Monthly Archives: June 2024


New World Peace

My  apologies to all subscribers.

I apologise to all 84714 subscribers for not doing any writing for over a year, 2023 has been the worst year of my life, I have been twice rushed into hospital and spent some time in hospital. I would like to thank the ambulance drivers, all the staff in A&E,  and all the staff on Ward 9 at South Tees Hospital. I was very impressed with the standard of care and the friendly attitude of all the staff, all we need to do now is get the rest of mankind to be like these people, and this world could have peace. This could be achieved with a new teaching and the right Kind of leadership, and a complete change of the whole global  corrupt political system. I will explain more as time goes on.

Although I’ve been ill for over  a year and doing no writing, I have still been watching the world and the deterioration in the global social order. For the breakdown of society, I blame all your western governments, all your religions and their puppet masters the globalists, this world is being run on corruption and greed. All my life, I have never voted I have never trusted any political party, now today my distrust In all governments is well founded, all your governments        today are now working for the globalists new world order. We have to get political movements out of government, Politics divides all governments, Politics divides the community, Politics divides the country, Politics divides the world, we should all learn to work together. Politicians come to the people to get voted in, once in power they turn their backs on the people and start working for the globalists. The globalists want to depopulate the world they’re already doing it with the help of all your western governments, your governments are killing you. Your governments already know these covid vaccines are killing and injuring millions of people, and they still want you to get more. I’ve just had a letter from my doctors to go and get a flu and a covid vaccine, if you can’t trust your own government, who can you trust? Your Western governments had a lockdown because of COVID, but they still let in thousands of unvaccinated migrants, so much for the pandemic it proves your leaders are idiots. There are a number of reasons for letting in so many migrants into Europe and America.

  1. They are to replace the Europeans and Americans  that all your governments are killing off with all these vaccines. They are also killing off the worlds population with invisible weapons and lies, and you the people of the world are paying for all of this through your higher taxes.

2. They’re bringing in all these migrants to destabilise the civilised world. Now we have migrants attacking Europeans, We have no go zones. We have gangs of criminal aliens in all the countries. Law and order is breaking down. You are not allowed to criticise or you will be called a racist. Freedom of speech is being suppressed, all your rights are being taken away, It’s only a matter of time, before all your governments will have to bring in martial law. Once these migrants get citizenship, they will want to bring their families over as well, and they will be entitled to all their benefits.

3. Your own governments are out to bankrupt the western countries so that the banks and the globalists can take over. Look at all the benefits these migrants are getting, accommodation in 4 star hotels. A living allowance And it’s the European taxpayers that have to fund all this. In 40 years time if these millions of migrants don’t get a job, they will all still be claiming pensions, which will bring down all the western economies.

4. With all these migrants, there is now a shortage of housing house prices are going up, now the big companies are buying up housing to rent. Now House rentals are going up to a ridiculous amount, this is just another way of getting more money out of the poor people of the world. Now all your own governments are now having to pay all these higher rents for the unemployed people, to do this they have to increase your taxes. In America if somebody bought a cheap house they have to pay Property Tax, now with the house prices going up the property tax goes up. And they still have to pay off their mortgage. This is all part of the wealthy globalist plan, Bankrupt the people, Bankrupt the countries. And you the people have to pay for all of this, your own governments are doing this to their own people, Your own government is not your friend.


Religions are just like politics they are all corrupt, from the beginning of mankind we have always had  Religions to control the simple minds of the people.  Back in history people would believe anything they were told, today we have the media lying to the population. There is no truth in any religious books, the Bible or the Quran, these books have been changed and rewritten many times over 2000 years. Christianity has been going on for over 2000 years, And Islam for 1500 years. Isn’t it time the world woke up, we can’t keep going back on ancient writing. From a very young age I used to go with my parents to church. When I was only seven years old, this is when I walked out of a Christian Sunday school, I realised then that religion was all a con, and I never went back again. It wasn’t until 9/11, 2001, when I started questioning the meaning of life and I was very surprised in what I found. Although I am an atheist, I did find something which in your words would be called spiritual. I also experienced an out of body experiences on a number of occasions, and melting with peoples minds all around the world. One day I’ll sit down and talk to the world and I will teach mankind what  I have learnt and you will all have peace, or my movement will kill you. I will explain more when the time is right.

All your religions have been used for power over the minds of the people, the Bible was created to control the minds of the simple uneducated people, it was used for creating wealth for those that preached and controlled it. Christianity used to be a violent religion you could be killed if you criticise or questioned it, or if you were an nonbeliever. Christianity has calmed down, It now teaches peace and understanding and created a more civilised society. The problem with this is Christians are now too civilised and free thinking, they do not fight back they’d sooner turn the other cheek like civilised people do. The globalists are persecuting the Christians with the help of the simple minded Muslims that are burning down churches. Why do you think your own governments are letting in so many Muslims into the West. Back in history, Islam was kicked out of Europe by the Christian Europeans, now today all your own governments are letting them all back in.(Think about it.).

Now we come to Islam, Islam was created by Muhammad who was a warlord and Islam has been fighting the world ever since. He used the word Allah to get support for his armies, and to get the people to fight for him, this was only so he could make more wealth out of the people. Islam is in competition with the globalists, Because Islam also wants World domination. Mohammad killed 700 Jews in one day because they would not fight in his army, and still after 1500 years Islam is still killing people all around the world. Now we come to the Jews, they also want world domination, They control the banks and the media and the financial markets. I used to support the Jews because of the Holocaust and the Six Day War. But since then I’ve seen what they are really like, they are just as bad as Islam, they are prepared to kill and steal from anybody that is not a Jew. Now we come to satanists  the devil worshippers this proves to me that people will believe anything they are told. Its time the whole of mankind woke up and started thinking and questioning everything about what is happening in this world? It’s time mankind closed all the ancient books on history and open a new blank book. I will tell the whole of mankind what to write, everything I tell you to write can be tested. It will help mankind to solve problems, this will all be done with the power of the mind. The human mind can control the world it can do good or your mind can do evil, you must decide which side your mind is on? But that’s another story for another time. The globalists want to start a new one world religion, how can you create a new religion? Where is their god, who will be the globalists spiritual leader, is this how Christianity and Islam was created and started?. Can anybody just stand up and create a new religion, if there is a God, can anybody prove it to me?

My alternative new world order.

The globalists want to take over the world and they want to reduce the world’s population by 7 billion people. Who gives the globalist the right to say who can live and who has to die? They’re going to take all your freedoms away, they are stealing the wealth of the people with higher taxes. They’re going to force you to pay a carbon tax on everything you bye, and if you buy too much they will close your bank account. Up till now, the globalists have only got one thing right, and that is, YOU WILL OWN NOTHING,  this is because the globalists want to own everything you have. With the help of your own governments, they are going to tax you into poverty, You may have notice how expensive everything is getting these days the globalists have started. Nobody voted for the globalists, they’re just taking over with using their wealth and thinking that nobody can do anything about it, its only all your corrupt western governments that are helping them. When talking about corrupt governments, people always come back with the same answer and that is, what can I do about it I’m just one person? Today I say to the whole of mankind, you have two choices you can start a global civil war or you can start a new global political movement to take over the world. If the globalists wanted to take over the world, they should have started their own political movement, instead of corrupting all of our governments. Now today, all the corrupt political parties are supporting the corrupt globalists, and not the people that they are supposed to represent. My global political movement will be for all the people by the people and it will not tolerate corruption, I will explain more as time goes on.

This global political movement will sit down with the whole of mankind and we will solve all the problems of the world. This movement will have a 30 year plan for the whole of the world, 10 years to teach all the parents and children all the new laws and 20 years to implement them. Your politicians today do not solve problems, In fact, they seemed to create more problems. Your politicians are only interested in getting a high salary and doing nothing, the only time they seemed to agree on anything, Is when they’re getting their pay rise. It can take them years to make decisions, they aren’t bothered they are still getting a high salary, just look at Brexit and Britain is still under Europe’s control. The globalists want to do a great reset. I want my new world order to do a bigger greater reset, my world order is for the whole of mankind, not for the thieving wealthy globalists.

Here are some changes, that I propose for the whole world you don’t have to agree with everything I say. I just want you to read, And think how would you change the world. If we can get the whole world thinking of change, we can accomplish anything, if we all put our heads together.

Here are a list of proposals that I would like my movement to do.

  • Start a new political movement to get into power, and then sit down with the whole population  and talk to all the people about changing everything in government. We have to streamline government at the moment it’s a very inefficient way of ruling, it’s run by incompetent people who haven’t got a clue about what’s going on. There are many ways in which we can change all the governments around the world, that the people of the world have to agree on what we decide on. Governments have to work for the people, not just the big corporations, the people outnumber the 1% globalists this world is yours, you are the majority, you have to take over.

This movement will split up all the governments departments, any thing that concerns the people will be ran by the people. You will elect 15 people to take control of the country these 15 people will employ qualified people to run each department. IE doctors run the health service. Farmers run agriculture. Military people run the army. Qualify Industrialists run Industry the list goes on. These people have to report back to the 15 leaders, if the leaders think they can’t do the job they will be replaced.

  • This movement will take over the banking system. and if this movement can get into every government around the world, we can write off the worlds debt. Then mankind can go into the future debt free, with a new banking system, this will be this movements Great world reset. There has to be a limit on everybody’s  individual wealth that they can have, the globalists are very wealthy people now they’re robbing the world of all the poor people’s wealth.
  • This movement will pull out of the United Nations and the World Health Authority these are non elected people. The United Nations was created for human rights, now today the United Nations are going against everything that they were put in position to do. My movement will create a new United Nations with only elected people, no more will the globalist be allowed to dominate the world. My movements will create more human rights, and punish those that abused human rights. I’ll talk more on this matter later.
  • This movement will get rid of maritime law, we will all create a new common law for the whole of mankind, where everybody is treated equally with equal rights. For too long, the wealthy have been getting away with murder, this has to stop.
  • The police will be taken out of the hands of government and put into the hands of the people, the people will control themselves. The police will be given the power to investigate corruption in government, This movement will have a contact number for anybody wanting to report any corruption, if anybody is being blackmailed and they can name the blackmailer. They will be given amnesty providing they don’t do it again. (An example) a paedophile, If he can give the names of five other Paedophiles, he will be given amnesty and somewhere else to live. I will talk more on this matter later.
  • With this new police force, they will be taught how to talk to the public, at the same time the public will be taught how to talk to the police. All this will be done in the 30 year peace plan this movement has for the world, this movement intends to get rid of all crimes. All violent criminals will be terminated nobody will do a life sentence in prison, Society should not have to pay for their anti social behaviour. If anybody objects to this ruling let them build their own prisons and let them pay for their upkeep. I don’t see why the public should pay for these Antisocial people. I will talk on this matter later.

This movement will take over the Pharmaceutical industry, for too long they have  knowingly been poisoning the world with all their vaccines, and other medications. I have personally tested some tablets and found magnetic particles in them.  They want the world to be ill, because they can make more money, they can’t make any money with a healthy population. There has now been an increase in the number of cancer cases, heart attacks, blood clots. Now somebody has to pay for  the treatment for all these illnesses, ( that somebody will be you, ) through your taxes and medical insurance. Always remember the  WHO Is part of the New World Order, and they want to get rid of 7 billion people. (Think about it). Bill Gates has been banned from some African countries for knowingly killing and crippling thousands of children.  You have to question this, are the globalists and all your governments protecting Bill Gates, because this man has never being charged. This man could one day come for you, he has already done it with the COVID Vaccines, he’s already killed and crippled millions of people. Think about it.


This movement will also be looking into changing the hole of the legal system, and changing a lot of the old laws for too long this world has been run on all out of date laws. For too long, the legal system has been a corrupt money making machine for the wealthy. Governments are bringing in more and more political laws, your freedom of speech is slowly being taken away from you. This is all being done to protect the corrupt people in government, and the globalists. The way things are going, in the near future you will have no rights at all, and you will all become the slaves of the globalists. Islam has Sharia law, Islam is not a religion It is a political movement, to control the minds of the people and to create wealth for the leaders. Islam is a male dominated movement, It suppresses and enslaves the women and young girls they have less rights than men. It’s time the whole global legal system is brought under one movement.


You may have noticed all the protests that are  going on around the world against what all your governments are doing. You may have notice that politicians don’t want to talk to protesters, the police on  many occasions are attacking the protesters. My movement will give the people a voice there will be a new system put in place where all the politicians have to meet the people, to explain themselves. Protesters have to organise themselves, they will name the politicians that they want to talk too. They will go into a large meeting hall for this meeting and it will be televised. If a politician refuses to go to these meetings, they will be kicked out of government.


My movement will say who can and cannot be in government, Here is a list of rules for people who can and cannot be in government.

  1. You have to be born in the country, to vote or be in government.
  2. You’re not allowed to have dual citizenship.
  3. You’re not allowed to have offshore banking.
  4. You are not allowed to be part of any secret society.
  5. You are not allowed if you have any criminal record.
  6. To be in government you have to declare all your Financial assets and investments?

Controlling the cost of living

You may of noticed the higher cost of everything in the shops these days, higher energy costs higher insurance, everything is going higher and higher in price. This is all part of the globalist plan to make everybody poorer, so that they can control your lives and the wealth of the world, because they want to steal everything you have. When the globalists and your governments have full power over you they could come round and take your houses off you, then make you pay rent on it. If the globalists and your governments can take the land off the farmers, there will be nothing stopping them coming for your property. (Think about it.)

This world is becoming an authoritarian world where you will have no rights, It’s going to be a lot worse than Communist China. Just listen to all your corrupt western governments they want to cut down the population. they’re trying to start a war with Russia. Who do you think’s going to fight this war? It will be you the people that have to fight this war. This is a good quick way to cut down the world’s population, this is what the Corrupt globalists and your own governments want. First thing to happen if we go to war is the food supply will run out and people will die more of starvation, than in the battlefield. Think about it.

This site may be changing.

I’m going to start doing videos I’ve got somebody who will help me set this up, as I’m not very good with computers and the Internet. I’m a 77 year old man my computer is just a keyboard to me, I’m hoping I can do more on video than I can on my typewriter. I’ll be on BitChute YouTube. And all the other sites, I will let all subscribers know what I’m doing and when I start doing it. I’m hoping to get more subscribers because I want to talk to the world, I just hope the world is going to listen. I just want to change the world for the better before I leave it. The whole of mankind should be thinking this way, because we all have to leave this world to our children and all future generations. I want my movement to plan for the distant future, I want you and the whole of mankind to start a 30 year bloody war. This will be a war of the good people of the world against the evil violent criminals and corrupt people this can be done you only have to put your minds to it.

I’m going to sign off now.

If you think we could change this world if we all work together, tell all your friends, tell everybody to subscribe to this site, tell all your children to join me. Because this movement has to work for all your future children for the next 2000 years, we have to forget the wrongs of the past and think of the future. This world is yours and I hold mankind responsible for what happens in the future.

Goodbye for now. This is Hermit Monk signing off.