefficient leaders. This Alternative New World Order has to be prepared to change the whole political system where the people are in control of their own leaders.

In the United Nations there is a movement called the UN Watch, in America there is the Judicial Watch. There should be this type of movement watching all governments around the world, they should have the power to sue any member of parliament that steps out of line. This also has to be done in local governments because there is corruption  throughout the country, and the hardworking people are paying the price for it.

Now I come to the sex education and what is been taught in some schools to very young Children. I agree that the reproduction process should be explained to children over the age of 10 years old.  but I do strongly object to the teaching of other sexual orientation, Gays and lesbian can we be  mentioned briefly. But the rest should not be mentioned, a child’s mind should be allowed to develop on its own without outside influence.

I have heard of men claiming to be women running in women’s race’s, why don’t women protest because they are not going to win? They should go to the start line and when the race start just stand still and let the man run on his own. This world is getting sillier and sillier each day.         

Now I come to the subject that is causing a lot of problems around the world, and this is, over population. Over population is creating extreme poverty, crime and disorder in every country around the world. Each person is struggling to survive, and this causes stress in the human mind, with stress comes anger and frustration, and the breakdown of society.

At the beginning of human history there was small groups of people, that roamed the earth, Overtime they settle down in village communities. As the population Increased these villages turn to towns and then into larger cities, the population was controlled by disease. Today with the advancement of science the population is now accelerating out of control, now is the time for the people of the world to control their own population.

Mankind has to do this, because the human race is destroying nature all around the world, cities  are expanding out into the green belts. There is a big advantage to population control. In the future with a lower population, our future generations can have a higher quality of life rather than out of control quantity. With less children in the world, Parents will have more time to guide their very young children’s minds. This is a very important time  for children  because it develops their personality for the rest of their lives.

This Alternative NWO movement will help all young parents round the world and assist in the bringing up of their children. This is very important because this movement will come down very hard on disorder, for too long the decent people of this world have had to put up with chaos.

With overpopulation people are dividing the world into sections, there are a lot of different groups within all communities. Today with weak governments and weak-minded politicians that cannot make decisive decisions. The people of the world have lost true leadership and the whole of society is now breaking down, because of their lack of leadership. Leaders only have their own interests and position in mind, and a lack of understanding for what is good for the community. You only have to look at the Democrats in America and the EU to realise how corrupt and weak your leadership is. 

All migration has to stop, every country has to control its own population. This movement will supply free contraceptive to the world, free abortion up to 3 months, and financial reward for sterilization. Also, euthanasia will be available for anybody that wants it, this is for anyone over the age of 18, this movement will rid the world of stress. This movement will do this, because of the overpopulation people cannot cope with the stresses of life this movement will help everybody. All people in prison both male and female that have done serious crimes, will not be let out until they are sterilised.

There are lots of illegal economic migrants around the world, this movement will round them all up and put them in internment camps, their only way out, is to go back to their own country. If their own country will not accept them back, then they will remain in the internment camps for the rest of their lives. This should be a deterrent to all future illegal migration and make the people of the world think about population control. Every country has to be responsible for the reduction of their own populations, this is the only way to bring order to the world.     

With modern technology and communications, people can see what is happening all round the world. The problem is, people turn off their communications and then, it is out of sight out of mind and then forgotten. This movement wants to turn on your minds permanently, and get it involved on what is happening all around you. Over time this movement with education will teach the world how this will be done, you may not like some of what I suggest but it has to be done.

Now quick word about socialism.

You hear of the far left wanting to bring in socialism, where they want to tax the rich and spread the wealth to the people. This may sound good on paper but is not practical in this modern age of greed and corruption and overpopulation. Socialist movements are only trying to brainwash the  poor people with promises of a better life, they do this to help themselves, by getting themselves into power. When socialism is in power it is downhill economically  from then on for the whole of society, because it is not sustainable. Because this has been proved from countless countries that have tried socialism, Socialism always turns out to be a dictatorship.

This alternative new world order has an alternative way of controlling the excessive super rich. This movement has to do this because the super wealthy are interfering in all the governments and the banking systems around the world. In the future this movement will put a cap on the amount of wealth an individual can have, there has to be a limit on wealth. Anything above the permitted amount will be held in the governments safe keeping, this is not a tax. This money will be returned to the person that put it into the government, if they are investing and creating jobs. The government will help them as much as possible even offering more financial help  if they require it.

There is talk of a new Green Deal in America,

This is just another publicity stunt by the Democrat’s, and they haven’t really thought It out logically. This  Alternative movement also has a Green deal for the world, whether it will work is up to you the subscribers to tell me if you think it is feasible. I would like this movement  to flood all the desert around the world with freshwater taken from treated sea water. These treatment plants will be powered by solar panels, wind turbines and tidal flow generators. Now the daft question is, can we reduce the sea level by flooding all the deserts and create freshwater lakes wherever possible. If this is possible this movement has to get the whole world involved to bring life back to this  world. But this is something else we can talk about if we ever meet on the road. 

I have been asked my views on religion, today I’m going to tell you.

If we do ever meet on the road in the future this is the only thing I do not want to talk about. Today I’m going tell you of my dislike of religion, because this is the biggest mind control over the people of the world. It divides all the people of the world and every community, all through history people have been murdered because of all so-called religions. From the beginning of mankind there has always been thousands of gods. The word God from ancient times has only been used to control the minds of the simple uneducated people.

All religions are just a moneymaking machine, and this is still going on today. Look at all the fine cathedrals and Mosques and all the temples all around the world, now ask yourself, who paid for them all? The answer is you did, the simple-minded people of the world, that were led astray from the true spirituality of nature. I will explain more about spirituality  as time goes on. I will teach you all a little bit at a time, on how to use your minds and to find what you cannot see, and you cannot hear.

Let’s first look at the good and bad of Christianity, one of the oldest religions.

You have to remember, in ancient times there was no internet no news media and the majority of the people could not read or write, they just lived a simple way of life. So, anything that was written was from the imagination of the writer and Chinese whispers. Religion was just a way of making money, and it is the same today everybody lies to make money.

All  through history leaders have used religions and to make the laws  to control the masses, just like the Democrats and the Russian delusion. You have to always remember that there are people that will manipulate your mind to get control over you the people of the world, everything is a con. All religions have made laws such as blasphemy, so that you cannot question their authority, this is how they keep the power over you. And unfortunately, people believe everything they are told. All through history all religions have held back the advancement of science, because it proves that all religions were wrong in their teachings. All religions have used fear to control your minds, the biggest fear is your own deaths, so all religions created the words heaven and hell. To go to heaven, you have to bow down to their invisible fictitious God, and to bow down to all the leaders of religion, if you do not then you will go to hell.

All through history the simpleminded people have bowed down and submitted their minds and their money without question to religion. You have to look at the wealth of these big religions, even the pope sits on a bank while there is poverty all around the world. You have to look at all the new religions that keep  coming up, such as Scientology, this shows how weak the human mind is, and people will believe and follow anything.                             

The only good thing that has come out of Christianity is that people started to be civilised. I was born in 1947 just after the war and as I grew up, I notice how friendly people were in the community. People had just fought a bloody war and the whole country had worked together as one, times were good back then, people felt safe. All my life I’ve watched the changes in my community and the attitudes of the people. I have put all this down to the changes to the advancement of the school education system, and the endless supply of new books and now the internet. Now with the speed of communications we are all being lied to a lot faster and it has increased 1,000 times. With the advancement in education people are questioning religion and leaving Christianity on mass. Christianity has lost the control of the population’s minds, now there is a breakdown in society and moral standards.

This Alternative New World Order will bring the moral standards back to this world, you may not like the way we do it, but it has to be done, and will be done. But that is another story for another time, maybe when we all sit down and talk.

Now we come to Islam the good and the bad.

The whole of Islam is focused around the male penis, this religion caters only for the male sexual  lust and desires. They are even promised 72 virgins in heaven, my message to all the male Muslim is this, when you get to heaven, look down and you will find you haven’t got a penis, you left it on earth. Once again it proves my point, people will believe anything you tell them without question, this has to stop. You have to question everything in life, because you will never learn anything if you do not use your mind to question. Don’t forget, I am an outsider looking into your culture an outsider can see more than what you can. When you live in a culture you get used to everything around you, and you think it is normal, and you think everybody else is wrong.

You may have noticed on this site that I am Islamophobic, but I am a man of peace it is you the Islamic world that are creating the problem. I also blame the western governments, because they have opened the doors and welcomed you in, but you have brought the ancient world to Europe.

When I look around Europe, I see the numbers of no-go zones for Europeans, because you don’t want to assimilate with the West. This movement is going to help you, it is going to give you the no- go zones for Europeans. This movement will clear the area of Europeans and  close off the area so that no one can enter. There will be one way in, and one way out, people will be given a pass to get in and out, you will be free to do whatever you want. Because you do not want to be part of  Europe, the European people will stop paying your benefits. You will only get medical care if you work outside the no go zones and pay taxes to the government. It will be your responsibility to get rid of all your rubbish and maintain your area and any repairs that need doing. If you don’t want to be part of European society, then don’t expect any help off the European  people.             

Now I will talk about the most perfect man in Islam, the all merciful and divine person to ever walk the earth. He was the most vicious and feared warmonger that ever walked in the Middle East, he attacked all the small unarmed communities around him. He raped and pillaged tore down their gods’ idols and told them to follow his teachings, or he would kill them. So, the simple-minded people did as they were told, and in fear they bowed down to him, this is how Islam started. Mohamed was no fool, he knew you couldn’t control the people with just a sword, so he said he had been talking to God, once again the word God comes in to control the minds of people. (A little while back I asked if you would believe me if I said, God had spoken to me, I got no answers, no one said yes). Maybe I should have said it with a big sword in my hand and threatened to cut your heads off If you didn’t believe.

Now let’s look at his private life, Mohamed was married to an older woman for 25 years until she died, he also had 9 wives and a number of sex slave. Not happy with that, he married a young 6-year-old child, now ask yourself this question what is in the mind of an old man that wants to marry a 6-year-old child? Now ask yourself what kind of mother would give up and agree to allow an old man to marry her 6-year-old Daughter. Was she threatened because Mohammed would kill anybody that would disagree with him? Now it was said, that he didn’t have sex with her until she was 9 years old. What was this poor child doing for 3 years, ? (Think About It). I saw a cleric been asked a question, at what age can a man have sex with a girl the man was told that you can mess about with a little girl at one day old. This is how sick this culture is in Islam, and the sad part is, why does the rest of the world put up with it.

In the western world the corrupt governments of Europe have let in these Islamic people knowing of what they’re up to and capable of. All the European governments have let their own people down badly with their stupidity and their incompetence to rule. This world needs a new political movement the Alternative New World Order, this movement will sort the world out, and with no messing about, this I promise mankind. This movement will protect all the children of the world, because it is our young generation that will create the future. You cannot be sympathetic or nice to a cult that wants to cut all your heads off if you don’t believe in their stupidity.

Islam will kill gays and lesbian, but at the same time they are allowed to dress young boys as girls and fuck them, this is how two faced this cult is. Islam is still as vicious today as it was 1500 years ago, because if you leave Islam you will be killed. ISIS has modelled itself on the Quran and how  Mohammed took over and conquered the Middle East, Muslims  have been brainwashed into believing anything they are told. From the day that they start school they are taught the Quran and if they don’t, they get kicked and beaten. And for the rest of their lives, they have to bow down five times a day to the Imam that stands in front of them. This is total mind control and the submission of your minds to the false teachings of those in charge. All religions are all the same the hierarchy think they are Kings and royalty, and you the people have to bow down to them that’s all religion is.          

Have you notice that the Islamist terrorists have gone quiet in Europe, I believe they have been told to stop doing it for now. This is because there are elections going on in Europe and the far-right movements are taking seats in government. Because the people in Europe have had enough of the stupidity of Islam and they want them out. I believe if Islam doesn’t stop the terrorists there will be another crusade, Islam is being banned in some country and it will happen in Europe if they don’t behave.

There is only so much a community will take, you can only turn your cheek so many times before you retaliate. If this movement ever takes over it will solve the problem quickly and efficiently, and the people in Europe will know exactly what is coming, and when it is coming. Islam is still bombing in other countries, there has to come a time when all Nations say no more to this disgusting so-called peaceful religion. With each Islamic terrorist attack, this movement will blow up a mosque, that is how far this movement is prepared to go. if the bombing continues this movement will ban Islam all together.

Now let’s look at the true teachings of Islam, and what this new world order will do about it.

You are not allowed to leave Islam, or you will be killed, the Alternative N. W. O. movement will stop all this nonsense.

Honour killings, please remember that this is the parents murdering their own children, this is how mentally sick the teachings of this Islam cult really is. Is this what you want for your future generations?

The stoning to death for adultery, this is sad, because these young women we’re only looking for love, because they are not getting it at home. Once again Islam is going against the peaceful teachings of this new world movement.

Then we come to young girls being forced and tricked and sold into marriage, put your minds into these young girl’s minds and feel their pain and stressful emotion. Their bodies and minds are being physically abused, for just the male’s lust. This is against the peaceful teaching of this movement and will be sorted out when this movement is in power.

Then we come to the rape of women in Islamic countries, where the women have no rights and woman are being put in jail for being raped. Put your mind into the minds of all these young girl’s that have been physically attacked and then without any compassion are then imprisoned. This is also against the teachings of this peaceful Alternative New World Order.

Now we come to the lonely imprisonment of woman in the home, they’re not allowed to go out on their own, if they do, they must be covered from head to toe. Now put your minds into these lonely women that have to cover their face, they will never make friends outside the home because they will never know or meet anyone. This is so the male’s in this Islamic sick culture, can keep control and enslave their women. This Alternative New World Order will give all women more rights and freedom than they have ever had before, no more will they be just domestic help and sex slaves.

Then we come to the blasphemy laws where you can be killed if you speak your mind. This was also with in Catholic religion this is because they did not want to lose their power over the people.

You have to remember, that all through history religions have used fear to control minds of their populations, both Christianity and Islam. In the West today, Christianity has calmed down, and is now a more peaceful, forgiving and openminded community. but they still have a long way to go find true spirituality, and to understand nature and the meaning of life. When you read the Bible and put it down, where do you go from there, you can only pick it up again, and read it again. Each time you read the Bible your mind goes back 2000 years; this is repeated with each new generation. It is time to close all your old books and open your minds. There is always an alternative way.

Where I got all my information from about Islam.

I got most of my information from the teachings of clerics and Imams on the Islamic media networks. I listened to their hate speeches against anybody that was not a Muslim, and how they want to spread their hate all round the world. This goes against the teachings of this Alternative New World Order and will be suppressed if this movement ever gets in power. As with all communities there are a few that create unrest, while the majority of Muslim just want to live their life in peace. This movement will help all Muslims around the world to achieve peace amongst all communities and also within their own community. I have listened a lot to ex Muslim stories and how they were mentally and physically  abused within their own community. There is also a lot of Muslim that do not follow Islam they just keep quiet to stop any intimidation by the hierarchy of Islam. I say to all Muslims round the world, listen to the teachings of this movement and decide if you want to become part of this world order.

Back on the road soon advertising this site again.

I should have been on the road in April but unfortunately, I’ve had to delay my departure because of financial reasons and unforeseen circumstance. The van was parked up over the winter and I didn’t know at that time, I had a rat living in the van, and it has chewed through everything. Hopefully in the next 2 or 3 week I will be on the road again, I will keep you all informed of when I’m going. I am doing a change of plan, I was going to go around the coast of England, but I’ve decided to go back to the west side of Scotland first. Hopefully the weather will be better than it was the last time, because I’ve never been so cold in all my life. I will be coming back to England at the end of July, because I have to babysit a dog while a family member is away on holiday, but I’ll will still be travelling around the country, just one man and his dog.

I will keep all 48.078 subscribers up to date of when and leaving and where am I going

Feel free to call in for a chat

Bye for now

MONK (A)(B)(C)(+D)

Once again, I am apologising for not writing sooner, this is because things have changed and I needed time to think, and to reflect on what I’m doing. I’m trying to save your world from people that want to dominate your world, like the wealthy elite and the so-called religious cult Islam, but I do not think that I have the time to do it. I am 72 years old and in poor health, this week my younger sister has passed away, and it made me think that I am now also running out of time. I wanted time to prepare youand the rest of mankind for your own passing away, because one day in your short lives it will come to us all one day. I wanted to prepare your minds for your own death’s, and to prepare your minds for all your future generations and what you all have to dofor them. We live in this world of lies and deceit, your minds are being manipulated by the wealthy controlling elements that the poor people cannot control. With your help and the whole of mankind’s help, if we all gathered as one, and work together, we can change this world. ( think about it, nothing could be simpler). All you have to do is throw out all your old teachings and accept the new teachings of this new Alternative New World Order, a new political movement. Remember this, I cannot write all my thoughts, you will have to come to me, to learn my thoughts. I’m a hermit and hermits do not want to meet people, Hermits want to be left alone, and to stay out of your world. I’m prepared to come out of my solitude to do this for you, I expect to get killed by ether the wealthy elite, or the Islamic political cult. These are the two secret political cults that will be working against me and my movement. What are you prepared to give up to bringing order to your world, would you give up everything like me? Would you be prepared to change your whole life for the sake of others (think about it), because that’s is all you have left to save your world. I will give you all the spoken word, when I know the world is listening, and you will record all my words and you will writemy book. I do not seek wealth or fame or power, I only seek common sense, in your world of corruption and disorder and out of controlled minds. 

Now that I am talking to my new computer friend, and my new computer friend is talking back to me. I thought my writing would have been a lot easier, but now I have another problem and that is Monk +(d). You may be wondering who is Monk + d? Monk +(D)Is your worst nightmare, he’s angry he is frustrated, and he cannot rest, he is all the anger in your world put together into just one mind. Monk D also looks round the world at all the incompetent leaders that this world has, there are a lot of problems to be solved and nothing is ever going to change or get done, (It’s time for real change, it’s time for real order). Monk D Is not only angry with the world he is also angry with himself and his incompetence of using a computer, which is the struggling life blood of this Site. Because of this we have decided to stop writing for a short while, this will give me time to calm down my mind, because you cannot save a world with angry emotions, this movement we teach you how to calm down your minds. We will start writing again at the beginning of May, because I’ve had to put back my starting day for going around Britain advertising this site.  

Facebook Has already Closed me down, now Google has done the same, my freedom and your freedom is slowly been taken away, the powers that be will be coming for your freedom next ( your thoughts are been controlled ). With Facebook I did manage to open a page on a friend’s site, but I haven’t got a clue how to use it. Plus, Hermits don’t have any friends they are loners they stay away from people they do not speak or mix in idle chatter. This is where you the subscribers start to work for me and I will tell you how to do it, and it would be much appreciated if you would help. This is what you do, when you use Facebook, when you comment on anything just write this at the top or on the bottom of your message ( ). Send it to all your friends and ask them to send it to all their friends, hopefully one day my words will go all round the world, and we can all start a new beginning. Plus, when sending emails, put this web sites name on your emails. Remember, this movement is trying to start a new age for the whole of mankind and all our future generations, I will leave this part in your capable hands. Remember this, this world is your world so look after it, you have the power to change things, but you just don’t know how to do it. This movement will tell mankind how to do it. We have to get the whole world to start talking about change, this is the only way we can change anything, but we will all have to talk without anger, this is this movements first rule.  

this movement will be the movement of your minds, I will get into your minds and I will get into your dreams.

If you do not want to work for me, you can unsubscribe to this site and I will find someone else that is willing to try. Because in time, I want to get the whole of mankind to subscribe to this new movement of change.


What you have just been reading up till now, has taken me since before Christmas too write this is how slow I am, but things are going to change, now there is a new kid on the block. If you put all the thoughts of chairman Hermit Monk A,B,C,D into one mind, you come up with one name, and that name is Ken. From now on it will be Ken doing all the writing on this site and you will get a monthly report of what is happening when I go on the road.

Hello world, my name is Ken

Today I’m going to reflect about what this site and the Alternative New World Order movement is all about, please always think about everything I say. I am not a politically minded person, But I want to start a new alternative political movement for everycountry around the world. People all around the world are getting angry with their governments, and people are starting up new political movement, to go against all government. This movement is so new that there is only one person in it, and hopefully I can include 45,600 subscribers to this site, this is still a few short of the 7,000,000,000 that I wanted. If I can get this new political movement into all governments round the world with a majority rule, then and only then, can we all start working together. All major policies will be put to the people of the world before they are implemented, there will be a global referendum and the people will choose their own future. I would like this movement to streamline all the Governments around the world, and to get rid of all the inefficiencies in all the leaderships. In time I will write up a business plan for the whole world to follow, this plan will be a long-term plan to be used for the next 2000 years. This business plan will get rid of all the corruption in all your Government, and all small local Governing councils. One of the main problems is, any idiot can run for government, you only have to look at America, and the new young Democrats. You only have to give people power and it goes to their heads, and they seem to think that they are royalty. Look at Hillary Clinton she thought and expected, to take over the throne of the United States. When people move up with power, they start to forget about the people that voted for them, over my lifetime I have seen this happen many times.

This is why This movement will restructure the whole of government to make it fairer for everyone, and you the people will vote for a government that you want. I would prefer to see qualified business people running a country, rather than people just offthe street. In time this political movement will sit down with you all and we will all work out the future for mankind. In the future I want this movement to get politics out of governments, because politics divides all the nations. But the whole of mankindhas a lot to learn before we can do anything like that, this movement will plant the seeds of the future into your minds. This movement will teach all of mankind’s children in all schools and plant the seeds for the future in their minds. The future is along time away, but our business plan will run forever providing mankind follows its teachings.  

Our biggest problem for future peace is over population, and all the unrest that it creates. If you live in a big town your mind becomes blind to the problem, your mind is use to it, and you think it’s normal. Only when rioting starts and Civil unrest and crime start to increase, you may think about it for a short time and then it gets forgotten. The problem is people don’t look at the big picture, they live in their own little world. It is time for you all to project your minds, and to solve this problem. This movement would stop all migration all round the world, and each country has to be responsible for its own people. I don’t say this with malice, I call it common sense, look at what happens with mass migration. The whole of society is put into turmoil,with the increase in its population and the financial burden of the host countries. This movement would stop all foreign aid to the country that these people came from, this is to pay for them in the host country. The only way these countries will get financial help is if they change their government to the alternative new world order. This should make other countries think of the errors of their own ways, and what they all have to do for their own people.  

Now let’s look at all the expenses and stress that a host country and its people have to pay to support all these migrants. In Britain we already have the strain on our National Health Service, which the British government want to get rid of, because it cost too much. But still they keep letting in more migrants into the country, with no end in sight for all of this stupidity. The government say it is to pay for all the pensioners of the baby boom in the 60s and 70s, don’t forget pensioners are now living longer. My next question to my government is, who is going to pay for all of these migrant’s pensions when they come of retiring age. My movement will say come to Britain and work and go home when you retire. This is what the British people did in the EU, working in Germany for a time and then they came home, why can’t the Economic migrants do the same.

Now let’s look at the housing problem.

With a large influx of migrants there is now a housing shortage, with so few houses on the market the price of houses have gone up a lot, and now the British people on a modest wage can’t afford to buy. The only people to benefit from all of this, is thewealthy property owners, and they are asking for sky high prices for rent. People on a minimum wage are really struggling these days and are trapped into having to pay these rents. People are paying more in rent then they would if they had a mortgage, thisMovement will help these people out with a mortgage, and they will pay it back to this movement. You may ask how is this movement going to pay for it? The simple answer is, you are. Each year on the 19th February I want the whole of mankind to pay just 1 pound to this movement, to give out as mortgages. You could say you are investing in yourself and your fellow man. In the future I want this movement to become the World Bank, there will be one currency for the whole world and you the people will own it. And all I want is my face on your Bank notes and if anybody steals my face, you have my permission to kill them. Also, In the future if this movement can create a worlds Peoples Bank, it will write off all the worlds debt. This movement wants the people of the world to invest in themselves, I will give you a Bank you can trust. For too long my people around the world have been getting ripped off by the big Banks, this movement says no more, will this happen.

I see in America a lot of empty houses where people have been evicted for not paying their mortgage. This movement would tell the banks to get someone into them, or the government will take the house off them.

In the future with over population this movement will stop building new houses on green land and we will build high rise flat to accommodate the population. They might not look nice but if we are going to breed like ants, we are going to have to live like them.  

Migration and the increase in crime  

With over population there is a breakdown in society and crime becomes rampant in the street. If you look at London, they now have a higher crime rate than New York. People are moving out of London to get away from all the disturbing and anti-social behaviour. I am not blaming migrants for all of this, I am blaming the British Government, for the inefficiency of their criminal laws, and the policing of the streets. There are things going on in government which makes me think that we are heading for a police state. Our government do not listen to the people anymore, they will hunt down innocent people rather than the criminals. There is a person called Tommy Robinson, he has just been to court, also his friends weren’t allowed into the court, and witnesses were not called. To me this looks Like a kangaroo court behind closed door. This man has been persecuted by his own Government because there is nobody else to blame. This man now has expenses to pay too the sum of 38,000 pound for sitting in a pub with his children, this is how disgusting the whole legal system is. I believe the Elites New World Order is influencing the governments of Britain, Europe, and the United States with help from the Democrats. The elite people are destroying our world, they are paying for migrants to cross the Mediterranean, and on the Mexican border. What kind of world do you think the elite are planning for you all, they have also taken over the corrupt United Nations? I do not ask you to rise up and fight them, I ask you to rise up and take control of your own Government, and all you have to do is vote for this movement. If things go well this summer when I’m on the road, I will register this movement as a political party. And I will ask mankind to come and jointhis global peace movement, hopefully this movement will be called the A.N.W.O. This all depends on if I can get the publicity and the support from all the groups of society for this new peace movement. This party will shake your world, because I am not politically correct, and I am getting angrier and angrier each day and frustrated with all the stupidity and lack of control all around the world.  

Now I say to you all, and think about this question, if I was to say to you that I had talked to your God would you believe me? if your answer is NO, then you should question your own history and all your religions and why you put your blind faith in what people tell you.  

I’m going to sign off now.

I haven’t touched a fraction of what I needed to say, but hopefully in time we will all get together, and we will all voice our thoughts. We all have a long dark and unsure road to follow in to the future, but if we meet at the fork in the road, you have a choice of which road to take. you can go on the road that you’re on now, or you could go on the road that I have created deep in my mind. and all you have to do is ask me any question about this new road for mankind to follow. From now on if you don’t ask the questions? I can’t give you the answers for an alternative world.

I have heard of scientists talk of an alternative universe’s, why don’t we create an alternative earth with common sense and time, think about it. Scientists can’t prove their theory, I can’t prove my theory for an alternative world. But we could have some fun trying it out, if the whole of mankind put their heads together and worked as one mind.

I’m am signing off now, but I will be back at the beginning of May Before I go on the road  

I am now closing the lid on my lap top and I am turning off your world


A big thank you too all subscriber’s, till we meet on the road

Good bye for now  


The thoughts of Chairman Monk 1

Today at the beginning of this new year, 2019, I want to ask you all, and the whole of mankind, to do something for me. I would like you all to  start thinking very seriously about changing our world and to make the effort of talking about change to everyone you know. For too long people have just sat back and expected everything to be done and stay the way everything is today. This is not acceptable for our new alternative N. W. O. movement and also for all the future generations that this movement is prepared to represent.

We three Monks + d have had the best Christmas ever. You could call it a Magical Christmas because over Christmas my typewriter started listening to me and talking back to me. This is absolutely fantastic. Now I don’t have to do any more writing. I keep saying that I hate writing. Now I have a new best friend. Maybe one day in the future my typewriter friend will make me a cup of tea. Technology is a fantastic tool. We should all use it, but we should never take it for granted. It’s nice to see technology moving forward so quickly, but unfortunately, mankind is not keeping up mentally with it. Today my typewriter friend listened to me and talked back to me. Now I have to find more friends and talk to the whole world. But is mankind prepared to listen? Only time will tell.  

With this site, I am trying in my own very amateurish way to save your world. This is totally out of character for me. But I want to try and start a new alternative world-wide political movement that will change the way we all govern ourselves. I am a quiet man and a loner. This is the way I like it, but there comes a time when everybody has to stand up and speak their mind. I’m speaking out with this site. I will speak my mind. I’m not politically correct. I say what I think and what I have experienced. To many of you some of the things that I say will sound strange or you will not understand. But I am not alone in this way of thinking because over Christmas I spoke to somebody for the first time. Lt me explain. On Boxing Day I met a friend of the family. I do not drink but on this day  I had of few and we got talking about this site. This is the first time that I have actually opened up and spoken to somebody in depth about this site. I was told that I sounded like Sydney Banks. I had never heard of this person. I have since watched  one of his videos on YouTube and I can see a similarity to what I say. I will be watching more but I think I will go further than anyone has gone before.

On the same day, while we grown-ups were all talking around the table my three granddaughters, two ten-year olds  and a seven-year-old, were there listening to the conversation about my site. I turned to Isabelle my  10-year-old granddaughter and asked her” would you tell your friends about my site? “She looked up from her new mobile phone, looked at me with a big smile and said that she has already done it on Facebook. This brought a little tear to my eyes because I never expected this. My movement is to help all the children all around the world. If one child could help me to spread the word, imagine what would happen if the whole world joined together. I could make this world civilised. I could get rid of corruption and greed. Or am I just a dreamer?

Over Christmas I have questioned what am I politically? what is my movement? is it a conservative , a liberal or a socialist movement? I have never been politically motivated, but after a lot of thought I have decided that I am a socialist. But I’m not a socialist for today’s world. I am a socialist for the long-distance Future. Let me explain this statement. In the political arena today, each political party wants to fight for power and will do anything they can to get it to promote their own agenda. This type of attitude creates tension and division within all  communities all round the world. This is when trouble starts. The problem is, change is not easily managed with a large population. Change has to come over a long time period. The world’s population has to be taught and has to learn of the advantages and benefits of change, to be shown what mankind could do and what could be achieved if it is put in to the right perspective.  For now, I will call myself a socialist until  I can think of a different name for it. Or maybe call it something like a freedom movement.

Today we are going to start opening up to what this new world order is prepared to do. We have said nothing up till now on this site because I didn’t want to frighten you off as many of our proposals will be extreme. But if you want a world order that will solve world problems quickly and efficiently, you and mankind have to listen to our movements proposals. I will listen to all of your ideas and I’m willing to try alternative ways, but they have to eradicate the problem quickly and efficiently, no matter what it takes. Mankind has to do something. We cannot keep going on the way we are. As time goes on, everything will be revealed about the new laws that this movement will be proposing. We will also get rid of old ancient laws and sort out the whole legal system.

NOW THE random DAILY thoughts of Chairman Monks (A)(B)(C)+d.

Please remember all my thoughts can be questioned at any time, if we ever meet.

Monk B        27/12/2018

Today I have just heard that the British government are planning to put telephones in every prisoner’s cell. I was under the impression that jail time was to get prisoners out of society to keep society safe. Today it seems that prisoners are getting more human rights then the rest of the population. Where are the rights for all the victims of crime and all the inflicted stress on families of the victims? Crime bosses today are still running their crime business from their jail cells. Bad people create bad people. My movement will create a prison system that no one would ever want to go into. In time I will tell you all about our new prison system. Criminals  of the world have to know what is coming and what will happen to anyone that breaks the law. For serious criminals and repeat offenders, they will be sterilised before they are released from jail. No more will bad people create more bad people. Society should not have to put up with their criminal life style. This movement will protect the human rights of all communities round the world. It is time all decent people fought back and were given a voice and given protection against criminal gangs. Good decent people round the world are paying the bills for  crime. Thieves will rob you/kill you. If they go to jail you have to pay for them all through your taxes. You pay for the police, you pay for the courts, you pay for their legal system, you pay for the prison time, then you pay for them when they come out. Why don’t good decent people say no more and take more control of your community’s streets and your communities public order? Our alternative new law system will tax criminals for the rest of their lives. Remember we have a ten-year law. Ten years to learn and think about it and  ten years to implement the laws. I blame a lot of todays criminality on the human rights and the failings of the United Nations on not tackling this problem. 

Monk A       28/ 12/2018

Just remembered this. We are now in the 21st century and we are looking to be going further out into space. We can’t be running our world and its people with old mythical so-called religions that are 15 to 2000 years old. Where is your imagination? You have to be creative for the future of mankind not dwell in the past. This movement will give you all the spiritual guidance that you will ever need and more, if you follow our teachings.


Over Christmas I had time to look round the world. Each time I do this I can see nothing is ever going to get changed. There are people in power that only have their own interests in mind. They will manipulate the minds of the masses through the media and like fools the people of the world follow them without question,  

30/12/2018    Monk B

World leaders are planning for a World War and it’s coming soon. The Chinese are putting military installations all-round the world, now the Russians are doing the same. We are never going to have peace on this world with attitudes like this. We all have a chance to change our ways. There will come a time when you have to take a chance with this movement. Now it is up to you, the people of the world, to join together as one to bring all our governments around  the table and search for answers for truth and peace. We cannot trust the United Nations because they are the problem. They are controlled by other forces. If a war does come to this world, when the war is over  and you are walking through the Ashes, think of an alternative. Please! I say to you all now, join this movement to rebuild the future. this movement is your friend. Do not make it your enemy. We all have to create a world for all of our generations in the future. Yes. We have the United Nations and what a total waste of time and space these people are. We have to change the whole rotten system. Over  time this movement will tell the whole of mankind what has to be done. But will you all be prepared to listen to all of what we have to say, about changing our world?

31/12/2019   Monk B

Think about this. Who causes the most trouble round the world? is it the people? or is it your leaders? Your answer should have been your leaders. Now ask yourself, why do they cause trouble with other countries? They do it to control your mind. Give the people an enemy and they will back any government. This is how your minds are being manipulated. Think about it!

As an example, let’s look at some countries.  

You have China, Russia, North Korea and America. Every country wants to dominate the world. And You also  have Islam. Although it is not a country, it is an authoritarian cult that also wants to dominate the world.

Every leader round the world will create an enemy to rally its population with anger and to put your minds into their way of thinking.

This is to control and take away the populations free thinking and about their own government’s corruption and their greed.

(1)    China/communism. This movement took over in a very violent way. Many thousands of people were killed. And to cut down the population they used a one child rule. For those that did not follow this rule their women would be arrested and their unborn  child would have been ripped out of their body. This was and still is a true authoritarian  dictatorship.      

(2)    Russia. This country has always had strong dictators to control the people. When communism started this was a brutal resume this same way China was.

(3)    Then we have North Korea, another  communist country that wants to threaten other countries for one reason only, that is to control its own people with fear. This is because their leadership is weak. Their country is weak and he uses fear to control the minds of all the people. This is the only way that they can keep their power and wealth for themselves.

(4)    Then we come to America, the land of the free, or so you think. They also control your minds by manipulating your minds with their fake news. Look at the twin towers. They didn’t come down with the planes. It was a control implosion. This is what the government did to anger the American people and to justify them having a war with Iraq. This was a government that was prepared to kill its own people to finance the bankers and the military Manufacturing  establishment.

(5)    Now we come to the Islamic political movement. This is not a country. It is a so-called religious cult that wants to dominate the world. It is also like all the other political movements round the world. It will create fear and division in the minds of its own people and in every community round the world. This is where it gets its power, with all its lies and deception. It is only the people at the top that reap all the power and all the benefits and wealth that goes with this cult. Islam will persecute anyone that does not  agree with their Islamic way. Why are we letting these people into the civilised West? it is unbelievable and ridiculous. I want to take away the wrongs they have inflicted on their own people. This movement will also do the same with every government round the world.

1/1/2019    Monk B

At the moment there is no way that multiculturism can work round the world

 I have never asked you for anything. All I want is a platform or a soap box and a microphone to talk to the world  

 I will make 2019, a time for change, a time for peace, all round the world.

2/1/2019      Monk A

Today we have 42,000 subscribers. We are growing in numbers.

This movement, at this moment in time, is still in the dark. It is still underground because I do not see you, I do not hear you, so I remain in the dark. One day in the future, if you come to see me, I hope this movement will grow a lot faster, with the sunlight. Let the sunlight make all your minds and souls grow together as one, the way that all your gods intended it to be. And create a world movement that will be acceptable to the whole of mankind.  

Monk C

We are signing off now. I usually say we are fed up with writing  but today with my new typewriter friend, I will say I’m fed up with listening to myself.

Good by from the three a Monks (A)(B)and(C)+d

Christmas message

Hermit Monk A. from . the alternative New World Order.

May I take this moment to wish everyone that reads this site a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

 I really mean this message, because you the subscribers have taken the time and effort to read this site. Your effort tells me that you are looking for answers to our world’s problems. Since 11/9/2001 I have also been looking for answers. I have looked and listened to the world. There are no problems too big that cannot be solved. We all only have to be prepared to change our ways and attitude to life. One day in the future I would like to see the whole world sit around the table and start planning mankind’s future, without all of the anger that we have today. For this to happen, I am trying to start this peace movement and create an alternative to what has gone before. This movement will offer mankind a new way, a new teaching, because I believe I have found something that mankind has been looking for. When the time is right this movements teaching will be free to anyone who wants to listen[JB1] .

Socialism and the wealthy Elite will destroy our world and social order will break down. It is happening now, today, all round the world. And, like fools, mankind is letting it happen. What mankind needs is an alternative way of governing ourselves. We all have to get rid of corruption and greed in every government around the world. It can be done, but it will take time. There are lots of new small movements coming up today to topple and bring down governments. The people are fed up with the way this world is being run. The problem with this is, the government system will only stay the same and nothing will ever change, in the long term.  

Our plans for 2019.

We will be back on the road, advertising our site with our signs on  the side of our van, at the end of March or April. We will be going around the coast of England and if we have time and the weather is OK, we might go around the west coast of Scotland again. Please feel free to come and have a chat if you see us on the road.  

Final word.

I have kept this write up short because we have had some personal problems, plus we have just got back from Spain. Now we are going away for Christmas and New Year.

Once again to all subscribers both new and old, I wish you all well in the coming year.

Bye for now from.

                   MONK. A . B. and C.


Home again

Home again.

We had to cut our Scotland trip short due to flat batteries and we also ran out of gas for cooking and were unable to change the gas bottle. So, we travelled back home on the 11th November. Since then, all we have done is sit in front of our lovely little electric blow heater trying to defrost and think of what to do next.

We have decided to stay at home over Christmas and set off again round England adverting our site when the weather warms up, maybe the end of March.

This site and our diary could get very boring, with us just saying that each and every day we sat in front of our lovely little blow heater all day.

So, we have decided to write about something that you cannot see, which is, The thoughts Of Chairman Hermit Monk. From this day on our diary will be called the peoples little Red Book and the thoughts of Hermit Monk the leader of the worlds ALTERNATIVE NWO. For all the Christians it will be the new book and new teachings of the possible second coming, and for the Muslims it will be the new book of the new prophet and the new teachings for Muslims, for the next 2000 years. Mankind will have to teach this little red book to all of their children before their minds are corrupted by old ancient writings. We three monks are starting our N W O of total change, a new world movement and a new beginning for mankind. Think about it, our world is in one hell of a mess, and only people with strong minds will be able to bring change. George Soros has a weak mind because he hasn’t thought through the consequences of his N W O actions, because of him and the world Elite, our world is falling apart today.

Now let the thoughts of chairman Hermit Monk and the little red book begin.

Whatever comes from now on will be just be random thoughts, we will try to do one write up a day even though we dislike writing. Each thought will be random and not in any order, it will be your job to put it in order when you write your new holy book for the world to read, and to replace your Bible and the Quran. I will explain more on this statement later on in our teachings.

15/ 11/2018

First, I want the whole of mankind to start thinking very hard of what is happening all-round the world today and to question everything you are told. I say this because psychology is being used against you, your minds are being manipulated to conform to the so-called Elites way of thinking. Is this what you want, to be controlled by a wealthy secrete society that only has its own interest in mind. Our world is run by wealthy Bankers, or should I call them wealthy Gangsters that just want your money. Why do you think there is so much poverty all round the world? Bankers will invest in poor countries, and when a country can’t pay it back the banks will demand the assets of that country and this will, and dose create even more poverty. There is no end to this cycle of greed by the wealthy Elite, that is being inflicted on the world’s population, it’s time for change. (THINK ABOUT CHANGE) (THINK ABOUT TOTAL CHANGE) (THINK BIG) (THINK CREATIVELY) (THINK OF MANKINDS FUTURE). Remember we are all stuck on this planet for a long time to come, so let’s all try and create a WORLD ORDER that will be acceptable for the masses not just the few Elites. (THINK ABOUT IT).


When I say think about it, I want you to think with an open mind, forget about your politics and all your so-called religions. You have to think with a free and open mind without corruption and personal thoughts, you have to think of others. Maybe one day in the future our movement will teach mankind to think logically, but we all have a long way to go before that can happen.

Back to the Elites N W O.

Their only agender is to dominate and control the masses with this they will control the world and your freedom will be taken away. This is happening today you are slowly being oppressed and because you don’t think about it, you are letting it happen. (THINK ABOUT IT) I have lost some free-thinking friendly people on the internet, I am a free thinker and I have also been suppressed, we are all now starting to be manipulated and controlled. (THINK ABOUT IT).

It is their intention to divide and conquer and like fools a lot of people are falling for it. The word socialism is being used a lot these days, to a simple-minded person this sounds great on paper, take from the rich and give it to the poor. But the simple-minded people don’t realise it’s the wealthy people that are manipulating you into this way of thinking. There is no way the wealthy are going to give up their wealth when they control your governments and your armies. (THINK ABOUT IT).

In the E U they want to start a European army (WHY ? ) they already have NATO. The reason is because if the EU can control just one army instead lots of little armies it can control its own people better and will have control over all the other EU countries that don’t do as they are told. ( THINK ABOUT IT) and never trust a politician. You also have to remember that socialism is communism and look at the mess that this has brought on its own people round the world. With socialism you’re not allowed to ask questions, a prime example is ANTEFA, do as I say or ill kick your head in, or I will call you names. With socialism you can expect political prison camps its coming, but they will not tell you this (THINK ABOUT IT)

Then we have the lovely smiling fake news like CNN, BBC the news readers don’t care because they are getting high salaries and are prepared to sell out their own people with their propaganda. What they don’t look at is, what is going to happen in the future. There will come a time in the future were all their lies will destroy your world, it’s happening now, your societies are breaking down. But the media doesn’t care as long as they are getting well paid for doing it, mankind is being sold out while they get their peace’s of eight. (THINK ABOUT IT) . It’s the wealthy and their N W O that control the media, all that they want is control of the world and to enslave the people, even if the people don’t want it. Even the UN is working against the world’s population interests, by promoting the Elites N W O, and encouraging mass migration. The UN is against human rights, yes, they make human rights laws but then they ignore them totally, to the point of giving human rights abusers positions of power in the UN. (THINK ABOUT IT). In the UN there is an independent group called UNWATCH that reports their findings to the people. This should be in all governments round the world, we need independent free-thinking people to report to the people.

Then we come to all the lying corrupt politicians, you know the ones that smile and shake your hand promise you the world, then they ask you to vote for them. Once they get your vote they are off and do the complete opposite of what they promised you. These are the people that are also taking your free speech away from you, along with Facebook and YouTube and the UN and you can’t do anything about it. Each day our world is getting closer and closer to an authoritarian world as it is in Islam, submit to your leaders or die, or pay the tax, you have no choice. But there is a choice you can change everything, you only need the will and the drive to help your fellow man. To do this you have to look at the world in a different light, forget the past look at the future and start planning the long-term future, instead of just day to day. Maybe one day in the near future we can all sit down together and start doing some real constructive planning. I’m trying to start an alternative N W O, why don’t we also start an alternative UN with real caring intelligent people running it. When some people get a position of power, sometimes it goes to their head, and they get arrogant and there is no talking to them. I personally have witnessed this on many occasions, this attitude has to be addressed. Only with total change and the teachings of this movement will change ever be possible.

I am just one man, but I need 7 billion other people to listen and question everything that I will be proposing. I don’t want your money all I want your undivided attention to create a world of total peace and change (THINK ABOUT IT). for this movement to work you have to create the pedestal for the people to stand on to put forward their proposals for long term change.

I have just heard that the 193 states of the United Nations in December will be holding a meeting in Morocco to help assist migrants with safe passage to Europe. And the EU has to open its doors and let them all in. The UN are saying it is the migrants human right to do this. ( THINK OF WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE) Picture in your mind the consequences the affect it will have on the European communities. Is it just me that sees the total stupidity of mankind or is there any more of us out there? ( HELLO, is anybody else awake out there?) (USE YOUR BRAIN AND THINK OF WHATS GOING ON HERE) don’t forget most of them are Muslim migrants


Today in Pakistan there are gangs of Muslims going door to door hunting down the family of a poor young Christian girl that they want to kill. This is not the first time I have heard or seen of this sick stupid mentality in the Islamic world. Their faith and teachings are so weak that they have to resort to killing people to make a point, it’s called mob rule. This is how Islam wants to rule your world, KILL all the Jews, KILL all the Christians, KILL all the INFERDELS, KILL all the Gays, FUCK all the slaves both girls and boys. (DON’T FORGET THIS IS THE RELIGION OF PEACE)


I have just found out that our wise and wonderful EU leader have brought out a new LAW that forbid you from criticising Islam. This is a silly law because soon Europeans won’t be able to say anything with their throats CUT.


Now for anyone out there, work out the maths of this.

George Soros is a multibillionaire and is financing mass migration both in America and Europe. But he and his wealthy Elite are only spending a few ? millions to do this, just to get migrants into YOUR countries. (NOW YOU TELL ME WHO IS PAYING FOR THEM WHEN THEY GET IN YOUR COUNTRY) WHO is going to pay the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS to keep them (THINK ABOUT IT) because it’s going to be you.


Now one more little thing.

I have heard that there is a law that prohibits a private citizen interfering in another’s countries business. ( NOW ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION). How can George Soros be allowed to manipulate the financial markets, interfere in political movements bankrupt countries and all the other things this creepy little man dose. Who the hell gives him the authority to push for open borders and spread chaos all round the world? I will tell you who, it’s all your mentally ill stupid political leads in all your brain-dead Governments. You only have to look the EUs leadership and the Democrats in America, and not forgetting the creepy Justin Trudeau in Canada. WHY HO WHY are all your leaders turning against their own people, they can’t be all getting back handers off the Elite. (OR ARE THEY?). There has got to be case for treason in the leadership when they go against their own people. If it was up to me there would be a lot of people going to jail, starting with George Soros. But you would have to get our movement into all your governments to change all this corruption.


A quiet word.

To all subscribers, we have now reached 40,000 subscribers, just today there is 109 joined, we are growing. This peace movement must and has to take over the world look at the world with your mind see the suffering in the people feel the pain, you badly need this movement of change. (THINK ABOUT IT WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU GOT) .

24/ 11/

We three monks have had a meeting and decided that anyone that subscribes to this site automatically becomes a full member of this movement. If you wish to be an active member, please advertise this site in any way you can. Remember we three monks are putting our necks on the line to promote this site for total change, we have been warned that there is some risk involved.

To be continued.

Road Trip

We been having a few problems this week with our van and leisure batteries we were stuck for two days waiting for the light of the sun too come and charge the van battery. But now were on our way again, I will not let that happen again, I knew we should have gone to Spain for the winter. With our batteries low we can’t use the heater so it’s going be a long cold trip round Scotland, Spain is sounding good right now. If I die tomorrow my body should be preserved till the spring with this freezing weather, I’m looking forward to my cremation just for a bit of warmth.

Were still not getting the internet so our write ups maybe few and far apart.

Today 26/10/ we are parked next to a river on the A835 heading north, today we saw the first of the snow on the hills.

On Sunday the 28th oct I met a man called Ian he is a science teacher at a school, he was in the layby that I pulled into, but then he left. Then a short time later he came back, he had gone home and read my site, and came back to wish me well on what I’m trying to achieve. He offered me any help that I may need while I was in his area, even to charge my batteries, Ian is now a very special person to me in more ways that anyone can imagine. His good will has inspired me to carry on because now I have to go and hopefully find the other 7 billion good people all round the world, to bring change. Ian is the first stranger I have spoken too since 9/11/2001, I don’t even talk to my own children because they think one man will never make a difference, but only time will tell.

Ian is also the first subscriber that we have spoken too face to face, one day we hope to talk to all subscriber’s face to face.

If one man can offer to help me to save your world, why can’t the other 7 billion people help me to help you save your world from all the stupidity round the world.

I have since spoken to one other person and got the peace sign off young looking hippy.

Tuesday 30th oct

There are very strict rules to joining our peace movement

(1) only the people that have no hope can come and join our movement.

(2) all the children of the world that want change can come and join our movement, and I will sort your world out for you, and you will help me to bring change.

(3) only all the civilised people can join our movement.

(4) And I want all the intelligent people with open minds to join our movement also.

(5) There are many good people all round the world, now I ask all the good people to join my movement and this movement will control the rest of the world.

Wednesday, 31st Oct

I know that on my site I have not said a lot of what our proposals are, this is because it is not up to individuals to create the future, it is up to the masses to do this. It is your world, it is your life, take control of your own future for the sake of your children.

Thursday 1st Oct

I have been sitting here waiting for the light of the sun again to charge my batteries again so that I can carry on, I am prepared to spend the rest of my life waiting for mankind to see the light and to correct all the wrongs all round the world. This is all I’m doing, I’m an old man it should not be my job to correct all your wrongs. But if you think you need help, then all you have to do is come and see me, because I have all the answers to the world’s problems. Since 9/11/2001 I have studied your world and all the wrongs, including all the brainwashing that is put into your minds to control you.

Friday 2nd November

Our world is sick, and we all have to change it drastically, and this is the movement that will do it, think about change and in time it will happen.

Come children of earth let this movement take your future generations to the stars this is how big we think.

Saturday 3rd November

Governments in Europe are taking our free speech away, the media are taking your free speech away, Facebook and YouTube have already taken my free speech away. The Elites N W O is coming, start getting used to it (OR CHANGE IT)

The Quran teaches violence and yet in the west governments have opened their borders with open arms, this is suicidal. This shows how corrupt in the west all your governments really are, they should all be charged with treason. This is because they have turned their back on their own people to follow the elites N W O dictatorship. We had a referendum to join the EU and another to leave the EU, don’t you think your government should have asked us first if we all wanted this secret Elite to rule us all. There will come a time when the people have to fight back to correct the corruption and deceit that your governments have inflicted on the people. Even in Iran the people don’t want the strict rule of Islam, so now it is getting exported all-round the world, this corrupt and disgusting religion, or should I call it a political cult. Islam persecutes everyone that does not follow their Islamic their way, is this a world you want. By the way, I do not use the word disgusting lightly for I have seen the other side of Islam, the side that they do not want you to see.

Saturday 3/11/

Today we went to John O Grouts we had a quick look round and left, we are now heading south down the east coast, we parked up in a quiet layby just south of Wick. It is a nice sunny day so we might stay two days just to charge our batteries up, without power we can’t see or hear your world.

Sunday 4/11

Now that we have power, we can send off our right ups of what we are doing. This next week we will hopefully to be watching the US elections, while just doing a few miles each day, then parking up for the night. We really like the US elections they are so entertaining with all their fake news like CNN this is stupidity at its best, now our BBC are getting just like CNN. Without the truth our world will fall apart as is happing today with the Elite N W O and their brainwashing of the people’s minds.

Once we get past Aberdeen, we may just head home, or we might go and find the loch Ness monster, maybe he will listen to my story. There is no rush to get home I can be a hermit in my van as well as I can at home. I am a loaner my thoughts are my own, one day hopefully I will be given the opportunity to tell you my thoughts. But you will not like some of my thoughts, I have never said saving the world would be easy

Now just something for you all to think about.

All through my life I have worked in the construction industry and the steel industry, but on 9/11/2001 when the twin towers came down, I knew that something was not right. A plane is made of a light alloy, and to hit a building of steel and concrete that is designed to take such an impact. So why did the towers come down so quickly? I believe it was controlled explosions, steel dose not melt that fast even in a controlled space. Then when building seven just fell down I knew things were not right, something or someone was in control of this. I think the American government had a big part to play in this, to get public support for a war in Iraq. President Bush is part of and supports the Elites N W O he has mentioned it on several occasions that a N W O is coming. Now think about this, If the Elite are prepared to kill their own people to get what they want how far in the future will they again kill people to get what they want. I have heard that the Elite want population control also, imagine what they could do if they ever took control of your world. The Elite are only wealthy because they are taking your money off you and manipulating the markets.

Now think about this.

Don’t you think it’s a bit strange that third world people want to migrate to western countries on mass. This is also strange because it is happening on opposite sides of the world and at the same time, your question here should be who is paying and controlling it. And who is making a profit? Or are you the people in the west prepared to put hands in your pockets and just hand over your money, to pay for the incompetence of your own leaders. I would send all these migrants back to sort out their own government incompetence and give these people instructions on how to bring change to their country. We can all help each other all round the world but the people need motivation and guidance, this is what our alternative N W O is prepared to do. (THINK ABOUT IT)

I will try to put more on the site later. But without power I also can’t use the computer.

Bye for now keep smiling

Tour of Scotland update

Monks C’s diary

Just letting you all know what’s happening.

We left home on the 13th OCT at 11pm we dove for 2 hours and parked up, this is what we’re doing, just short drives each day and then we park up. All I’m doing is advertising this site, it may be working, we are now getting 20 to 50 new subscriber’s each day, this is bit short of the 7 billion that we require to put your world right. Please help us by advertising this site tell all your friends on face book, it is your future generations that will benefit.

We had some unexpected expenses before we left, which has left us with limited finances, we have enough to for one more fuel refill. We get our state pension next week on the 26th oct, so we should be alright, think about this, we are starting our N, W, O on a pension. George Soros has billions in the bank to start his N, W, O and look at the mess and chaos he has caused, you definitely need our alternative N W O, or your world is going to go to pot.

Now we have a new problem our internet has gone off line, this now means we can’t give our position each day, as we had planned. We have internet on our phone, but we haven’t a clue how to use it, this has been our down fall with this site. Technology is a wonderful thing, but you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, in my world if you can’t fix it with a big hammer then it cannot be fixed. So now the game begins you have to find Hermit Monk somewhere round the west coast of Scotland. If we ever meet, we will tell you and mankind of all the changes round the world that you and mankind have to make. This is a very complicated program for the world to follow, but at the same time it is all so very simple, all that you needed is common sense.

Our travel plans for the next two weeks, we are on the A82 heading for Fort William after that we go on to the A87 A890 A896 A832 A835 A837 A894 A838 A836. Ending up at John O’ Groats in two to three weeks’ time, we are not in any rush to go anywhere, but you should be in a rush to save your world. THINK ABOUT IT.

I’m going now, I will have to find a post man to send this off to our site. If you want to email us at you will have to push under the passenger door there is gap, I will eventually get a post box fitted to our van for all your emails.


The west of Scotland is a lovely place.