End of another year

Although I prefer to be a loner, and a recluse, now, after a long period of isolation, I have decided to come back into your sick corrupt and out of control world. But first, I welcome all new subscribers to this site, I now have over 53,300 subscribers and it is still growing day by day, but it is still a few short of the 7.5 billion people that I want to talk to. 

Today I start to open up and start to put forward my proposals for an Alternative New World Order movement, and an Alternative United Nations, and an Alternative One World Religion. In time I will explain what this one world religion is. But, today in this modern world, your minds are closed to change, you do not question things, so your minds are not ready to listen. Mankind has a lot to learn before I can give you all the answers, what I have to say you will never find in books, you have to use your mind to see what I have seen. In time I will mention all the problems of the world, and in time I will give you the answers to solving every problem round the world. But you all have to learn how to open your minds and to think for yourself, and not be influenced by outside forces.

First, I’ll start with the Elites New World order and George Soros, this is the last man on earth that I would trust, he has worked with the Nazis in the last World war. He stole from his own people and he has been stealing from the world ever since, and he has no remorse for it. He has been stealing with his dealings with countries all around the world, and the people have had to pay higher taxes because of it. This is a man, and with the help of all his wealthy Elite friends, that are financing political movements to bring in socialism all around the world. They want to destroy democracy and to create poverty, so that the people have to rely on the state to survive. Look at China, North Korea, this is the type of world they want to create, control the minds and you can enslave the people. Any member of government that wants open borders, they are also working for the elite N,W,O, mass migration will bring down the economy in every country. With a large population wages can be kept low, and poverty will increase, and more people will have to rely more on the state. Overcrowding in towns and cities crime is increasing, gangs are walking the streets, knife crime and rape is increasing, this is what you can expect more of in the future. The Elites use to pay people to welcome migrants as they arrived in a  country, you don’t see this anymore, now these people live in fear for their own lives. You can thank the Elites world order and your corrupt leaders for all of this, it is their plan to control your minds, and your lives. In the near future, even the police will have to get more violent just to protect their own lives, this is when the Elites martial law will spread round the world.

Our world is divided within every community around the world, with all the corrupt political leaders, and with all the corrupt so-called religions. You have to look at how easy it is to corrupt the minds of the people, and the people will believe anything you tell them. Today in the 21st century a new so-called religion was born, it is call Scientology, now, look at all the wealth this movement has created for itself. Their leaders are not religious, they are salesman, and they will tell you anything to get you into their cult and make money out of the people. If they can do that today, imagine how easy it was to create religions over 1000 years ago, when the people had simple minds and lack of education. Every political party every religion want power over the people, and to do this they will tell you anything to manipulate your minds. You have to remember, in your world with wealth means power, and recognition a status symbol, and an ego trip. This is when the wealthy Elites isolate themselves, this creates a two-tier society, the more wealth they have, the more they want. Now the elites want your world, they want to suppress  you, they are taking you off Facebook and YouTube. The media the so-called free press, is also controlled by the Elite’s and they are only telling you, what they want you to hear and the truth is thrown out the window. My movement would have sued these people for every lie they tell, or close them down, this movement would Sue anybody that knowingly lies to my people.   

Now we have the Elites Antifa Storm Troopers, they are also suppressing free speech within every community. You have to remember, these people are being financed by the Elites to cause unrest, and this is money that the Elites have taken off the people of the world. This is just like the Kings and Queens of old, they take your money to finance their own corrupt controlling of the masses, and now they are controlling Governments. Now, the people of the world are getting angrier and angrier, because their governments do not listen to the people, your religion are also working with the Elites. Greed and corruption rules this world, and the little people of the world have to fall in line to the wealthy Elites lies and deceit. You have to look all around the world in nearly every country, people are protesting about what the government is doing, or, should I say not doing. The leaders of the world are getting well paid, so they’re not interested in the little people. These are the world leaders that cannot make big decisions, because it might stop them from keeping their power, we have some serious problems to be sorted out. It is always the innocent, the law-abiding citizens that are bullied by the political and criminal world, and the people have never had a real voice.  

You have to look at the threats that the Elites new world order are trying to push on the people of the world, and they are using their wealth to control the poor. They are controlling the media, they are manipulating your minds, your freedom of speech is been taken away from you. These are not intelligent people, these are people with no long-term vision for the world, these are evil people that just want to take your wealth off you, the people. Everything is done in secret, if the U N wants to change the world they should sit down with the whole of mankind and talk about it, this is what my movement is prepared to do. They are pushing for socialism which is only communism, and communism is just a way of controlling people. Just look at Russia, North Korea and China, if the government doesn’t like you, they will put you in an internment camps and like China they will take out your organs, and sell them on the world market,( Is this a world that you want). America is already planning this, they have FEMA and possibly extermination camp just sat there waiting to get filled, ( Is this an America you want). The Socialist Democrats want total control over you, they are creating social disorder so that they can one day bringing in martial law, the threat is there. Democrats ran areas are letting criminals and criminal illegal immigrants back onto the streets and back into your communities, instead of deporting them. This is all part of the Democrats Elites way of bringing down society so that they can control you, this is all done just a little bit at a time so that you do not notice it. The Elites will become the mafia, the gangsters of the world, and you are all just sat there letting this happen. You have to look at George Soros, this man has used his wealth to bankrupt countries, and to interfere with governments all-round the world. This is a man that has made billions of pounds out of the suffering of the many, you have to remember, it is you the people of the world that he has stolen this from, through your country’s taxes, all of this has contributed to this one man’s wealth. Because this man is running charities that are helping the mass migration of people to the west, and your governments in the west are contributing to his charities with your taxes. Your Governments in the West are creating chaos in your own countries with your money, they are helping the elite’s new world order, can’t you see it? This man should be paying for all these migrants benefits and all their housing costs, instead of just dumping people into your countries, and you the people now have pay for it all.      

A loaf of bread cost the same for a billionaire as it does for a poor man, in the future this new Alternative N,W,O movement will put a limit on how much one  man can have. ( We will discuss this matter when the time is right ).

And then we have the other world order, which is the Islamic state world order that wants to kill all infidels. They want to kill you if you don’t join this colt, and they will kill you if you leave this colt, you will be control by the so- called religious police, once again your freedom is taken away. Once again this is a mafia gangster cult, where only people at the top benefits this wealthy Islamic state. The teachings in Islam is the same as the MS13 gangs, because they will also kill you if you don’t join their gang and they will kill you if you leave it, once again you will be controlled by this religious mafia, the gangsters of the world.

If you do not believe me, then you have to listen to the Imams and the clerics, and all the leaders of this Pagan religious cult. They teach their children to kill infidels, they are allowed to have infidel sex slaves, they do animal and human sacrifice’s all in the name of their evil cult. You’re allowed to stone people to death, beat their wives, they will throw Gays off buildings and when their bodies hit the ground, they all shout, Allah Akbar. (Is this a world you want for all your future generations). You had better start thinking about this very seriously, because this is coming to your country, because the elites and the socialist  are planning it.

I am one man in 7.5 billion people, but I want to start a global political movement to spread all around the world to Unite the people of the world. I want this movement to educate all the children of the world, to teach them to project their minds into the future, and to turn their backs on the past. The children of today have to plan an Alternative  future, for all their future generations, and to do this we have to go for a total change. With the world population growth, and all the unrest within the community created by overpopulation this movement will cut out the sick criminal cancer within every community. This movement will protect the innocent people of the world from the corruption and abuse of the few. You have to look at all the crimes that are committed all round the world, violent crime, mass murder, suicide bombers we live in a sick and out of control world. Nothing will ever change unless the decent people of the world stand up and vote for my movement that I am going to be proposing.

As time goes on, and as I put forward over time, more of my proposals for total change, I would like to see the subscribers of this site increase 10-fold. Until one day in the future, this movement can sit down and talk to the whole world, only then, can we create a peaceful global revolution of total change. You have to remember that I am just one little man with a vision for the future, for here on earth, and the universe, this is how big I think, and how my mind works. I want to project my mind into 7.5 billion people, and we can only do this with education, the world has to start thinking outside the box, because that is where all the answers are. In the future with each new generation that comes along, and with the help and the teachings of this new movement Mankind will create their own stable future. This movement is not only doing global planning, it will be doing family planning, because the whole world has to make the effort to reduce the population of the world. With a reduced population, instead of fighting for world resources we can be sharing world resources, but that will be up to the children of the future to sort out.

Now let’s say, I can get enough people interested in starting a new  political movement, I will personally register it as a global political movement, at my own expense. This movement has to be different from every other movement that has gone before, this has to be a movement of total change all around the world. This movement has to be the majority in every government, then it will turn around and reduce the size of government it will also reduce the salaries of leaders. No more will the leaders of the world be the privileged people if a country does well, then they will do well, if a country does badly, it will reflect on and reduce  the leader salaries. You have to remember countries are built by the inventers and the tradesman, and the humble skilled Labourers, not those in government, because they’re the ones that bleed people dry.

You may say starting a big political movement is an impossible thing to do, you have to look around Europe and England at all the new little new political movements that are starting up, they are starting up because the people are angry because of the way that their countries are being ran. The problem with all these new little political movements is, they get lost in the corrupt system of government.  

All through history the wealthy have controlled the masses, and then came democracy when the population was low. Now today, in the modern Technical  world, and with overpopulation the division within every community, democracy is now corrupt and breaking down, it’s time for change. We have to look at an alternative way and create a world that gets rid of corruption in every corner of the world.

Now before I start talking about changing government let me give you a few examples of how corrupt your governments really are. A few years ago, The British Prime Minister told the police not to investigate child abuse by Muslim gangs, this is a government crime against your children . And then there was a case with Tommy Robinson where the police escorted a large group of Muslims to one of his meetings, they were throwing stones at Tommy’s supporters and the police just stood there and did nothing stop it, this is your governments organised crime against the people.

 Look at what is happening in America with the Democrats and all the lies they’re putting out they are creating race hatred, they are dividing the nation. The Democrats want to take the guns off the people so that they can control the people with force. The police in America are also letting trump supporters be attacked by antisocial  antifa, 

This is happening all around the world, is this the type of Elite’s New World Order that you would accept, or would you prefer an alternative world order. You are going to have to make up your mind’s very quickly because this is going to be a global police world.           

Let me just mention the stupidity and Inefficiency of one countries government, and this is Britain. We have over 600  MPs in the House of Commons, and we have over 700 so-called Lords, in the house of Lords, it has taken 3 years of talks about leaving the EU. And they are also working against the wishes of British people, how can you put your confidence in an inefficient government like this. and still the government is talking, my movement would have sacked the lot and started a new. Politicians are not in a rush to sort out problems, think of all the salaries these people are getting over the last 3 years, and they still can’t make a decision . Government leaders In Britain and around the world Are protected by rules that they have made, I say take the rule making away from government, and give it to the people. With the type of government this movement will be planning for the whole of mankind, it will be in the  people’s own interest to listen to my proposals.

Just look at the Democrats in America they have lost the presidential seat and are fighting to get it back by any means possible, they are just like the mafia or gangsters in government.

This movement if it gets in power, will design A government that would be acceptable to everyone and if the people want different types of government, it will be put to the vote and the people will pick out the best one. Once in power this movement will start from the moment of birth of the children of the world, we will create a future generation of civil order. Parents will be instructed about bringing up children they will teach their children manners, politeness, this is lacking in today’s society. Parents will be responsible for their children’s upbringing, this will help your children to avoid the pitfalls of the new rules That will be introduced. Parents will be responsible for their children up to the age of 18 if a child breaks the law the parents will be fine or even imprison. If somebody has an out of control dog the dog is put down and the owner pays the fine, it will be the same with children. ( I will explain more when the time is right). This movement is going to reintroduce the death penalty Not just for murder but for rape, Armed robbery and any violent crime Including terrorism. ( I will explain more when the time is right). Criminals will get longer prison sentence, and work in prison factory They will get a minimum wage this will pay for their upkeep in the jail and it will be a benefit to their families outside and once released from jail they will pay a criminal tax for the rest of their life. Violent criminals both male and female will be sterilised before they are allowed to leave jail, because we don’t want violent people creating more violent people. It is time the civilised society fought back against crime, the good people of the world have to protect themselves and their communities. 

Now you might say this is a bit strong, as this movement grows people will start to understand what this movement is prepared to do, hopefully people will listen and understand. And by the time this movement gets into power hopefully crime will be reduced, and we might not have to bring in these new laws. And in the future children will be encouraged to take up hobbies, play musical instruments anything that will help children expand their minds. Because in today’s world children are bored and out of control this movement will help the children of the world to become part of the community. Part of the problem is human rights, in the future criminals will have their rights taken away, ( I’ll explain more on this matter when the time is right).

A brief intro into how this movement would create one government system for every country, there are many ways, but it will be up to the people of the world to put forward their proposals. It will always be put to the people to pick out the best way for the whole world to follow in the future. We need people in charge that are genuinely interested in the wellbeing of the country, people who actually care for people, that will protect the people not just have self -interest in mind. We need people with the long-term future vision. We all have to find intelligent Qualified  business people to layout the rules for the country, these business people will report to the people of what has to be done, and it has to be put to the  people to decide if their decisions are accepted. ( I will explain more later )

I would like this movement to create two parts of government with in every country, one part of the government will work on international matters and the commercial side of industry. The other part will deal with the people, they will work for the wellbeing of the people and the community. These people will also be given total control of the police, the police will be given the power to investigate all criminality both in government and within the community. The people the community will take control of the criminal courts system, they will write all the new laws for the community and get rid of all the old laws.( I will say more on this matter when the time is right).

The other threat to my peaceful Alternative World Order, is the Islamic world order, this is a religious and political cult that has been going on for well over 1000 years. Muhamad was not a peaceful man he was a dictator a killer and a murderer, he would attack and steal from all the communities around him. With the power of his sword and his armies, he would force his people to follow his teachings. He used the word God, he knew that it was a powerful tool to control people, because this is what the simple-minded people believed in. He would enslave his captive prisoners. He ran his cult on fear of reprisal if the people did not follow him, this was the beginning of his cult called Islam. Mohammed was the Elites George Soros of the ancient world, He used his power and wealth to manipulate the minds of the masses, and so it still is today. Years after Muhamad’s death, his Elites followers had the Quran Written to control the  minds of the people, because this was a good way of making money from the people. All through history Islam has brainwashed the children from a very young age, they are forced to read the Quran from a very young age. They have to bow down and pray 4 times a day, they are forced to dress in the Islamic attire to show everyone that they are a Muslim. Freedom of choice and thought is not in the Islamic teaching, this is brainwashing, mind control on a global scale. When a child’s mind his constantly bombarded with Islam, their minds are kept closed their freedom of thought is lost. This is when the elites in Islam can control the masses and they know they will never be questioned. They are promised 72 virgins in heaven, or if they don’t follow Islam they will go to hellfire, they live in fear in life and fear in death. This is how Islam controls the minds of the population and with all the brain washing, the population believe everything they are told.

Islam is a threat to the teachings of my Alternative New World Order; my Alternative world order is going to Protect the very young children in Islam.

They practice female genital mutilation, this movement will bring in laws to prevent this, their parents will be imprisoned and sterilised. Children will be allowed to sue their parents if this is done to them, this will also include the Jewish practice of circumcision. Children of the world will have the protection of this movement; our children are our future and must be  protected at all times.

Forced child marriage will be stopped, and the selling of children into forced marriage, this movement will protect all the children of the world. You have to think of the mental stress in these children minds, their bodies are just being used, for the male’s personal selfish pleasure this is all it is. This is a form of prostitution at the expense of young children this will be stopped all around the world. I have heard that some children die because of internal damage, this is a sick and unacceptable form of child abuse. 

The age for marriage for all children will be raised to the age of 18 years old. This will help children to mature mentally and to be able to think for themselves, it is their body, it will be their choice. And if any Islamic cult leader promotes this suffering to the children, they will be severely punished. This movement will destroy this ancient cult mentality, with new religious teaching from this new alternative world order. ( I will explain more later )

And in the case of honour killing, this movement will do an eye for an eye, and a life for a life.

And my message to all the Muslim women around this world, you will all come and sit down with this movement and you will tell this movement all your problems. Because this movement will free all the oppressed minds of people in this world, your thought are yours, you must protect them, and free your minds.

I have just been told from an educated ex Muslim woman, that in Islamic countries men prefer to have sex with goats. I can’t prove this, but if the goat is under the age of 18  then this movement will have to look very seriously into this matter. I have now just heard that a gentleman on The Young Turks has asked for this to be made legal, please check it out. This movement will also do animal rights, because animals also have thoughts, they have a mind, so they should also have rights.

Now I will give you a reason why I dislike and do not trust Islam, I have had a terrorist within my family  circle. A 22-year-old Muslim he was friends with one of my grandchildren, he has now been in jail since July on terrorist charges, he was caught making bombs. This is what you get when you invite Islam into your community, and this is the thanks they give you for helping them. I live in a small town, how many other small towns have bomb makers, think about it, because you could be their next target. My movement would put all these terrorists in internment camps until the threat is over. Or, for every bomb that is ignited my movement would blow up a mosque, until the threat is over, my movement will fight fire with fire. The silly thing is, the stupid British government leaders know who these people are but are letting them walk freely and spreading their hate in all of your communities. Your leaders don’t want to upset anybody in case they lose voters, Politicians can’t see the devastating long-term effect to what they are doing. The British police are having to monitor thousands of Muslim terrorists, and this is all been paid for by the British tax payer.            

Now I say to all Muslims around the world, come and join my alternative world order, together we can create a peaceful world order for everyone. This movement will teach you how to close your minds, and to project your mind into the darkness of space and time. As your mind and thoughts gets stronger you will begin  to see the light, and in time you see what I have seen. BUT, if you don’t want to join my movement, at least convert to Christianity because they are on the first step to see what I have seen. The only problem with Christianity is they still read old ancient books, and their minds are still locked in the past, but at least they have become more civilised.

Just look at the Elites Socialists Democrats in America, they have lost the presidential seat and are fighting to get it back, by any means possible, they are just like the mafia or gangsters in government. They have held their meetings in secret, they change the rules, they stop people from questioning their procedure. Witnesses are being stopped from attending these hearings, everything is done on third hand hear say, and whispers. These are the people that are in charge of the most powerful nation on earth, and yet they act like spoilt children that have had their PlayStation took off them. This is why I say let’s Change the way we all govern ourselves, and let’s get politics out of government. These people are just like the British government, they have been doing this for the last 3 years and still they haven’t got anywhere. Once again, these people and all their hangers on, have been getting paid for the last 3 years, once again the American taxpayers are paying for their inadequacy. If these Elite Socialist Democrats are part of the new world order, then you can expect chaos all around the world.

On 9 11 2001 the Elites n w o  opened my mind to how far these people will go, it has proved to me that they are prepared to kill anybody, to get what they want. This 9/11 was only a show to manipulate the minds of the American people, so that they could go to war, and steal off the American people. Trillions of dollars went missing on that day, and all the records were destroyed, it looks like the Elites got away with it. It was a timed demolition job, because steel and concrete does not free fall like that. These people have used  American lives for their own personal gain,  and for their Elites world domination. They do this a little bit at a time, so that you do not notice, they hope that you will forget things, and do not connect all the dots. There are only two men in this world that can stop this madness, one of them is Donald Trump, and the other man, is Me, but only with your help. The Elites Socialist  Democrats in America are in panic mode, look at all the impeachment hearings against  Trump, they want their power back no matter what the cost. This is all because Trump asked a leader to do him a favour, today I ask all my subscribers to do me a favour. Can somebody ask Donald Trump if I could speak at one of his rallies, as a possible future world leader, I hope I don’t get impeached for this, by asking for a favour.

Now one more little thing, global warming, this is one of the biggest CON’s this world has ever had, and your United nation are encouraging it, and they are putting fear into the minds of the world population. The name of the United Nations should be changed, to the Divided Nations, these people are part of the Elites World order. They are dividing your world not uniting it, their motto must be divided and conquer, and you the people of the world are throwing money at it. You pay them high salaries and get nothing in return, just like all the political leaders round the world. They have put Saudi Arabia on a committee for human rights, that’s like putting a paedophile in charge of a children’s orphanage 

Mankind needs a World Order like mine, a movement that will sweep corruption off this planet.

I’m getting bored now, I’m a simple man, I write all this with one hand and just one finger,( my middle finger ) just one key at a time. Now if mankind doesn’t wake up to the state of the world, then I will turn my hand round and I will point this finger upwards and walk away. I have a lot to say but I can’t do this without publicity, I don’t want your money, I want your action. I only do all this for the safety of my grandchildren and for all  their grandchildren and all my future generations, how far into the future dose your mind go.  ( please start thinking about IT )

And to the person that put my Writings on Bit Chute, I thank you most sincerely. Maybe one day in the future we can meet.

Once again, I’m going to close my computer, and go back to my solitude I wish you all, a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR, and maybe in the future you can all say A HAPPY NEW WORLD. This is possible,   but only if you all get your fingers out and start doing what is required.


I am tired of your world, I’m going to go to sleep but I will be back about March or April before I go on the road again. In time I will tell you what I’m doing, I have over 53,000 subscribers I want to see that number double by the end of April. Remember this is your world it is your responsibility to change it, if you need my help come and talk to me.  

                                                                      BYE for NOW.

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