Todays message 12/9/16

Monk (B)
This is a personal message to all subscribers to this site, as you should all know that we were going to shut this site down on 9/11/2016. But due to some personal problems that I have encountered this year, I have not been loading this site the way I had planned. Monk A has now agreed to one more year, to say all that we had planned to say. Please, all subscribers never give up on me as I am going to try to bring total change to the world and to create social order that is acceptable for the whole of mankind.

This is a mammoth task but follow my writings over the coming year because I want to change the future and go for total change all round the world. It’s going to be hard but it’s not impossible if I can encourage the whole of mankind to think and work together. At the moment this site has 29,832 subscribers. If we can get this number to double by next year, Monk A will start writing. He will be teaching mankind how to control your minds and look at the world around you in a different light.

There is talk going around, of the world’s wealthy elite wanting to start a New World Order with one world government, one world currency, and one world religion. This is also similar to this sites plans, but with a big difference. A New World Order with a people’s movement and Monk A will be the new spiritual leader for the whole of mankind. When the time is right, Monk A will start teaching the world what is involved and why he should be the world’s spiritual leader. Mankind has a lot to learn and it will take time to get rid of all the stupidity that has been taught today only to control the minds of the people, as it has been all through history.

It is time to throw out the old books and bring in just one new book to create a stable world for our future generations. So please follow my writing over the coming year and, if you agree with what I say, then spread the word because Monk A has to speak to 7 billion people all at the same time. I’m going to close now, but I will be loading this site a lot more in the near future. Once again thanks to all subscribers and a big hello to every new subscriber. Together we will all bring peace to the world, we just all have to unite.
Bye for now
Monk B

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