Ken from = The Alternative New World Order
I am still very angry at the world, I stopped writing because of my anger, I was going to take up painting again, but for the last 7 weeks all I have done is stared at a blank Canvas. So, now I’m going to vent my anger in my writing, and what this alternative new world order is going to do, if it ever gets to Power. This movement has to solve all the problems in the world quickly and efficiently, no matter what it takes, I do this so that you will start to understand how I feel about the whole world. Up till now I have said nothing, I’ve done this deliberately because I didn’t want to frighten you off because this movement, if given the chance is going to break eggs with a big stick.
Let me first tell you of some of the silly little things that really annoy me and get my temper up, and that is the silly people of America. There are two types of Americans, there are the total idiots and the other are the intelligent people with common sense. The total idiots are the ones that follow the democratic socialist party, these people do not realise they are being brainwashed. I can look into a Democrats dead eyes and I can tell when they are lying, these people are destroying America.
I believe the Democrats are being controlled by the wealthy Elite and George Soros and they are being bribed, blackmailed and controlled by a secret society. They are being blackmailed, bribed in many ways including paedophilia child abuse and sexual orientation. Remember this, these are the people that you have put in charge of your country, also look at the wealth that they are accumulating by charging for favours to the elites, and making speeches plus selling books. Politics like religion is just another way of making money, and lots of it. This is how sick your leaders are, this goes against the teachings of this new alternative New world order.
The EU is working on similar lines, they’re all working for the elite’s secret society, because when I look at the EU parliament, I can see the corruption in all their faces. They are working towards controlling your minds, and one day they will enslave your bodies, they will use Islam to suppress the people. If this alternative New World Order movement ever takes over it will create a one world religion, where you do not bow to anyone, you will stand up straight and use your minds.
Then we have the intelligent people of America, they are the ones that follow Donald Trump, and his supporters know what they’re talking about. These are the people that want freedom and freedom of speech, which is at the moment in time is been taken away for the people.
Then we have CNN, years ago when I had a television, I used to watch CNN for the American news. When I got a computer, when their election started, I turn to CNN for the news and straight away I knew there was something wrong. I knew that I was looking into the dead eyes of a lying CNN; these people are also working for the Elites world order and to bring down America.
Now we come to the brain dead Antifa, that have been brainwashed by the Elites and George Soros. These people shout abuse and call people Nazis to anybody that does not agree with them. This movement will take them to court, and they will have to prove that the people they are abusing really are Nazis. If they can’t, then they will have to pay compensation to the people that they are abusing.
Then we come to Cair, women’s rights, black lives matter, these movements are finance by the Elite, and George Soros, and other elements, to bring down the government. You will always notice that there is a Muslim in amongst them, Islam is creeping into your society. This movement will sort the lot out, and all the other people that finance disorder in the community. This movement stands for peace and harmony between all people, anybody that doesn’t want peace will be isolated from society. I will explain more on this matter later, if we all ever sit down together and talk about planning the future.
For too long the innocent people of the world have been victims of aggressive lying politicians, and aggressive criminals, this has to stop. The whole structure of society has to change by getting society working together with a common aim. This movement will protect all the innocent people of the world and give them more rights over those that persecute them. This movement will get rid of the United Nations and all the human rights, in the future it will be called the United World.
With the new teachings of this New Alternative New World Order movement, people in the United World will write all the new laws for today, and for the long distant future, no more will the few control the many. This movement will give all communities round the world the rights to get rid of the disruptive parts of their communities. For too long the human rights have worked against the victims of crime, but you will always hear criminals demanding their Human Rights. This movement says, what about the rights of the victims that did not ask to be the victims?
This movement will create a deterrent for all criminals, they will get longer prison sentences, and they will pay a criminal tax for the rest of their lives. In the future criminals will pay for the prison System, why should the public be responsible for the criminal element in their society? I will explain more on this subject if we ever meet on the road. In time this movement will explain what your rights will be, and what you have to do to protect yourself and your community, for today and in the future.
My biggest problem with the world is all the governments around the world, because in many countries people are demonstrating against their own government’s corruption. In the future there will be a new law where the leaders of a country will have to stand in the street and face the demonstrations, if they fail to do this they will be taken out of office and never allowed back in government.
No more will leaders be allowed to make laws for their own protection, the people will rule the world, under the guidance of this Alternative New World Order. People are being lied to all the time, the political elite just want your vote to get them in, and then turn around and do whatever they want. People of the world are paying higher taxes to pay for their corruption and incompetence. With all these new political parties that are starting up today and wanting change , they are going to the people to get their support, there is one very big problem with this.
All these new political parties will change nothing, now I will explain why nothing will ever change. Years ago, the Green Peace Party came to life with well thought out new ideas for the whole world, put together by intelligent people. Over the years, they started to gain seats in government, but now today you hardly ever hear of them, I will tell you why. It’s because they got lost in the corrupt political system, governments are a closed shop to outsiders.
Now I will tell you what this movement will do, this movement will talk to the whole world and we will all start to work together to create a new alternative type of government for every country. It will start in the democratic way, where everybody votes for who they want in government. All new MPs will be taught of what has to be done, and when it is to be done, they have to start planning for the distant future starting today. Watched over by the people of the world because this movement will plan to unite the world.
This will be achieved overtime, as each new generation takes over. There are so many problems in this world that have to be solved, this all has to be planned carefully and logically. In the future there will be no room for being a liberal or socialist.
Now, I come to a few other little things that get my back up. The world is getting to a point where you can’t say anything, you cannot criticise anyone. If you do, you are called a racist or an islamophobia by the socialist stupid mentality, this is all done to create unrest amongst all communities. The elite’s world order is whittling away at the fabric of the social community all around the world. Even in governments they are doing the same, they are promoting anti society rhetoric and with racial slurs. Now today, even the police are frightened to do anything or to say anything in case they are called racist, we are living in a world of weak-minded governments, that your leaders are creating.
There are too many elected MPs in the British government, all they seem to do is to bring party politics into government, instead of dealing with the real issues. After three years, the British people are still waiting to leave Europe, this shows how inefficient this government is. With over 600 MPs and over 700 members in the House of lords surely somebody can make a decision on this matter.
This proves my point about inefficiencies in governments, and why we should be thinking of changing the whole government system. Government should be run like a business, if MPs can’t do the job then they should be taken out of office, there should be no room for inefficient leaders. This Alternative New World Order has to be prepared to change the whole political system where the people are in control of their own leaders.
In the United Nations there is a movement called the UN Watch, in America there is the Judicial Watch. There should be this type of movement watching all governments around the world, they should have the power to sue any member of parliament that steps out of line. This also has to be done in local governments because there is corruption throughout the country, and the hardworking people are paying the price for it.
Now I come to the sex education and what is been taught in some schools to very young Children. I agree that the reproduction process should be explained to children over the age of 10 years old. but I do strongly object to the teaching of other sexual orientation, Gays and lesbian can we be mentioned briefly. But the rest should not be mentioned, a child’s mind should be allowed to develop on its own without outside influence.
I have heard of men claiming to be women running in women’s race’s, why don’t women protest because they are not going to win? They should go to the start line and when the race start just stand still and let the man run on his own. This world is getting sillier and sillier each day.
Now I come to the subject that is causing a lot of problems around the world, and this is, over population. Over population is creating extreme poverty, crime and disorder in every country around the world. Each person is struggling to survive, and this causes stress in the human mind, with stress comes anger and frustration, and the breakdown of society.
At the beginning of human history there was small groups of people, that roamed the earth, Overtime they settle down in village communities. As the population Increased these villages turn to towns and then into larger cities, the population was controlled by disease. Today with the advancement of science the population is now accelerating out of control, now is the time for the people of the world to control their own population.
Mankind has to do this, because the human race is destroying nature all around the world, cities are expanding out into the green belts. There is a big advantage to population control. In the future with a lower population, our future generations can have a higher quality of life rather than out of control quantity. With less children in the world, Parents will have more time to guide their very young children’s minds. This is a very important time for children because it develops their personality for the rest of their lives.
This Alternative NWO movement will help all young parents round the world and assist in the bringing up of their children. This is very important because this movement will come down very hard on disorder, for too long the decent people of this world have had to put up with chaos.
With overpopulation people are dividing the world into sections, there are a lot of different groups within all communities. Today with weak governments and weak-minded politicians that cannot make decisive decisions. The people of the world have lost true leadership and the whole of society is now breaking down, because of their lack of leadership. Leaders only have their own interests and position in mind, and a lack of understanding for what is good for the community. You only have to look at the Democrats in America and the EU to realise how corrupt and weak your leadership is.
All migration has to stop, every country has to control its own population. This movement will supply free contraceptive to the world, free abortion up to 3 months, and financial reward for sterilization. Also, euthanasia will be available for anybody that wants it, this is for anyone over the age of 18, this movement will rid the world of stress. This movement will do this, because of the overpopulation people cannot cope with the stresses of life this movement will help everybody. All people in prison both male and female that have done serious crimes, will not be let out until they are sterilised.
There are lots of illegal economic migrants around the world, this movement will round them all up and put them in internment camps, their only way out, is to go back to their own country. If their own country will not accept them back, then they will remain in the internment camps for the rest of their lives. This should be a deterrent to all future illegal migration and make the people of the world think about population control. Every country has to be responsible for the reduction of their own populations, this is the only way to bring order to the world.
With modern technology and communications, people can see what is happening all round the world. The problem is, people turn off their communications and then, it is out of sight out of mind and then forgotten. This movement wants to turn on your minds permanently, and get it involved on what is happening all around you. Over time this movement with education will teach the world how this will be done, you may not like some of what I suggest but it has to be done.
Now quick word about socialism.
You hear of the far left wanting to bring in socialism, where they want to tax the rich and spread the wealth to the people. This may sound good on paper but is not practical in this modern age of greed and corruption and overpopulation. Socialist movements are only trying to brainwash the poor people with promises of a better life, they do this to help themselves, by getting themselves into power. When socialism is in power it is downhill economically from then on for the whole of society, because it is not sustainable. Because this has been proved from countless countries that have tried socialism, Socialism always turns out to be a dictatorship.
This alternative new world order has an alternative way of controlling the excessive super rich. This movement has to do this because the super wealthy are interfering in all the governments and the banking systems around the world. In the future this movement will put a cap on the amount of wealth an individual can have, there has to be a limit on wealth. Anything above the permitted amount will be held in the governments safe keeping, this is not a tax. This money will be returned to the person that put it into the government, if they are investing and creating jobs. The government will help them as much as possible even offering more financial help if they require it.
There is talk of a new Green Deal in America,
This is just another publicity stunt by the Democrat’s, and they haven’t really thought It out logically. This Alternative movement also has a Green deal for the world, whether it will work is up to you the subscribers to tell me if you think it is feasible. I would like this movement to flood all the desert around the world with freshwater taken from treated sea water. These treatment plants will be powered by solar panels, wind turbines and tidal flow generators. Now the daft question is, can we reduce the sea level by flooding all the deserts and create freshwater lakes wherever possible. If this is possible this movement has to get the whole world involved to bring life back to this world. But this is something else we can talk about if we ever meet on the road.
I have been asked my views on religion, today I’m going to tell you.
If we do ever meet on the road in the future this is the only thing I do not want to talk about. Today I’m going tell you of my dislike of religion, because this is the biggest mind control over the people of the world. It divides all the people of the world and every community, all through history people have been murdered because of all so-called religions. From the beginning of mankind there has always been thousands of gods. The word God from ancient times has only been used to control the minds of the simple uneducated people.
All religions are just a moneymaking machine, and this is still going on today. Look at all the fine cathedrals and Mosques and all the temples all around the world, now ask yourself, who paid for them all? The answer is you did, the simple-minded people of the world, that were led astray from the true spirituality of nature. I will explain more about spirituality as time goes on. I will teach you all a little bit at a time, on how to use your minds and to find what you cannot see, and you cannot hear.
Let’s first look at the good and bad of Christianity, one of the oldest religions.
You have to remember, in ancient times there was no internet no news media and the majority of the people could not read or write, they just lived a simple way of life. So, anything that was written was from the imagination of the writer and Chinese whispers. Religion was just a way of making money, and it is the same today everybody lies to make money.
All through history leaders have used religions and to make the laws to control the masses, just like the Democrats and the Russian delusion. You have to always remember that there are people that will manipulate your mind to get control over you the people of the world, everything is a con. All religions have made laws such as blasphemy, so that you cannot question their authority, this is how they keep the power over you. And unfortunately, people believe everything they are told. All through history all religions have held back the advancement of science, because it proves that all religions were wrong in their teachings. All religions have used fear to control your minds, the biggest fear is your own deaths, so all religions created the words heaven and hell. To go to heaven, you have to bow down to their invisible fictitious God, and to bow down to all the leaders of religion, if you do not then you will go to hell.
All through history the simpleminded people have bowed down and submitted their minds and their money without question to religion. You have to look at the wealth of these big religions, even the pope sits on a bank while there is poverty all around the world. You have to look at all the new religions that keep coming up, such as Scientology, this shows how weak the human mind is, and people will believe and follow anything.
The only good thing that has come out of Christianity is that people started to be civilised. I was born in 1947 just after the war and as I grew up, I notice how friendly people were in the community. People had just fought a bloody war and the whole country had worked together as one, times were good back then, people felt safe. All my life I’ve watched the changes in my community and the attitudes of the people. I have put all this down to the changes to the advancement of the school education system, and the endless supply of new books and now the internet. Now with the speed of communications we are all being lied to a lot faster and it has increased 1,000 times. With the advancement in education people are questioning religion and leaving Christianity on mass. Christianity has lost the control of the population’s minds, now there is a breakdown in society and moral standards.
This Alternative New World Order will bring the moral standards back to this world, you may not like the way we do it, but it has to be done, and will be done. But that is another story for another time, maybe when we all sit down and talk.
Now we come to Islam the good and the bad.
The whole of Islam is focused around the male penis, this religion caters only for the male sexual lust and desires. They are even promised 72 virgins in heaven, my message to all the male Muslim is this, when you get to heaven, look down and you will find you haven’t got a penis, you left it on earth. Once again it proves my point, people will believe anything you tell them without question, this has to stop. You have to question everything in life, because you will never learn anything if you do not use your mind to question. Don’t forget, I am an outsider looking into your culture an outsider can see more than what you can. When you live in a culture you get used to everything around you, and you think it is normal, and you think everybody else is wrong.
You may have noticed on this site that I am Islamophobic, but I am a man of peace it is you the Islamic world that are creating the problem. I also blame the western governments, because they have opened the doors and welcomed you in, but you have brought the ancient world to Europe.
When I look around Europe, I see the numbers of no-go zones for Europeans, because you don’t want to assimilate with the West. This movement is going to help you, it is going to give you the no- go zones for Europeans. This movement will clear the area of Europeans and close off the area so that no one can enter. There will be one way in, and one way out, people will be given a pass to get in and out, you will be free to do whatever you want. Because you do not want to be part of Europe, the European people will stop paying your benefits. You will only get medical care if you work outside the no go zones and pay taxes to the government. It will be your responsibility to get rid of all your rubbish and maintain your area and any repairs that need doing. If you don’t want to be part of European society, then don’t expect any help off the European people.
Now I will talk about the most perfect man in Islam, the all merciful and divine person to ever walk the earth. He was the most vicious and feared warmonger that ever walked in the Middle East, he attacked all the small unarmed communities around him. He raped and pillaged tore down their gods’ idols and told them to follow his teachings, or he would kill them. So, the simple-minded people did as they were told, and in fear they bowed down to him, this is how Islam started. Mohamed was no fool, he knew you couldn’t control the people with just a sword, so he said he had been talking to God, once again the word God comes in to control the minds of people. (A little while back I asked if you would believe me if I said, God had spoken to me, I got no answers, no one said yes). Maybe I should have said it with a big sword in my hand and threatened to cut your heads off If you didn’t believe.
Now let’s look at his private life, Mohamed was married to an older woman for 25 years until she died, he also had 9 wives and a number of sex slave. Not happy with that, he married a young 6-year-old child, now ask yourself this question what is in the mind of an old man that wants to marry a 6-year-old child? Now ask yourself what kind of mother would give up and agree to allow an old man to marry her 6-year-old Daughter. Was she threatened because Mohammed would kill anybody that would disagree with him? Now it was said, that he didn’t have sex with her until she was 9 years old. What was this poor child doing for 3 years, ? (Think About It). I saw a cleric been asked a question, at what age can a man have sex with a girl the man was told that you can mess about with a little girl at one day old. This is how sick this culture is in Islam, and the sad part is, why does the rest of the world put up with it.
In the western world the corrupt governments of Europe have let in these Islamic people knowing of what they’re up to and capable of. All the European governments have let their own people down badly with their stupidity and their incompetence to rule. This world needs a new political movement the Alternative New World Order, this movement will sort the world out, and with no messing about, this I promise mankind. This movement will protect all the children of the world, because it is our young generation that will create the future. You cannot be sympathetic or nice to a cult that wants to cut all your heads off if you don’t believe in their stupidity.
Islam will kill gays and lesbian, but at the same time they are allowed to dress young boys as girls and fuck them, this is how two faced this cult is. Islam is still as vicious today as it was 1500 years ago, because if you leave Islam you will be killed. ISIS has modelled itself on the Quran and how Mohammed took over and conquered the Middle East, Muslims have been brainwashed into believing anything they are told. From the day that they start school they are taught the Quran and if they don’t, they get kicked and beaten. And for the rest of their lives, they have to bow down five times a day to the Imam that stands in front of them. This is total mind control and the submission of your minds to the false teachings of those in charge. All religions are all the same the hierarchy think they are Kings and royalty, and you the people have to bow down to them that’s all religion is.
Have you notice that the Islamist terrorists have gone quiet in Europe, I believe they have been told to stop doing it for now. This is because there are elections going on in Europe and the far-right movements are taking seats in government. Because the people in Europe have had enough of the stupidity of Islam and they want them out. I believe if Islam doesn’t stop the terrorists there will be another crusade, Islam is being banned in some country and it will happen in Europe if they don’t behave.
There is only so much a community will take, you can only turn your cheek so many times before you retaliate. If this movement ever takes over it will solve the problem quickly and efficiently, and the people in Europe will know exactly what is coming, and when it is coming. Islam is still bombing in other countries, there has to come a time when all Nations say no more to this disgusting so-called peaceful religion. With each Islamic terrorist attack, this movement will blow up a mosque, that is how far this movement is prepared to go. if the bombing continues this movement will ban Islam all together.
Now let’s look at the true teachings of Islam, and what this new world order will do about it.
You are not allowed to leave Islam, or you will be killed, the Alternative N. W. O. movement will stop all this nonsense.
Honour killings, please remember that this is the parents murdering their own children, this is how mentally sick the teachings of this Islam cult really is. Is this what you want for your future generations?
The stoning to death for adultery, this is sad, because these young women we’re only looking for love, because they are not getting it at home. Once again Islam is going against the peaceful teachings of this new world movement.
Then we come to young girls being forced and tricked and sold into marriage, put your minds into these young girl’s minds and feel their pain and stressful emotion. Their bodies and minds are being physically abused, for just the male’s lust. This is against the peaceful teaching of this movement and will be sorted out when this movement is in power.
Then we come to the rape of women in Islamic countries, where the women have no rights and woman are being put in jail for being raped. Put your mind into the minds of all these young girl’s that have been physically attacked and then without any compassion are then imprisoned. This is also against the teachings of this peaceful Alternative New World Order.
Now we come to the lonely imprisonment of woman in the home, they’re not allowed to go out on their own, if they do, they must be covered from head to toe. Now put your minds into these lonely women that have to cover their face, they will never make friends outside the home because they will never know or meet anyone. This is so the male’s in this Islamic sick culture, can keep control and enslave their women. This Alternative New World Order will give all women more rights and freedom than they have ever had before, no more will they be just domestic help and sex slaves.
Then we come to the blasphemy laws where you can be killed if you speak your mind. This was also with in Catholic religion this is because they did not want to lose their power over the people.
You have to remember, that all through history religions have used fear to control minds of their populations, both Christianity and Islam. In the West today, Christianity has calmed down, and is now a more peaceful, forgiving and openminded community. but they still have a long way to go find true spirituality, and to understand nature and the meaning of life. When you read the Bible and put it down, where do you go from there, you can only pick it up again, and read it again. Each time you read the Bible your mind goes back 2000 years; this is repeated with each new generation. It is time to close all your old books and open your minds. There is always an alternative way.
Where I got all my information from about Islam.
I got most of my information from the teachings of clerics and Imams on the Islamic media networks. I listened to their hate speeches against anybody that was not a Muslim, and how they want to spread their hate all round the world. This goes against the teachings of this Alternative New World Order and will be suppressed if this movement ever gets in power. As with all communities there are a few that create unrest, while the majority of Muslim just want to live their life in peace. This movement will help all Muslims around the world to achieve peace amongst all communities and also within their own community. I have listened a lot to ex Muslim stories and how they were mentally and physically abused within their own community. There is also a lot of Muslim that do not follow Islam they just keep quiet to stop any intimidation by the hierarchy of Islam. I say to all Muslims round the world, listen to the teachings of this movement and decide if you want to become part of this world order.
Back on the road soon advertising this site again.
I should have been on the road in April but unfortunately, I’ve had to delay my departure because of financial reasons and unforeseen circumstance. The van was parked up over the winter and I didn’t know at that time, I had a rat living in the van, and it has chewed through everything. Hopefully in the next 2 or 3 week I will be on the road again, I will keep you all informed of when I’m going. I am doing a change of plan, I was going to go around the coast of England, but I’ve decided to go back to the west side of Scotland first. Hopefully the weather will be better than it was the last time, because I’ve never been so cold in all my life. I will be coming back to England at the end of July, because I have to babysit a dog while a family member is away on holiday, but I’ll will still be travelling around the country, just one man and his dog.
I will keep all 48.078 subscribers up to date of when and leaving and where am I going

Bye for now